
69 lines
2.1 KiB

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typedef struct _E_Fm_Mime_Entry E_Fm_Mime_Entry;
typedef struct _E_Fm_Mime_Action E_Fm_Mime_Action;
typedef int (*E_Fm_Mime_Preview_Function) (E_Fm_File*);
#if 0
file->preview_funcs = E_NEW(E_Fm_File_Preview_Function, 5);
file->preview_funcs[0] = e_fm_file_is_image;
file->preview_funcs[1] = e_fm_file_is_etheme;
file->preview_funcs[2] = e_fm_file_is_ebg;
file->preview_funcs[3] = e_fm_file_is_eap;
file->preview_funcs[4] = NULL;
struct _E_Fm_Mime_Entry
char *name;
char *label;
int level; /* the level on the three for easy search/comparsion */
E_Fm_Mime_Entry *parent;
E_Fm_Mime_Action *action_default; /* the default action also exists on the actions list */
E_Fm_Mime_Action *action_default_relative;
Evas_List *actions;
/* the autodetect features */
char *suffix;
int type;
/* to thumbnail this file type */
Evas_Object * (*thumbnail) (char *path, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas *evas, Evas_Object **tmp, void (*cb)(Evas_Object *obj, void *data), void *data);
/* to preview this file type */
E_Fm_Mime_Preview_Function preview;
struct _E_Fm_Mime_Action
char *name;
char *label;
char *cmd;
unsigned char multiple : 1; /* support for multiple files at once */
unsigned char is_internal : 1; /* if its internal cant be modified */
unsigned char relative : 1; /* if the action MUST be realitve to a dir */
void (*function)(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd);
} internal;
EAPI int e_fm_mime_init(void);
EAPI void e_fm_mime_shutdwon(void);
EAPI E_Fm_Mime_Entry *e_fm_mime_get_from_list(Evas_List *files);
EAPI void e_fm_mime_set(E_Fm_File *file);
EAPI int e_fm_mime_action_call(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, E_Fm_Mime_Action *action);
EAPI void e_fm_mime_action_default_call(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd);
EAPI char *e_fm_mime_translate(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, char *istr);