
484 lines
13 KiB

#include "e.h"
E_API void
e_place_zone_region_smart_cleanup(E_Zone *zone)
E_Desk *desk;
Eina_List *clients = NULL;
E_Client *ec;
desk = e_desk_current_get(zone);
/* Build a list of windows on this desktop and not iconified. */
if ((ec->desk == desk) && (!ec->iconic) &&
(!ec->lock_user_location) && (!e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)))
int area;
Eina_List *ll;
E_Client *ec2;
/* Ordering windows largest to smallest gives better results */
area = ec->w * ec->h;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(clients, ll, ec2)
int testarea;
testarea = ec2->w * ec2->h;
/* Insert the ec if larger than the current ec */
if (area >= testarea)
clients = eina_list_prepend_relative_list(clients, ec, ll);
/* Looped over all clients without placing, so place at end */
if (!ll) clients = eina_list_append(clients, ec);
/* Loop over the clients moving each one using the smart placement */
EINA_LIST_FREE(clients, ec)
int new_x = zone->x, new_y = zone->y;
Eina_List *l = eina_list_append(NULL, ec);
e_place_zone_region_smart(zone, l, zone->x, zone->y,
ec->w, ec->h, &new_x, &new_y);
evas_object_move(ec->frame, new_x, new_y);
static int
_e_place_cb_sort_cmp(const void *v1, const void *v2)
return (*((int *)v1)) - (*((int *)v2));
static Eina_Bool
ignore_client_and_break(const E_Client *ec)
if (ec->fullscreen) return EINA_TRUE;
if (ec->maximized)
E_Maximize max = ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION;
if (max == E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH) return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool
ignore_client(const E_Client *ec, const Eina_List *skiplist)
if (eina_list_data_find(skiplist, ec)) return EINA_TRUE;
if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) return EINA_TRUE;
if (!evas_object_visible_get(ec->frame)) return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
static int
_e_place_coverage_client_add(Eina_List *skiplist, int ar, int x, int y, int w, int h)
E_Client *ec;
int x2, y2, w2, h2;
int iw, ih;
int x0, x00, yy0, y00;
if (ignore_client(ec, skiplist)) continue;
if (ignore_client_and_break(ec)) break;
x2 = ec->x; y2 = ec->y; w2 = ec->w; h2 = ec->h;
if (E_INTERSECTS(x, y, w, h, x2, y2, w2, h2))
x0 = x;
if (x < x2) x0 = x2;
x00 = (x + w);
if ((x2 + w2) < (x + w)) x00 = (x2 + w2);
yy0 = y;
if (y < y2) yy0 = y2;
y00 = (y + h);
if ((y2 + h2) < (y + h)) y00 = (y2 + h2);
iw = x00 - x0;
ih = y00 - yy0;
ar += (iw * ih);
return ar;
static int
_e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add_single(E_Zone_Obstacle *obs, int ar, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int x2, y2, w2, h2;
int x0, x00, yy0, y00;
int iw, ih;
x2 = obs->x; y2 = obs->y; w2 = obs->w; h2 = obs->h;
if (!E_INTERSECTS(x, y, w, h, x2, y2, w2, h2)) return ar;
/* FIXME: this option implies that windows should be resized when
* an autohide shelf toggles its visibility, but it is not used correctly
* and is instead used to determine whether shelves can be overlapped
if (!e_config->border_fix_on_shelf_toggle) return 0x7fffffff;
x0 = x;
if (x < x2) x0 = x2;
x00 = (x + w);
if ((x2 + w2) < (x + w)) x00 = (x2 + w2);
yy0 = y;
if (y < y2) yy0 = y2;
y00 = (y + h);
if ((y2 + h2) < (y + h)) y00 = (y2 + h2);
iw = x00 - x0;
ih = y00 - yy0;
ar += (iw * ih);
return ar;
static int
_e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add(E_Desk *desk, int ar, int x, int y, int w, int h)
E_Zone_Obstacle *obs;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(desk->obstacles, obs)
ar = _e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add_single(obs, ar, x, y, w, h);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(desk->zone->obstacles, obs)
ar = _e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add_single(obs, ar, x, y, w, h);
return ar;
static int *
_e_place_array_resize(int *array, int *pos, int *size)
if (*pos > *size)
*size += 32;
E_REALLOC(array, int, *size);
return array;
static void
_e_place_desk_region_smart_obstacle_add(char *u_x, char *u_y, int **a_x, int **a_y, int *a_w, int *a_h, int *a_alloc_w, int *a_alloc_h, int zx, int zy, int zw, int zh, int bx, int by, int bw, int bh)
if (bx < zx)
bw += bx;
bx = zx;
if ((bx + bw) > zx + zw) bw = zx + zw - bx;
if (bx >= zx + zw) return;
if (by < zy)
bh += by;
by = zy;
if ((by + bh) > zy + zh) bh = zy + zh - by;
if (by >= zy + zh) return;
if (!u_x[bx])
*a_x = _e_place_array_resize(*a_x, a_w, a_alloc_w);
(*a_x)[*a_w - 1] = bx;
u_x[bx] = 1;
if (!u_x[bx + bw])
*a_x = _e_place_array_resize(*a_x, a_w, a_alloc_w);
(*a_x)[*a_w - 1] = bx + bw;
u_x[bx + bw] = 1;
if (!u_y[by])
*a_y = _e_place_array_resize(*a_y, a_h, a_alloc_h);
(*a_y)[*a_h - 1] = by;
u_y[by] = 1;
if (!u_y[by + bh])
*a_y = _e_place_array_resize(*a_y, a_h, a_alloc_h);
(*a_y)[*a_h - 1] = by + bh;
u_y[by + bh] = 1;
/* determine whether the "overlapping" area for a given geometry
* is less than the previous smallest overlapping area.
* if this obstacle geometry has less overlap, set it as the current
* geometry to use
static int
_e_place_desk_region_smart_area_check(Eina_List *skiplist, int x, int y, int w, int h, E_Desk *desk, int area, int *rx, int *ry)
int ar = 0;
ar = _e_place_coverage_client_add(skiplist, ar, x, y, w, h);
if (e_config->window_placement_policy == E_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_SMART)
ar = _e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add(desk, ar, x, y, w, h);
if (ar < area)
*rx = x;
*ry = y;
if (ar == 0) return ar;
return ar;
/* calculate optimal placement based on "overlapping" area using:
* - an obstacle's top-left and bottom-right points
* - list of clients to skip
* - current desk
* - current least overlapping area
* - pointers to current coords to use for placement
* and then return the new least overlapping area
static int
_e_place_desk_region_smart_area_calc(int x, int y, int xx, int yy, int zx, int zy, int zw, int zh, int w, int h, Eina_List *skiplist, E_Desk *desk, int area, int *rx, int *ry)
/* check top-left corner placement */
if ((x <= MAX(zx, zx + (zw - w))) && (y <= MAX(zy, zy + (zh - h))))
int ar = _e_place_desk_region_smart_area_check(skiplist, x, y, w, h, desk, area, rx, ry);
if (!ar) return ar;
if (ar < area) area = ar;
/* check top-right corner placement */
if ((MAX(zx, xx - w) > zx) && (y <= MAX(zy, zy + (zh - h))))
int ar = _e_place_desk_region_smart_area_check(skiplist, xx - w, y, w, h, desk, area, rx, ry);
if (!ar) return ar;
if (ar < area) area = ar;
/* check bottom-right corner placement */
if ((MAX(zx, xx - w) > zx) && (MAX(zy, yy - h) > zy))
int ar = _e_place_desk_region_smart_area_check(skiplist, xx - w, yy - h, w, h, desk, area, rx, ry);
if (!ar) return ar;
if (ar < area) area = ar;
/* check bottom-left corner placement */
if ((x <= MAX(zx, zx + (zw - w))) && (MAX(zy, yy - h) > zy))
int ar = _e_place_desk_region_smart_area_check(skiplist, x, yy - h, w, h, desk, area, rx, ry);
if (!ar) return ar;
if (ar < area) area = ar;
return area;
E_API int
e_place_desk_region_smart(E_Desk *desk, Eina_List *skiplist, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *rx, int *ry)
int a_w = 0, a_h = 0, a_alloc_w = 0, a_alloc_h = 0;
int *a_x = NULL, *a_y = NULL;
int zx, zy, zw, zh;
char *u_x = NULL, *u_y = NULL;
E_Client *ec;
*rx = x;
*ry = y;
#if 0
/* DISABLE placement entirely for speed testing */
return 1;
if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0))
printf("EEEK! trying to place 0x0 window!!!!\n");
return 1;
/* FIXME: this NEEDS optimizing */
a_w = 2;
a_h = 2;
a_x = E_NEW(int, 2);
a_y = E_NEW(int, 2);
a_alloc_w = 2;
a_alloc_h = 2;
zx = desk->zone->x;
zy = desk->zone->y;
zw = desk->zone->w;
zh = desk->zone->h;
u_x = calloc(zx + zw + 1, sizeof(char));
u_y = calloc(zy + zh + 1, sizeof(char));
a_x[0] = zx;
a_x[1] = zx + zw;
a_y[0] = zy;
a_y[1] = zy + zh;
u_x[zx] = 1;
u_x[zx + zw] = 1;
u_y[zy] = 1;
u_y[zy + zh] = 1;
if (e_config->window_placement_policy == E_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_SMART)
E_Zone_Obstacle *obs;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(desk->obstacles, obs)
int bx, by, bw, bh;
bx = obs->x;
by = obs->y;
bw = obs->w;
bh = obs->h;
if (E_INTERSECTS(bx, by, bw, bh, zx, zy, zw, zh))
_e_place_desk_region_smart_obstacle_add(u_x, u_y, &a_x, &a_y,
&a_w, &a_h, &a_alloc_w, &a_alloc_h, zx, zy, zw, zh, bx, by, bw, bh);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(desk->zone->obstacles, obs)
int bx, by, bw, bh;
bx = obs->x;
by = obs->y;
bw = obs->w;
bh = obs->h;
if (E_INTERSECTS(bx, by, bw, bh, zx, zy, zw, zh))
_e_place_desk_region_smart_obstacle_add(u_x, u_y, &a_x, &a_y,
&a_w, &a_h, &a_alloc_w, &a_alloc_h, zx, zy, zw, zh, bx, by, bw, bh);
int bx, by, bw, bh;
if (ignore_client(ec, skiplist)) continue;
if (ignore_client_and_break(ec)) break;
bx = ec->x;
by = ec->y;
bw = ec->w;
bh = ec->h;
if (E_INTERSECTS(bx, by, bw, bh, zx, zy, zw, zh))
_e_place_desk_region_smart_obstacle_add(u_x, u_y, &a_x, &a_y,
&a_w, &a_h, &a_alloc_w, &a_alloc_h, zx, zy, zw, zh, bx, by, bw, bh);
qsort(a_x, a_w, sizeof(int), _e_place_cb_sort_cmp);
qsort(a_y, a_h, sizeof(int), _e_place_cb_sort_cmp);
int i, j;
int area = 0x7fffffff;
if ((x <= zx + (zw - w)) &&
(y <= zy + (zh - h)))
int ar = 0;
ar = _e_place_coverage_client_add(skiplist, ar,
x, y,
w, h);
if (e_config->window_placement_policy == E_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_SMART)
ar = _e_place_coverage_zone_obstacles_add(desk, ar,
x, y,
w, h);
if (ar < area)
area = ar;
*rx = x;
*ry = y;
if (ar == 0) goto done;
/* loop through all the obstacles in the arrays of coords
* (a_x[i], a_y[j]) is top-left corner of obstacle
* (a_x[i + 1], a_y[j + 1]) is bottom-right corner of obstacle
for (j = 0; j < a_h - 1; j++)
for (i = 0; i < a_w - 1; i++)
area = _e_place_desk_region_smart_area_calc(a_x[i], a_y[j], a_x[i + 1], a_y[j + 1],
zx, zy, zw, zh, w, h, skiplist, desk, area, rx, ry);
if (!area) goto done;
if ((*rx + w) > desk->zone->x + desk->zone->w) *rx = desk->zone->x + desk->zone->w - w;
if (*rx < zx) *rx = zx;
if ((*ry + h) > desk->zone->y + desk->zone->h) *ry = desk->zone->y + desk->zone->h - h;
if (*ry < zy) *ry = zy;
// printf("0 - PLACE %i %i | %ix%i\n", *rx, *ry, w, h);
return 1;
E_API int
e_place_zone_region_smart(E_Zone *zone, Eina_List *skiplist, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *rx, int *ry)
return e_place_desk_region_smart(e_desk_current_get(zone), skiplist,
x, y, w, h, rx, ry);
E_API int
e_place_zone_cursor(E_Zone *zone, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED, int w, int h, int it, int *rx, int *ry)
int cursor_x = 0, cursor_y = 0;
int zone_right, zone_bottom;
int zx, zy, zw, zh;
ecore_evas_pointer_xy_get(e_comp->ee, &cursor_x, &cursor_y);
*rx = cursor_x - (w >> 1);
*ry = cursor_y - (it >> 1);
e_zone_useful_geometry_get(zone, &zx, &zy, &zw, &zh);
if (*rx < zone->x)
*rx = zx;
if (*ry < zone->y)
*ry = zy;
zone_right = zx + zw;
zone_bottom = zy + zh;
if ((*rx + w) > zone_right)
*rx = zone_right - w;
if ((*ry + h) > zone_bottom)
*ry = zone_bottom - h;
return 1;
E_API int
e_place_zone_manual(E_Zone *zone, int w, int h, int *rx, int *ry)
int cursor_x = 0, cursor_y = 0;
ecore_evas_pointer_xy_get(e_comp->ee, &cursor_x, &cursor_y);
if (rx) *rx = cursor_x - (w >> 1);
if (ry) *ry = cursor_y - (h >> 1);
return 1;