
194 lines
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typedef struct _E_Comp E_Comp;
typedef struct _E_Comp_Win E_Comp_Win;
typedef struct _E_Comp_Zone E_Comp_Zone;
typedef struct E_Event_Comp E_Event_Comp;
#ifndef E_MOD_COMP_H
#define E_MOD_COMP_H
# include "e_comp_cfdata.h"
# include "e_comp_update.h"
struct _E_Comp
Ecore_X_Window win; // input overlay
Ecore_Evas *ee;
Evas *evas;
Evas_Object *layout;
Eina_List *zones;
E_Manager *man;
Eina_Inlist *wins;
Eina_List *wins_list;
Eina_List *updates;
Ecore_Animator *render_animator;
Ecore_Job *update_job;
Ecore_Timer *new_up_timer;
Evas_Object *fps_bg;
Evas_Object *fps_fg;
Ecore_Job *screen_job;
Ecore_Timer *nocomp_delay_timer;
Ecore_Timer *nocomp_override_timer;
Ecore_X_Window ee_win;
int animating;
int render_overflow;
double frametimes[122];
int frameskip;
int nocomp_override;
Ecore_X_Window cm_selection;
Eina_Bool gl : 1;
Eina_Bool grabbed : 1;
Eina_Bool nocomp : 1;
Eina_Bool nocomp_want : 1;
Eina_Bool wins_invalid : 1;
Eina_Bool saver : 1;
struct _E_Comp_Zone
E_Zone *zone; // never deref - just use for handle cmp's
Evas_Object *base;
Evas_Object *over;
int container_num;
int zone_num;
int x, y, w, h;
double bl;
Eina_Bool bloff;
struct _E_Comp_Win
E_Comp *c; // parent compositor
Ecore_X_Window win; // raw window - for menus etc.
E_Border *bd; // if its a border - later
E_Popup *pop; // if its a popup - later
E_Menu *menu; // if it is a menu - later
int x, y, w, h; // geometry
int x, y, w, h; // hidden geometry (used when its unmapped and re-instated on map)
} hidden;
int pw, ph; // pixmap w/h
int border; // border width
Ecore_X_Pixmap pixmap; // the compositing pixmap
Ecore_X_Damage damage; // damage region
Ecore_X_Visual vis; // window visual
Ecore_X_Colormap cmap; // colormap of window
int depth; // window depth
Evas_Object *obj; // composite object
Evas_Object *shobj; // shadow object
Eina_List *obj_mirror; // extra mirror objects
Ecore_X_Image *xim; // x image - software fallback
E_Update *up; // update handler
E_Object_Delfn *dfn; // delete function handle for objects being tracked
Ecore_X_Sync_Counter counter; // sync counter for syncronised drawing
Ecore_Timer *update_timeout; // max time between damage and "done" event
Ecore_Timer *ready_timeout; // max time on show (new window draw) to wait for window contents to be ready if sync protocol not handled. this is fallback.
int dmg_updates; // num of damage event updates since a redirect
Ecore_X_Rectangle *rects; // shape rects... if shaped :(
int rects_num; // num rects above
Ecore_X_Pixmap cache_pixmap; // the cached pixmap (1/nth the dimensions)
int cache_w, cache_h; // cached pixmap size
int update_count; // how many updates have happened to this win
double last_visible_time; // last time window was visible
double last_draw_time; // last time window was damaged
int pending_count; // pending event count
unsigned int opacity; // opacity set with _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY
char *title, *name, *clas, *role; // fetched for override-redirect windowa
Ecore_X_Window_Type primary_type; // fetched for override-redirect windowa
unsigned char misses; // number of sync misses
Eina_Bool delete_pending : 1; // delete pendig
Eina_Bool hidden_override : 1; // hidden override
Eina_Bool animating : 1; // it's busy animating - defer hides/dels
Eina_Bool force : 1; // force del/hide even if animating
Eina_Bool defer_hide : 1; // flag to get hide to work on deferred hide
Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; // delete me!
Eina_Bool visible : 1; // is visible
Eina_Bool input_only : 1; // is input_only
Eina_Bool override : 1; // is override-redirect
Eina_Bool argb : 1; // is argb
Eina_Bool shaped : 1; // is shaped
Eina_Bool update : 1; // has updates to fetch
Eina_Bool redirected : 1; // has updates to fetch
Eina_Bool shape_changed : 1; // shape changed
Eina_Bool native : 1; // native
Eina_Bool drawme : 1; // drawme flag fo syncing rendering
Eina_Bool invalid : 1; // invalid depth used - just use as marker
Eina_Bool nocomp : 1; // nocomp applied
Eina_Bool nocomp_need_update : 1; // nocomp in effect, but this window updated while in nocomp mode
Eina_Bool needpix : 1; // need new pixmap
Eina_Bool needxim : 1; // need new xim
Eina_Bool real_hid : 1; // last hide was a real window unmap
Eina_Bool inhash : 1; // is in the windows hash
Eina_Bool show_ready : 1; // is this window ready for its first show
Eina_Bool show_anim : 1; // ran show animation
Eina_Bool bg_win : 1; // window is the bg win for a container
struct E_Event_Comp
E_Comp_Win *cw;
typedef enum
} E_Comp_Engine;
EINTERN Eina_Bool e_comp_init(void);
EINTERN int e_comp_shutdown(void);
EINTERN Eina_Bool e_comp_manager_init(E_Manager *man);
EAPI int e_comp_internal_save(void);
EAPI E_Comp_Config *e_comp_config_get(void);
EAPI void e_comp_shadows_reset(void);
EAPI void e_comp_update(E_Comp *c);
EAPI E_Comp_Win *e_comp_win_find_border_win(Ecore_X_Window win);
EAPI E_Comp_Win *e_comp_win_find(Ecore_X_Window win);
EAPI const Eina_List *e_comp_win_list_get(E_Comp *c);
EAPI Evas_Object *e_comp_win_image_mirror_add(E_Comp_Win *cw);
EAPI void e_comp_win_hidden_set(E_Comp_Win *cw, Eina_Bool hidden);
EAPI E_Comp *e_comp_get(void *o);
static inline Eina_Bool
e_comp_evas_exists(void *o)
E_Comp *c;
c = e_comp_get(o);
return c ? !!c->evas : EINA_FALSE;