enventor --help
enventor [input file] [output file] [-t] [-i image path] [-s sound path] [-f font path] [-d data path] [-w workspace path]

input file = EDC file to open. If input file is skipped, Enventor will open a default template code with a temporary file.
output file = EDJ file to store compiled file. If output file is skipped, Enventor will store the binary file to the temporary directory.
-t = Open template menu when you launch Enventor
-i = path to image resources that the edc includes
-s = path to sound resources that the edc includes
-f = path to font resources that the edc includes
-d = path to data resources that the edc includes
-w = workspace directory path that contains group edc files

Examples of Enventor command line usage:
$ enventor
$ enventor input.edc -i ./images
$ enventor input.edc output.edj -i ./images
$ enventor -t
$ enventor newfile.edc -t
$ enventor input.edc output.edj -i ./images -s ./sounds -w ./workspace