Esc - Open/Close Menu
F1 - Help
F2 - Set Main EDC (in File Browser)
F3 - Quick Jump (Open an including file / Jumping to a referencing part)
F4 - Revert Quick Jump
F5 - Keyword Reference
F7 - Toggle Tools
F8 - Toggle Status
F9 - Toggle File Browser
F10 - Toggle EDC Navigator
F11 - Toggle File Tab
F12 - Settings

Ctrl+S - Quick Save + Update Live View
Ctrl+U - Toggle Dummy Parts
Ctrl+H - Toggle Part Highlighting
Ctrl+M - Toggle Mirror Mode
Ctrl+W - Toggle Wireframes
Ctrl+T - Insert Defaut Template Code
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up - View Zoom In / Font Size Up
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down - View Zoom Out / Font Size Down

Panes Control:
Alt+Left - Toggle Full Edit View
Alt+Right - Toggle Full Live View
Alt+Up - Toggle Full Console View
Alt+Down - Toggle Full Editors View

Text Editor:
Ctrl+A - Select Text All
Ctrl+Z - Undo Text
Ctrl+R - Redo Text
Ctrl+C - Copy Selected Text
Ctrl+V - Paste Copied Text
Ctrl+X - Cut Selected Text
Ctrl+D - Delete a Current line
Ctrl+F - Find/Replace
Ctrl+L - Go to line
Ctrl+Home - Go to the Top line
Ctrl+End - Go to the Bottom line
Ctrl+Space - Search candidate keywords in the context