[Enventor v0.6.0] This is an EDC editor with some convenient functions. It's brand new and was only started near the begining of June 2013, so expecting it to do everything a mature script editor does is a bit premature, but considering it's young age, it does a lot. [Requirements] efl (>= 1.13.0) elementary (>= 1.13.0) Please note that some features may not quite function correctly or completely less EFL 1.13. Newer would be better. Please see next sites for more information on these. http://www.enlightenment.org https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/projects/enventor/ http://www.openhub.net/p/enventor [Compiling] Once you have met requirements, compiling and installing is simple: $ ./autogen.sh $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig (it may need on Linux System) [Short Cut Keys] Esc - Open/Close Menu F1 - About F2 - New F3 - Save F4 - Load F5 - Show/Hide Line Number F9 - Show/Hide Tools F10 - Show/Hide Console F11 - Show/Hide Status F12 - Setting Ctrl+S - Quick Save + Update Live View Ctrl+I - On/Off Auto Indentation Ctrl+O - On/Off Auto Completion Ctrl+W - Show/Hide Dummy Swallow Ctrl+H - On/Off Part Highlighting Ctrl+T - Insert Defaut Template Code Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up - View Zoom In (Only if view size is set) / Font Size Up Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down - View Zoom Out (Only if view size is set) / Font Size Down Alt+Left - On/Off Full Edit View Alt+Right - On/Off Full Live View Alt+Up - On/Off Full Console View Alt+Down - On/Off Full Editors View Ctrl+A - Select Text All Ctrl+Double Click - Select a word Ctrl+Z - Undo Text Ctrl+R - Redo Text Ctrl+C - Copy Selected Text Ctrl+V - Paste Copied Text Ctrl+X - Cut Selected Text Ctrl+D - Delete a Current line Ctrl+F - Find/Replace Ctrl+L - Go to line Ctrl+Home - Go to the Top line Ctrl+End - Go to the Bottom line Ctrl+Space - Search candidate keywords in the context [Command Line Usage] enventor --help enventor [input file] [output file] [-t] [-i image path] [-s sound path] [-f font path] [-d data path] input file = EDC file to open. If input file is skipped, Enventor will open a default template code with a temporary file. output file = EDJ file to store compiled file. If output file is skipped, Enventor will store binary file to the temporary directory. -t = Open template menu when you launch Enventor -i = image resources, that edc includes, path -s = sound resources, that edc includes, path -f = font resources, that edc includes, path -d = data resources, that edc includes, path Examples of Enventor command line usage: $ enventor $ enventor -t $ enventor newfile.edc -t $ enventor sample.edc output.edj -i ./images -s ./sounds [Developers] A lots of developers have joined in Enventor project. Here listed are the dedicated Enventor developers but there are much more people who've gladly contributed for Enventor improvement. For list of whole contributors, See AUTHORS file. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 by: Hermet (Chuneon Park) Jaehyun Cho Mykyta Biliavskyi Kateryna Fesyna Yunho Jeong Mincheol Seo Raoul Hecky And various contributors (See AUTHORS)