#ifndef _EPHOTO_H_ #define _EPHOTO_H_ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" typedef struct _Ephoto_Config Ephoto_Config; typedef struct _Ephoto Ephoto; typedef enum _Ephoto_State Ephoto_State; typedef enum _Ephoto_Orient Ephoto_Orient; /*Main Functions*/ void ephoto_create_main_window(const char *directory, const char *image); /* Configuration */ Eina_Bool ephoto_config_init(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_config_save(Ephoto *em, Eina_Bool instant); void ephoto_config_free(Ephoto *em); /* Preferences */ void ephoto_show_preferences(Ephoto *em); /*Ephoto Flow Browser*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_create_flow_browser(Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_flow_browser_image_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *current_image); /* smart callbacks called: * "delete,request" - the user requested to delete the flow browser, typically called when go_back button is pressed or Escape key is typed. */ /*Ephoto Slideshow*/ void ephoto_create_slideshow(void); void ephoto_show_slideshow(int view, const char *current_image); void ephoto_hide_slideshow(void); void ephoto_delete_slideshow(void); /*Ephoto Thumb Browser*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_create_thumb_browser(Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_populate_thumbnails(Evas_Object *obj); /* smart callbacks called: * "selected" - an item in the thumb browser is selected. The selected file is passed as event_info argument. * "directory,changed" - the user selected a new directory. The selected directory is passed as event_info argument. */ /* Enum for the state machine */ enum _Ephoto_State { EPHOTO_STATE_THUMB, EPHOTO_STATE_FLOW, EPHOTO_STATE_SLIDESHOW }; enum _Ephoto_Orient { EPHOTO_ORIENT_0, EPHOTO_ORIENT_90, EPHOTO_ORIENT_180, EPHOTO_ORIENT_270 }; struct _Ephoto_Config { int config_version; int thumb_size; int remember_directory; const char *directory; double slideshow_timeout; const char *slideshow_transition; const char *editor; }; /*Ephoto Main Structure*/ struct _Ephoto { Evas *e; Evas_Object *win; Evas_Object *bg; Evas_Object *layout; Evas_Object *flow_browser; Evas_Object *slideshow; Evas_Object *thumb_browser; Evas_Object *prefs_win; Eina_List *images; Ephoto_State state; Ephoto_Config *config; Eet_Data_Descriptor *config_edd; Ecore_Timer *config_save; }; extern Ephoto *em; extern int __log_domain; #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #endif