#include "ephoto.h" typedef enum _Ephoto_Image_Filter Ephoto_Image_Filter; typedef struct _Ephoto_Filter Ephoto_Filter; enum _Ephoto_Image_Filter { EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_BLUR, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_DITHER, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_EMBOSS, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_EQUALIZE, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_INVERT, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_PAINTING, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_POSTERIZE, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SEPIA, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SHARPEN, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SKETCH, EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SOBEL }; struct _Ephoto_Filter { Ephoto_Image_Filter filter; Evas_Object *main; Evas_Object *image; Evas_Object *popup; Ecore_Idler *idler; Eina_List *queue; Evas_Coord w; Evas_Coord h; int pos; int blur_posx; int blur_posy; int rad; int qpos; int qcount; double drad; unsigned int *hist; unsigned int *cdf; unsigned int *im_data; unsigned int *im_data_new; unsigned int *im_data_orig; unsigned int *im_data_two; }; static Eina_Bool _blur(void *data); static Eina_Bool _sharpen(void *data); static Eina_Bool _dither(void *data); static Eina_Bool _grayscale(void *data); static Eina_Bool _sepia(void *data); static Eina_Bool _negative(void *data); static Eina_Bool _posterize(void *data); static Eina_Bool _dodge(void *data); static Eina_Bool _sobel(void *data); static Eina_Bool _histogram_eq(void *data); static Ephoto_Filter * _initialize_filter(Ephoto_Image_Filter filter, Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = calloc(1, sizeof(Ephoto_Filter)); Evas_Coord w, h; unsigned int *im_data; im_data = evas_object_image_data_get(elm_image_object_get(image), EINA_FALSE); evas_object_image_size_get(elm_image_object_get(image), &w, &h); ef->filter = filter; ef->main = main; ef->image = image; ef->im_data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); ef->im_data = memcpy(ef->im_data, im_data, sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); ef->im_data_new = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); ef->im_data_two = NULL; ef->im_data_orig = NULL; ef->rad = 0; ef->drad = 0.0; ef->pos = 0; ef->blur_posx = 0; ef->blur_posy = 0; ef->w = w; ef->h = h; ef->qpos = 0; ef->qcount = 0; ef->queue = NULL; ef->hist = NULL; ef->cdf = NULL; return ef; } static int _normalize_color(int color) { if (color < 0) return 0; else if (color > 255) return 255; else return color; } static int _mul_color_alpha(int color, int alpha) { if (alpha > 0 && alpha < 255) return color * (255 / alpha); else return color; } static int _demul_color_alpha(int color, int alpha) { if (alpha > 0 && alpha < 255) return (color * alpha) / 255; else return color; } static void _create_hist(Ephoto_Filter *ef) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) ef->hist[i] = 0; } static Evas_Object * _processing(Evas_Object *main) { Evas_Object *popup, *box, *label, *pb; evas_object_freeze_events_set(main, EINA_TRUE); popup = elm_popup_add(main); elm_object_part_text_set(popup, "title,text", _("Applying Filter")); elm_popup_orient_set(popup, ELM_POPUP_ORIENT_CENTER); box = elm_box_add(popup); elm_box_horizontal_set(box, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); evas_object_show(box); label = elm_label_add(box); elm_object_text_set(label, _("Please wait while this filter is applied to your image.")); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(label, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(label, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); elm_box_pack_end(box, label); evas_object_show(label); pb = elm_progressbar_add(box); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(pb, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(pb, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5); elm_object_style_set(pb, "wheel"); elm_progressbar_pulse_set(pb, EINA_TRUE); elm_box_pack_end(box, pb); evas_object_show(pb); elm_progressbar_pulse(pb, EINA_TRUE); elm_object_part_content_set(popup, "default", box); evas_object_show(popup); return popup; } static void _idler_finishing_cb(Ephoto_Filter *ef, Eina_Bool im_data_two) { if (ef->qcount == 0) { ephoto_single_browser_image_data_done(ef->main, ef->im_data_new, ef->w, ef->h); ecore_idler_del(ef->idler); if (ef->popup) { evas_object_del(ef->popup); evas_object_freeze_events_set(ef->main, EINA_FALSE); } if (ef->im_data) free(ef->im_data); if (ef->im_data_two) free(ef->im_data_two); if (ef->im_data_orig) free(ef->im_data_orig); free(ef); } else { if (im_data_two) { if (ef->im_data_two) { free(ef->im_data_two); ef->im_data_two = NULL; } ef->im_data_two = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); ef->im_data_two = memcpy(ef->im_data_two, ef->im_data, sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); } free(ef->im_data); ef->im_data = NULL; ef->im_data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); ef->im_data = memcpy(ef->im_data, ef->im_data_new, sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); if (ef->hist) free(ef->hist); ef->hist = NULL; if (ef->cdf) free(ef->cdf); ef->cdf = NULL; ef->pos = 0; ef->qpos++; ecore_idler_del(ef->idler); if (ef->qpos-1 < ef->qcount) { free(ef->im_data_new); ef->im_data_new = NULL; ef->im_data_new = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); if (ef->idler) { ecore_idler_del(ef->idler); ef->idler = NULL; } ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(eina_list_nth(ef->queue, ef->qpos-1), ef); } else { ephoto_single_browser_image_data_done(ef->main, ef->im_data_new, ef->w, ef->h); ecore_idler_del(ef->idler); if (ef->popup) { evas_object_del(ef->popup); evas_object_freeze_events_set(ef->main, EINA_FALSE); } if (ef->im_data) free(ef->im_data); if (ef->im_data_two) free(ef->im_data_two); if (ef->im_data_orig) free(ef->im_data_orig); free(ef); } } } static void _blur_vertical(Ephoto_Filter *ef, double rad) { Evas_Coord y, w, h; int i, at, rt, gt, bt, passes = 0; unsigned int *as, *rs, *gs, *bs; double iarr; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; as = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); rs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); gs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); bs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { bs[i] = ef->im_data[i] & 0xff; gs[i] = (ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff; rs[i] = (ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff; as[i] = (ef->im_data[i] >> 24) & 0xff; } iarr = (double) 1 / (rad + rad + 1); for (y = ef->blur_posy; y < h; y++) { int t, l, rr; int fr, fg, fb, fa; int lvr, lvg, lvb, lva; int valr, valg, valb, vala; t = y * w; l = t; rr = t + rad; fb = bs[t]; fg = gs[t]; fr = rs[t]; fa = as[t]; lvb = bs[t + w - 1]; lvg = gs[t + w - 1]; lvr = rs[t + w - 1]; lva = as[t + w - 1]; valb = (rad + 1) * fb; valg = (rad + 1) * fg; valr = (rad + 1) * fr; vala = (rad + 1) * fa; for (i = 0; i < rad; i++) { valb += bs[t + i]; valg += gs[t + i]; valr += rs[t + i]; vala += as[t + i]; } for (i = 0; i <= rad; i++) { int r = rr++; valb += bs[r] - fb; valg += gs[r] - fg; valr += rs[r] - fr; vala += as[r] - fa; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data_new[t++] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; } for (i = rad + 1; i < w - rad; i++) { int r = rr++; int ll = l++; valb += bs[r] - bs[ll]; valg += gs[r] - gs[ll]; valr += rs[r] - rs[ll]; vala += as[r] - as[ll]; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data_new[t++] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; } for (i = w - rad; i < w; i++) { int ll = l++; valb += lvb - bs[ll]; valg += lvg - gs[ll]; valr += lvr - rs[ll]; vala += lva - as[ll]; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data_new[t++] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; } ef->blur_posy = y; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->blur_posy = y++; break; } } free(bs); free(gs); free(rs); free(as); } static void _blur_horizontal(Ephoto_Filter *ef, double rad) { Evas_Coord x, w, h; int i, at, rt, gt, bt, passes = 0; unsigned int *as, *rs, *gs, *bs; double iarr; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; as = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); rs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); gs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); bs = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { bs[i] = ef->im_data_new[i] & 0xff; gs[i] = (ef->im_data_new[i] >> 8) & 0xff; rs[i] = (ef->im_data_new[i] >> 16) & 0xff; as[i] = (ef->im_data_new[i] >> 24) & 0xff; } iarr = (double)1 / (rad + rad + 1); for (x = ef->blur_posx; x < w; x++) { int t, l, rr; int fr, fg, fb, fa; int lvr, lvg, lvb, lva; int valr, valg, valb, vala; t = x; l = t; rr = t + rad * w; fb = bs[t]; fg = gs[t]; fr = rs[t]; fa = as[t]; lvb = bs[t + w * (h - 1)]; lvg = gs[t + w * (h - 1)]; lvr = rs[t + w * (h - 1)]; lva = as[t + w * (h - 1)]; valb = (rad + 1) * fb; valg = (rad + 1) * fg; valr = (rad + 1) * fr; vala = (rad + 1) * fa; for (i = 0; i < rad; i++) { valb += bs[t + i * w]; valg += gs[t + i * w]; valr += rs[t + i * w]; vala += as[t + i * w]; } for (i = 0; i <= rad; i++) { valb += bs[rr] - fb; valg += gs[rr] - fg; valr += rs[rr] - fr; vala += as[rr] - fa; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data[t] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; rr += w; t += w; } for (i = rad + 1; i < h - rad; i++) { valb += bs[rr] - bs[l]; valg += gs[rr] - gs[l]; valr += rs[rr] - rs[l]; vala += as[rr] - as[l];; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data[t] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; l += w; rr += w; t += w; } for (i = h - rad; i < h; i++) { valb += lvb - bs[l]; valg += lvg - gs[l]; valr += lvr - rs[l]; vala += lva - as[l]; bt = (int) round(valb * iarr); gt = (int) round(valg * iarr); rt = (int) round(valr * iarr); at = (int) round(vala * iarr); bt = _normalize_color(bt); gt = _normalize_color(gt); rt = _normalize_color(rt); at = _normalize_color(at); ef->im_data[t] = (at << 24) | (rt << 16) | (gt << 8) | bt; l += w; t += w; } ef->blur_posx = x; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->blur_posx = x++; break; } } free(bs); free(gs); free(rs); free(as); } static Eina_Bool _blur(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; Evas_Coord w, h; int wl, wu, m, i; unsigned int sizes[3]; double ideal, rad; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; rad = ef->w * .001 + ef->rad; ideal = sqrt((12 * rad * rad / 3) + 1); wl = floor(ideal); if (wl % 2 == 0) wl--; wu = wl + 2; ideal = (12 * rad * rad - 3 * wl * wl - 4 * 3 * wl - 3 * 3) / (-4 * wl - 4); m = round(ideal); for (i = ef->pos; i < 3; i++) { if (i < m) sizes[i] = wl; else sizes[i] = wu; rad = (sizes[i] - 1) / 2; ef->im_data_new = memcpy(ef->im_data_new, ef->im_data, sizeof(unsigned int) * w * h); if (ef->blur_posy < ef->h - 1) _blur_vertical(ef, rad); if (ef->blur_posy == ef->h -1) _blur_horizontal(ef, rad); if (ef->blur_posx == ef->w - 1 && ef->blur_posy == ef->h - 1) { ef->pos = i+1; ef->blur_posx = 0; ef->blur_posy = 0; } return EINA_TRUE; } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _sharpen(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; unsigned int *p1, *p2, *p3; int a, r, g, b, passes = 0; int aa, rr, gg, bb; int aaa, rrr, ggg, bbb; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (y = ef->pos; y < h; y++) { p1 = ef->im_data + (y * w); p2 = ef->im_data_orig + (y * w); p3 = ef->im_data_new + (y * w); for (x = 1; x < (w - 1); x++) { b = (int) (*p1 & 0xff); g = (int) ((*p1 >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((*p1 >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((*p1 >> 24) & 0xff); bb = (int) (*p2 & 0xff); gg = (int) ((*p2 >> 8) & 0xff); rr = (int) ((*p2 >> 16) & 0xff); aa = (int) ((*p2 >> 24) & 0xff); bbb = (int) ((2 * bb) - b); ggg = (int) ((2 * gg) - g); rrr = (int) ((2 * rr) - r); aaa = (int) ((2 * aa) - a); bbb = _normalize_color(bbb); ggg = _normalize_color(ggg); rrr = _normalize_color(rrr); aaa = _normalize_color(aaa); *p3 = (aaa << 24) | (rrr << 16) | (ggg << 8) | bbb; p3++; p2++; p1++; } passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = y++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _dither(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; int a, r, g, b, passes = 0; int rr, gg, bb; int errr, errg, errb; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (y = ef->pos; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { int index = y * w + x; b = (ef->im_data[index]) & 0xff; g = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 16) & 0xff); a = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); bb = (b > 127) ? 255 : 0; gg = (g > 127) ? 255 : 0; rr = (r > 127) ? 255 : 0; rr = _normalize_color(rr); gg = _normalize_color(gg); bb = _normalize_color(bb); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[index] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; errb = b - bb; errg = g - gg; errr = r - rr; if ((x+1) < w) { index = y * w + x + 1; b = (ef->im_data[index] & 0xff); g = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 16) & 0xff); a = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); bb = b + ((7 * errb) >> 4); gg = g + ((7 * errg) >> 4); rr = r + ((7 * errr) >> 4); bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[index] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; } if (x > 0 && (y+1) < h) { index = (y + 1) * w + (x - 1); b = (ef->im_data[index] & 0xff); g = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 16) & 0xff); a = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); bb = b + ((3 * errb) >> 4); gg = g + ((3 * errg) >> 4); rr = r + ((3 * errr) >> 4); bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[index] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; } if ((y+1) < h) { index = (y + 1) * w + x; b = (ef->im_data[index] & 0xff); g = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 16) & 0xff); a = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); bb = b + ((5 * errb) >> 4); gg = g + ((5 * errg) >> 4); rr = r + ((5 * errr) >> 4); bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[index] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; } if ((y+1) < h && (x+1) < w) { index = (y + 1) * w + (x + 1); b = (ef->im_data[index] & 0xff); g = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 16) & 0xff); a = ((ef->im_data[index] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); bb = b + ((1 * errb) >> 4); gg = g + ((1 * errg) >> 4); rr = r + ((1 * errr) >> 4); bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[index] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; } /*Extra incrementing the x and y values to get * the desired checkerboard effect is likely a * bad hack*/ x++; } y++; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = y++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _grayscale(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; int gray, i, r, g, b, a, passes = 0; Evas_Coord w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (i = ef->pos; i < (w * h); i++) { b = (int) ((ef->im_data[i]) & 0xff); g = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); gray = (int) ((0.3 * r) + (0.59 * g) + (0.11 * b)); if (a >= 0 && a < 255) gray = (gray * a) / 255; ef->im_data_new[i] = (a << 24) | (gray << 16) | (gray << 8) | gray; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = i++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _sepia(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; int i, r, rr, g, gg, b, bb, a, passes = 0; Evas_Coord w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (i = ef->pos; i < (w * h); i++) { b = (int) ((ef->im_data[i]) & 0xff); g = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); rr = (int) ((r * .393) + (g * .769) + (b * .189)); rr = _normalize_color(rr); gg = (int) ((r * .349) + (g * .686) + (b * .168)); gg = _normalize_color(gg); bb = (int) ((r * .272) + (g * .534) + (b * .131)); bb = _normalize_color(bb); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[i] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = i++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _posterize(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; int i, rr, gg, bb, a, passes = 0; double fr, fg, fb, rad; Evas_Coord w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; rad = ef->drad; for (i = ef->pos; i < (w * h); i++) { fb = ((ef->im_data[i]) & 0xff); fg = ((ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff); fr = ((ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 24) & 0xff); fr /= 255; fg /= 255; fb /= 255; rr = 255 * rint((fr * rad)) / rad; rr = _normalize_color(rr); gg = 255 * rint((fg * rad)) / rad; gg = _normalize_color(gg); bb = 255 * rint((fb * rad)) / rad; bb = _normalize_color(bb); ef->im_data_new[i] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = i++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _negative(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; int i, r, g, b, rr, gg, bb, a; int passes = 0; Evas_Coord w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (i = ef->pos; i < (w * h); i++) { b = (int) ((ef->im_data[i]) & 0xff); g = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((ef->im_data[i] >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); rr = 255 - r; gg = 255 - g; bb = 255 - b; rr = _normalize_color(rr); gg = _normalize_color(gg); bb = _normalize_color(bb); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); ef->im_data_new[i] = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = i++; return EINA_TRUE; } } if (ef->filter == EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SKETCH) _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_TRUE); else _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _dodge(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; double r, g, b, rr, gg, bb; int i, rrr, ggg, bbb, passes = 0;; Evas_Coord w, h; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (i = ef->pos; i < (w * h); i++) { b = ((ef->im_data_two[i]) & 0xff); g = ((ef->im_data_two[i] >> 8) & 0xff); r = ((ef->im_data_two[i] >> 16) & 0xff); bb = ((ef->im_data[i]) & 0xff); gg = ((ef->im_data[i] >> 8) & 0xff); rr = ((ef->im_data[i] >> 16) & 0xff); b *= 255; g *= 255; r *= 255; bbb = rint(b / (255 - bb)); ggg = rint(g / (255 - gg)); rrr = rint(r / (255 - rr)); rrr = _normalize_color(rrr); ggg = _normalize_color(ggg); bbb = _normalize_color(bbb); ef->im_data_new[i] = (255 << 24) | (rrr << 16) | (ggg << 8) | bbb; passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = i++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _sobel(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; int i, j, passes = 0; unsigned int *p; float sobx[3][3] = {{-1, 0, 1}, {-2, 0, 2}, {-1, 0, 1}}; float soby[3][3] = {{-1, -2, -1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 1}}; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (y = ef->pos; y < h; y++) { p = ef->im_data_new + (y * w); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { int pval = 0, a, r, g, b; double hpval = 0.0, vpval = 0.0; if (y > 0 && x > 0 && y < (h - 2) && x < (w - 2)) { for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { int index, pix; index = (y + i) * w + x + j; pix = ef->im_data[index]; hpval += pix * sobx[i+1][j+1]; vpval += pix * soby[i+1][j+1]; } } } pval = abs(hpval) + abs(vpval); *p = pval; b = (int) ((*p) & 0xff); g = (int) ((*p >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((*p >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((*p >> 24) & 0xff); b = _normalize_color(b); g = _normalize_color(g); r = _normalize_color(r); a = _normalize_color(a); *p = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; p++; } passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = y++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _emboss(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; int i, j, passes = 0; unsigned int *p; float emboss[3][3] = {{-2, -1, 0}, {-1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 2}}; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; for (y = ef->pos; y < h; y++) { p = ef->im_data_new + (y * w); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { int a = 0, rr = 0, gg = 0, bb = 0; if (y > 0 && x > 0 && y < (h - 2) && x < (w - 2)) { for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { int index, pix; index = (y + i) * w + x + j; pix = ef->im_data[index]; bb += (int) ((pix) & 0xff) * emboss[i+1][j+1]; gg += (int) ((pix >> 8) & 0xff) * emboss[i+1][j+1]; rr += (int) ((pix >> 16) & 0xff) * emboss[i+1][j+1]; } } } bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); a = (*p >> 24) & 0xff; *p = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; p++; } passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = y++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _histogram_eq(void *data) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = data; Evas_Coord x, y, yy, w, h; unsigned int *p1, *p2; int i, a, r, g, b, bb, gg, rr, norm; int total, passes = 0; double sum; float hh, s, v, nv; w = ef->w; h = ef->h; total = ef->w * ef->h; for (y = ef->pos; y < h; y++) { p1 = ef->im_data + (y * w); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { b = (int) ((*p1) & 0xff); g = (int) ((*p1 >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((*p1 >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((*p1 >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); evas_color_rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b, &hh, &s, &v); norm = (int) round((double) v * (double) 255); ef->hist[norm] += 1; p1++; } passes++; if (passes == 500 || y == (h - 1)) { ef->pos = y + 1; if (passes == 500 && y != (h - 1)) { return EINA_TRUE; } else { ef->pos = h; sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { sum += ((double) ef->hist[i] / (double) total); ef->cdf[i] = (int) round(sum * 255); } } } } passes = 0; for (yy = ef->pos; (yy - h) < h; yy++) { p1 = ef->im_data + ((yy - h) * w); p2 = ef->im_data_new + ((yy - h) * w); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { b = (int) ((*p1) & 0xff); g = (int) ((*p1 >> 8) & 0xff); r = (int) ((*p1 >> 16) & 0xff); a = (int) ((*p1 >> 24) & 0xff); b = _mul_color_alpha(b, a); g = _mul_color_alpha(g, a); r = _mul_color_alpha(r, a); evas_color_rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b, &hh, &s, &v); norm = (int) round((double) v * (double) 255); nv = (float) ef->cdf[norm] / (float) 255; evas_color_hsv_to_rgb(hh, s, nv, &rr, &gg, &bb); bb = _normalize_color(bb); gg = _normalize_color(gg); rr = _normalize_color(rr); bb = _demul_color_alpha(bb, a); gg = _demul_color_alpha(gg, a); rr = _demul_color_alpha(rr, a); *p2 = (a << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; p2++; p1++; } passes++; if (passes == 500) { ef->pos = yy++; return EINA_TRUE; } } _idler_finishing_cb(ef, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } void ephoto_filter_blur(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_BLUR, main, image); ef->rad = 9; ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_blur, ef); } void ephoto_filter_sharpen(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SHARPEN, main, image); ef->im_data_orig = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); ef->im_data_orig = memcpy(ef->im_data_orig, ef->im_data, sizeof(unsigned int) * ef->w * ef->h); ef->pos = 1; ef->rad = 9; ef->qcount = 1; ef->qpos = 0; ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _sharpen); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_blur, ef); } void ephoto_filter_dither(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_DITHER, main, image); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_dither, ef); } void ephoto_filter_black_and_white(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, main, image); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_grayscale, ef); } void ephoto_filter_old_photo(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SEPIA, main, image); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_sepia, ef); } void ephoto_filter_posterize(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_POSTERIZE, main, image); ef->drad = 2.0; ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_posterize, ef); } void ephoto_filter_painting(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_PAINTING, main, image); ef->rad = 5; ef->drad = 5.0; ef->qpos = 0; ef->qcount = 1; ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _posterize); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_blur, ef); } void ephoto_filter_invert(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_INVERT, main, image); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_negative, ef); } void ephoto_filter_sketch(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SKETCH, main, image); ef->rad = 4; ef->qpos = 0; ef->qcount = 3; ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _negative); ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _blur); ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _dodge); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_grayscale, ef); } void ephoto_filter_edge(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_SOBEL, main, image); ef->rad = 3; ef->qpos = 0; ef->qcount = 2; ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _grayscale); ef->queue = eina_list_append(ef->queue, _sobel); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_blur, ef); } void ephoto_filter_emboss(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_EMBOSS, main, image); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_emboss, ef); } void ephoto_filter_histogram_eq(Evas_Object *main, Evas_Object *image) { Ephoto_Filter *ef = _initialize_filter(EPHOTO_IMAGE_FILTER_EQUALIZE, main, image); ef->hist = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 256); ef->cdf = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 256); _create_hist(ef); ef->popup = _processing(main); ef->idler = ecore_idler_add(_histogram_eq, ef); }