#ifndef _EPHOTO_H_ #define _EPHOTO_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _Ephoto_Config Ephoto_Config; typedef struct _Ephoto Ephoto; typedef struct _Ephoto_Entry Ephoto_Entry; typedef struct _Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create; typedef enum _Ephoto_State Ephoto_State; typedef enum _Ephoto_Orient Ephoto_Orient; Evas_Object *ephoto_window_add(const char *path); void ephoto_title_set(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *title); void ephoto_thumb_size_set(Ephoto *ephoto, int size); Evas_Object *ephoto_thumb_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent, const char *path); void ephoto_thumb_path_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *path); void ephoto_directory_set(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *path); Eina_Bool ephoto_config_init(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_config_save(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_config_free(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_config_window(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_about_window(Ephoto *em); Evas_Object *ephoto_single_browser_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_single_browser_entry_set(Evas_Object *obj, Ephoto_Entry *entry); void ephoto_single_browser_path_pending_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *path); Evas_Object *ephoto_cropper_add(Evas_Object *parent, const char *file, const char *key); /* smart callbacks called: * "back" - the user wants to go back to the previous screen. */ Evas_Object *ephoto_slideshow_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_slideshow_entry_set(Evas_Object *obj, Ephoto_Entry *entry); /* smart callbacks called: * "back" - the user wants to go back to the previous screen. */ Evas_Object *ephoto_thumb_browser_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); /* smart callbacks called: * "selected" - an item in the thumb browser is selected. The selected Ephoto_Entry is passed as event_info argument. */ enum _Ephoto_State { EPHOTO_STATE_THUMB, EPHOTO_STATE_SINGLE, EPHOTO_STATE_SLIDESHOW }; enum _Ephoto_Orient /* matches with exif orientation tag */ { EPHOTO_ORIENT_0 = 1, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_HORIZ = 2, EPHOTO_ORIENT_180 = 3, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_VERT = 4, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_VERT_90 = 5, EPHOTO_ORIENT_90 = 6, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_HORIZ_90 = 7, EPHOTO_ORIENT_270 = 8 }; /* TODO: split into window & global config, allow multi window * * This also requires single instance, as 2 instances changing the * same configuration will lead to problems. * * Single instance is better done as DBus, using FDO standard methods. */ struct _Ephoto_Config { int config_version; int thumb_size; int thumb_gen_size; const char *directory; double slideshow_timeout; const char *slideshow_transition; const char *editor; int window_width; int window_height; Evas_Object *window; Evas_Object *slide_time; Evas_Object *slide_trans; int fsel_hide; }; struct _Ephoto { Evas_Object *win; Evas_Object *bg; Evas_Object *panel; Evas_Object *pager; Evas_Object *thumb_browser; Evas_Object *single_browser; Evas_Object *slideshow; Elm_Object_Item *tb; Elm_Object_Item *sb; Elm_Object_Item *sl; Eina_List *entries; Eina_List *direntries; Eina_List *thumbs; /* live thumbs that need to be regenerated on changes */ int thumb_gen_size; /* pending value for thumb_regen */ Evas_Coord bottom_bar_size; struct { Ecore_Timer *thumb_regen; } timer; struct { Ecore_Job *change_dir; } job; Eio_File *ls; Evas_Object *prefs_win; Ephoto_State state, prev_state; Ephoto_Config *config; }; struct _Ephoto_Entry { const char *path; const char *basename; /* pointer inside path */ const char *label; Ephoto *ephoto; Elm_Object_Item *item; Eina_List *free_listeners; Eina_Bool is_dir; }; struct _Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create { Ephoto_Entry *entry; }; Ephoto_Entry *ephoto_entry_new(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *path, const char *label, Eina_File_Type type); void ephoto_entry_free(Ephoto_Entry *entry); void ephoto_entry_free_listener_add(Ephoto_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const Ephoto_Entry *entry), const void *data); void ephoto_entry_free_listener_del(Ephoto_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const Ephoto_Entry *entry), const void *data); void ephoto_entries_free(Ephoto *ephoto); int ephoto_entries_cmp(const void *pa, const void *pb); extern int __log_domain; #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) static inline Eina_Bool _ephoto_eina_file_direct_info_image_useful(const Eina_File_Direct_Info *info) { const char *type, *bname; int i = 0; const char *filters[] = { "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "eet", "xpm", "tiff", "gif", "svg", "webp", "pmaps", "bmp", "tga", "wbmp", "ico", "psd", "jp2k", "generic" }; bname = info->path + info->name_start; if (bname[0] == '.') return EINA_FALSE; if ((info->type != EINA_FILE_REG) && (info->type != EINA_FILE_UNKNOWN)) return EINA_FALSE; type = strrchr(bname, '.'); if(!type) return EINA_FALSE; int count = sizeof(filters)/sizeof(filters[0]); for (i=0; i < count; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(type+1, filters[i])) return evas_object_image_extension_can_load_get(bname); } return EINA_FALSE; /* seems that this does not play nice with threads */ //if (!(type = efreet_mime_type_get(info->path))) return EINA_FALSE; //return strncmp(type, "image/", sizeof("image/") - 1) == 0; } extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_ENTRY_CREATE; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_START; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_END; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_ERROR; #endif