
190 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#undef FNAME
#undef NAME
#undef ICON
/* metadata */
#define FNAME textblock_basic_start
#define NAME "Textblock Basic"
#define ICON "text.png"
#ifndef PROTO
# ifndef UI
# include "main.h"
/* standard var */
static int done = 0;
/* private data */
static Evas_Object *o_text;
/* setup */
static void _setup(void)
Evas_Object *o;
Evas_Textblock_Style *st;
o = eo_add(EVAS_TEXTBLOCK_CLASS, G_evas);
o_text = o;
st = evas_textblock_style_new();
"DEFAULT='font=Vera,Kochi font_size=8 align=left color=#000000 wrap=word'"
"center='+ font=Vera,Kochi font_size=10 align=center'"
"/center='- \n'"
"right='+ font=Vera,Kochi font_size=10 align=right'"
"/right='- \n'"
"blockquote='+ left_margin=+24 right_margin=+24 font=Vera,Kochi font_size=10 align=left'"
"h1='+ font_size=20'"
"red='+ color=#ff0000'"
"p='+ font=Vera,Kochi font_size=10 align=left'"
"/p='- \n'"
"<p><tab>A pragraph here <red>red text</red> and stuff.</p>"
"<p>And escaping &lt; and &gt; as well as &amp; as <h1>normal.</h1></p>"
"<p>If you want a newline use &lt;br&gt;<br/>woo a new line!</p>"
"<right>Right "
"<style=outline color=#fff outline_color=#000>aligned</> "
"<style=shadow shadow_color=#fff8>text</> "
"<style=soft_shadow shadow_color=#0002>should</> "
"<style=glow color=#fff glow2_color=#fe87 glow_color=#f214 >go here</> "
"<style=far_shadow shadow_color=#0005>as it is</> "
"<style=outline_shadow color=#fff outline_color=#8228 shadow_color=#005>within</> "
"<style=outline_soft_shadow color=#fff outline_color=#8228 shadow_color=#0002>right tags</> "
"<style=far_soft_shadow color=#fff shadow_color=#0002>to make it align to the</> "
"<underline=on underline_color=#00f>right hand</> "
"<backing=on backing_color=#fff8>side </><backing_color=#ff08>of</><backing_color=#0f08> </>"
"<strikethrough=on strikethrough_color=#f0f8>the textblock</>.</right>"
"<p>And "
"<underline=double underline_color=#f00 underline2_color=#00f>now we need</> "
"to test some <color=#f00 font_size=8>C</><color=#0f0 font_size=10>O</>"
"<color=#00f font_size=12>L</><color=#fff font_size=14>O</>"
"<color=#ff0 font_size=16>R</><color=#0ff font_size=18> Bla Rai</>"
"<color=#f0f font_size=20> Stuff</>.</p>"
"<backing=on backing_color=#f00 linesize=20>20 Linesize<br/>"
"<backing=on backing_color=#0f0 linesize=40>40 Linesize<br/>"
"<backing=on backing_color=#f00 linerelsize=100%>100 percent Linerelsize<br/>"
"<backing=on backing_color=#0f0 linerelsize=150%>150 percent Linerelsize<br/>"
"<backing=on backing_color=#00f linerelsize=200%>200 percent Linerelsize<br/>"
"<backing=off linerelsize=0%>"
"(日本語 カタカナ ひらがな) "
"<style=outline color=#fff outline_color=#000>Round about the cauldron go;</> "
"In the poison'd entrails throw. "
"<style=shadow shadow_color=#fff8>Toad, that under cold stone</> "
"Days and nights has thirty-one "
"<style=soft_shadow shadow_color=#0002>Swelter'd venom sleeping got,</> "
"<style=glow color=#fff glow2_color=#fe87 glow_color=#f214 >Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.</> "
"Double, double toil and trouble; "
"Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. "
"<style=far_shadow shadow_color=#0005>Fillet of a fenny snake,</> "
"In the cauldron boil and bake; "
"<style=outline_shadow color=#fff outline_color=#8228 shadow_color=#005>Eye of newt and toe of frog,</> "
"<underline=on underline_color=#00f>Wool of bat and tongue of dog,</> "
"<backing=on backing_color=#ff08>Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,</> "
"<underline=double underline_color=#f00 underline2_color=#00f>Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,</> "
"<color=#808 font_size=20>For a charm of powerful trouble, "
"Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. "
"Double, double toil and trouble;</> "
"Fire burn and cauldron bubble. "
"Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, "
"Witches' mummy, maw and gulf "
"Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark, "
"Root of hemlock digg'd i' the dark, "
"Liver of blaspheming Jew, "
"Gall of goat, and slips of yew "
"Silver'd in the moon's eclipse, "
"Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips, "
"Finger of birth-strangled babe "
"Ditch-deliver'd by a drab, "
"Make the gruel thick and slab: "
"Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, "
"For the ingredients of our cauldron. "
"Double, double toil and trouble; "
"Fire burn and cauldron bubble. "
"Cool it with a baboon's blood, "
"Then the charm is firm and good. "
"Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung fløde pingüino kilómetros cœur déçu l'âme "
"plutôt naïve Louÿs rêva crapaüter Íosa Úrmhac Óighe pór Éava Ádhaim"
done = 0;
/* cleanup */
static void _cleanup(void)
/* loop - do things */
static void _loop(double t, int f)
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, w0, h0;
int i = 0;
w0 = 160;
h0 = 120;
w = 150 + ((1.0 + cos((double)(f + (i * 10)) / (37.4 * SLOW) )) * w0 * 2);
h = 50 + ((1.0 + sin((double)(f + (i * 19)) / (52.6 * SLOW) )) * h0 * 2);
x = (win_w / 2) - (w / 2);
x += sin((double)(f + (i * 13)) / (86.7 * SLOW)) * (w0 / 2);
y = (win_h / 2) - (h / 2);
y += cos((double)(f + (i * 28)) / (93.8 * SLOW)) * (h0 / 2);
evas_obj_position_set(x, y),
evas_obj_size_set(w, 5000));
/* prepend special key handlers if interactive (before STD) */
static void _key(char *key)
/* template stuff - ignore */
# endif
#ifdef UI
_ui_menu_item_add(ICON, NAME, FNAME);
#ifdef PROTO
void FNAME(void);
#ifndef PROTO
# ifndef UI
void FNAME(void)
ui_func_set(_key, _loop);
# endif
#undef FNAME
#undef NAME
#undef ICON