#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import os.path import csv from optparse import OptionParser fmttext = '%(value)7.2f (%(percentual)+6.1f%%)' fmthtml = '%(value)7.2f (%(percentual)+0.1f%%)' parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] .. ", description="""\ Generate reports comparing two or more outputs of expedite. Just run expedite and save output to a file and then feed them to this program. The first file is used as base for comparison and other files will print relative improvements. """) parser.add_option("-e", "--accepted-error", help=("maximum error to accept as percentage 0.0-1.0. " "[default=%default]"), action="store", type="float", default=0.05) parser.add_option("-r", "--report", help=("kind of report to use. One of text or html. " "[default=%default]"), action="store", type="choice", default="text", choices=["text", "html"]) parser.add_option("-F", "--format", help=("format to use as python format string, " "valid keys are: value and percentual. " "[defaults: html=\"%s\", text=\"%s\"]" % (fmthtml, fmttext)), action="store", type="str", default=None) parser.add_option("-C", "--no-color", dest="color", help="do not use color in reports.", action="store_false", default=True) options, files = parser.parse_args() if len(files) < 2: raise SystemExit("need at least 2 files to compare") if options.format is None: if options.report == "html": options.format = fmthtml else: options.format = fmttext ref_f = files[0] others_f = files[1:] max_test_name = 0 data = {} tests = [] for f in files: d = data[f] = {} for row in csv.reader(open(f)): t = row[1].strip() if f == ref_f: tests.append(t) d[t] = float(row[0]) max_test_name = max(len(t), max_test_name) def report_text(): test_name_fmt = "%%%ds:" % max_test_name fmtsize = len(options.format % {"value": 12345.67, "percentual": 1234.56}) hdrfmt = "%%%d.%ds" % (fmtsize, fmtsize) print(test_name_fmt % "\\", end=' ') print("%7.7s" % (files[0][-7:],), end=' ') for f in files[1:]: n, e = os.path.splitext(f) print(hdrfmt % n[-fmtsize:], end=' ') print() if options.color and os.environ.get("TERM", "") in ( "xterm", "xterm-color", "rxvt", "rxvt-unicode", "screen", "Eterm", "aterm", "gnome", "interix"): color_good = "\033[1;32m" color_bad = "\033[1;31m" color_equal = "\033[1;30m" color_reset = "\033[0m" else: color_good = "" color_bad = "" color_equal = "" color_reset = "" def print_row(test): print(test_name_fmt % test, end=' ') ref_val = data[ref_f][test] print("%7.2f" % ref_val, end=' ') for f in others_f: try: val = data[f][test] except KeyError: print("-?????-", end=' ') continue percent = (val - ref_val) / ref_val if percent < -options.accepted_error: c = color_bad elif percent > options.accepted_error: c = color_good else: c = color_equal fmt = options.format % {"value": val, "percentual": percent * 100} if len(fmt) < fmtsize: fmt = hdrfmt % fmt print("%s%s%s" % (c, fmt, color_reset), end=' ') print() for t in tests: print_row(t) def report_html(): import time fnames = [os.path.basename(f) for f in files] print("""\ expedite comparison sheet: %(files)s

Comparison sheet for %(files)s, created at %(date)s.

\ """ % {"files": ", ".join(fnames), "date": time.asctime(), }) for f in fnames: print("""\ \ """ % f) print("""\ \ """) def print_row(test): ref_val = data[ref_f][test] if "EVAS SPEED" in test.upper(): extra_cls = ' class="overall-results"' else: extra_cls = "" print("""\ \ """ % (extra_cls, test, ref_val)) for f in others_f: try: val = data[f][test] except KeyError: print("""\ \ """) continue percent = (val - ref_val) / ref_val if percent < -options.accepted_error: c = 'bad' elif percent > options.accepted_error: c = 'good' else: c = 'equal' v = options.format % {"value": val, "percentual": percent * 100} print("""\ \ """ % (c, v)) print("""\ \ """) for t in tests: print_row(t) print("""\
%s %7.2f-?????-%s
""") if options.report == "text": report_text() elif options.report == "html": report_html()