Python-EFL: remove the efreet bindings.

We don't need them, just use pyxdg if you need fdo standards.
This commit is contained in:
Davide Andreoli 2013-04-03 14:34:38 +02:00
parent 14e05b7b19
commit 307a27022b
15 changed files with 0 additions and 1699 deletions

View File

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
from efl.eo cimport _ctouni, convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list
def data_home_get():
Retrieves the XDG Data Home directory
:return: Returns the XDG Data Home directory
return _ctouni(efreet_data_home_get())
def data_dirs_get():
Returns the Eina_List of preference ordered extra data directories
:return: Returns the Eina_List of preference ordered extra data directories
.. note:: The returned list is static inside Efreet. If you add/remove from the
list then the next call to efreet_data_dirs_get() will return your
modified values. DO NOT free this list.
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(efreet_data_dirs_get())
def config_home_get():
Retrieves the XDG Config Home directory
:return: Returns the XDG Config Home directory
return _ctouni(efreet_config_home_get())
def desktop_dir_get():
Retrieves the XDG Desktop directory
:return: Returns the XDG Desktop directory
return _ctouni(efreet_desktop_dir_get())
def download_dir_get():
Retrieves the XDG Download directory
This is where user-specific download files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
It's meant for large download or in-progress downloads, it's
private for the user but may be shared among different
machines. It's not automatically cleaned up.
@see efreet_cache_home_get()
@see efreet_runtime_dir_get()
@return Returns the XDG Download directory
return _ctouni(efreet_download_dir_get())
def templates_dir_get():
Retrieves the XDG Templates directory
This is where user-specific template files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
@return Returns the XDG Templates directory
return _ctouni(efreet_templates_dir_get())
def public_share_dir_get():
Retrieves the XDG Public Share directory
This is where user-specific public shareable files should be
located. It's localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
Usually local file servers should look here (Apache, Samba, FTP).
@return Returns the XDG Public Share directory
return _ctouni(efreet_public_share_dir_get())
def documents_dir_get():
@return Returns the XDG Documents directory
@brief Retrieves the XDG Documents directory
This is where user-specific documents files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
return _ctouni(efreet_documents_dir_get())
def music_dir_get():
@return Returns the XDG Music directory
@brief Retrieves the XDG Music directory
This is where user-specific music files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
return _ctouni(efreet_music_dir_get())
def pictures_dir_get():
@return Returns the XDG Pictures directory
@brief Retrieves the XDG Pictures directory
This is where user-specific pictures files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
return _ctouni(efreet_pictures_dir_get())
def videos_dir_get():
@return Returns the XDG Videos directory
@brief Retrieves the XDG Videos directory
This is where user-specific video files should be located. It's
localized (translated) to current user locale
(~/.config/user-dirs.locale and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs).
return _ctouni(efreet_videos_dir_get())
def config_dirs_get():
Returns the Eina_List of preference ordered extra config
:return: Returns the Eina_List of preference ordered extra config directories
.. note:: The returned list is static inside Efreet. If you add/remove from the
list then the next call to efreet_config_dirs_get() will return your
modified values. DO NOT free this list.
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(efreet_config_dirs_get())
def cache_home_get():
Retrieves the XDG Cache Home directory
:return: Returns the XDG Cache Home directory
return _ctouni(efreet_cache_home_get())
def runtime_dir_get():
@return Returns the XDG User Runtime directory.
@brief Retrieves the XDG User Runtime directory.
This is the base directory relative to which user-specific
non-essential runtime files and other file objects (such as
sockets, named pipes, ...) should be stored. The directory @b must
be owned by the user, and he @b must be the only one having read
and write access to it. Its Unix access mode @b must be 0700.
The lifetime of this directory @b must be bound to the user being
logged in. It @b must be created when the user first logs in and if
the user fully logs out the directory @b must be removed. If the
user logs in more than once he should get pointed to the same
directory, and it is mandatory that the directory continues to
exist from his first login to his last logout on the system, and
not removed in between. Files in the directory @b must not survive
reboot or a full logout/login cycle.
The directory @b must be on a local file system and not shared with
any other system. The directory @b must by fully-featured by the
standards of the operating system. More specifically, on Unix-like
operating systems AF_UNIX sockets, symbolic links, hard links,
proper permissions, file locking, sparse files, memory mapping,
file change notifications, a reliable hard link count must be
supported, and no restrictions on the file name character set
should be imposed. Files in this directory @b may be subjected to
periodic clean-up. To ensure that your files are not removed, they
should have their access time timestamp modified at least once
every 6 hours of monotonic time or the 'sticky' bit should be set
on the file.
If @c NULL applications should fall back to a replacement directory
with similar capabilities and print a warning message. Applications
should use this directory for communication and synchronization
purposes and should not place larger files in it, since it might
reside in runtime memory and cannot necessarily be swapped out to
@note this directory is similar to @c /run and is often created in
tmpfs (memory-only/RAM filesystem). It is created, managed and
cleaned automatically by systemd.
return _ctouni(efreet_runtime_dir_get())
def hostname_get():
Returns the current hostname or empty string if not found
:return: Returns the current hostname
return _ctouni(efreet_hostname_get())

View File

@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
from efl.eo cimport convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list, convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list
cimport enums
cdef void * efreet_desktop_command_cb(void *data, Efreet_Desktop *desktop, char *command, int remaining):
"""A callback used with efreet_desktop_command_get()"""
cdef int efreet_desktop_progress_cb(void *data, Efreet_Desktop *desktop, char *uri, long int total, long int current):
"""A callback used to get download progress of remote uris"""
cdef void * efreet_desktop_type_parse_cb(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Efreet_Ini *ini):
"""A callback used to parse data for custom types"""
cdef void efreet_desktop_type_save_cb(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Efreet_Ini *ini):
"""A callback used to save data for custom types"""
cdef void * efreet_desktop_type_free_cb(void *data):
"""A callback used to free data for custom types"""
cdef class EfreetDesktop(object):
Efreet_Desktop *desktop
int type # type of desktop file
int ref # reference count - internal
char *version # version of spec file conforms to
char *orig_path # original path to .desktop file
long long load_time # modified time of .desktop on disk
char *name # Specific name of the application
char *generic_name # Generic name of the application
char *comment # Tooltip for the entry
char *icon # Icon to display in file manager, menus, etc
char *try_exec # Binary to determine if app is installed
char *executable # Program to execute
char *path # Working directory to run app in
char *startup_wm_class # If specified will map at least one window with
# the given string as it's WM class or WM name
char *url # URL to access if type is EFREET_TYPE_LINK
Eina_List *only_show_in # list of environments that should
# display the icon
Eina_List *not_show_in # list of environments that shoudn't
# display the icon
Eina_List *categories # Categories in which item should be shown
Eina_List *mime_types # The mime types supppored by this app
unsigned char no_display # Don't display this application in menus
unsigned char hidden # User delete the item
unsigned char terminal # Does the program run in a terminal
unsigned char startup_notify # The starup notify settings of the app
unsigned char eet # The desktop file is in eet cache
Eina_Hash *x # Keep track of all user extensions, keys that begin with X-
void *type_data # Type specific data for custom types
def __init__(self, file, new=False, cached=True):
if not new:
if cached:
self.desktop = efreet_desktop_new(_cfruni(file))
#FIXME: What's the difference between these two?
#self.desktop = efreet_desktop_get(_cfruni(file))
self.desktop = efreet_desktop_uncached_new(_cfruni(file))
self.desktop = efreet_desktop_empty_new(_cfruni(file))
# get:
"""Gets a reference to an Efreet_Desktop structure representing the
contents of @a file or NULL if @a file is not a valid .desktop file.
By using efreet_desktop_get the Efreet_Desktop will be saved in an internal
cache for quicker loading.
Users of this command should listen to EFREET_EVENT_DESKTOP_CACHE_UPDATE
event, if the application is to keep the reference. When the event fires
the Efreet_Desktop struct should be invalidated and reloaded from a new
cache file.
:param file: The file to get the Efreet_Desktop from
:return: Returns a reference to a cached Efreet_Desktop on success, NULL
on failure
# uncached new:
:param file: The file to create the Efreet_Desktop from
:return: Returns a new Efreet_Desktop on success, NULL on failure
Creates a new Efreet_Desktop structure initialized from the
contents of @a file or NULL on failure
By using efreet_desktop_uncached_new the Efreet_Desktop structure will be
read from disk, and not from any cache.
Data in the structure is allocated with strdup, so use free and strdup to
change values.
# empty new:
:param file: The file to create the Efreet_Desktop from
:return: Returns a new empty_Efreet_Desktop on success, NULL on failure
Creates a new empty Efreet_Desktop structure or NULL on failure
# new:
:param file: The file to get the Efreet_Desktop from
:return: Returns a reference to a cached Efreet_Desktop on success, NULL
on failure
Gets a reference to an Efreet_Desktop structure representing the
contents of @a file or NULL if @a file is not a valid .desktop file.
Users of this command should listen to EFREET_EVENT_DESKTOP_CACHE_UPDATE
event, if the application is to keep the reference. When the event fires
the Efreet_Desktop struct should be invalidated and reloaded from a new
cache file.
def ref(self):
"""ref() -> int
Increases reference count on desktop
:return: Returns the new reference count
return efreet_desktop_ref(self.desktop)
def free(self):
Frees the Efreet_Desktop structure and all of it's data
def save(self):
"""save() -> bool
Saves any changes made to @a desktop back to the file on the
:return: Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
#TODO: Check the return status here and raise exception if 0?
return bool(efreet_desktop_save(self.desktop))
def save_as(self, file):
"""save_as(unicode file) -> bool
Saves @a desktop to @a file
Please use efreet_desktop_uncached_new() on an existing file
before using efreet_desktop_save_as()
:param file: The filename to save as
:return: Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
#TODO: Check the return status here and raise exception if 0?
return bool(efreet_desktop_save_as(self.desktop, _cfruni(file)))
def exe_get(self, files, *args, **kwargs):
"""exe_get(list files, *args, **kwargs) -> efl.ecore.Exe
Parses the @a desktop exec line and returns an Ecore_Exe.
:param files: The files to be substituted into the exec line
:param data: The data pointer to pass
:return: Returns the Ecore_Exce for @a desktop
#TODO: How can this return an Exe???
#void efreet_desktop_exec(self.desktop, python_list_strings_to_eina_list(files), void *data)
def command_progress_get(self, files, cb_command, cb_prog, *args, **kwargs):
"""command_progress_get(list files, cb_command, cb_prog, *args, **kwargs) -> bool
Get a command to use to execute a desktop entry, and receive progress
updates for downloading of remote URI's passed in.
:param files: an eina list of file names to execute, as either absolute paths,
relative paths, or uris
:param cb_command: a callback to call for each prepared command line
:param cb_prog: a callback to get progress for the downloads
:param data: user data passed to the callback
:return: Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
# XXX: Actually returns an int?
# EAPI void *efreet_desktop_command_progress_get(self.desktop,
# Eina_List *files,
# Efreet_Desktop_Command_Cb cb_command,
# Efreet_Desktop_Progress_Cb cb_prog,
# void *data);
def command_get(self, files, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""command_get(list files, func, *args, **kwargs) -> retval
Get a command to use to execute a desktop entry.
:param files: an eina list of file names to execute, as either absolute paths,
relative paths, or uris
:param func: a callback to call for each prepared command line
:param data: user data passed to the callback
:return: Returns the return value of @p func on success or NULL on failure
# XXX: Actually returns an int?
# EAPI void *efreet_desktop_command_get(self.desktop,
# Eina_List *files,
# Efreet_Desktop_Command_Cb func,
# void *data);
def command_local_get(self, files):
"""command_local_get(list files) -> list
Get the command to use to execute a desktop entry
The returned list and each of its elements must be freed.
:param files: an eina list of local files, as absolute paths, local paths, or file// uris (or NULL to get exec string with no files appended)
:return: Returns an eina list of exec strings
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(efreet_desktop_command_local_get(self.desktop, convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list(files)))
property category_count:
"""The number of categories the desktop belongs to
:type: int
def __get__(self):
return efreet_desktop_category_count_get(self.desktop)
def category_add(self, category):
"""category_add(unicode category)
Add a category to a desktop
:param category: the category name
efreet_desktop_category_add(self.desktop, _cfruni(category))
def category_del(self, category):
"""category_del(unicode category) -> bool
Removes a category from a desktop
:param category: the category name
:return: 1 if the desktop had his category listed, 0 otherwise
# TODO: Check return status here and raise exception if 0
return efreet_desktop_category_del(self.desktop, _cfruni(category))
property type_data:
"""Type specific data for custom desktop types
:type: type specific data, or None if there is none
def __get__(self):
# TODO: void * efreet_desktop_type_data_get(self.desktop)
def x_field_set(self, key, data):
"""x_field_set(unicode key, unicode data) -> bool
Set the value for a X- field (Non spec) in the structure
The key has to start with "X-"
:param key: the key name to set
:param data: the value to set
:return: True on success
# TODO: Check return status and raise exception if 0
return bool(efreet_desktop_x_field_set(self.desktop, _cfruni(key), _cfruni(data)))
def x_field_get(self, key):
"""x_field_get(unicode key) -> unicode
Get the value for a X- field (Non spec) in the structure
:param key: the key
:return: The value referenced by the key, or NULL if the key does not exist
return _ctouni(efreet_desktop_x_field_get(self.desktop, _cfruni(key)))
def x_field_del(self, key):
"""x_field_del(unicode key) -> bool
Delete the key and value for a X- field (Non spec) in the structure
:param key: the key
:return: True if the key existed
# TODO: Check return status and raise exception if 0
return bool(efreet_desktop_x_field_del(self.desktop, _cfruni(key)))
def environment_set(environment):
"""Sets the global desktop environment name
:param environment: the environment name
def environment_get():
"""Gets the global desktop environment name
:return: the environment name
return _ctouni(efreet_desktop_environment_get())
def type_add(type, parse_func, save_func, free_func):
"""type_add(unicode type, parse_func, save_func, free_func) -> int
Adds the given type to the list of types in the system
:param type: The type to add to the list of matching types
:param parse_func: a function to parse out custom fields
:param save_func: a function to save data returned from @a parse_func
:param free_func: a function to free data returned from @a parse_func
:return: Returns the id of the new type
# return efreet_desktop_type_add(_cfruni(type),
# Efreet_Desktop_Type_Parse_Cb parse_func,
# Efreet_Desktop_Type_Save_Cb save_func,
# Efreet_Desktop_Type_Free_Cb free_func)
def type_alias(int from_type, alias):
"""type_alias(int from_type, unicode alias) -> int
Add an alias for an existing desktop type.
This allows applications to add non-standard types that behave exactly as standard types.
:param from_type: the type to alias (e.g. EFREE_DESKTOP_TYPE_APPLICATION)
:param alias: the alias
:return: the new type id, or -1 if @p from_type was not valid
return efreet_desktop_type_alias(from_type, _cfruni(alias))
def string_list_parse(string):
"""string_list_parse(unicode string) -> list
Parse ';' separate list of strings according to the desktop spec
:param string: the raw string list
:return: an Eina_List of ecore string's
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(efreet_desktop_string_list_parse(_cfruni(string)))
def string_list_join(list lst):
"""string_list_join(list lst) -> unicode
Create a ';' separate list of strings according to the desktop spec
:param list: Eina_List with strings
:return: a raw string list
return _ctouni(efreet_desktop_string_list_join(convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list(lst)))

View File

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
from libc.string cimport const_char
from efl cimport Eina_List, Eina_Bool, Eina_Stringshare, \
eina_stringshare_add, eina_stringshare_del
from efl.efreet.enums cimport Efreet_Menu_Entry_Type, Efreet_Icon_Theme_Context, \
cdef extern from "Eina.h":
ctypedef struct Eina_Hash
cdef extern from "Efreet.h":
ctypedef struct Efreet_Desktop:
int type # type of desktop file
int ref # reference count - internal
char *version # version of spec file conforms to
char *orig_path # original path to .desktop file
long long load_time # modified time of .desktop on disk
char *name # Specific name of the application
char *generic_name # Generic name of the application
char *comment # Tooltip for the entry
char *icon # Icon to display in file manager, menus, etc
char *try_exec # Binary to determine if app is installed
char *executable "exec" # Program to execute
char *path # Working directory to run app in
char *startup_wm_class # If specified will map at least one window with
# the given string as it's WM class or WM name
char *url # URL to access if type is EFREET_TYPE_LINK
Eina_List *only_show_in # list of environments that should
# display the icon
Eina_List *not_show_in # list of environments that shoudn't
# display the icon
Eina_List *categories # Categories in which item should be shown
Eina_List *mime_types # The mime types supppored by this app
unsigned char no_display # Don't display this application in menus
unsigned char hidden # User delete the item
unsigned char terminal # Does the program run in a terminal
unsigned char startup_notify # The starup notify settings of the app
unsigned char eet # The desktop file is in eet cache
Eina_Hash *x # Keep track of all user extensions, keys that begin with X-
void *type_data # Type specific data for custom types
#ctypedef icon_theme_name icon_theme_name
#ctypedef Efreet_Icon_Theme Efreet_Icon_Theme
ctypedef struct Efreet_Icon_Theme:
# TODO: name *name
const_char *comment # String describing the theme
const_char *example_icon # Icon to use as an example of the theme
# An icon theme can have multiple directories that store it's icons. We
# need to be able to find a search each one.
Eina_List *paths # The paths
Eina_List *inherits # Icon themes we inherit from
Eina_List *directories # List of subdirectories for this theme
struct size: # The size settings for the icon theme */
unsigned int normal # The size for this directory */
unsigned int min # The minimum size for this directory */
unsigned int max # The maximum size for this directory */
unsigned int threshold # Size difference threshold */
ctypedef size icon_theme_directory_size
ctypedef struct Efreet_Icon_Theme_Directory:
icon_theme_directory_size *size
const_char *name # The directory name */
Efreet_Icon_Theme_Context context # The type of icons in the dir */
Efreet_Icon_Size_Type type # The size type for the icons */
struct embedded_text_rectangle: # Rectangle where text can be displayed on the icon */
int x0 # x0 position */
int y0 # y0 position */
int x1 # x1 position */
int y1 # y1 position */
ctypedef embedded_text_rectangle icon_rectangle
ctypedef struct Efreet_Icon:
# TODO: icon_rectangle embedded_text_rectangle
const_char *path # Full path to the icon */
const_char *name # Translated UTF8 string that can be used for the icon name */
Eina_List *attach_points # List of points to be used as anchor points for emblems/overlays */
unsigned int ref_count # References to this icon */
unsigned char has_embedded_text_rectangle # Has the embedded rectangle set */
ctypedef struct Efreet_Icon_Point:
int x # x coord */
int y # y coord */
struct Efreet_Ini:
Eina_Hash *data # Hash of string => (Hash of string => string)
Eina_Hash *section # currently selected section
ctypedef struct Efreet_Menu:
Efreet_Menu_Entry_Type type
const_char *id # File-id for desktop and relative name for menu
const_char *name # Name this entry should show
const_char *icon # Icon for this entry
Efreet_Desktop *desktop # The desktop we refer too
Eina_List *entries # The menu items
ctypedef struct Efreet_Uri:
const_char *protocol # The protocol used (usually 'file')
const_char *hostname # The name of the host if any, or NULL
const_char *path # The full file path whitout protocol nor host
# Callbacks
ctypedef void *(*Efreet_Desktop_Command_Cb) (void *data, Efreet_Desktop *desktop, char *command, int remaining)
ctypedef int (*Efreet_Desktop_Progress_Cb) (void *data, Efreet_Desktop *desktop, char *uri, long int total, long int current)
ctypedef void *(*Efreet_Desktop_Type_Parse_Cb) (Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Efreet_Ini *ini)
ctypedef void (*Efreet_Desktop_Type_Save_Cb) (Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Efreet_Ini *ini)
ctypedef void *(*Efreet_Desktop_Type_Free_Cb) (void *data)
# Functions
int efreet_init()
int efreet_shutdown()
void efreet_lang_reset()
# Base
const_char * efreet_data_home_get()
Eina_List * efreet_data_dirs_get()
const_char * efreet_config_home_get()
const_char * efreet_desktop_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_download_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_templates_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_public_share_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_documents_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_music_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_pictures_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_videos_dir_get()
Eina_List * efreet_config_dirs_get()
const_char * efreet_cache_home_get()
const_char * efreet_runtime_dir_get()
const_char * efreet_hostname_get()
# Desktop
Efreet_Desktop * efreet_desktop_get(const_char *file)
int efreet_desktop_ref(Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
Efreet_Desktop * efreet_desktop_empty_new(const_char *file)
Efreet_Desktop * efreet_desktop_new(const_char *file)
Efreet_Desktop * efreet_desktop_uncached_new(const_char *file)
void efreet_desktop_free(Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
int efreet_desktop_save(Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
int efreet_desktop_save_as(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *file)
#TODO: void efreet_desktop_exec(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Eina_List *files, void *data)
void efreet_desktop_environment_set(const_char *environment)
const_char * efreet_desktop_environment_get()
#TODO: void * efreet_desktop_command_progress_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Eina_List *files, Efreet_Desktop_Command_Cb cb_command, Efreet_Desktop_Progress_Cb cb_prog, void *data)
#TODO: void * efreet_desktop_command_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Eina_List *files, Efreet_Desktop_Command_Cb func, void *data)
Eina_List * efreet_desktop_command_local_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, Eina_List *files)
unsigned int efreet_desktop_category_count_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
void efreet_desktop_category_add(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *category)
int efreet_desktop_category_del(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *category)
#TODO: int efreet_desktop_type_add(const_char *type, Efreet_Desktop_Type_Parse_Cb parse_func, Efreet_Desktop_Type_Save_Cb save_func, Efreet_Desktop_Type_Free_Cb free_func)
int efreet_desktop_type_alias (int from_type, const_char *alias)
#TODO: void * efreet_desktop_type_data_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
Eina_List * efreet_desktop_string_list_parse(const_char *string)
char * efreet_desktop_string_list_join(Eina_List *list)
Eina_Bool efreet_desktop_x_field_set(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *key, const_char *data)
const_char * efreet_desktop_x_field_get(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *key)
Eina_Bool efreet_desktop_x_field_del(Efreet_Desktop *desktop, const_char *key)
# Icon
const_char *efreet_icon_user_dir_get()
const_char *efreet_icon_deprecated_user_dir_get()
void efreet_icon_extension_add(const_char *ext)
Eina_List **efreet_icon_extra_list_get()
Eina_List *efreet_icon_extensions_list_get()
Eina_List *efreet_icon_theme_list_get()
Efreet_Icon_Theme *efreet_icon_theme_find(const_char *theme_name)
Efreet_Icon *efreet_icon_find(const_char *theme_name, const_char *icon, unsigned int size)
const_char *efreet_icon_list_find(const_char *theme_name, Eina_List *icons, unsigned int size)
const_char *efreet_icon_path_find(const_char *theme_name, const_char *icon, unsigned int size)
void efreet_icon_free(Efreet_Icon *icon)
# Ini
Efreet_Ini * efreet_ini_new(const_char *file)
void efreet_ini_free(Efreet_Ini *ini)
int efreet_ini_save(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *path)
int efreet_ini_section_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *section)
void efreet_ini_section_add(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *section)
const_char * efreet_ini_string_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
void efreet_ini_string_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key, const_char *value)
const_char * efreet_ini_localestring_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
void efreet_ini_localestring_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key, const_char *value)
unsigned int efreet_ini_boolean_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
void efreet_ini_boolean_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key, unsigned int value)
int efreet_ini_int_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
void efreet_ini_int_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key, int value)
double efreet_ini_double_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
void efreet_ini_double_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key, double value)
void efreet_ini_key_unset(Efreet_Ini *ini, const_char *key)
# Menu
int efreet_menu_kde_legacy_init()
Efreet_Menu *efreet_menu_new(const_char *name)
void efreet_menu_file_set(const_char *file)
Efreet_Menu *efreet_menu_get()
Efreet_Menu *efreet_menu_parse(const_char *path)
int efreet_menu_save(Efreet_Menu *menu, const_char *path)
void efreet_menu_free(Efreet_Menu *menu)
int efreet_menu_desktop_insert(Efreet_Menu *menu, Efreet_Desktop *desktop, int pos)
int efreet_menu_desktop_remove(Efreet_Menu *menu, Efreet_Desktop *desktop)
void efreet_menu_dump(Efreet_Menu *menu, const_char *indent)
const_char *efreet_uri_encode(Efreet_Uri *uri)
Efreet_Uri *efreet_uri_decode(const_char *val)
void efreet_uri_free(Efreet_Uri *uri)
# Utils
cdef class Uri(object):
cdef Efreet_Uri *uri

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
The Efreet Library
.. rubric:: Introduction
Efreet is a library designed to help apps work several of the standards regarding Icons, Desktop files and Menus. To
that end it implements the following specifications:
- XDG Base Directory Specification
- Icon Theme Specification
- Desktop Entry Specification
- Desktop Menu Specification
- FDO URI Specification
- Shared Mime Info Specification
- Trash Specification
import atexit
def _shutdown():
return efreet_shutdown()
def lang_reset():
Resets language dependent variables and resets language dependent
caches. This must be called whenever the locale is changed.
include "base.pxi"
include "desktop.pxi"
include "icon.pxi"
include "ini.pxi"
include "menu.pxi"
include "uri.pxi"

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
cdef extern from "Efreet.h":
ctypedef enum Efreet_Menu_Entry_Type:
ctypedef enum Efreet_Icon_Theme_Context:
ctypedef enum Efreet_Icon_Size_Type:

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
from efl.eo cimport convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list, \
#cdef class IconRectangle(object):
# cdef:
# icon_rectangle *embedded_text_rectangle
cdef class Icon(object):
Retrieves all of the information about the given icon.
:param theme_name: The icon theme to look for
:param icon: The icon to look for
:param size: The icon size to look for
:return: Returns the Efreet_Icon structure representing this icon or None
if the icon is not found
Efreet_Icon *icon
def __cinit__(self, theme_name, icon, unsigned int size):
self.icon = efreet_icon_find(_cfruni(theme_name), _cfruni(icon), size)
def __dealloc__(self):
property path:
"""Full path to the icon"""
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self.icon.path)
property name:
"""Translated UTF8 string that can be used for the icon name"""
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(
property embedded_text_rectangle:
"""Rectangle where text can be displayed on the icon"""
def __get__(self):
#return self.icon.embedded_text_rectangle
#property attach_points:
#"""List of points to be used as anchor points for emblems/overlays"""
#Eina_List *attach_points
property ref_count:
"""References to this icon"""
def __get__(self):
return self.icon.ref_count
property has_embedded_text_rectangle:
"""Has the embedded rectangle set"""
def __get__(self):
return bool(self.icon.has_embedded_text_rectangle)
cdef class IconTheme(object):
"""theme_find(unicode theme_name) -> IconTheme
Tries to get the icon theme structure for the given theme name
:param theme_name: The theme to look for
:return: Returns the icon theme related to the given theme name or None if
none exists.
Efreet_Icon_Theme *icon_theme
def __cinit__(self, theme_name):
self.icon_theme = efreet_icon_theme_find(_cfruni(theme_name))
property comment:
"""String describing the theme"""
def __get__(self):
return self.icon_theme.comment
property example_icon:
"""Icon to use as an example of the theme"""
def __get__(self):
return self.icon_theme.example_icon
property paths:
"""The paths"""
def __get__(self):
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(self.icon_theme.paths)
property inherits:
"""Icon themes we inherit from"""
def __get__(self):
return# TODO: Eina_List *self.icon_theme.inherits
property directories:
"""List of subdirectories for this theme"""
def __get__(self):
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(self.icon_theme.directories)
def user_dir_get():
"""user_dir_get() -> unicode
Returns the user icon directory
:return: Returns the user icon directory
return _ctouni(efreet_icon_user_dir_get())
def deprecated_user_icon_get():
"""deprecated_user_icon_get() -> unicode
Returns the deprecated user icon directory
:return: Returns the deprecated user icon directory
return _ctouni(efreet_icon_deprecated_user_dir_get())
def extension_add(ext):
"""extension_add(unicode ext)
Adds the given extension to the list of possible icon extensions
:param ext: The extension to add to the list of checked extensions
def extra_list_get():
"""extra_list_get() -> list
Gets the list of all extra directories to look for icons. These
directories are used to look for icons after looking in the user icon dir
and before looking in standard system directories. The order of search is
from first to last directory in this list. the strings in the list should
be created with eina_stringshare_add().
:return: Returns a list of strings that are paths to other icon directories
#EAPI Eina_List **efreet_icon_extra_list_get()
def extensions_list_get():
"""extensions_list_get() -> list
Gets the list of all icon extensions to look for
:return: Returns a list of strings that are icon extensions to look for
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(efreet_icon_extensions_list_get())
def theme_list_get():
"""theme_list_get() -> list
Retrieves all of the non-hidden icon themes available on the system.
The returned list must be freed. Do not free the list data.
:return: Returns a list of Efreet_Icon structs for all the non-hidden icon
#EAPI Eina_List *efreet_icon_theme_list_get();
def list_find(theme_name, list icons, unsigned int size):
"""list_find(unicode theme_name, list icons, int size) -> unicode
Retrieves all of the information about the first found icon in the list.
There is no guarantee for how long the pointer to the path will be valid.
If the pointer is to be kept, the user must create a copy of the path.
.. note ::
This function will search the given theme for all icons before falling
back. This is useful when searching for mimetype icons.
:param theme_name: The icon theme to look for
:param icons: List of icons to look for
:param size:; The icon size to look for
:return: Returns the path representing first found icon or
None if none of the icons are found
return _ctouni(efreet_icon_list_find(_cfruni(theme_name), convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list(icons), size))
def path_find(theme_name, icon, unsigned int size):
"""path_find(unicode theme_name, unicode icon, int size) -> unicode
Retrives the path to the given icon.
There is no guarantee for how long the pointer to the path will be valid.
If the pointer is to be kept, the user must create a copy of the path.
:param theme_name: The icon theme to look for
:param icon: The icon to look for
:param size:; The icon size to look for
:return: Returns the path to the given icon or None if none found
return _ctouni(efreet_icon_path_find(_cfruni(theme_name), _cfruni(icon), size))

View File

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
from efl.eo cimport _cfruni, _ctouni
cdef class Ini(object):
Contains all the information about an ini file.
cdef Efreet_Ini *ini
#cdef Eina_Hash *data # Hash of string => (Hash of string => string)
#cdef Eina_Hash *section # currently selected section
def __cinit__(self, file):
:param file: The file to parse
:return: Returns a new Efreet_Ini structure initialized with the contents
of @a file, or NULL on memory allocation failure
Creates and initializes a new Ini structure with the contents of
@a file, or NULL on failure
self.ini = efreet_ini_new(_cfruni(file))
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.ini is not NULL:
def save(self, path):
"""save(unicode path) -> bool
Saves the given Efree_Ini structure.
:param path: The path to save the ini to
:type path: unicode
:return: Whether save succeeded
:rtype: bool
return bool(efreet_ini_save(self.ini, _cfruni(path)))
#TODO: property data:
property section:
:param section: The section of the ini file we want to get values from
:return: Returns 1 if the section exists, otherwise 0
Sets the current working section of the ini file to @a section
#TODO: def __get__(self):
def __set__(self, section):
ret = efreet_ini_section_set(self.ini, _cfruni(section))
if ret is 0:
raise RuntimeError("Setting Ini section failed")
def section_add(self, section):
"""section_add(unicode section)
Adds a new working section of the ini file to section
:param section: The section of the ini file we want to add
efreet_ini_section_add(self.ini, _cfruni(section))
def string_get(self, key):
"""string_get(unicode key) -> unicode
Retrieves the value for the given key or NULL if none found.
:param key: The key to lookup
:return: Returns the string associated with the given key or NULL if not
return _ctouni(efreet_ini_string_get(self.ini, _cfruni(key)))
def string_set(self, key, value):
"""string_set(unicode key, unicode value)
Sets the value for the given key
:param key: The key to use
:param value: The value to set
efreet_ini_string_set(self.ini, _cfruni(key), _cfruni(value))
def localestring_get(self, key):
"""localestring_get(unicode key) -> unicode
Retrieves the utf8 encoded string associated with key in the current locale or None if none found
:param key: The key to search for
:return: Returns the utf8 encoded string associated with key, or None
if none found
_ctouni(efreet_ini_localestring_get(self.ini, _cfruni(key)))
def localestring_set(self, key, value):
"""localestring_set(unicode key, unicode value)
Sets the value for the given key
:param key: The key to use
:param value: The value to set
efreet_ini_localestring_set(self.ini, _cfruni(key), _cfruni(value))
def boolean_get(self, key):
"""boolean_get(unicode key) -> bool
Retrieves the boolean value at key @a key from the ini @a ini
:param key: The key to search for
:return: Returns 1 if the boolean is true, 0 otherwise
return bool(efreet_ini_boolean_get(self.ini, _cfruni(key)))
def boolean_set(self, key, int value):
"""boolean_set(unicode key, bool value)
Sets the value for the given key
:param key: The key to use
:param value: The value to set
efreet_ini_boolean_set(self.ini, _cfruni(key), value)
def int_get(self, key):
"""int_get(unicode key) -> int
Retrieves the value for the given key or -1 if none found.
:param key: The key to lookup
:return: Returns the integer associated with the given key or -1 if not
return efreet_ini_int_get(self.ini, _cfruni(key))
def int_set(self, key, int value):
"""int_set(unicode key, int value)
Sets the value for the given key
:param key: The key to use
:param value: The value to set
efreet_ini_int_set(self.ini, _cfruni(key), value)
def double_get(self, key):
"""double_get(unicode key) -> double
Retrieves the value for the given key or -1 if none found.
:param key: The key to lookup
:return: Returns the double associated with the given key or -1 if not
return efreet_ini_double_get(self.ini, _cfruni(key))
def double_set(self, key, double value):
"""double_set(unicode key, double value)
Sets the value for the given key
:param key: The key to use
:param value: The value to set
efreet_ini_double_set(self.ini, _cfruni(key), value)
def key_unset(self, key):
"""key_unset(unicode key)
Remove the given key from the ini struct
:param key: The key to remove
efreet_ini_key_unset(self.ini, _cfruni(key))

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
cdef class EfreetMenu(object):
"""Stores information on a entry in the menu"""
Efreet_Menu *menu
Efreet_Menu_Entry_Type type
const_char *id # File-id for desktop and relative name for menu
const_char *name # Name this entry should show
const_char *icon # Icon for this entry
Efreet_Desktop *desktop # The desktop we refer too
Eina_List *entries # The menu items
def __init__(self, name=None, path=None):
# TODO: change two of these into class methods?
if name is not None:
Creates a new menu
:param name: The internal name of the menu
:return: Returns the Efreet_Menu on success or NULL on failure
""" = efreet_menu_new(_cfruni(name))
elif path is not None:
Parses the given .menu file and creates the menu representation
:param path: The path of the menu to load
:return: Returns the Efreet_Menu_Internal representation on success
or NULL on failure
""" = efreet_menu_parse(_cfruni(path))
Creates the default menu representation
:return: Returns the Efreet_Menu_Internal representation of the
default menu or NULL if none found
""" = efreet_menu_get()
def save(self, path):
:param path: The path where the menu should be saved
:return: Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Saves the menu to file
# TODO: Check return status and raise exception if 0
return bool(efreet_menu_save(, _cfruni(path)))
def free(self):
Frees the given structure
def desktop_insert(self, EfreetDesktop desktop, int pos):
:param desktop: The desktop to insert
:param pos: The position to place the new desktop
:return: Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Insert a desktop element in a menu structure. Only accepts desktop files
in default directories.
return efreet_menu_desktop_insert(, desktop.desktop, pos)
def desktop_remove(self, EfreetDesktop desktop):
:param desktop: The desktop to remove
:return: Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Remove a desktop element in a menu structure. Only accepts desktop files
in default directories.
return efreet_menu_desktop_remove(, desktop.desktop)
def dump(self, indent):
:param indent: The indent level to print the menu at
:return: Returns no value
Dumps the contents of the menu to the command line
# XXX: indent level?
efreet_menu_dump(, _cfruni(indent))
def menu_kde_legacy_init():
:return: Returns no value
Initialize legacy kde support. This function blocks while
the kde-config script is run.
# XXX: Returns an int?
def menu_file_set(file):
Override which file is used for menu creation
:param file: The file to use for menu creation
This file is only used if it exists, else the standard files will be used
for the menu.

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
from libc.string cimport const_char
from efl.efreet.efreet cimport Efreet_Uri
from efl cimport Eina_List
cdef extern from "Efreet_Trash.h":
int efreet_trash_init()
int efreet_trash_shutdown()
const_char *efreet_trash_dir_get(const_char *for_file)
int efreet_trash_delete_uri(Efreet_Uri *uri, int force_delete)
Eina_List *efreet_trash_ls()
int efreet_trash_is_empty()
int efreet_trash_empty_trash()

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
Contains the methods used to support the FDO trash specification.
from efl cimport eina_list_free, Eina_Stringshare, eina_stringshare_del
from efl.eo cimport convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list
from efl.eo cimport _ctouni, _cfruni
from efl.efreet.efreet cimport Uri
import atexit
def _shutdown():
"""Don't call this directly, it will be called when the module is exit."""
return bool(efreet_trash_shutdown())
def dir_get(for_file):
"""dir_get(unicode for_file) -> unicode
Retrieves the XDG Trash local directory
:return: The XDG Trash local directory or None on errors.
Return value must be freed with eina_stringshare_del.
cdef const_char *s = efreet_trash_dir_get(_cfruni(for_file))
ret = _ctouni(s)
return ret
def delete_uri(Uri uri, force_delete):
"""delete_uri(efl.efreet.EfreetUri uri, bool force_delete) -> bool
This function try to move the given uri to the trash. Files on different
filesystem can't be moved to trash. If force_delete is False than
non-local files will be ignored and -1 is returned, if you set
force_delete to True non-local files will be deleted without asking.
:param uri: The local uri to move in the trash
:param force_delete: If you set this to True than files on different
filesystems will be deleted permanently
:return: 1 on success, 0 on failure or -1 in case the uri is
not on the same filesystem and force_delete is not set.
return int(efreet_trash_delete_uri(uri.uri, force_delete))
def ls():
"""ls() -> list
List all the files and directory currently inside the trash.
:return: A list of strings with filename (remember to free the list
when you don't need anymore).
cdef Eina_List *lst = efreet_trash_ls()
ret = convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(lst)
return ret
def is_empty():
"""is_empty() -> bool
Check if the trash is currently empty
:return: True if the trash is empty or False if some file are in.
return bool(efreet_trash_is_empty())
def empty_trash():
"""empty_trash() -> bool
Delete all the files inside the trash.
:return: True on success or False on failure.
return bool(efreet_trash_empty_trash())

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@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from libc.string cimport strdup
from efl cimport eina_list_free
cdef class Uri(object):
Contains the methods used to support the FDO URI specification.
def __cinit__(self):
self.uri = <Efreet_Uri *>malloc(3 * sizeof(const_char *))
self.uri.protocol = NULL
self.uri.hostname = NULL
self.uri.path = NULL
def __init__(self, protocol = None, hostname = None, path = None):
if protocol is not None:
self.protocol = protocol
if hostname is not None:
self.hostname = hostname
if path is not None:
self.path = path
def __dealloc__(self):
def decode(cls, val):
"""decode(unicode val)
Read a single uri and return an EfreetUri. If there's no
hostname in the uri then the hostname parameter will be None. All
the uri escaped chars will be converted to normal.
cdef Uri ret
ret = cls.__new__(cls)
ret.uri = efreet_uri_decode(_cfruni(val))
return ret
def encode(self):
"""encode() -> unicode
Get the string representation of the given uri struct escaping
illegal characters.
.. note::
The resulting string will contain the protocol and the path but not
the hostname, as many apps can't handle it.
:param uri: Create an URI string from an Efreet_Uri struct
:return: The string representation of uri ``(ex: 'file:///home/my%20name')``
cdef const_char *s = efreet_uri_encode(self.uri)
ret = _ctouni(s)
return ret
property protocol:
"""The protocol used (usually 'file')"""
def __set__(self, value):
if self.uri.protocol != NULL:
self.uri.protocol = eina_stringshare_add(_cfruni(value))
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self.uri.protocol)
property hostname:
"""The name of the host, if any"""
def __set__(self, value):
if self.uri.hostname != NULL:
self.uri.hostname = eina_stringshare_add(_cfruni(value))
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self.uri.hostname)
property path:
"""The full file path without protocol nor host"""
def __set__(self, value):
if self.uri.path != NULL:
self.uri.path = eina_stringshare_add(_cfruni(value))
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self.uri.path)

View File

@ -86,19 +86,6 @@ else:
extra_link_args = evas_libs + eina_libs)
# Efreet
efreet_cflags, efreet_libs = pkg_config('Efreet', 'efreet', "1.7.99")
efreet_trash_cflags, efreet_trash_libs = pkg_config('EfreetTrash', 'efreet-trash', "1.7.99")
efreet_exts = [
Extension("efl.efreet.efreet", ["efl/efreet/efreet.pyx"]),
Extension("efl.efreet.trash", ["efl/efreet/trash.pyx"], extra_link_args = efreet_trash_libs),
for ext in efreet_exts:
ext.include_dirs = ['include/']
ext.extra_compile_args += efreet_cflags + eina_cflags
ext.extra_link_args += efreet_libs + eina_libs
modules += efreet_exts
# Ecore
ecore_cflags, ecore_libs = pkg_config('Ecore', 'ecore', "1.7.99")
efile_cflags, efile_libs = pkg_config('EcoreFile', 'ecore-file', "1.7.99")

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
import os
from efl.efreet.efreet import Uri
from efl.efreet import trash
import unittest
class TestEfreetTrash(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
protocol = "file"
hostname = "localhost"
f = self.f = "efreet_trash_test"
path = self.path = os.path.join("/tmp", f)
self.u = Uri(protocol, hostname, path)
open(path, "w").close()
def test_dir_get(self):
def test_delete_uri(self):
self.assertTrue(trash.delete_uri(self.u, True))
def test_ls(self):
trash.delete_uri(self.u, True)
self.assertEqual([0], self.f)
def test_is_empty(self):
trash.delete_uri(self.u, True)
def test_empty_trash(self):
trash.delete_uri(self.u, True)
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
from efl.efreet.efreet import Uri
import unittest
class TestEfreetUri(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.protocol = "file"
self.hostname = "localhost"
self.path = "/home/test"
self.uri = self.protocol + "://" + self.hostname + self.path
def test_default_constructor(self):
u = Uri(self.protocol, self.hostname, self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.protocol + "://" + u.hostname + u.path, self.uri)
def test_decode_constructor(self):
u = Uri.decode(self.protocol + "://" + self.hostname + self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.protocol + "://" + u.hostname + u.path, self.uri)
def test_encode(self):
u = Uri(self.protocol, self.hostname, self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.encode(), self.protocol + "://" + self.path)
def test_protocol(self):
u = Uri(self.protocol, self.hostname, self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.protocol, self.protocol)
u.protocol = self.protocol
self.assertEqual(u.protocol, self.protocol)
def test_hostname(self):
u = Uri(self.protocol, self.hostname, self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.hostname, self.hostname)
u.hostname = self.hostname
self.assertEqual(u.hostname, self.hostname)
def test_path(self):
u = Uri(self.protocol, self.hostname, self.path)
self.assertEqual(u.path, self.path)
u.path = self.path
self.assertEqual(u.path, self.path)
if __name__ == "__main__":