Removing eldbus stuff, we'll be using python-dbus integration for now.

This commit is contained in:
Kai Huuhko 2013-12-02 01:09:39 +02:00
parent c3a7334bcc
commit 50af0b86a5
12 changed files with 1 additions and 1867 deletions

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@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
cdef void eldbus_connection_event_cb(void *data, Eldbus_Connection *conn, void *event_info):
cdef void eldbus_connection_free_cb(void *data, const_void *deadptr):
cdef class Connection(object):
"""A connection object"""
cdef Eldbus_Connection *conn
def __init__(self, Eldbus_Connection_Type conn_type, private=False):
if not private:
Establish a connection to bus and integrate it with the ecore main
loop. If a connection of given type was already created before, its
reference counter is incremented and the connection is returned.
:param type: type of connection e.g ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SESSION,
:return: connection with bus
self.conn = eldbus_connection_get(conn_type)
Always create and establish a new connection to bus and integrate it with
the ecore main loop. Differently from eldbus_connection_get(), this function
guarantees to create a new connection to the D-Bus daemon and the connection
is not shared by any means.
:param type: type of connection e.g ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SESSION,
:return: connection with bus
self.conn = eldbus_private_connection_get(conn_type)
def ref(self):
Increment connection reference count.
# NOTE: returns Eldbus_Connection *
return self
def unref(self):
Decrement connection reference count.
If reference count reaches 0, the connection to bus will be dropped and all
its children will be invalidated.
def free_cb_add(self):
Add a callback function to be called when connection is freed
:param cb: callback to be called
:param data: data passed to callback
eldbus_connection_free_cb_add(self.conn, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_del(self):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_connection_free_cb_add().
eldbus_connection_free_cb_del(self.conn, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def data_set(self, key, data):
Set an attached data pointer to an object with a given string key.
:param key: to identify data
:param data: data that will be stored
eldbus_connection_data_set(self.conn, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def data_get(self, key):
Get data stored in connection.
:param key: key that identifies data
:return: pointer to data if found otherwise NULL
void *eldbus_connection_data_get(self.conn, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def data_del(self, key):
Del data stored in connection.
:param key: that identifies data
:return: pointer to data if found otherwise NULL
void *eldbus_connection_data_del(self.conn, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def event_callback_add(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when an event occurs of the
type passed.
eldbus_connection_event_callback_add(self.conn, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
def event_callback_del(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_connection_event_callback_add().
eldbus_connection_event_callback_del(self.conn, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
def send(self, msg, cb, cb_data, timeout):
Send a message.
:param msg: message that will be sent
:param cb: if msg is a method call a callback should be passed
to be executed when a response arrives
:param cb_data: data passed to callback
:param timeout: timeout in milliseconds, -1 to use default internal value or
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_connection_send(self.conn, Eldbus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
from libc.string cimport const_char
from enums cimport Eldbus_Connection_Type, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type, \
Eldbus_Object_Event_Type, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type
cdef extern from "Eldbus.h":
#define ELDBUS_FDO_BUS "org.freedesktop.DBus"
#define ELDBUS_FDO_PATH "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
#define ELDBUS_FDO_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
#define ELDBUS_FDO_INTERFACE_OBJECT_MANAGER "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
#define ELDBUS_FDO_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
#define ELDBUS_FDO_INTEFACE_PEER "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer"
#define ELDBUS_ERROR_PENDING_CANCELED "org.enlightenment.DBus.Canceled"
int eldbus_init()
int eldbus_shutdown()
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Free_Cb)(void *data, const_void *deadptr)
ctypedef _Eldbus_Connection Eldbus_Connection
ctypedef _Eldbus_Object Eldbus_Object
ctypedef _Eldbus_Proxy Eldbus_Proxy
ctypedef _Eldbus_Message Eldbus_Message
ctypedef _Eldbus_Message_Iter Eldbus_Message_Iter
ctypedef _Eldbus_Pending Eldbus_Pending
ctypedef _Eldbus_Signal_Handler Eldbus_Signal_Handler
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Message_Cb)(void *data, const_Eldbus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending)
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Signal_Cb)(void *data, const_Eldbus_Message *msg)
# eldbus_connection.h
#define ELDBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE ((int) 0x7fffffff)
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_connection_get(Eldbus_Connection_Type type)
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_private_connection_get(Eldbus_Connection_Type type)
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_connection_ref(Eldbus_Connection *conn) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_connection_unref(Eldbus_Connection *conn) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_connection_free_cb_add(Eldbus_Connection *conn, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_connection_free_cb_del(Eldbus_Connection *conn, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_connection_data_set(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void *eldbus_connection_data_get(const_Eldbus_Connection *conn, const char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void *eldbus_connection_data_del(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Connection_Event_Cb)(void *data, Eldbus_Connection *conn, void *event_info)
void eldbus_connection_event_callback_add(Eldbus_Connection *conn, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type type, EDBus_Connection_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
void eldbus_connection_event_callback_del(Eldbus_Connection *conn, Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type type, EDBus_Connection_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_connection_send(Eldbus_Connection *conn, EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
# eldbus_message.h
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_ref(Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_message_unref(Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
const_char *eldbus_message_path_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_message_interface_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_message_member_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_message_destination_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_message_sender_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_message_signature_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_method_call_new(const_char *dest, const char *path, const char *iface, const char *method) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3, 4) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_MALLOC
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_error_new(const_Eldbus_Message *msg, const char *error_name, const char *error_msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_method_return_new(const_Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_error_get(const_Eldbus_Message *msg, const char **name, const char **text) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_get(const_Eldbus_Message *msg, const char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_vget(const_Eldbus_Message *msg, const char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_append(Eldbus_Message *msg, const_char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_vappend(Eldbus_Message *msg, const_char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Message_Iter *eldbus_message_iter_container_new(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int type, const_char* contained_signature) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_basic_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int type, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_vappend(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_container_close(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, Eldbus_Message_Iter *sub) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Message_Iter *eldbus_message_iter_get(const_Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
void eldbus_message_iter_basic_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, void *value) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
char *eldbus_message_iter_signature_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_next(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_get_and_next(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, char type, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_fixed_array_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int signature, void *value, int *n_elements) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3, 4)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_vget(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_message_iter_del(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
# eldbus_message_helper.h
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Dict_Cb_Get)(void *data, const_void *key, Eldbus_Message_Iter *var)
void eldbus_message_iter_dict_iterate(Eldbus_Message_Iter *dict, const_char *signature, Eldbus_Dict_Cb_Get cb, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
# eldbus_message_eina_value.h
Eina_Value *eldbus_message_to_eina_value(const_Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Value *eldbus_message_iter_struct_like_to_eina_value(const_Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter)
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_from_eina_value(const_char *signature, Eldbus_Message *msg, const Eina_Value *value) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
# eldbus_signal_handler.h
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_signal_handler_add(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *sender, const char *path, const char *interface, const char *member, EDBus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 6)
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_signal_handler_ref(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_signal_handler_unref(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_signal_handler_del(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eina_Bool eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_set(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *sh, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_SENTINEL
Eina_Bool eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_vset(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *sh, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_signal_handler_free_cb_add(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_signal_handler_free_cb_del(Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_sender_get(const Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_path_get(const Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_interface_get(const Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_member_get(const Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_match_get(const Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_signal_handler_connection_get(const_Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
# eldbus_pending.h
void eldbus_pending_data_set(Eldbus_Pending *pending, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void *eldbus_pending_data_get(const_Eldbus_Pending *pending, const char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void *eldbus_pending_data_del(Eldbus_Pending *pending, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_pending_cancel(Eldbus_Pending *pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
const_char *eldbus_pending_destination_get(const Eldbus_Pending *pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_pending_path_get(const Eldbus_Pending *pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_pending_interface_get(const Eldbus_Pending *pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_pending_method_get(const Eldbus_Pending *pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
void eldbus_pending_free_cb_add(Eldbus_Pending *pending, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_pending_free_cb_del(Eldbus_Pending *pending, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
# eldbus_object.h
Eldbus_Object *eldbus_object_get(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, const char *path) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Object *eldbus_object_ref(Eldbus_Object *obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_object_unref(Eldbus_Object *obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_object_free_cb_add(Eldbus_Object *obj, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_object_free_cb_del(Eldbus_Object *obj, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Added:
const_char *interface;
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Removed:
const_char *interface;
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Changed:
const_char *interface
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy
const_char *name
const_Eina_Value *value
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Removed:
const_char *interface
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy
const_char *name
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Object_Event_Cb)(void *data, Eldbus_Object *obj, void *event_info)
void eldbus_object_event_callback_add(Eldbus_Object *obj, Eldbus_Object_Event_Type type, EDBus_Object_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
void eldbus_object_event_callback_del(Eldbus_Object *obj, Eldbus_Object_Event_Type type, EDBus_Object_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_object_connection_get(const_Eldbus_Object *obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_object_bus_name_get(const Eldbus_Object *obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_object_path_get(const Eldbus_Object *obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_send(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_object_signal_handler_add(Eldbus_Object *obj, const_char *interface, const char *member, EDBus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 4)
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_object_method_call_new(Eldbus_Object *obj, const_char *interface, const char *member) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
# eldbus_proxy.h
Eldbus_Proxy *eldbus_proxy_get(Eldbus_Object *obj, const_char *interface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Proxy *eldbus_proxy_ref(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_proxy_unref(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Object *eldbus_proxy_object_get(const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_proxy_interface_get(const Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
void eldbus_proxy_data_set(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void *eldbus_proxy_data_get(const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void *eldbus_proxy_data_del(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_proxy_free_cb_add(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_proxy_free_cb_del(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_proxy_method_call_new(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *member) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_send(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_call(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *member, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, double timeout, const char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 6)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_vcall(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *member, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, double timeout, const char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 6)
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *member, EDBus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Changed:
const_char *name;
const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
const_Eina_Value *value;
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Removed:
const_char *interface
const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy
const_char *name
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Cb)(void *data, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, void *event_info)
void eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type type, EDBus_Proxy_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
void eldbus_proxy_event_callback_del(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type type, EDBus_Proxy_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
# eldbus_freedesktop.h
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT 0x1 /**< Allow another service to become the primary owner if requested */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING 0x2 /**< Request to replace the current primary owner */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE 0x4 /**< If we can not become the primary owner do not place us in the queue */
# Replies to request for a name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER 1 /**< Service has become the primary owner of the requested name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_IN_QUEUE 2 /**< Service could not become the primary owner and has been placed in the queue */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_EXISTS 3 /**< Service is already in the queue */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER 4 /**< Service is already the primary owner */
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_request(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, unsigned int flags, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
# Replies to releasing a name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_RELEASED 1 /**< Service was released from the given name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_NON_EXISTENT 2 /**< The given name does not exist on the bus */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_NOT_OWNER 3 /**< Service is not an owner of the given name */
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_release(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_owner_get(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_owner_has(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_names_list(Eldbus_Connection *conn, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_names_activatable_list(Eldbus_Connection *conn, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
# Replies to service starts */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_START_REPLY_SUCCESS 1 /**< Service was auto started */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNING 2 /**< Service was already running */
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_start(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, unsigned int flags, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
ctypedef void (*Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb)(void *data, const_char *bus, const char *old_id, const char *new_id)
void eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_add(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, Eina_Bool allow_initial_call) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_del(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_peer_ping(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_peer_machine_id_get(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_introspect(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_proxy_properties_monitor(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eina_Bool enable) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_get(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_set(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name, const char *sig, const void *value, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3, 4)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_get_all(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_proxy_properties_changed_callback_add(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, EDBus_Signal_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Value *eldbus_proxy_property_local_get(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
const_Eina_Hash *eldbus_proxy_property_local_get_all(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_managed_objects_get(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
# eldbus_service.h
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Arg_Info:
const_char *signature
const_char *name
#define ELDBUS_ARGS(args...) (const_Eldbus_Arg_Info[]){ args, { NULL, NULL } }
ctypedef struct _Eldbus_Service_Interface Eldbus_Service_Interface
ctypedef Eldbus_Message * (*Eldbus_Method_Cb)(const_EDBus_Service_Interface *iface, const EDBus_Message *message)
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Eldbus_Property_Get_Cb)(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const char *propname, EDBus_Message_Iter *iter, const EDBus_Message *request_msg, EDBus_Message **error)
ctypedef Eldbus_Message *(*Eldbus_Property_Set_Cb)(const_EDBus_Service_Interface *iface, const char *propname, EDBus_Message_Iter *iter, const EDBus_Message *input_msg)
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Method:
const_char *member
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *in
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *out
Eldbus_Method_Cb cb
unsigned int flags
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Signal:
const_char *name
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *args
unsigned int flags
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Property:
const_char *name
const_char *type
Eldbus_Property_Get_Cb get_func
Eldbus_Property_Set_Cb set_func
unsigned int flags
ctypedef struct Eldbus_Service_Interface_Desc:
const_char *interface # interface name
const_Eldbus_Method *methods # array of the methods that should be registered in this interface, the last item of array should be filled with NULL
const_Eldbus_Signal *signals # array of signal that this interface send, the last item of array should be filled with NULL
const_Eldbus_Property *properties # array of property that this interface have, the last item of array should be filled with NULL
const_Eldbus_Property_Get_Cb default_get # default get function, if a property don't have a get function this will be used
const_Eldbus_Property_Set_Cb default_set # default set function, if a property don't have a set function this will be used
Eldbus_Service_Interface *eldbus_service_interface_register(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *path, const EDBus_Service_Interface_Desc *desc) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void eldbus_service_interface_unregister(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
void eldbus_service_object_unregister(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_service_connection_get(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
const_char *eldbus_service_object_path_get(const Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_signal_emit(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, unsigned int signal_id, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_service_signal_new(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, unsigned int signal_id) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_signal_send(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, Eldbus_Message *signal_msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
void eldbus_service_object_data_set(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
void *eldbus_service_object_data_get(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
void *eldbus_service_object_data_del(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_property_changed(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const char *name) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_property_invalidate_set(const_Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const char *name, Eina_Bool is_invalidate) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_object_manager_attach(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_object_manager_detach(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 various contributors (see AUTHORS)
# This file is part of Python-EFL.
# Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this Python-EFL. If not, see <>.
Eldbus is a wrapper around the
`dbus <>`_
library, which is a message bus system. It also implements a set of
specifications using dbus as interprocess communication.
from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUTF8String
def module_cleanup():
include "connection.pxi"
include "message.pxi"
include "signal_handler.pxi"
include "pending.pxi"
include "object.pxi"
include "proxy.pxi"
include "freedesktop.pxi"
include "service.pxi"

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
cdef extern from "Eldbus.h":
ctypedef enum Eldbus_Connection_Type:
ctypedef enum Eldbus_Connection_Event_Type:
ELDBUS_CONNECTION_EVENT_LAST # sentinel, not a real event type
ctypedef enum Eldbus_Object_Event_Type:
ELDBUS_OBJECT_EVENT_IFACE_ADDED # a parent path must have a ObjectManager interface
ELDBUS_OBJECT_EVENT_IFACE_REMOVED # a parent path must have a ObjectManager interface
ELDBUS_OBJECT_EVENT_LAST # sentinel, not a real event type
ctypedef enum Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type:
ELDBUS_PROXY_EVENT_LAST # sentinel, not a real event type

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT 0x1 /**< Allow another service to become the primary owner if requested */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING 0x2 /**< Request to replace the current primary owner */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE 0x4 /**< If we can not become the primary owner do not place us in the queue */
# Replies to request for a name
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER 1 /**< Service has become the primary owner of the requested name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_IN_QUEUE 2 /**< Service could not become the primary owner and has been placed in the queue */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_EXISTS 3 /**< Service is already in the queue */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER 4 /**< Service is already the primary owner */
def name_request(conn, bus, flags, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_request(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, unsigned int flags, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
# Replies to releasing a name
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_RELEASED 1 /**< Service was released from the given name */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_NON_EXISTENT 2 /**< The given name does not exist on the bus */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_RELEASE_REPLY_NOT_OWNER 3 /**< Service is not an owner of the given name */
def name_release(conn, bus, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_release(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def name_owner_get(conn, bus, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_owner_get(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def name_owner_has(conn, bus, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_owner_has(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data)
def names_list(conn, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_names_list(Eldbus_Connection *conn, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def names_activatable_list(conn, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_names_activatable_list(Eldbus_Connection *conn, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
# Replies to service starts
#define ELDBUS_NAME_START_REPLY_SUCCESS 1 /**< Service was auto started */
#define ELDBUS_NAME_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNING 2 /**< Service was already running */
def name_start(conn, bus, flags, cb, cb_data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_name_start(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, unsigned int flags, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
typedef void (*Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb)(void *data, const_char *bus, const char *old_id, const char *new_id);
def name_owner_changed_callback_add(conn, bus, cb, cb_data, allow_initial_call):
Add a callback to be called when unique id of a bus name changed.
This function implicitly calls eldbus_name_owner_get() in order to be able to
monitor the name. If the only interest is to receive notifications when the
name in fact changes, pass EINA_FALSE to @param allow_initial_call so your
callback will not be called on first retrieval of name owner. If the
initial state is important, pass EINA_TRUE to this parameter.
@param conn connection
@param bus name of bus
@param cb callback
@param cb_data context data
@param allow_initial_call allow call callback with actual id of the bus
void eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_add(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, Eina_Bool allow_initial_call) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def name_owner_changed_callback_del(conn, bus, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback added with eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_add().
@param conn connection
@param bus name of bus
@param cb callback
@param cb_data context data
void eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_del(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *bus, Eldbus_Name_Owner_Changed_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def object_peer_ping(obj, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_peer_ping(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def object_peer_machine_id_get(obj, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_peer_machine_id_get(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def object_introspect(obj, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_introspect(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def proxy_properties_monitor(proxy, enable):
Enable or disable local cache of properties.
After enable you can call eldbus_proxy_property_local_get() or
eldbus_proxy_property_local_get_all() to get cached properties.
@note After enable, it will asynchrony get the properties values.
void eldbus_proxy_properties_monitor(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, Eina_Bool enable) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def proxy_property_get(proxy, name, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_get(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def proxy_property_set(proxy, name, sig, value, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_set(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name, const char *sig, const void *value, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3, 4)
def proxy_property_get_add(proxy, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_property_get_all(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def proxy_properties_changed_callback_add(proxy, cb, data):
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_proxy_properties_changed_callback_add(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, EDBus_Signal_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def proxy_property_local_get(proxy, name):
Return the cached value of property.
This only work if you have enable eldbus_proxy_properties_monitor or
if you have call eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add of type
ELDBUS_PROXY_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGED and the property you want had changed.
Eina_Value *eldbus_proxy_property_local_get(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const_char *name) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def proxy_property_local_get_all(proxy):
Return a Eina_Hash with all cached properties.
This only work if you have enable eldbus_proxy_properties_monitor or
if you have call eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add of type
const_Eina_Hash *eldbus_proxy_property_local_get_all(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def object_managed_objects_get(obj, cb, data):
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_managed_objects_get(Eldbus_Object *obj, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)

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@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
cdef class Message(object):
cdef Eldbus_Message *msg
def ref(self):
Increase message reference.
# NOTE: returns Eldbus_Message *
return self
def unref(self):
Decrease message reference.
When refcount reaches zero the message and all its resources will be
property path:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_path_get(self.msg)
property interface:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_interface_get(self.msg)
property member:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_member_get(self.msg)
property destination:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_destination_get(self.msg)
property sender:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_sender_get(self.msg)
property signature:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_message_signature_get(self.msg)
def method_call_new(cls, dest, path, iface, method):
Create a new message to invoke a method on a remote object.
:param dest: bus name or unique id of the remote application
:param path: object path
:param iface: interface name
:param method: name of the method to be called
@return a new Eldbus_Message, free with eldbus_message_unref()
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_method_call_new(const_char *dest, const char *path, const char *iface, const char *method) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3, 4) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_MALLOC
def error_new(cls, msg, error_name, error_msg):
Create a new message that is an error reply to another message.
:param msg: the message we're replying to
:param error_name: the error name
:param error_msg: the error message string
@return a new Eldbus_Message, free with eldbus_message_unref()
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_error_new( const_Eldbus_Message *msg, const char *error_name, const char *error_msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def method_return_new(cls, msg):
Create a message that is a reply to a method call.
:param msg: the message we're replying to
@return new Eldbus_Message, free with eldbus_message_unref()
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_message_method_return_new( const_Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def error_get(self, name, text):
Get the error text and name from a Eldbus_Message.
If :param msg: is an error message return EINA_TRUE and fill in the name and
text of the error.
:param name: Variable in which to store the error name or @c NULL if it's not
:param text: Variable in which to store the error text or @c NULL if it's not
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_error_get(self.msg, const_char **name, const char **text) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def arguments_get(self, signature, *args):
Get the arguments from an Eldbus_Message
Get the arguments of an Eldbus_Message storing them in the locations pointed
to by the pointer arguments that follow :param signature:. Each pointer
argument must be of a type that is appropriate for the correspondent complete
type in :param signature:. For complex types such as arrays, structs,
dictionaries or variants, a pointer to Eldbus_Message_Iter* must be provided.
:param signature: The signature of the arguments user is expecting to read
@param ... The pointers in which to store the message arguments
@return EINA_TRUE if the arguments were read succesfully and stored in the
respective pointer arguments.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_get(self.msg, const_char *signature, ...)
def arguments_vget(self, signature):
Get the arguments from an Eldbus_Message using a va_list.
:param signature: The signature user is expecting to read from :param msg:.
:param ap: The va_list containing the pointer arguments.
@see eldbus_message_arguments_get()
@return EINA_TRUE if the arguments were read succesfully and stored in the
respective pointer arguments.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_vget(self.msg, const_char *signature, va_list ap)
def arguments_append(self, signature, *args):
Append arguments into an Eldbus_Message
Append arguments into an Eldbus_Message according to the :param signature:
provided. For each complete type in :param signature:, a value of the
corresponding type must be provided.
This function supports only basic types. For complex types use
eldbus_message_iter_* family of functions.
:param signature: Signature of the arguments that are being appended.
@param ... Values of each argument to append in :param msg:.
@return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_append(self.msg, const_char *signature, ...)
def arguments_vappend(self, signature, va_list_ap):
Append arguments into an Eldbus_Message using a va_list.
:param signature: Signature of the arguments that are being appended.
:param ap: The va_list containing the arguments to append.
@see eldbus_message_arguments_append().
@return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_arguments_vappend(self.msg, const_char *signature, va_list ap)
cdef class MessageIterator(object):
Create and append a typed iterator to another iterator.
After append data to returned iterator it must be closed calling
Container types are for example struct, variant, and array.
For variants, the contained_signature should be the type of the single
value inside the variant. For structs and dict entries, contained_signature
should be NULL; it will be set to whatever types you write into the struct.
For arrays, contained_signature should be the type of the array elements.
:param iter: parent of the new iterator
:param type: of iterator (e.g struct, dict, variant or array)
:param contained_signature: signature of what iterator will store
@return the new iterator
Eldbus_Message_Iter *eldbus_message_iter_container_new(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int type, const_char* contained_signature) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Append a basic type into an Eldbus_Iterator.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_basic_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int type, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
Append an argument into an Eldbus_Message_Iter. For each complete type
you need to provide the correspondent value. In case of complex types you
need to provide an Eldbus_Message_Iter** to be allocated and then filled in.
It's not possible to open two iterators at same iterator with this function.
For example, to create a message with signature="aiai" you need to create the
first container with eldbus_message_iter_container_new(), fill the array,
close it with eldbus_message_iter_container_close() and then do the same for
the second array.
:param iter: iterator in which data will be appended
:param signature: signature of the contained data
@param ... values for each complete type
@see eldbus_message_iter_container_new()
@see eldbus_message_iter_container_close()
@note This function doesn't support variant, use
eldbus_message_iter_container_new() instead to create the variant, fill
with data and close it.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Set data to Eldbus_Message_Iter. For each complete in signature
you need pass the value, in case of complex type a pointer to be allocated a
Eldbus_Message_Iter that you need fill and close.
It's not possible open two iterators at same Iterator. Example:
"aiai", to set this you need create and put the first array with
eldbus_message_iter_container_new() fill array with data and close then
you could open the second array with eldbus_message_iter_container_new().
:param iter: iterator
:param signature: of data
:param ap: va_list with the values
@note This function don't support variant, use instead
eldbus_message_iter_container_new() to create the variant fill
data and close it.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_vappend(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Closes a container-typed value appended to the message.
:param iter: parent of the sub-iterator
:param sub: the iterator that will be closed
@return EINA_FALSE if iterator was already close or if not enough memory
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_container_close(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, Eldbus_Message_Iter *sub) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Get the main Eldbus_Message_Iter from the Eldbus_Message.
Eldbus_Message_Iter *eldbus_message_iter_get( const_Eldbus_Message *msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Get a basic type from Eldbus_Iterator.
void eldbus_message_iter_basic_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, void *value) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Returns the current signature of a message iterator.
@note The returned string must be freed.
char *eldbus_message_iter_signature_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Moves the iterator to the next field, if any.
:param iter: iterator
@return if iterator was reach to end return EINA_FALSE
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_next(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
Get a complete type from Eldbus_Message_Iter if is not at the end
of iterator and move to next field.
Useful to iterate over arrays.
:param iter: iterator
:param type: of the next completed type in Iterator
@param ... pointer of where data will be stored
:param if: iterator was reach to end or if type different of the type that
iterator points return EINA_FALSE
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_get_and_next(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, char type, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
Reads a block of fixed-length values from the message iterator.
Fixed-length values are those basic types that are not string-like,
such as integers, bool, double. The returned block will be from the
current position in the array until the end of the array.
There is one exception here: although ELDBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD is considered a
'fixed' type arrays of this type may not be read with this function.
The value argument should be the address of a location to store the returned
array. So for int32 it should be a "const_dbus_int32_t**" The returned value
is by reference and should not be freed.
Because the array is not copied, this function runs in constant time and is
fast; it's much preferred over walking the entire array with an iterator.
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_fixed_array_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, int signature, void *value, int *n_elements) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3, 4)
Get data from Eldbus_Message_Iter, for each complete type must have
a pointer to store his value, in case of complex type a
Eldbus_Message_Iter will be need.
:param iter: iterator
:param signature: of the complete data types on interator
@param ... pointers of where data will be stored
@return EINA_FALSE if signature different from signature in iterator
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_get(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Get data from Eldbus_Message_Iter, for each complete type must have
a pointer to store his value, in case of complex type a
Eldbus_Message_Iter will be need.
:param iter: iterator
:param signature: of the complete data types on interator
:param ap: va_list of the pointers of where data will be stored
@return EINA_FALSE if signature different from signature in iterator
Eina_Bool eldbus_message_iter_arguments_vget(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const_char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
Manually delete the iterator.
Iterators are usually bound to the life of @ref Eldbus_Message
they were created from, being deleted automatically once the
message is deleted.
However when dealing with huge arrays or dicts it may become a
major memory impact to leave the unused iterators alive. By
calling this function one states the iterator is not used anymore
and can be deleted.
:param iter: the iterator to be deleted.
void eldbus_message_iter_del(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)

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@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
cdef void eldbus_object_event_cb(void *data, Eldbus_Object *obj, void *event_info):
cdef class Object(object):
cdef Eldbus_Object *obj
def __init__(self, Connection eldbus_conn not None, bus, path):
Get an object of the given bus and path.
:param conn: connection where object belongs
:param bus: name of bus or unique-id of who listens for calls of this object
:param path: object path of this object
if isinstance(bus, unicode): bus = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(bus)
if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path)
self.obj = eldbus_object_get(edbus_conn.conn, bus, path)
def ref(self):
Increase object reference.
# NOTE: Returns Eldbus_Object *
return self
def unref(self):
Decrease object reference.
If reference == 0 object will be freed and all its children.
def free_cb_add(self, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when object will be freed.
:param cb: callback that will be executed
:param data: passed to callback
eldbus_object_free_cb_add(self.obj, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_del(self, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_object_free_cb_add().
eldbus_object_free_cb_del(self.obj, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
typedef struct _Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Added
const_char *interface;
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
} Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Added;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Removed
const_char *interface;
} Eldbus_Object_Event_Interface_Removed;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Changed
const_char *interface;
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
const_char *name;
const_Eina_Value *value;
} Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Changed;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Removed
const_char *interface;
Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
const_char *name;
} Eldbus_Object_Event_Property_Removed;
def event_callback_add(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when an event of the specified
type occurs.
eldbus_object_event_callback_add(self.obj, Eldbus_Object_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Object_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
def event_callback_del(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_object_event_callback_add().
eldbus_object_event_callback_del(self.obj, Eldbus_Object_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Object_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
property connection:
def __get__(self):
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_object_connection_get(self.obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property bus_name:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_object_bus_name_get(self.obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property path:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_object_path_get(self.obj) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def send(self, msg, cb, cb_data, timeout):
Send a message.
:param msg: message that will be sent
:param cb: if msg is a method call a callback should be passed
to be executed when a response arrives
:param cb_data: data passed to callback
:param timeout: timeout in milliseconds, -1 to default internal value or
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_object_send(self.obj, Eldbus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def signal_handler_add(self, interface, member, cb, cb_data):
Add a signal handler.
:param obj: where the signal is emitted
:param interface: of the signal
:param member: name of the signal
:param cb: callback that will be called when this signal is received
:param cb_data: data that will be passed to callback
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_object_signal_handler_add(self.obj, const_char *interface, const char *member, Eldbus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 4)
def method_call_new(self, interface, member):
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_object_method_call_new(self.obj, const_char *interface, const char *member) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
cdef class Pending(object):
cdef Eldbus_Pending *pending
def data_set(self, key, data):
eldbus_pending_data_set(self.pending, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def data_get(self, key):
void *eldbus_pending_data_get(self.pending, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def data_del(self, key):
void *eldbus_pending_data_del(self.pending, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def cancel(self):
property destination:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_pending_destination_get(self.pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property path:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_pending_path_get(self.pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property interface:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_pending_interface_get(self.pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property method:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_pending_method_get(self.pending) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def free_cb_add(self, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when pending will be freed.
eldbus_pending_free_cb_add(self.pending, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_del(self, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_pending_free_cb_add().
eldbus_pending_free_cb_del(self.pending, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)

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@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
cdef class Proxy(object):
cdef Eldbus_Proxy *proxy
def __init__(self, Object eldbus_object not None, interface):
Get a proxy of the following interface name in a Eldbus_Object.
self.proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(edbus_object.obj, const_char *interface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def ref(self):
Increase proxy reference.
# NOTE: Returns Eldbus_Proxy *
return self
def unref(self):
Decrease proxy reference.
If reference == 0 proxy will be freed and all your children.
void eldbus_proxy_unref(self.proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
property object:
def __get__(self):
Eldbus_Object *eldbus_proxy_object_get(const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property interface:
const_char *eldbus_proxy_interface_get(const Eldbus_Proxy *proxy) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def data_set(self, key, data):
void eldbus_proxy_data_set(self.proxy, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def data_get(self, key):
void *eldbus_proxy_data_get(const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, const char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def data_del(self, key):
void *eldbus_proxy_data_del(self.proxy, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_add(self, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when occurs a event of the
type passed.
eldbus_proxy_free_cb_add(self.proxy, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_del(self, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_proxy_free_cb_add().
eldbus_proxy_free_cb_del(self.proxy, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def method_call_new(self, member):
Constructs a new message to invoke a method on a remote interface.
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_proxy_method_call_new(self.proxy, const_char *member) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def send(self, msg, cb, cb_data, timeout):
Send a message.
:param msg: message that will be send
:param cb: if msg is a method call a callback should be passed
:param cb_data: data passed to callback
:param timeout: timeout in milliseconds, -1 to default internal value or
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_send(self.proxy, Eldbus_Message *msg, EDBus_Message_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data, double timeout) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def call(self, member, cb, cb_data, timeout, signature, *args):
Call a method in proxy.
Send a method call to interface that proxy belong with data.
:param member: method name
:param cb: if msg is a method call a callback should be passed
to be execute when response arrive
:param cb_data: data passed to callback
:param timeout: timeout in milliseconds, -1 to default internal value or
:param signature: of data that will be send
@param ... data value
@note This function only support basic type to complex types use
eldbus_message_iter_* functions.
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_call(self.proxy, const_char *member, Eldbus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, double timeout, const char *signature, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 6)
def vcall(self, member, cb, cb_data, timeout, signature, ap):
Call a method in proxy.
Send a method call to interface that proxy belong with data.
:param member: method name
:param cb: callback that will be called when response arrive.
:param cb_data: data passed to callback
:param timeout: timeout in milliseconds, -1 to default internal value or
:param signature: of data that will be send
:param ap: va_list of data value
@note This function only support basic type to complex types use
eldbus_message_iter_* functions.
Eldbus_Pending *eldbus_proxy_vcall(self.proxy, const_char *member, Eldbus_Message_Cb cb, const void *cb_data, double timeout, const char *signature, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 6)
def signal_handler_add(self, member, cb, cb_data):
Add a signal handler.
:param proxy: interface where the signal is emitted
:param member: name of the signal
:param cb: callback that will be called when this signal is received
:param cb_data: data that will be passed to callback
Eldbus_Signal_Handler *eldbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(self.proxy, const_char *member, Eldbus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
typedef struct _Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Changed
const_char *name;
const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
const_Eina_Value *value;
} Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Changed;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Removed
const_char *interface;
const_Eldbus_Proxy *proxy;
const_char *name;
} Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Removed;
typedef void (*Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Cb)(void *data, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy, void *event_info);
def event_callback_add(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when occurs a event of the
type passed.
void eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add(self.proxy, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)
def event_callback_add(self, event_type, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add().
void eldbus_proxy_event_callback_del(self.proxy, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Type type, Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Cb cb, const_void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3)

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@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
typedef struct _Eldbus_Arg_Info
const_char *signature;
const_char *name;
} Eldbus_Arg_Info;
@brief Used to insert complete types to signature of methods or signals.
Example: ELDBUS_ARGS({"s", "interface"}, {"s", "property"})
The signature will be "ss" and each string will have a tag name on
introspect XML with the respective name.
#define ELDBUS_ARGS(args...) (const_Eldbus_Arg_Info[]){ args, { NULL, NULL } }
typedef struct _Eldbus_Service_Interface Eldbus_Service_Interface;
typedef Eldbus_Message * (*Eldbus_Method_Cb)(self.iface, const_EDBus_Message *message);
cdef Eina_Bool eldbus_property_get_cb(self.iface, const_char *propname, Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const Eldbus_Message *request_msg, EDBus_Message **error):
Callback function to append property value to message.
@param iface interface of property
@param propname name of property
@param iter variant iterator in which value must be appended
@param request_msg message that request property
@param error if a error happen you must set a message error to be send caller
@return EINA_TRUE if success
@note request_msg and error arguments are only different from NULL when a
client request a property with Properties.Get or Properties.GetAll. Upon
calls to eldbus_service_property_changed(), this callback will also be called.
It's a mistake to return an error in this case because if a property changed,
it must have a new value set and it should be able to be read.
cdef Eldbus_Message *eldbus_property_set_cb(self.iface, const_char *propname, Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, const EDBus_Message *input_msg):
Callback function to set property value from message.
@param iface interface of property
@param propname name of property
@param input_msg message call where you have to get value
@return Message of response, could be a simple method_return, error or NULL to send response later.
typedef struct _Eldbus_Method
const_char *member;
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *in;
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *out;
Eldbus_Method_Cb cb;
unsigned int flags;
} Eldbus_Method;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Signal
const_char *name;
const_Eldbus_Arg_Info *args;
unsigned int flags;
} Eldbus_Signal;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Property
const_char *name;
const_char *type;
Eldbus_Property_Get_Cb get_func;
Eldbus_Property_Set_Cb set_func;
unsigned int flags;
} Eldbus_Property;
typedef struct _Eldbus_Service_Interface_Desc
const_char *interface; /**< interface name */
const_Eldbus_Method *methods; /**< array of the methods that should be registered in this interface, the last item of array should be filled with NULL */
const_Eldbus_Signal *signals; /**< array of signal that this interface send, the last item of array should be filled with NULL */
const_Eldbus_Property *properties; /**< array of property that this interface have, the last item of array should be filled with NULL */
const_Eldbus_Property_Get_Cb default_get; /**< default get function, if a property don't have a get function this will be used */
const_Eldbus_Property_Set_Cb default_set; /**< default set function, if a property don't have a set function this will be used */
} Eldbus_Service_Interface_Desc;
cdef class ServiceInterface(object):
cdef Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface
def __init__(self, conn, path, desc):
@brief Register an interface in the given path and connection.
@param conn where the interface should listen
@param path object path
@param desc description of interface
@return Interface
self.iface = eldbus_service_interface_register(Eldbus_Connection *conn, const_char *path, const Eldbus_Service_Interface_Desc *desc) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def unregister(self):
@brief Unregister a interface.
If this is the last interface of the object path, the object path will be
removed too.
void eldbus_service_interface_unregister(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def object_unregister(self):
@brief Unregister all interfaces of the object path that this interface belongs
and the object path.
void eldbus_service_object_unregister(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
property connection:
def __get__(self):
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_service_connection_get(self.iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property path:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_service_object_path_get(self.iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def signal_emit(self, signal_id, *args):
@brief Emit a signal handler of the interface with non-complex types.
Each signal handler have a internal id, the first signal handler of
interface is = 0 the second = 1 and go on.
@param iface interface of the signal
@param signal_id id of signal
@param ... values that will be send on signal
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_signal_emit(self.iface, unsigned int signal_id, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def signal_new(self, signal_id):
@brief Create signal message.
Each signal handler have a internal id, the first signal handler of
interface is = 0 the second = 1 and go on.
This function is used when the signal has complex types.
@param iface interface of the signal
@param signal_id id of signal
Eldbus_Message *eldbus_service_signal_new(self.iface, unsigned int signal_id) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def signal_send(self, signal_msg):
@brief Send a signal message.
On success this will call eldbus_message_unref() on the @param signal_msg,
which is the intended behavior in 99% of the cases. Remember to increment
the refcount if you want to keep it alive.
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_signal_send(self.iface, Eldbus_Message *signal_msg) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def object_data_set(self, key, data):
@brief Store data at object path, this data can be obtained from all interfaces
of the same object.
@param iface interface that belong to the object path where data will
be stored
@param key to identify data
@param data
void eldbus_service_object_data_set(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const_char *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3)
def object_data_get(self, key):
@brief Get data stored in object path.
@param iface interface that belongs to the object path where data are stored
@param key that identify data
@return pointer to data if found otherwise NULL
void *eldbus_service_object_data_get(self.iface, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
def object_data_del(self, key):
@brief Del data stored in object path.
@param iface interface that belongs to the object path where data are stored
@param key that identify data
@return pointer to data if found otherwise NULL
void *eldbus_service_object_data_del(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface, const_char *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def property_changed(self, name):
@brief Add property to list of changed properties
A DBus.PropertiesChanged signal will be sent in an idler with all properties
that have changed.
@param iface Interface containing the changed property
@param name Property name
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_property_changed(self.iface, const_char *name) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def property_invalidate_set(self, name, is_invalidate):
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_property_invalidate_set(self.iface, const_char *name, Eina_Bool is_invalidate) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def object_manager_attach(self):
Attach ObjectManager interface.
@param iface ObjectManager will be attach in object path of this interface.
@return EINA_TRUE if success
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_object_manager_attach(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def object_manager_detach(self):
Detach ObjectManager interface.
@param iface ObjectManager of object path of this interface will be detach.
@return EINA_TRUE if success
Eina_Bool eldbus_service_object_manager_detach(Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
cdef class SignalHandler(object):
cdef Eldbus_Signal_Handler *handler
def __init__(self, Connection eldbus_conn not None, sender, path, interface, member, cb, cb_data):
Add a signal handler.
:param conn: connection where the signal is emitted
:param sender: bus name or unique id of where the signal is emitted
:param path: path of remote object
:param interface: that signal belongs
:param member: name of the signal
:param cb: callback that will be called when this signal is received
:param cb_data: data that will be passed to callback
self.handler = eldbus_signal_handler_add(edbus_conn.conn, const_char *sender, const char *path, const char *interface, const char *member, Eldbus_Signal_Cb cb, const void *cb_data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 6)
def ref(self):
Increase signal handler reference.
# NOTE: Returns Eldbus_Signal_Handler *
return self
def unref(self):
Decrease signal handler reference.
If reference == 0 signal handler will be freed.
def delete(self):
Decrease signal handler reference like eldbus_signal_handler_unref()
but if reference > 0 this signal handler will stop listening to signals. In other
words it will be canceled but memory will not be freed.
def match_extra_set(self, *args):
Add extra argument in match of signal handler to obtain specifics signals.
eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_set(sh, "arg0", "org.bansheeproject.Banshee", "arg1", "", NULL);
With this extra arguments this signal handler callback only will be called
when Banshee is started.
@note For now only argX is supported.
:param sh: signal handler
:param ...: variadic of key and value and must be ended with a NULL
@note For more information:
Eina_Bool eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_set(self.handler, ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_SENTINEL
def match_extra_vset(self, ap):
Add extra argument in match of signal handler to obtain specifics signals.
eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_set(sh, "arg0", "org.bansheeproject.Banshee", "arg1", "", NULL);
With this extra arguments this signal handler callback only will be called
when Banshee is started.
@note For now is only supported argX.
:param sh: signal handler
:param ap: va_list with the keys and values, must be ended with a NULL
@note To information:
Eina_Bool eldbus_signal_handler_match_extra_vset(self.handler, va_list ap) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
def free_cb_add(self, cb, cb_data):
Add a callback function to be called when signal handler will be freed.
void eldbus_signal_handler_free_cb_add(self.handler, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
def free_cb_del(self, cb, cb_data):
Remove callback registered in eldbus_signal_handler_free_cb_add().
void eldbus_signal_handler_free_cb_del(self.handler, Eldbus_Free_Cb cb, const_void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2)
property sender:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_sender_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property path:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_path_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property interface:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_interface_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property member:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_member_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property match:
def __get__(self):
const_char *eldbus_signal_handler_match_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
property connection:
def __get__(self):
Eldbus_Connection *eldbus_signal_handler_connection_get(self.handler) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT

View File

@ -155,15 +155,6 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
extra_link_args = emotion_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
# === Eldbus ===
# eldbus_cflags, eldbus_libs = pkg_config('Eldbus', 'eldbus', "1.7.99")
# pydbus_cflags, pydbus_libs = pkg_config('dbus-python', 'dbus-python')
# eldbus_ext = Extension("eldbus", ["efl/eldbus/eldbus"+module_suffix],
# include_dirs = ['include/'],
# extra_compile_args = eldbus_cflags + pydbus_cflags + ecore_cflags,
# extra_link_args = eldbus_libs)
# modules.append(eldbus_ext)
# === dbus mainloop integration ===
dbus_cflags, dbus_libs = pkg_config('DBus', 'dbus-python', "0.83.0")
dbus_ml_ext = Extension("dbus_mainloop",
@ -202,7 +193,7 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):