Detect installed libs and produce bindings as needed.

This commit is contained in:
Kai Huuhko 2013-12-02 21:59:33 +02:00
parent 7a3883f5e2
commit d6c145325c
1 changed files with 134 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from distutils.version import StrictVersion
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# === Sphinx ===
from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc
@ -35,9 +36,11 @@ def pkg_config(name, require, min_vers=None):
sys.stdout.write("OK, found " + ver + "\n")
return (cflags, libs)
except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
raise SystemExit("Failed to find " + name + " with 'pkg-config'. Please make sure that it is installed and available on your system path.")
print("Did not find " + name + " with 'pkg-config'.")
return None
except (AssertionError):
raise SystemExit("Failed to match version. Found: " + ver + " Needed: " + min_vers)
print(name + " version mismatch. Found: " + ver + " Needed: " + min_vers)
return None
# use cython or pre-generated c files
@ -83,12 +86,27 @@ class CleanGenerated(Command):
modules = []
packages = ["efl"]
package_dirs = {}
if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
# === Eina ===
eina_pkg_config = pkg_config('Eina', 'eina', "1.7.99")
if eina_pkg_config is None:
raise SystemExit("Eina required but not found!")
eina_cflags, eina_libs = eina_pkg_config
# === Eo ===
eo_cflags, eo_libs = pkg_config('Eo', 'eo', "1.7.99")
eina_cflags, eina_libs = pkg_config('Eina', 'eina', "1.7.99")
eo_pkg_config = pkg_config('Eo', 'eo', "1.7.99")
if eo_pkg_config is None:
raise SystemExit("Eo required but not found!")
eo_cflags, eo_libs = eo_pkg_config
eo_ext = Extension("eo", ["efl/eo/efl.eo"+module_suffix],
define_macros = [('EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT', None)],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
@ -96,49 +114,81 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
extra_link_args = eo_libs + eina_libs)
# === Utilities ===
utils_ext = [
Extension("utils.deprecated", ["efl/utils/deprecated"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = eo_cflags,
extra_link_args = eo_libs + eina_libs),
extra_compile_args = eina_cflags,
extra_link_args = eina_libs),
Extension("utils.conversions", ["efl/utils/conversions"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = eo_cflags,
extra_link_args = eo_libs + eina_libs),
Extension("utils.logger", ["efl/utils/logger"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = eo_cflags,
extra_link_args = eo_libs + eina_libs),
extra_compile_args = eina_cflags,
extra_link_args = eina_libs),
modules += utils_ext
# === Evas ===
evas_cflags, evas_libs = pkg_config('Evas', 'evas', "1.7.99")
evas_pkg_config = pkg_config('Evas', 'evas', "1.7.99")
if evas_pkg_config is not None:
evas_cflags, evas_libs = evas_pkg_config
evas_ext = Extension("evas", ["efl/evas/efl.evas"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = evas_cflags,
extra_link_args = evas_libs + eina_libs)
# compatibility
package_dirs["evas"] = "compat/evas"
# === Ecore ===
ecore_cflags, ecore_libs = pkg_config('Ecore', 'ecore', "1.7.99")
efile_cflags, efile_libs = pkg_config('EcoreFile', 'ecore-file', "1.7.99")
ecore_pkg_config = pkg_config('Ecore', 'ecore', "1.7.99")
ecore_file_pkg_config = pkg_config('EcoreFile', 'ecore-file', "1.7.99")
if ecore_pkg_config is not None and ecore_file_pkg_config is not None:
ecore_cflags, ecore_libs = ecore_pkg_config
ecore_file_cflags, ecore_file_libs = ecore_file_pkg_config
ecore_ext = Extension("ecore", ["efl/ecore/efl.ecore"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = ecore_cflags + efile_cflags,
extra_link_args = ecore_libs + efile_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
extra_compile_args = ecore_cflags + ecore_file_cflags,
extra_link_args = ecore_libs + ecore_file_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
# compatibility
package_dirs["ecore"] = "compat/ecore"
# === Edje ===
edje_cflags, edje_libs = pkg_config('Edje', 'edje', "1.7.99")
edje_pkg_config = pkg_config('Edje', 'edje', "1.7.99")
if edje_pkg_config is not None:
edje_cflags, edje_libs = edje_pkg_config
edje_ext = Extension("edje", ["efl/edje/efl.edje"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = edje_cflags,
extra_link_args = edje_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
# compatibility
package_dirs["edje"] = "compat/edje"
# === Edje_Edit ===
# edje_edit_ext = Extension("edje_edit", ["efl/edje/efl.edje_edit"+module_suffix],
# define_macros = [('EDJE_EDIT_IS_UNSTABLE_AND_I_KNOW_ABOUT_IT', None)],
@ -147,16 +197,31 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
# extra_link_args = edje_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
# modules.append(edje_edit_ext)
# Emotion
emotion_cflags, emotion_libs = pkg_config('Emotion', 'emotion', "1.7.99")
emotion_pkg_config = pkg_config('Emotion', 'emotion', "1.7.99")
if emotion_pkg_config is not None and evas_pkg_config is not None:
emotion_cflags, emotion_libs = emotion_pkg_config
emotion_ext = Extension("emotion", ["efl/emotion/efl.emotion"+module_suffix],
include_dirs = ['include/'],
extra_compile_args = emotion_cflags,
extra_link_args = emotion_libs + eina_libs + evas_libs)
# compatibility
package_dirs["emotion"] = "compat/emotion"
# === dbus mainloop integration ===
dbus_cflags, dbus_libs = pkg_config('DBus', 'dbus-python', "0.83.0")
dbus_pkg_config = pkg_config('DBus', 'dbus-python', "0.83.0")
if dbus_pkg_config is not None and ecore_pkg_config is not None:
dbus_cflags, dbus_libs = dbus_pkg_config
dbus_ml_ext = Extension("dbus_mainloop",
@ -164,6 +229,11 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
extra_link_args = dbus_libs + ecore_libs)
# compatibility
package_dirs["e_dbus"] = "compat/e_dbus"
# === Elementary ===
elm_mods = (
@ -239,7 +309,10 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
elm_cflags, elm_libs = pkg_config('Elementary', 'elementary', "1.7.99")
elm_pkg_config = pkg_config('Elementary', 'elementary', "1.7.99")
if elm_pkg_config is not None and evas_pkg_config is not None:
elm_cflags, elm_libs = elm_pkg_config
for m in elm_mods:
e = Extension(
@ -253,10 +326,10 @@ if set(("build", "build_ext", "install", "bdist", "sdist")) & set(sys.argv):
# compatibility
package_dirs["elementary"] = "compat/elementary"
# === Compatibility ===
compat_packages = ["e_dbus", "ecore", "edje", "elementary", "emotion", "evas"]
packages += compat_packages
name = "python-efl",
@ -276,14 +349,7 @@ setup(
'build_doc': BuildDoc,
'clean_generated_files': CleanGenerated
package_dir = {
"e_dbus": "compat/e_dbus",
"ecore": "compat/ecore",
"edje": "compat/edje",
"elementary": "compat/elementary",
"emotion": "compat/emotion",
"evas": "compat/evas",
package_dir = package_dirs,
packages = packages,
ext_package = "efl", # The prefix for ext modules/packages
ext_modules = cythonize(modules, include_path=["include"]),