# Copyright (C) 2007-2015 various contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This file is part of Python-EFL. # # Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this Python-EFL. If not, see . # from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUTF8String, PyMem_Malloc, Py_DECREF, Py_INCREF from libc.string cimport memcpy, strdup from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t from efl.evas cimport Object as evasObject from efl.utils.conversions cimport _touni, _ctouni, \ python_list_strings_to_eina_list, eina_list_strings_to_python_list from efl.utils.logger cimport add_logger from efl.eina cimport EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG, EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO, \ EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN, EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR, EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT from efl.ecore cimport Event, EventHandler, _event_mapping_register import sys import traceback import atexit include "elementary_cdef.pxi" elm_log = add_logger("efl.elementary") cdef int PY_EFL_ELM_LOG_DOMAIN = elm_log.eina_log_domain cdef class ConfigAllChanged(Event): cdef int _set_obj(self, void *o) except 0: return 1 def __repr__(self): return "<%s()>" % (self.__class__.__name__,) cdef class PolicyChanged(Event): cdef: public unsigned int policy public int new_value public int old_value cdef int _set_obj(self, void *o) except 0: cdef Elm_Event_Policy_Changed *obj obj = o self.policy = obj.policy self.new_value = obj.new_value self.old_value = obj.old_value return 1 def __repr__(self): return "<%s(policy=%d, new_value=%d, old_value=%d)>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.policy, self.new_value, self.old_value) cdef class ProcessBackground(Event): cdef int _set_obj(self, void *o) except 0: return 1 def __repr__(self): return "<%s()>" % (self.__class__.__name__,) cdef class ProcessForeground(Event): cdef int _set_obj(self, void *o) except 0: return 1 def __repr__(self): return "<%s()>" % (self.__class__.__name__,) def init(): """Initialize Elementary :return int: The init counter value. This function initializes Elementary and increments a counter of the number of calls to it. It returns the new counter's value. .. versionchanged:: 1.14 The Python module calls this function when it is imported so you should no longer have any need to call this manually. Calling it does not carry any penalty though. """ EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(PY_EFL_ELM_LOG_DOMAIN, "Initializing efl.elementary", NULL) # FIXME: Why are we passing the cl args to elm_init here? cdef: int argc, i, arg_len char **argv char *arg int ret argc = len(sys.argv) argv = PyMem_Malloc(argc * sizeof(char *)) for i in range(argc): t = sys.argv[i] if isinstance(t, unicode): t = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(t) arg = t arg_len = len(arg) argv[i] = PyMem_Malloc(arg_len + 1) memcpy(argv[i], arg, arg_len + 1) return elm_init(argc, argv) def shutdown(): """Shut down Elementary :return int: The init counter value. This should be called at the end of your application, just before it ceases to do any more processing. This will clean up any permanent resources your application may have allocated via Elementary that would otherwise persist. .. note:: shutdown() will iterate main loop until all ecore_evas are freed. There is a possibility to call your ecore callbacks(timer, animator, event, job, and etc.) in shutdown() .. versionchanged:: 1.14 The Python module calls this function when it is exiting so you should no longer have any need to call this manually. Calling it does not carry any penalty though. """ EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(PY_EFL_ELM_LOG_DOMAIN, "Shutting down efl.elementary", NULL) return elm_shutdown() init() atexit.register(shutdown) _event_mapping_register(ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED, ConfigAllChanged) _event_mapping_register(ELM_EVENT_POLICY_CHANGED, PolicyChanged) _event_mapping_register(ELM_EVENT_PROCESS_BACKGROUND, ProcessBackground) _event_mapping_register(ELM_EVENT_PROCESS_FOREGROUND, ProcessForeground) cdef void py_elm_sys_notify_send_cb(void *data, unsigned int id): cdef object func, func_data func, func_data = data # FIXME: Is this cb called more than once? Py_DECREF if not. try: func(func_data, id) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def on_ethumb_connect(func, *args, **kwargs): """Use this to set a handler for the ethumb connect event. .. versionadded:: 1.14 """ return EventHandler(ELM_ECORE_EVENT_ETHUMB_CONNECT, func, *args, **kwargs) def on_config_all_changed(func, *args, **kwargs): """Use this to set a handler for the config all changed event. Emitted when the application has reconfigured elementary settings due to an external configuration tool asking it to. .. versionadded:: 1.14 """ return EventHandler(ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED, func, *args, **kwargs) def on_policy_changed(func, *args, **kwargs): """Use this to set a handler for the policy changed event. Emitted when any Elementary's policy value is changed. .. versionadded:: 1.14 """ return EventHandler(ELM_EVENT_POLICY_CHANGED, func, *args, **kwargs) def on_process_background(func, *args, **kwargs): """Use this to set a handler for the process background event. Emitted when nothing is visible and the process as a whole should go into a background state. .. versionadded:: 1.14 """ return EventHandler(ELM_EVENT_PROCESS_BACKGROUND, func, *args, **kwargs) def on_process_foreground(func, *args, **kwargs): """Use this to set a handler for the process foreground event. Emitted when going from nothing being visible to at least one window being visible. .. versionadded:: 1.14 """ return EventHandler(ELM_EVENT_PROCESS_FOREGROUND, func, *args, **kwargs) def on_sys_notify_notification_closed(func, *args, **kargs): return EventHandler( ELM_EVENT_SYS_NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION_CLOSED, func, *args, **kargs ) def on_sys_notify_action_invoked(func, *args, **kargs): return EventHandler( ELM_EVENT_SYS_NOTIFY_ACTION_INVOKED, func, *args, **kargs ) cdef class FontProperties(object): """Elementary font properties""" cdef Elm_Font_Properties *efp property name: """:type: unicode""" def __set__(self, value): if isinstance(value, unicode): value = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(value) self.efp.name = value def __get__(self): return _ctouni(self.efp.name) property styles: """:type: list of strings""" def __set__(self, value): self.efp.styles = python_list_strings_to_eina_list(value) def __get__(self): return eina_list_strings_to_python_list(self.efp.styles) def run(): """Run Elementary's main loop This call should be issued just after all initialization is completed. This function will not return until exit() is called. It will keep looping, running the main (event/processing) loop for Elementary. """ EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(PY_EFL_ELM_LOG_DOMAIN, "Starting up main loop.", NULL) with nogil: elm_run() def exit(): """Ask to exit Elementary's main loop If this call is issued, it will flag the main loop to cease processing and return back to its parent function (usually your elm_main() function). This does not mean the main loop instantly quits. So your ecore callbacks(timer, animator, event, job, and etc.) have chances to be called even after exit(). .. note:: By using the appropriate :attr:`ELM_POLICY_QUIT` on your Elementary applications, you'll be able to get this function called automatically for you. """ EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(PY_EFL_ELM_LOG_DOMAIN, "Ending main loop.", NULL) elm_exit() def policy_set(Elm_Policy policy, value): """Set new policy value. This will emit the ecore event ``ELM_EVENT_POLICY_CHANGED`` in the main loop giving the event information Elm_Event_Policy_Changed with policy identifier, new and old values. :param policy: policy identifier as in Elm_Policy. :type policy: :ref:`Elm_Policy` :param value: policy value, depends on identifiers, usually there is an enumeration with the same prefix as the policy name, for example: ELM_POLICY_QUIT and Elm_Policy_Quit (ELM_POLICY_QUIT_NONE, ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_CLOSED). :type value: :ref:`Elm_Policy_Quit` :return: True on success or False on error (right now just invalid policy identifier, but in future policy value might be enforced). """ # TODO: add a function for setting a callback for the event described above return bool(elm_policy_set(policy, value)) def policy_get(Elm_Policy policy): """Gets the policy value set for given identifier. :param policy: policy identifier as in Elm_Policy. :type policy: :ref:`Elm_Policy` :return: policy value. Will be 0 if policy identifier is invalid. :rtype: :ref:`Elm_Policy_Quit` """ return elm_policy_get(policy) def process_state_get(): """Get the process state as a while. The process may logically be some runnable state. a "foreground" application runs as normal and may be user-visible or "active" in some way. A background application is not user-visible or otherwise important and likely should release resources and not wake up often or process much. :return: The current process state :rtype: :ref:`Elm_Process_State` .. versionadded:: 1.12 """ return elm_process_state_get() def coords_finger_size_adjust(int times_w, int w, int times_h, int h): """Adjust size of an element for finger usage. :param times_w: How many fingers should fit horizontally :type times_w: int :param w: Width size to adjust :type w: int :param times_h: How many fingers should fit vertically :type times_h: int :param h: Height size to adjust :type h: int :return: The adjusted width and height :rtype: (int **w**, int **h**) This takes width and height sizes (in pixels) as input and a size multiple (which is how many fingers you want to place within the area, being "finger" the size set by elm_config_finger_size_set()), and adjusts the size to be large enough to accommodate the resulting size -- if it doesn't already accommodate it. .. note:: This is kind of low level Elementary call, most useful on size evaluation times for widgets. An external user wouldn't be calling, most of the time. """ cdef Evas_Coord width = w, height = h elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(times_w, &width, times_h, &height) return (width, height) def language_set(lang not None): """Change the language of the current application The ``lang`` passed must be the full name of the locale to use, for example ``en_US.utf8`` or ``es_ES@euro``. Changing language with this function will make Elementary run through all its widgets, translating strings set with elm_object_domain_translatable_part_text_set(). This way, an entire UI can have its language changed without having to restart the program. For more complex cases, like having formatted strings that need translation, widgets will also emit a "language,changed" signal that the user can listen to and manually translate the text. :param lang: Language to set, must be the full name of the locale """ if isinstance(lang, unicode): lang = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(lang) elm_language_set(lang) def cache_all_flush(): """Frees all data that was in cache and is not currently being used to reduce memory usage. This frees Edje's, Evas' and Eet's cache. .. note:: Evas caches are flushed for every canvas associated with a window. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ elm_cache_all_flush() def font_properties_get(font not None): """Translate a font (family) name string in fontconfig's font names syntax into a FontProperties object. :param font: The font name and styles string :return: the font properties object .. note:: The reverse translation can be achieved with :py:func:`font_fontconfig_name_get`, for one style only (single font instance, not family). .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ if isinstance(font, unicode): font = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(font) cdef FontProperties ret = FontProperties.__new__() ret.efp = elm_font_properties_get(font) return ret def font_properties_free(FontProperties fp): """Free font properties return by font_properties_get(). :param fp: the font properties struct .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ elm_font_properties_free(fp.efp) Py_DECREF(fp) def font_fontconfig_name_get(font_name, style = None): """Translate a font name, bound to a style, into fontconfig's font names syntax. :param font_name: The font (family) name :param style: The given style (may be None) :return: the font name and style string .. note:: The reverse translation can be achieved with :py:func:`font_properties_get`, for one style only (single font instance, not family). .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ cdef: unicode ret char *fc_name if isinstance(font_name, unicode): font_name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(font_name) if isinstance(style, unicode): style = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(style) fc_name = elm_font_fontconfig_name_get( font_name, style if style is not None else NULL ) ret = _touni(fc_name) elm_font_fontconfig_name_free(fc_name) return ret # TODO: Create an Eina_Hash -> dict conversion function for this # def font_available_hash_add(list): # """Create a font hash table of available system fonts. # One must call it with ``list`` being the return value of # evas_font_available_list(). The hash will be indexed by font # (family) names, being its values ``Elm_Font_Properties`` blobs. # :param list: The list of available system fonts, as returned by # evas_font_available_list(). # :return: the font hash. # .. note:: The user is supposed to get it populated at least with 3 # default font families (Sans, Serif, Monospace), which should be # present on most systems. # """ # EAPI Eina_Hash *elm_font_available_hash_add(Eina_List *list) # """Free the hash returned by elm_font_available_hash_add(). # :param hash: the hash to be freed. # """ # elm_font_available_hash_del(Eina_Hash *hash) def object_tree_dump(evasObject top): """Print Tree object hierarchy in stdout :param top: The root object .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ elm_object_tree_dump(top.obj) def object_tree_dot_dump(evasObject top, path): """Print Elm Objects tree hierarchy in file as dot(graphviz) syntax. :param top: The root object :param path: The path of output file .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path) elm_object_tree_dot_dump(top.obj, path) def sys_notify_close(unsigned int id): """Causes a notification to be forcefully closed and removed from the user's view. It can be used, for example, in the event that what the notification pertains to is no longer relevant, or to cancel a notification * with no expiration time. :param id: Notification id .. note:: If the notification no longer exists, an empty D-BUS Error message is sent back. .. versionadded:: 1.10 """ elm_sys_notify_close(id) def sys_notify_send( unsigned int replaces_id=0, icon=None, summary=None, body=None, Elm_Sys_Notify_Urgency urgency=ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL, int timeout=-1, cb=None, cb_data=None ): """Sends a notification to the notification server. :param replaces_id: Notification ID that this notification replaces. The value 0 means a new notification. :param icon: The optional program icon of the calling application. :param summary: The summary text briefly describing the notification. :param body: The optional detailed body text. Can be empty. :param urgency: The urgency level. :param timeout: Timeout display in milliseconds. :param cb: Callback used to retrieve the notification id return by the Notification Server. :param cb_data: Optional context data .. versionadded:: 1.10 """ if cb is not None: if not callable(cb): raise TypeError("cb must be callable") py_cb_data = (cb, cb_data) Py_INCREF(py_cb_data) if isinstance(icon, unicode): icon = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(icon) if isinstance(summary, unicode): summary = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(summary) if isinstance(body, unicode): body = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(body) elm_sys_notify_send( replaces_id, icon if icon is not None else NULL, summary if summary is not None else NULL, body if body is not None else NULL, urgency, timeout, py_elm_sys_notify_send_cb if cb is not None else NULL, py_cb_data if cb is not None else NULL ) from cpython cimport PyObject_GetBuffer, PyBuffer_Release, PyBUF_SIMPLE, \ PyObject_CheckBuffer from efl.utils.deprecated cimport DEPRECATED from efl.utils.conversions cimport * from efl.eo cimport Eo, object_from_instance from efl.evas cimport SmartObject, EventKeyDown, EventKeyUp, EventMouseWheel from datetime import date, datetime cdef object _cb_string_conv(void *addr): return _ctouni(addr) if addr is not NULL else None cdef object _cb_object_item_conv(void *addr): return _object_item_to_python(addr) #include "access.pxi" include "actionslider.pxi" include "background.pxi" include "box.pxi" include "bubble.pxi" include "button.pxi" include "calendar.pxi" include "check.pxi" include "clock.pxi" include "colorselector.pxi" include "configuration.pxi" include "conformant.pxi" include "ctxpopup.pxi" include "datetime.pxi" include "dayselector.pxi" include "diskselector.pxi" include "entry.pxi" include "fileselector.pxi" include "fileselector_button.pxi" include "fileselector_entry.pxi" include "flip.pxi" include "flipselector.pxi" include "frame.pxi" #include "general.pxi" include "gengrid.pxi" include "genlist.pxi" include "gesture_layer.pxi" #include "glview.pxi" include "grid.pxi" include "hover.pxi" include "hoversel.pxi" include "icon.pxi" include "image.pxi" include "index.pxi" include "innerwindow.pxi" include "label.pxi" #include "layout_class.pxi" include "layout.pxi" include "list.pxi" include "map.pxi" include "mapbuf.pxi" include "menu.pxi" include "multibuttonentry.pxi" include "naviframe.pxi" include "need.pxi" include "notify.pxi" include "object.pxi" include "object_item.pxi" include "panel.pxi" include "panes.pxi" include "photo.pxi" include "photocam.pxi" include "plug.pxi" include "popup.pxi" include "progressbar.pxi" include "radio.pxi" include "scroller.pxi" include "segment_control.pxi" include "separator.pxi" include "slider.pxi" include "slideshow.pxi" include "spinner.pxi" #include "store.pxi" include "systray.pxi" include "table.pxi" include "theme.pxi" include "thumb.pxi" include "toolbar.pxi" include "transit.pxi" include "video.pxi" include "web.pxi" include "window.pxi"