:mod:`efl.emotion` Module ============================ .. module:: efl.emotion What is Emotion? ---------------- Emotion is a media object library for Evas and Ecore. Emotion is a library that allows playing audio and video files, using one of its backends (gstreamer, xine, vlc or generic shm player). It is integrated into Ecore through its mainloop, and is transparent to the user of the library how the decoding of audio and video is being done. Once the objects are created, the user can set callbacks to the specific events and set options to this object, all in the main loop (no threads are needed). Emotion is also integrated with Evas. The emotion object returned by emotion_object_add() is an Evas smart object, so it can be manipulated with default Evas object functions. Callbacks can be added to the signals emitted by this object with evas_object_smart_callback_add(). The Emotion library uses Evas smart objects to allow you to manipulate the created object as any other Evas object, and to connect to its signals, handling them when needed. It's also possible to swallow Emotion objects inside Edje themes, and expect it to behave as a normal image or rectangle when regarding to its dimensions. How to use the Emotion object ----------------------------- Emotion provides an Evas smart object that allows to play, control and display a video or audio file. The API is synchronous but not everything happens immediately. There are also some signals to report changed states. Basically, once the object is created and initialized, a file will be set to it, and then it can be resized, moved, and controlled by other Evas object functions. However, the decoding of the music and video occurs not in the Ecore main loop, but usually in another thread (this depends on the module being used). The synchronization between this other thread and the main loop not visible to the end user of the library. The user can just register callbacks to the available signals to receive information about the changed states, and can call other functions from the API to request more changes on the current loaded file. There will be a delay between an API being called and it being really executed, since this request will be done in the main thread, and it needs to be sent to the decoding thread. For this reason, always call functions like emotion_object_size_get() or emotion_object_length_get() after some signal being sent, like "playback_started" or "open_done". .. rubric:: Available signals The Evas_Object returned by emotion_object_add() has a number of signals that can be listened to using evas' smart callbacks mechanism. The following is a list of interesting signals: - ``playback_started`` Emitted when the playback starts - ``playback_finished`` Emitted when the playback finishes - ``frame_decode`` Emitted every time a frame is decoded - ``frame_resize`` Emitted when the frame change its size - ``open_done`` Emitted when the media file is opened - ``position_update`` Emitted when emotion_object_position_set is called - ``audio_level_change`` Emitted when the volume change it's value - ``decode_stop`` Emitted after the last frame is decoded - ``length_change`` Emitted if the media change it's size - ``channels_change`` Emitted when the number of channels change - ``title_change`` Emitted when the title change (?) - ``progress_change`` - ``ref_change`` - ``button_num_change`` - ``button_change`` - ``position_save,succeed`` - ``position_save,failed`` - ``position_load,succeed`` - ``position_load,failed`` Reference --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 class-emotion Inheritance diagram ------------------- .. inheritance-diagram:: efl.emotion :parts: 2