.. currentmodule:: efl.elementary Fileselector ############ .. image:: /images/fileselector-preview.png Widget description ================== A file selector is a widget that allows a user to navigate through a file system, reporting file selections back via its API. It contains shortcut buttons for home directory (*~*) and to jump one directory upwards (..), as well as cancel/ok buttons to confirm/cancel a given selection. After either one of those two former actions, the file selector will issue its ``"done"`` smart callback. There's a text entry on it, too, showing the name of the current selection. There's the possibility of making it editable, so it is useful on file saving dialogs on applications, where one gives a file name to save contents to, in a given directory in the system. This custom file name will be reported on the ``"done"`` smart callback (explained in sequence). Finally, it has a view to display file system items into in two possible forms: - list - grid If Elementary is built with support of the Ethumb thumbnailing library, the second form of view will display preview thumbnails of files which it supports. Emitted signals =============== - ``activated`` - the user activated a file. This can happen by double-clicking or pressing Enter key. (**event_info** is a string with the activated file path) - ``selected`` - the user has clicked on a file (when not in folders-only mode) or directory (when in folders-only mode) - ``directory,open`` - the list has been populated with new content (*event_info* is the directory's path) - ``done`` - the user has clicked on the "ok" or "cancel" buttons (*event_info* is the selection's path) Layout text parts ================= - ``ok`` - OK button label if the ok button is set. (since 1.8) - ``cancel`` - Cancel button label if the cancel button is set. (since 1.8) Enumerations ============ .. _Elm_Fileselector_Mode: Fileselector modes ------------------ .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_LIST Layout as a list .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_GRID Layout as a grid .. _Elm_Fileselector_Sort: Fileselector sort method ------------------------ .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_ASC Sort by filename in ascending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_DESC Sort by filename in descending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_ASC Sort by file type in ascending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_DESC Sort by file type in descending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_ASC Sort by file size in ascending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_DESC Sort by file size in descending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_ASC Sort by file modification date in ascending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. data:: ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_DESC Sort by file modification date in descending order .. versionadded:: 1.9 Inheritance diagram =================== .. inheritance-diagram:: Fileselector :parts: 2 .. autoclass:: Fileselector