# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 various contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This file is part of Python-EFL. # # Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this Python-EFL. If not, see . """ .. image:: /images/slider-preview.png Widget description ------------------ The slider adds a draggable "slider" widget for selecting the value of something within a range. A slider can be horizontal or vertical. It can contain an Icon and has a primary label as well as a units label (that is formatted with floating point values and thus accepts a printf-style format string, like "%1.2f units". There is also an indicator string that may be somewhere else (like on the slider itself) that also accepts a format string like units. Label, Icon Unit and Indicator strings/objects are optional. A slider may be inverted which means values invert, with high vales being on the left or top and low values on the right or bottom (as opposed to normally being low on the left or top and high on the bottom and right). The slider should have its minimum and maximum values set by the application with :py:attr:`Slider.min_max` and value should also be set by the application before use with :py:attr:`Slider.value`. The span of the slider is its length (horizontally or vertically). This will be scaled by the object or applications scaling factor. At any point code can query the slider for its value with :py:attr:`Slider.value`. This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from :py:class:`~efl.elementary.layout_class.LayoutClass`: - ``changed`` - Whenever the slider value is changed by the user. - ``slider,drag,start`` - dragging the slider indicator around has started. - ``slider,drag,stop`` - dragging the slider indicator around has stopped. - ``delay,changed`` - A short time after the value is changed by the user. This will be called only when the user stops dragging for a very short period or when they release their finger/mouse, so it avoids possibly expensive reactions to the value change. - ``focused`` - When the slider has received focus. (since 1.8) - ``unfocused`` - When the slider has lost focus. (since 1.8) Available styles for it: - ``default`` Default content parts of the slider widget that you can use for are: - ``icon`` - An icon of the slider - ``end`` - A end part content of the slider Default text parts of the slider widget that you can use for are: - ``default`` - Label of the slider """ from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUTF8String from efl.eo cimport _object_mapping_register from efl.utils.conversions cimport _ctouni from efl.evas cimport Object as evasObject from layout_class cimport LayoutClass cdef class Slider(LayoutClass): """This is the class that actually implements the widget.""" def __init__(self, evasObject parent, *args, **kwargs): self._set_obj(elm_slider_add(parent.obj)) self._set_properties_from_keyword_args(kwargs) property span_size: """The (exact) length of the bar region of a given slider widget. This property reflects the minimum width (when in horizontal mode) or height (when in vertical mode) of the actual bar area of the slider. This in turn affects the object's minimum size. Use this when you're not setting other size hints expanding on the given direction (like weight and alignment hints) and you would like it to have a specific size. .. note:: Icon, end, label, indicator and unit text around the object will require their own space, which will make the object to require more the ``size``, actually. :type: int """ def __get__(self): return elm_slider_span_size_get(self.obj) def __set__(self, size): elm_slider_span_size_set(self.obj, size) def span_size_set(self, size): elm_slider_span_size_set(self.obj, size) def span_size_get(self): return elm_slider_span_size_get(self.obj) property unit_format: """The format string for the unit label. Unit label is displayed all the time, if set, after slider's bar. In horizontal mode, at right and in vertical mode, at bottom. If ``None``, unit label won't be visible. If not it sets the format string for the label text. To the label text is provided a floating point value, so the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is optional. Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159. Default is unit label disabled. :type: unicode """ def __get__(self): return _ctouni(elm_slider_unit_format_get(self.obj)) def __set__(self, unit_format): if isinstance(unit_format, unicode): unit_format = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(unit_format) elm_slider_unit_format_set(self.obj, unit_format if unit_format is not None else NULL) def unit_format_set(self, unit_format): if isinstance(unit_format, unicode): unit_format = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(unit_format) elm_slider_unit_format_set(self.obj, unit_format if unit_format is not None else NULL) def unit_format_get(self): return _ctouni(elm_slider_unit_format_get(self.obj)) property indicator_format: """The format string for the indicator label. The slider may display its value somewhere else then unit label, for example, above the slider knob that is dragged around. This function sets the format string used for this. If ``None``, indicator label won't be visible. If not it sets the format string for the label text. To the label text is provided a floating point value, so the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is optional. Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159. Default is indicator label disabled. :type: unicode """ def __get__(self): return _ctouni(elm_slider_indicator_format_get(self.obj)) def __set__(self, ind_format): if isinstance(ind_format, unicode): ind_format = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(ind_format) elm_slider_indicator_format_set(self.obj, ind_format if ind_format is not None else NULL) def indicator_format_set(self, ind_format): if isinstance(ind_format, unicode): ind_format = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(ind_format) elm_slider_indicator_format_set(self.obj, ind_format if ind_format is not None else NULL) def indicator_format_get(self): return _ctouni(elm_slider_indicator_format_get(self.obj)) #TODO: def indicator_format_function_set(self, func, free_func) # # Since we can't use a custom python function in the callback, # make a list of common formatting functions and allow to select # one of them. # #~ """Set the format function pointer for the indicator label #~ #~ Set the callback function to format the indicator string. #~ #~ .. seealso:: :py:attr:`indicator_format_set()` for more info on how this works. #~ #~ :param func: The indicator format function. #~ :type func: function #~ :param free_func: The freeing function for the format string. #~ :type free_func: function #~ #~ """ #elm_slider_indicator_format_function_set(self.obj, char(*func)(double val), void (*free_func)(charstr)) #TODO: def units_format_function_set(self, func, free_func) # # Since we can't use a custom python function in the callback, # make a list of common formatting functions and allow to select # one of them. # #~ """Set the format function pointer for the units label #~ #~ Set the callback function to format the units string. #~ #~ .. seealso:: :py:attr:`units_format_set()` for more info on how this works. #~ #~ :param func: The units format function. #~ :type func: function #~ :param free_func: The freeing function for the format string. #~ :type free_func: function #~ #~ """ #elm_slider_units_format_function_set(self.obj, char(*func)(double val), void (*free_func)(charstr)) property horizontal: """The orientation of a given slider widget. This property reflects how your slider is to be disposed: vertically or horizontally. By default it's displayed horizontally. :type: bool """ def __get__(self): return bool(elm_slider_horizontal_get(self.obj)) def __set__(self, horizontal): elm_slider_horizontal_set(self.obj, horizontal) def horizontal_set(self, horizontal): elm_slider_horizontal_set(self.obj, horizontal) def horizontal_get(self): return bool(elm_slider_horizontal_get(self.obj)) property min_max: """The minimum and maximum values for the slider. If actual value is less than ``min``, it will be updated to ``min``. If it is bigger then ``max``, will be updated to ``max``. Actual value can be get with :py:attr:`value`. By default, min is equal to 0.0, and max is equal to 1.0. .. warning:: Maximum must be greater than minimum, otherwise behavior is undefined. :type: (float, float) """ def __get__(self): cdef double min, max elm_slider_min_max_get(self.obj, &min, &max) return (min, max) def __set__(self, value): min, max = value elm_slider_min_max_set(self.obj, min, max) def min_max_set(self, min, max): elm_slider_min_max_set(self.obj, min, max) def min_max_get(self): cdef double min, max elm_slider_min_max_get(self.obj, &min, &max) return (min, max) property value: """The value displayed in the slider. Value will be presented on the unit label following format specified with :py:attr:`unit_format` and on indicator with :py:attr:`indicator_format`. .. warning:: The value must to be between min and max values. These values are set by :py:attr:`min_max`. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`unit_format` :py:attr:`indicator_format` :py:attr:`min_max` :type: float """ def __get__(self): return elm_slider_value_get(self.obj) def __set__(self, value): elm_slider_value_set(self.obj, value) def value_set(self, value): elm_slider_value_set(self.obj, value) def value_get(self): return elm_slider_value_get(self.obj) property inverted: """Invert a given slider widget's displaying values order A slider may be **inverted**, in which state it gets its values inverted, with high vales being on the left or top and low values on the right or bottom, as opposed to normally have the low values on the former and high values on the latter, respectively, for horizontal and vertical modes. :type: bool """ def __get__(self): return bool(elm_slider_inverted_get(self.obj)) def __set__(self, inverted): elm_slider_inverted_set(self.obj, inverted) def inverted_set(self, inverted): elm_slider_inverted_set(self.obj, inverted) def inverted_get(self): return bool(elm_slider_inverted_get(self.obj)) property indicator_show: """Whether to enlarge slider indicator (augmented knob) or not. By default, indicator will be bigger while dragged by the user. .. warning:: It won't display values set with :py:attr:`indicator_format` if you disable indicator. :type: bool """ def __get__(self): return bool(elm_slider_indicator_show_get(self.obj)) def __set__(self, show): elm_slider_indicator_show_set(self.obj, show) def indicator_show_set(self, show): elm_slider_indicator_show_set(self.obj, show) def indicator_show_get(self): return bool(elm_slider_indicator_show_get(self.obj)) property step: """The step by which slider indicator will move. This value is used when draggable object is moved automatically i.e., in case of key event when up/down/left/right key is pressed or in case when accessibility is set and flick event is used to inc/dec slider values. By default step value is equal to 0.05. :type: double .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ def __set__(self, double step): elm_slider_step_set(self.obj, step) def __get__(self): return elm_slider_step_get(self.obj) def step_set(self, double step): elm_slider_step_set(self.obj, step) def step_get(self): return elm_slider_step_get(self.obj) def callback_changed_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Whenever the slider value is changed by the user.""" self._callback_add("changed", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_changed_del(self, func): self._callback_del("changed", func) def callback_slider_drag_start_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Dragging the slider indicator around has started.""" self._callback_add("slider,drag,start", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_slider_drag_start_del(self, func): self._callback_del("slider,drag,start", func) def callback_slider_drag_stop_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Dragging the slider indicator around has stopped.""" self._callback_add("slider,drag,stop", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_slider_drag_stop_del(self, func): self._callback_del("slider,drag,stop", func) def callback_delay_changed_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """A short time after the value is changed by the user. This will be called only when the user stops dragging for a very short period or when they release their finger/mouse, so it avoids possibly expensive reactions to the value change. """ self._callback_add("delay,changed", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_delay_changed_del(self, func): self._callback_del("delay,changed", func) def callback_focused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """When the slider has received focus. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ self._callback_add("focused", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_focused_del(self, func): self._callback_del("focused", func) def callback_unfocused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """When the slider has lost focus. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ self._callback_add("unfocused", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_unfocused_del(self, func): self._callback_del("unfocused", func) _object_mapping_register("Elm_Slider", Slider)