1. REQUIREMENTS: ---------------- * Python 2.7 or higher (http://www.python.org/) - Tested with Python 2.7 / 3.2 * Cython 0.17.3 or higher (http://cython.org/) - Tested with Cython 0.17.3 * EFL core library - eo, evas, ecore, edje, elementary and emotion * pkg-config (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config) - Windows executable (and GLib dependency) can be downloaded from http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php * To build the DOCS you will also need: - python-sphinx, graphviz 2. BUILDING PYTHON-EFL: ----------------------- Once EFL is built and installed in your desired destination, proceed with building the wrapper. * BUILDING WITH GCC/G++ (Linux, OS X, etc.) python setup.py build_ext * BUILDING WITH Visual Studio (Windows) python setup.py build_ext * BUILDING WITH MINGW (Windows) python setup.py build_ext -c mingw32 3. INSTALLATION: ---------------- * For system-wide installation (needs administrator privileges): python setup.py install * For user installation: python setup.py install --user * To install for python3: python3 setup.py install (also cython need to be installed with py3) 4. DOCUMENTATION: ----------------- To build the docs for the bindings you need Sphinx and Graphvix installed. packages: python-sphinx, graphviz Once installed run: python setup.py build_doc You will find the generated html docs under the folder: build/sphinx/html 5. TESTS and EXAMPLES: ---------------------- The tests/ folder contain all the unit tests available, you can run individual tests or use the 00_run_all_tests.py in each folder or even in the tests/ base dir to run all the tests at once. The examples/ folder instead contain scripts that must be run by the user as they need some sort of interaction. 6. UNINSTALL: ------------- Unfortunatly setup.py do not provide a way to remove the installed packages, To completly remove the installed stuff just remove the 'efl' folder in your python installation, usually /usr/(local/)lib/pythonX.X/dist-packages/efl