# Copyright (C) 2007-2014 various contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This file is part of Python-EFL. # # Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this Python-EFL. If not, see . from efl.utils.conversions cimport eina_list_objects_to_python_list from cpython cimport PyMethod_New import types #cdef object _smart_classes #_smart_classes = list() include "smart_object_metaclass.pxi" _install_metaclass(EvasSmartObjectMeta, SmartObject) _install_metaclass(EvasSmartObjectMeta, ClippedSmartObject) cdef void _smart_object_delete(Evas_Object *o) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") try: obj._m_delete(obj) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() if type(obj.delete) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.delete except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.move) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.move except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.resize) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.resize except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.show) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.show except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.hide) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.hide except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.color_set) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.color_set except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.clip_set) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.clip_set except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.clip_unset) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.clip_unset except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.calculate) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.calculate except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.member_add) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.member_add except AttributeError, e: pass if type(obj.member_del) is types.MethodType: try: del obj.member_del except AttributeError, e: pass obj._smart_callbacks = None obj._m_delete = None obj._m_move = None obj._m_resize = None obj._m_show = None obj._m_hide = None obj._m_color_set = None obj._m_clip_set = None obj._m_clip_unset = None obj._m_calculate = None obj._m_member_add = None obj._m_member_del = None cdef void _smart_object_move(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_move is not None: try: obj._m_move(obj, x, y) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_resize(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_resize is not None: try: obj._m_resize(obj, w, h) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_show(Evas_Object *o) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_show is not None: try: obj._m_show(obj) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_hide(Evas_Object *o) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_hide is not None: try: obj._m_hide(obj) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_color_set(Evas_Object *o, int r, int g, int b, int a) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_color_set is not None: try: obj._m_color_set(obj, r, g, b, a) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_clip_set(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *clip) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj cdef Object other obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") other = object_from_instance(clip) if obj._m_clip_set is not None: try: obj._m_clip_set(obj, other) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_clip_unset(Evas_Object *o) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_clip_unset is not None: try: obj._m_clip_unset(obj) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_calculate(Evas_Object *o) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") if obj._m_calculate is not None: try: obj._m_calculate(obj) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_member_add(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *clip) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj cdef Object other obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") other = object_from_instance(clip) if obj._m_member_add is not None: try: obj._m_member_add(obj, other) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_object_member_del(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *clip) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj cdef Object other obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") other = object_from_instance(clip) if obj._m_member_del is not None: try: obj._m_member_del(obj, other) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef void _smart_callback(void *data, Evas_Object *o, void *event_info) with gil: cdef SmartObject obj cdef object event, ei obj = evas_object_data_get(o, "python-eo") event = data ei = event_info lst = tuple(obj._smart_callbacks[event]) for func, args, kargs in lst: try: func(obj, ei, *args, **kargs) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() cdef object _smart_class_get_impl_method(object cls, name): meth = getattr(cls, name) orig = getattr(Object, name) if meth is orig: return None else: return meth cdef object _smart_class_get_impl_method_cls(object cls, object parent_cls, name): meth = getattr(cls, name) orig = getattr(parent_cls, name) if meth is orig: return None else: return meth cdef class SmartObject(Object): """Smart Evas Objects. Smart objects are user-defined Evas components, often used to group multiple basic elements, associate an object with a clip and deal with them as an unit. See evas documentation for more details. Recommended use is to create an **clipper** object and clip every other member to it, then you can have all your other members to be always visible and implement :py:func:`hide`, :py:func:`show`, :py:func:`color_set`, :py:func:`clip_set` and :py:func:`clip_unset` to just affect the **clipper**. See :py:class:`ClippedSmartObject`. **Pay attention that just creating an object within the SmartObject doesn't make it a member!** You must do :py:func:`member_add` or use one of the provided factories to ensure that. Failing to do so will leave created objects on different layer and no stacking will be done for you. Behavior is defined by defining the following methods: :py:func:`delete` called in order to remove object from canvas and deallocate its resources. Usually you delete object's children here. *Default implementation deletes all registered children.* :py:func:`move` called in order to move object to given position. Usually you move children here. *Default implementation calculates offset and move registered children by it.* :py:func:`resize` called in order to resize object. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`show` called in order to show the given element. Usually you call the same function on children. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`hide` called in order to hide the given element. Usually you call the same function on children. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`color_set` called in order to change object color. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`clip_set` called in order to limit object's visible area. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`clip_unset` called in order to unlimit object's visible area. *No default implementation.* :py:func:`calculate` called before object is used for rendering and it is marked as dirty/changed with :py:func:`changed`. *Default implementation does nothing.* :py:func:`member_add` called when children is added to object. *Default implementation does nothing.* :py:func:`member_del` called when children is removed from object. *Default implementation does nothing.* .. note:: You should never instantiate the SmartObject base class directly, but inherit and implement methods, then instantiate this new subclass. .. note:: If you redefine object's __init__(), you MUST call your parent! Failing to do so will result in objects that just work from Python and not from C, for instance, adding your object to Edje swallow that clips or set color it will not behave as expected. .. note:: Do not call your parent on methods you want to replace the behavior instead of extending it. For example, some methods have default implementation, you may want to remove and replace it with something else. :seealso: :py:class:`ClippedSmartObject` :param canvas: Evas canvas for this object :type canvas: Canvas :keyword size: Width and height :type size: tuple of ints :keyword pos: X and Y :type pos: tuple of ints :keyword geometry: X, Y, width, height :type geometry: tuple of ints :keyword color: R, G, B, A :type color: tuple of ints :keyword name: Object name :type name: string """ def __cinit__(self, *a, **ka): self._smart_callbacks = dict() cls = self.__class__ self._m_delete = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "delete") if self._m_delete is not None: self.delete = PyMethod_New(Object.delete, self, cls) self._m_move = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "move") if self._m_move is not None: self.move = PyMethod_New(Object.move, self, cls) self._m_resize = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "resize") if self._m_resize is not None: self.resize = PyMethod_New(Object.resize, self, cls) self._m_show = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "show") if self._m_show is not None: self.show = PyMethod_New(Object.show, self, cls) self._m_hide = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "hide") if self._m_hide is not None: self.hide = PyMethod_New(Object.hide, self, cls) self._m_color_set = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "color_set") if self._m_color_set is not None: self.color_set = PyMethod_New(Object.color_set, self, cls) self._m_clip_set = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "clip_set") if self._m_clip_set is not None: self.clip_set = PyMethod_New(Object.clip_set, self, cls) self._m_clip_unset = _smart_class_get_impl_method(cls, "clip_unset") if self._m_clip_unset is not None: self.clip_unset = PyMethod_New(Object.clip_unset, self, cls) self._m_calculate = _smart_class_get_impl_method_cls( cls, SmartObject, "calculate") if self._m_calculate is not None: self.calculate = PyMethod_New( SmartObject.calculate, self, cls) self._m_member_add = _smart_class_get_impl_method_cls( cls, SmartObject, "member_add") if self._m_member_add is not None: self.member_add = PyMethod_New( SmartObject.member_add, self, cls) self._m_member_del = _smart_class_get_impl_method_cls( cls, SmartObject, "member_del") if self._m_member_del is not None: self.member_del = PyMethod_New( SmartObject.member_del, self, cls) def __dealloc__(self): self._smart_callbacks = None def __init__(self, Canvas canvas not None, **kwargs): cdef uintptr_t addr if type(self) is SmartObject: raise TypeError("Must not instantiate SmartObject, but subclasses") if self.obj == NULL: addr = self.__evas_smart_class__ self._set_obj(evas_object_smart_add(canvas.obj, addr)) self._set_properties_from_keyword_args(kwargs) def member_add(self, Object child): """member_add(Object child) Set an evas object as a member of this object. Members will automatically be stacked and layered with the smart object. The various stacking function will operate on members relative to the other members instead of the entire canvas. Non-member objects can not interleave a smart object's members. :note: if **child** is already member of another SmartObject, it will be deleted from that membership and added to this object. """ evas_object_smart_member_add(child.obj, self.obj) def member_del(self, Object child): """member_del(Object child) Removes a member object from a smart object. .. attention:: this will actually map to C API as ``evas_object_smart_member_del(child)``, so the object will loose it's parent **event if the object is not part of this object**. """ evas_object_smart_member_del(child.obj) def members_get(self): """members_get() -> tuple :rtype: tuple of :py:class:`Object` """ cdef: Eina_List *lst = evas_object_smart_members_get(self.obj) list ret = eina_list_objects_to_python_list(lst) eina_list_free(lst) return tuple(ret) property members: def __get__(self): return self.members_get() def callback_add(self, char *event, func, *args, **kargs): """Add a callback for the smart event specified by event. :param event: Event name :param func: What to callback. Should have the signature:: function(object, event_info, *args, **kargs) :raise TypeError: if **func** is not callable. .. warning:: **event_info** will always be a python object, if the signal is provided by a C-only class, it will crash. """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError("func must be callable") # FIXME: Why is this interned? # What is the reason to use char * and cast it to void *? e = intern(event) lst = self._smart_callbacks.setdefault(e, []) if not lst: evas_object_smart_callback_add(self.obj, event, _smart_callback, e) lst.append((func, args, kargs)) def callback_del(self, char *event, func): """callback_del(event, func) Remove a smart callback. Removes a callback that was added by :py:func:`callback_add()`. :param event: event name :param func: what to callback, should have be previously registered. :precond: **event** and **func** must be used as parameter for :py:func:`callback_add`. :raise ValueError: if there was no **func** connected with this event. """ try: lst = self._smart_callbacks[event] except KeyError, e: raise ValueError("Unknown event %r" % event) i = -1 f = None for i, (f, a, k) in enumerate(lst): if func == f: break if f != func: raise ValueError("Callback %s was not registered with event %r" % (func, event)) lst.pop(i) if lst: return self._smart_callbacks.pop(event) evas_object_smart_callback_del(self.obj, event, _smart_callback) def callback_call(self, char *event, event_info=None): """callback_call(event, event_info=None) Call any smart callbacks for event. :param event: the event name :param event_info: an event specific info to pass to the callback. This should be called internally in the smart object when some specific event has occurred. The documentation for the smart object should include a list of possible events and what type of **event_info** to expect. .. attention:: **event_info** will always be a python object. """ evas_object_smart_callback_call(self.obj, event, event_info) def delete(self): """delete() Default implementation to delete all children. """ cdef: Eina_List *lst Eina_List *itr lst = evas_object_smart_members_get(self.obj) itr = lst while itr: evas_object_del(itr.data) itr = itr.next eina_list_free(lst) def move_children_relative(self, int dx, int dy): """move_children_relative(int dx, int dy) Move all children relatively. """ evas_object_smart_move_children_relative(self.obj, dx, dy) def move(self, int x, int y): """move(int x, int y) Default implementation to move all children. """ cdef int orig_x, orig_y, dx, dy evas_object_geometry_get(self.obj, &orig_x, &orig_y, NULL, NULL) dx = x - orig_x dy = y - orig_y self.move_children_relative(dx, dy) def resize(self, int w, int h): """resize(int w, int h) Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.resize(w, h) not implemented." % self.__class__.__name__ def show(self): """show() Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.show() not implemented." % self.__class__.__name__ def hide(self): """hide() Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.hide() not implemented." % self.__class__.__name__ def color_set(self, int r, int g, int b, int a): """color_set(int r, int g, int b, int a) Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.color_set(r, g, b, a) not implemented." % \ #self.__class__.__name__ def clip_set(self, Object clip): """clip_set(Object clip) Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.clip_set(object) not implemented." % self.__class__.__name__ def clip_unset(self): """clip_unset() Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError #print "%s.clip_unset() not implemented." % self.__class__.__name__ def calculate(self): """calculate() Request object to recalculate it's internal state. """ evas_object_smart_calculate(self.obj) def changed(self): """changed() Mark object as changed, so it's :py:func:`calculate()` will be called. If an object is changed and it provides a calculate() method, it will be called from :py:func:`Canvas.render()`, what we call pre-render calculate. This can be used to postpone heavy calculations until you need to display the object, example: layout calculations. """ evas_object_smart_changed(self.obj) # TODO: Move docstrings to property; What is the actual type of value? def need_recalculate_set(self, unsigned int value): """Set need_recalculate flag. Set the need_recalculate flag of given smart object. If this flag is set then calculate() callback (method) of the given smart object will be called, if one is provided, during render phase usually evas_render(). After this step, this flag will be automatically unset. If no calculate() is provided, this flag will be left unchanged. .. note:: Just setting this flag will not make scene dirty and evas_render() will have no effect. To do that, use evas_object_smart_changed(), that will automatically call this function with 1 as parameter. """ evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set(self.obj, value) def need_recalculate_get(self): """Get the current value of need_recalculate flag. .. note:: This flag will be unset during the render phase, after calculate() is called if one is provided. If no calculate() is provided, then the flag will be left unchanged after render phase. """ return evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_get(self.obj) property need_recalculate: def __set__(self, value): self.need_recalculate_set(value) def __get__(self): self.need_recalculate_get() # Factory def Rectangle(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`~efl.evas.Rectangle`. :rtype: :py:class:`~efl.evas.Rectangle` """ obj = Rectangle(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def Line(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`~efl.evas.Line`. :rtype: :py:class:`~efl.evas.Line` """ obj = Line(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def Image(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`evas.Image`. :rtype: :py:class:`Image` """ obj = Image(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def FilledImage(self, **kargs): """Factory of :py:class:`evas.FilledImage` associated with this canvas. :rtype: :py:class:`FilledImage` """ obj = FilledImage(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def Polygon(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`evas.Polygon`. :rtype: :py:class:`Polygon` """ obj = Polygon(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def Text(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`evas.Text`. :rtype: :py:class:`Text` """ obj = Text(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj def Textblock(self, **kargs): """Factory of children :py:class:`evas.Textblock`. :rtype: :py:class:`Textblock` """ obj = Textblock(self.evas, **kargs) self.member_add(obj) return obj _object_mapping_register("Evas_Smart", SmartObject) cdef class ClippedSmartObject(SmartObject): """SmartObject subclass that automatically handles an internal clipper. This class is optimized for the recommended SmartObject usage of having an internal clipper, with all member objects clipped to it and operations like :py:func:`hide()`, :py:func:`show()`, :py:func:`color_set()`, :py:func:`clip_set()` and :py:func:`clip_unset()` operating on it. This internal clipper size is huge by default (and not the same as the object size), this means that you should clip this object to another object clipper to get its contents restricted. This is the default because many times what we want are contents that can overflow SmartObject boudaries (ie: members with animations coming in from outside). :ivar clipper: the internal object used for clipping. You shouldn't mess with it. :todo: remove current code and wrap C version (now it's in evas). :param canvas: Evas canvas for this object :type canvas: Canvas :keyword size: Width and height :type size: tuple of ints :keyword pos: X and Y :type pos: tuple of ints :keyword geometry: X, Y, width, height :type geometry: tuple of ints :keyword color: R, G, B, A :type color: tuple of ints :keyword name: Object name :type name: string :keyword file: File name :type file: string """ def __init__(self, Canvas canvas not None, **kargs): if type(self) is ClippedSmartObject: raise TypeError("Must not instantiate ClippedSmartObject, but " "subclasses") SmartObject.__init__(self, canvas, **kargs) if self.clipper is None: self.clipper = Rectangle(canvas) evas_object_move(self.clipper.obj, -100000, -100000) evas_object_resize(self.clipper.obj, 200000, 200000) evas_object_static_clip_set(self.clipper.obj, 1) evas_object_pass_events_set(self.clipper.obj, 1) evas_object_smart_member_add(self.clipper.obj, self.obj) def member_add(self, Object child): """Set an evas object as a member of this object, already clipping.""" if self.clipper is None or self.clipper is child: return evas_object_clip_set(child.obj, self.clipper.obj) if evas_object_visible_get(self.obj): evas_object_show(self.clipper.obj) def member_del(self, Object child): """Removes a member object from a smart object, already unsets its clip.""" if self.clipper is child: return evas_object_clip_unset(child.obj) if evas_object_clipees_get(self.clipper.obj) == NULL: evas_object_hide(self.clipper.obj) def show(self): """Default implementation that acts on the the clipper.""" if evas_object_clipees_get(self.clipper.obj) != NULL: evas_object_show(self.clipper.obj) def hide(self): """Default implementation that acts on the the clipper.""" evas_object_hide(self.clipper.obj) def color_set(self, int r, int g, int b, int a): """Default implementation that acts on the the clipper.""" evas_object_color_set(self.clipper.obj, r, g, b, a) def clip_set(self, Object clip): """Default implementation that acts on the the clipper.""" evas_object_clip_set(self.clipper.obj, clip.obj) def clip_unset(self): """Default implementation that acts on the the clipper.""" evas_object_clip_unset(self.clipper.obj) _object_mapping_register("Evas_Smart_Clipped", ClippedSmartObject)