1. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Python 2.7 or higher (http://www.python.org/) - Tested with Python 2.7 / 3.2 2. Cython 0.17.3 or higher (http://cython.org/) - Tested with Cython 0.17.3 3. EFL core library - eo, evas, ecore, edje, elementary and, optionally, emotion 4. pkg-config (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config) - Windows executable (and GLib dependency) can be downloaded from http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php 2. BUILDING EFL Once EFL is built and installed in your desired destination, proceed with building the wrapper. 2a. BUILDING WITH GCC/G++ (Linux, OS X, etc.) python setup.py build_ext 2b. BUILDING WITH Visual Studio (Windows) python setup.py build_ext 2c. BUILDING WITH MINGW (Windows) python setup.py build_ext -c mingw32 4. INSTALLATION 4a. For system-wide installation (needs administrator privileges): python setup.py install 4b. For user installation: python setup.py install --user 4c. To install for python3: python3 setup.py install (also cython need to be installed with py3) 5. DEMOS and TESTS You can run individual tests or use the 00_run_all_tests.py in each folder or even in the tests/ base dir to run all the tests at once. The tests in elementary and emotion are not unittest and are meant to be run by the user as they usually require some sort of interaction.