# Copyright (C) 2007-2014 various contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This file is part of Python-EFL. # # Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this Python-EFL. If not, see . # """ Widget description ------------------ .. image:: /images/hoversel-preview.png :align: left A hoversel is a button that pops up a list of items (automatically choosing the direction to display) that have a label and, optionally, an icon to select from. It is a convenience widget to avoid the need to do all the piecing together yourself. It is intended for a small number of items in the hoversel menu (no more than 8), though is capable of many more. This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from :py:class:`~efl.elementary.button.Button`: - ``clicked`` - the user clicked the hoversel button and popped up the sel - ``selected`` - an item in the hoversel list is selected. event_info is the item - ``dismissed`` - the hover is dismissed - ``expanded`` - the hover is expanded (since 1.9) - ``item,focused`` - the hoversel item has received focus. (since 1.10) - ``item,unfocused`` - the hoversel item has lost focus. (since 1.10) Default content parts of the hoversel widget that you can use for are: - ``icon`` - An icon of the hoversel Default text parts of the hoversel widget that you can use for are: - ``default`` - Label of the hoversel Enumerations ------------ .. _Elm_Hoversel_Icon_Type: Icon types ========== .. data:: ELM_ICON_NONE No icon .. data:: ELM_ICON_FILE Icon is a file .. data:: ELM_ICON_STANDARD Icon is set with standards names """ from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUTF8String from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t from efl.eo cimport _object_mapping_register, object_from_instance from efl.utils.conversions cimport _ctouni from efl.evas cimport Object as evasObject from object_item cimport ObjectItem, _object_item_callback, \ _object_item_list_to_python, _object_item_to_python, _object_item_callback2 from button cimport Button cimport enums ELM_ICON_NONE = enums.ELM_ICON_NONE ELM_ICON_FILE = enums.ELM_ICON_FILE ELM_ICON_STANDARD = enums.ELM_ICON_STANDARD def _cb_object_item_conv(uintptr_t addr): cdef Elm_Object_Item *it = addr return _object_item_to_python(it) cdef class HoverselItem(ObjectItem): """ An item for the :py:class:`Hoversel` widget. """ cdef: object label, icon_file, icon_group Elm_Icon_Type icon_type def __init__(self, label = None, icon_file = None, icon_type = ELM_ICON_NONE, callback = None, cb_data = None, *args, **kwargs): """For more information on what ``icon_file`` and ``icon_type`` are, see :py:class:`~efl.elementary.icon.Icon`. :param label: The text label to use for the item (None if not desired) :type label: string :param icon_file: An image file path on disk to use for the icon or standard icon name (None if not desired) :type icon_file: string :param icon_type: The icon type if relevant :type icon_type: :ref:`Elm_Hoversel_Icon_Type` :param callback: Convenience function to call when this item is selected :type callback: function """ if isinstance(label, unicode): label = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(label) if isinstance(icon_file, unicode): icon_file = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(icon_file) self.label = label self.icon_file = icon_file self.icon_type = icon_type if callback: if not callable(callback): raise TypeError("callback is not callable") self.cb_func = callback self.cb_data = cb_data self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def add_to(self, Hoversel hoversel): """Add an item to the hoversel button This adds an item to the hoversel to show when it is clicked. .. note:: If you need to use an icon from an edje file then use :py:attr:`HoverselItem.icon` right after this function. :return: The item added. :rtype: HoverselItem """ cdef Evas_Smart_Cb cb = NULL if self.cb_func is not None: cb = _object_item_callback2 item = elm_hoversel_item_add(hoversel.obj, self.label if self.label is not None else NULL, self.icon_file if self.icon_file is not None else NULL, self.icon_type, cb, self) if item == NULL: raise RuntimeError("The item could not be added to the widget.") self._set_obj(item) self._set_properties_from_keyword_args(self.kwargs) return self property icon: """This sets the icon for the given hoversel item. The icon can be loaded from the standard set, from an image file, or from an edje file. :type: (string file, string group, :ref:`Elm_Icon_Type` type) """ def __set__(self, value): icon_file, icon_group, icon_type = value a1, a2, a3 = icon_file, icon_group, icon_type if isinstance(a1, unicode): a1 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a1) if isinstance(a2, unicode): a2 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a2) if self.item == NULL: self.icon_file = a1 self.icon_group = a2 self.icon_type = a3 else: elm_hoversel_item_icon_set(self.item, a1 if a1 is not None else NULL, a2 if a2 is not None else NULL, a3) def __get__(self): cdef: const char *icon_file const char *icon_group Elm_Icon_Type icon_type if self.item == NULL: a1 = self.icon_file.decode("UTF-8") a2 = self.icon_group.decode("UTF-8") a3 = self.icon_type return (a1, a2, a3) else: elm_hoversel_item_icon_get(self.item, &icon_file, &icon_group, &icon_type) return (_ctouni(icon_file), _ctouni(icon_group), icon_type) def icon_set(self, icon_file, icon_group, icon_type): a1, a2, a3 = icon_file, icon_group, icon_type if isinstance(a1, unicode): a1 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a1) if isinstance(a2, unicode): a2 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a2) if self.item == NULL: self.icon_file = a1 self.icon_group = a2 self.icon_type = a3 else: elm_hoversel_item_icon_set(self.item, a1 if a1 is not None else NULL, a2 if a2 is not None else NULL, a3) def icon_get(self): cdef: const char *icon_file const char *icon_group Elm_Icon_Type icon_type if self.item == NULL: a1 = self.icon_file.decode("UTF-8") a2 = self.icon_group.decode("UTF-8") a3 = self.icon_type return (a1, a2, a3) else: elm_hoversel_item_icon_get(self.item, &icon_file, &icon_group, &icon_type) return (_ctouni(icon_file), _ctouni(icon_group), icon_type) cdef class Hoversel(Button): """This is the class that actually implements the widget.""" def __init__(self, evasObject parent, *args, **kwargs): self._set_obj(elm_hoversel_add(parent.obj)) self._set_properties_from_keyword_args(kwargs) property horizontal: """Whether the hoversel is set to expand horizontally. .. note:: The initial button will display horizontally regardless of this setting. :type: bool """ def __set__(self, horizontal): elm_hoversel_horizontal_set(self.obj, horizontal) def __get__(self): return bool(elm_hoversel_horizontal_get(self.obj)) def horizontal_set(self, horizontal): elm_hoversel_horizontal_set(self.obj, horizontal) def horizontal_get(self): return bool(elm_hoversel_horizontal_get(self.obj)) property hover_parent: """The Hover parent. The hover parent object, the area that will be darkened when the hoversel is clicked. Should probably be the window that the hoversel is in. See :py:class:`~efl.elementary.hover.Hover` objects for more information. :type: :py:class:`~efl.elementary.object.Object` """ def __set__(self, evasObject parent): elm_hoversel_hover_parent_set(self.obj, parent.obj) def __get__(self): return object_from_instance(elm_hoversel_hover_parent_get(self.obj)) def hover_parent_set(self, evasObject parent): elm_hoversel_hover_parent_set(self.obj, parent.obj) def hover_parent_get(self): return object_from_instance(elm_hoversel_hover_parent_get(self.obj)) def hover_begin(self): """This triggers the hoversel popup from code, the same as if the user had clicked the button. """ elm_hoversel_hover_begin(self.obj) def hover_end(self): """This dismisses the hoversel popup as if the user had clicked outside the hover. """ elm_hoversel_hover_end(self.obj) property expanded: """Returns whether the hoversel is expanded. :type: bool """ def __get__(self): return bool(elm_hoversel_expanded_get(self.obj)) def expanded_get(self): return bool(elm_hoversel_expanded_get(self.obj)) def clear(self): """This will remove all the children items from the hoversel. .. warning:: Should **not** be called while the hoversel is active; use :py:attr:`expanded` to check first. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`~efl.elementary.object_item.ObjectItem.delete` """ elm_hoversel_clear(self.obj) property items: """Get the list of items within the given hoversel. .. seealso:: :py:func:`HoverselItem.add_to()` :type: tuple of :py:class:`HoverselItem`'s """ def __get__(self): return _object_item_list_to_python(elm_hoversel_items_get(self.obj)) def items_get(self): return _object_item_list_to_python(elm_hoversel_items_get(self.obj)) def item_add(self, label = None, icon_file = None, icon_type = ELM_ICON_NONE, callback = None, *args, **kwargs): cdef: Elm_Object_Item *item Evas_Smart_Cb cb = NULL HoverselItem ret = HoverselItem.__new__(HoverselItem) if callback is not None and callable(callback): cb = _object_item_callback if isinstance(label, unicode): label = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(label) if isinstance(icon_file, unicode): icon_file = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(icon_file) item = elm_hoversel_item_add(self.obj, label if label is not None else NULL, icon_file if icon_file is not None else NULL, icon_type, cb, ret) if item != NULL: ret._set_obj(item) ret.cb_func = callback ret.args = args ret.kwargs = kwargs return ret else: return None def callback_clicked_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """The user clicked the hoversel button and popped up the sel.""" self._callback_add("clicked", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_clicked_del(self, func): self._callback_del("clicked", func) def callback_selected_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """An item in the hoversel list is selected. event_info is the item.""" self._callback_add_full("selected", _cb_object_item_conv, func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_selected_del(self, func): self._callback_del_full("selected", _cb_object_item_conv, func) def callback_dismissed_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """The hover is dismissed.""" self._callback_add("dismissed", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_dismissed_del(self, func): self._callback_del("dismissed", func) def callback_expanded_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """The hover is expanded. .. versionadded:: 1.9 """ self._callback_add("expanded", func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_expanded_del(self, func): self._callback_del("expanded", func) def callback_item_focused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """When the hoversel item has received focus. .. versionadded:: 1.10 """ self._callback_add_full("item,focused", _cb_object_item_conv, func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_item_focused_del(self, func): self._callback_del_full("item,focused", _cb_object_item_conv, func) def callback_item_unfocused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """When the hoversel item has lost focus. .. versionadded:: 1.10 """ self._callback_add_full("item,unfocused", _cb_object_item_conv, func, *args, **kwargs) def callback_item_unfocused_del(self, func): self._callback_del_full("item,unfocused", _cb_object_item_conv, func) _object_mapping_register("Elm_Hoversel", Hoversel)