#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from efl.evas import EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_FILL from efl import elementary from efl.elementary.window import StandardWindow from efl.elementary.background import Background from efl.elementary.box import Box from efl.elementary.button import Button from efl.elementary.entry import Entry, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, \ ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON, Entry_markup_to_utf8 from efl.elementary.list import List from efl.elementary.frame import Frame from efl.elementary.label import Label from efl.elementary.separator import Separator from efl.elementary.icon import Icon from efl.elementary.scroller import Scrollable, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, \ ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON EXPAND_BOTH = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND EXPAND_HORIZ = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0 FILL_BOTH = EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL FILL_HORIZ = EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5 SCROLL_POLICY_OFF = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF SCROLL_POLICY_ON = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON class ScrollableEntry(Scrollable, Entry): def __init__(self, canvas, *args, **kwargs): Entry.__init__(self, canvas, *args, **kwargs) self.scrollable = True def my_entry_bt_1(bt, en): en.entry_set("") def my_entry_bt_2(bt, en): str = en.entry_get() print(("ENTRY: %s" % str)) def my_entry_bt_3(bt, en): str = en.selection_get() print(("SELECTION: %s" % str)) def my_entry_bt_4(bt, en): en.entry_insert("Insert some BOLD text") def my_entry_anchor_test(obj, anchor, en, *args, **kwargs): en.entry_insert("ANCHOR CLICKED") def entry_clicked(obj, item=None): win = StandardWindow("entry", "Entry", autodel=True) bx = Box(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH) win.resize_object_add(bx) bx.show() en = Entry(win, line_wrap=False, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) en.entry_set("This is an entry widget in this window that
" "uses markup like this for styling and
" "formatting like this, as well as
" "links in the text, so enter text
" "in here to edit it. By the way, links are
" "called Anchors so you will need
" "to refer to them this way.") en.callback_anchor_clicked_add(my_entry_anchor_test, en) bx.pack_end(en) en.show() bx2 = Box(win, horizontal=True, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt = Button(win, text="Clear", size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt.callback_clicked_add(my_entry_bt_1, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Print", size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt.callback_clicked_add(my_entry_bt_2, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Selection", size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt.callback_clicked_add(my_entry_bt_3, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Insert", size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt.callback_clicked_add(my_entry_bt_4, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bx.pack_end(bx2) bx2.show() en.focus_set(True) win.show() def scrolled_entry_bt_1(obj, data): en = data en.text = "" def scrolled_entry_bt_2(obj, data): en = data s = en.text print("ENTRY:") if s: print(s) print("ENTRY PLAIN UTF8:") if s: s = Entry_markup_to_utf8(s) if s: print(s) def scrolled_entry_bt_3(obj, data): en = data s = en.selection print("SELECTION:") if s: print(s) print("SELECTION PLAIN UTF8:") if s: s = elm_entry_markup_to_utf8(s) if s: print(s) def scrolled_entry_bt_4(obj, data): en = data en.entry_insert("Insert some BOLD text") def scrolled_entry_bt_5(obj, data): en = data s = en.text print("PASSWORD: '%s'" % (s,)) def scrolled_anchor_test(obj, anchor, data): en = data en.entry_insert("ANCHOR CLICKED") def my_filter(obj, text, data): print(text, data) def entry_scrolled_clicked(obj, item = None): #static Elm_Entry_Filter_Accept_Set digits_filter_data, digits_filter_data2; #static Elm_Entry_Filter_Limit_Size limit_filter_data, limit_filter_data2; win = StandardWindow("entry-scrolled", "Entry Scrolled", autodel=True, size=(320, 300)) bx = Box(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH) win.resize_object_add(bx) bx.show() # disabled entry en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_HORIZ, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, text="Disabled entry", single_line=True, disabled=True) en.show() bx.pack_end(en) # password entry en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_HORIZ, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, password=True, single_line=True, text="Access denied, give up!", disabled=True) en.show() bx.pack_end(en) # multi-line disable entry en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_ON, disabled=True) en.context_menu_item_add("Hello") en.context_menu_item_add("World") en.text = "Multi-line disabled entry widget :)
"\ "We can use markup like this for styling and
"\ "formatting like this, as well as
"\ "links in the text,"\ "but it won't be editable or clickable." en.show() bx.pack_end(en) sp = Separator(win, horizontal=True) bx.pack_end(sp) sp.show() # Single line selected entry en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_HORIZ, text="This is a single line", policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, single_line=True) en.select_all() en.show() bx.pack_end(en) # Filter test en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_HORIZ, text="Filter test", policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, single_line=True) en.show() bx.pack_end(en) en.markup_filter_append(my_filter, "test") # # Only digits entry # en = ScrollableEntry(win) # en.size_hint_weight = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0 # en.size_hint_align = EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5 # en.text = "01234" # en.scrollbar_policy = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF # en.single_line = True # en.show() # bx.pack_end(en) # digits_filter_data.accepted = "0123456789" # digits_filter_data.rejected = NULL # en.markup_filter_append(elm_entry_filter_accept_set, digits_filter_data) # # No digits entry # en = ScrollableEntry(win) # en.size_hint_weight = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0 # en.size_hint_align = EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5 # en.text = "No numbers here" # en.scrollbar_policy = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF # en.single_line = True # en.show() # bx.pack_end(en) # digits_filter_data2.accepted = NULL # digits_filter_data2.rejected = "0123456789" # en.markup_filter_append(elm_entry_filter_accept_set, digits_filter_data2) # # Size limited entry # en = ScrollableEntry(win) # en.size_hint_weight = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0 # en.size_hint_align = EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5 # en.text = "Just 20 chars" # en.scrollbar_policy = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF # en.single_line = True # en.show() # bx.pack_end(en) # limit_filter_data.max_char_count = 20 # limit_filter_data.max_byte_count = 0 # en.markup_filter_append(elm_entry_filter_limit_size, limit_filter_data) # # Byte size limited entry # en = ScrollableEntry(win) # en.size_hint_weight = EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0 # en.size_hint_align = EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5 # en.text = "And now only 30 bytes" # en.policy = ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF # en.single_line = True # en.show() # bx.pack_end(en) # limit_filter_data2.max_char_count = 0 # limit_filter_data2.max_byte_count = 30 # en.markup_filter_append(elm_entry_filter_limit_size, limit_filter_data2) # Single line password entry en_p = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_HORIZ, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, text="Password here", single_line=True, password=True) en_p.show() bx.pack_end(en_p) # entry with icon/end widgets en = ScrollableEntry(win, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_OFF, single_line=True, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, text="entry with icon and end objects") bt = Icon(win, standard="home", size_hint_min=(48, 48), color=(128, 0, 0, 128)) bt.show() en.part_content_set("icon", bt) bt = Icon(win, standard="delete", size_hint_min=(48, 48), color=(128, 0, 0, 128)) bt.show() en.part_content_set("end", bt) en.show() bx.pack_end(en) # markup entry en = ScrollableEntry(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, policy=SCROLL_POLICY_ON) en.text = "This is an entry widget in this window that
"\ "uses markup like this for styling and
"\ "formatting like this, as well as
"\ "links in the text, so enter text
"\ "in here to edit it. By them way, links are
"\ "called Anchors so you will need
"\ "to refer to them this way. At the end here is a really long "\ "line to test line wrapping to see if it works. But just in "\ "case this line is not long enough I will add more here to "\ "really test it out, as Elementary really needs some "\ "good testing to see if entry widgets work as advertised." en.callback_anchor_clicked_add(scrolled_anchor_test, en) en.show() bx.pack_end(en) bx2 = Box(win, horizontal=True, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) bt = Button(win, text="Clear", size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, propagate_events=False, focus_allow=False) bt.callback_clicked_add(scrolled_entry_bt_1, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Print", size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, propagate_events=False, focus_allow=False) bt.callback_clicked_add(scrolled_entry_bt_2, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Print pwd", size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, propagate_events=False, focus_allow=False) bt.callback_clicked_add(scrolled_entry_bt_5, en_p) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Selection", size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, propagate_events=False, focus_allow=False) bt.callback_clicked_add(scrolled_entry_bt_3, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bt = Button(win, text="Insert", size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_HORIZ, propagate_events=False, focus_allow=False) bt.callback_clicked_add(scrolled_entry_bt_4, en) bx2.pack_end(bt) bt.show() bx.pack_end(bx2) bx2.show() win.focus_set(True) win.show() def anchor_clicked(obj, event_info): print("Entry object is %s" % (obj)) print("We should have EntryAnchorInfo here: %s" % (str(event_info))) print("EntryAnchorInfo has the following properties and methods: %s" % (dir(event_info))) print(event_info.name) def anchor_hover_opened(obj, event_info): print("We should have EntryAnchorHoverInfo here: %s" % (event_info)) print("EntryAnchorHoverInfo has the following properties and methods: %s" % (dir(event_info))) print(event_info.anchor_info.name) btn = Button(obj, text="Testing entry anchor") event_info.hover.part_content_set("middle", btn) btn.show() def entry_anchor_clicked(obj, item=None): win = StandardWindow("entry", "Entry Anchor", autodel=True, size=(400,400)) box = Box(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH) win.resize_object_add(box) entry = Entry(win, anchor_hover_style="popout", anchor_hover_parent=win) entry.text = "Enlightenment" entry.callback_anchor_clicked_add(anchor_clicked) entry.callback_anchor_hover_opened_add(anchor_hover_opened) entry.show() frame = Frame(win, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH, text="Entry test", content=entry) frame.show() box.pack_end(frame) box.show() win.show() if __name__ == "__main__": elementary.init() win = StandardWindow("test", "python-elementary test application", size=(320,520)) win.callback_delete_request_add(lambda o: elementary.exit()) box0 = Box(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH) win.resize_object_add(box0) box0.show() lb = Label(win) lb.text_set("Please select a test from the list below
" "by clicking the test button to show the
" "test window.") lb.show() fr = Frame(win, text="Information", content=lb) box0.pack_end(fr) fr.show() items = [("Entry", entry_clicked), ("Entry Scrolled", entry_scrolled_clicked), ("Entry Anchor", entry_anchor_clicked) ] li = List(win, size_hint_weight=EXPAND_BOTH, size_hint_align=FILL_BOTH) box0.pack_end(li) li.show() for item in items: li.item_append(item[0], callback=item[1]) li.go() win.show() elementary.run() elementary.shutdown()