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# Copyright (C) 2007-2015 various contributors (see AUTHORS)
# This file is part of Python-EFL.
# Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this Python-EFL. If not, see <>.
.. _Evas_Textgrid_Palette:
.. rubric:: The palette to use for the foreground and background colors.
No palette is used
standard palette (around 16 colors)
extended palette (at max 256 colors)
ignore it
.. _Evas_Textgrid_Font_Style:
.. rubric:: The style to give to each character of the grid.
Normal style
Bold style
Oblique style
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc
cdef class TextgridCell(object):
The values that describe each cell.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
cdef Evas_Textgrid_Cell *cell
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % (self.codepoint,)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(codepoint = %s, fg = %s, bg = %s, bold = %s, \
italic = %s, underline = %s, strikethrough = %s, \
fg_extended = %s, bg_extended = %s, double_width = %s)" % (
type(self).__name__, self.codepoint,
self.fg,, self.bold, self.italic,
self.underline, self.strikethrough,
self.fg_extended, self.bg_extended,
property codepoint:
"""the UNICODE value of the character
:type: unicode
def __set__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.decode("UTF-8")
self.cell.codepoint = <Py_UCS4>value
def __get__(self):
return <unicode><Py_UCS4>self.cell.codepoint
property fg:
"""the index of the palette for the foreground color
:type: int
def __set__(self, int value):
self.cell.fg = value
def __get__(self):
return self.cell.fg
property bg:
"""the index of the palette for the background color
:type: int
def __set__(self, int value): = value
def __get__(self):
property bold:
"""whether the character is bold
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.bold = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.bold
property italic:
"""whether the character is oblique
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.italic = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.italic
property underline:
"""whether the character is underlined
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.underline = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.underline
property strikethrough:
"""whether the character is strikethrough'ed
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.strikethrough = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.strikethrough
property fg_extended:
"""whether the extended palette is used for the foreground color
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.fg_extended = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.fg_extended
property bg_extended:
"""whether the extended palette is used for the background color
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.bg_extended = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.bg_extended
property double_width:
"""If the codepoint is merged with the following cell to the right
visually (cells must be in pairs with 2nd cell being a duplicate in
all ways except codepoint is 0)
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint value):
self.cell.double_width = value
def __get__(self):
return <bint>self.cell.double_width
cdef class Textgrid(Object):
A textgrid object.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __init__(self, Canvas canvas not None, **kwargs):
:param canvas: Evas canvas for this object
:type canvas: :py:class:`~efl.evas.Canvas`
:keyword \**kwargs: All the remaining keyword arguments are interpreted
as properties of the instance
property size:
"""The size of the textgrid object.
The number of lines **h** and the number
of columns **w** of the textgrid object. Values
less than or equal to 0 are ignored.
:type: (int **w**, int **h**)
def __set__(self, value):
cdef int w, h
w, h = value
evas_object_textgrid_size_set(self.obj, w, h)
def __get__(self):
cdef int w, h
evas_object_textgrid_size_get(self.obj, &w, &h)
return (w, h)
property font_source:
"""The font (source) file used on a given textgrid object.
This allows the font file to be explicitly
set for the textgrid object, overriding system lookup, which
will first occur in the given file's contents. If
None or an empty string is assigned, or the same font_source has already
been set, or on error, this does nothing.
:type: unicode
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`font`
def __set__(self, font_source):
a1 = font_source
if isinstance(a1, unicode): a1 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a1)
<const char *>a1 if a1 is not None else NULL)
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(evas_object_textgrid_font_source_get(self.obj))
property font:
"""The font family and size on a given textgrid object.
This property allows the **font_name** and
**font_size** of the textgrid object to be set. The **font_name**
string has to follow fontconfig's convention on naming fonts, as
it's the underlying library used to query system fonts by Evas (see
the ``fc``-list command's output, on your system, to get an
idea). It also has to be a monospace font. If **font_name** is
``None``, or if it is an empty string, or if **font_size** is less or
equal than 0, or on error, this function does nothing.
:type: (unicode **font_name**, unicode **font_size**)
:see: :py:attr:`font_source`
def __set__(self, value):
cdef int font_size
font_name, font_size = value
a1 = font_name
if isinstance(a1, unicode): a1 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(a1)
<const char *>a1 if a1 is not None else NULL,
def __get__(self):
const char *font_name
Evas_Font_Size font_size
evas_object_textgrid_font_get(self.obj, &font_name, &font_size)
# font_name is owned by Evas, don't free it
return (_ctouni(font_name), font_size)
property cell_size:
"""The size of a cell of the given textgrid object in pixels.
This functions retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of a cell
of the textgrid object **obj** and store them respectively in the
buffers **width** and **height**. Their value depends on the
monospace font used for the textgrid object, as well as the
style. **width** and **height** can be ``None``. On error, they are
set to 0.
:type: (int **width**, int **height**)
.. seealso::
def __get__(self):
Evas_Coord w, h
evas_object_textgrid_cell_size_get(self.obj, &w, &h)
return (w, h)
def palette_set(self, Evas_Textgrid_Palette pal, int idx, int r, int g, int b, int a):
"""The set color to the given palette at the given index of the given textgrid object.
:param pal: The type of the palette to set the color.
:param idx: The index of the paletter to wich the color is stored.
:param r: The red component of the color.
:param g: The green component of the color.
:param b: The blue component of the color.
:param a: The alpha component of the color.
This function sets the color for the palette of type **pal** at the
index **idx** of the textgrid object **obj**. The ARGB components are
given by **r**, **g**, **b** and **a**. This color can be used when
setting the :py:class:`TextgridCell` object. The components must set
a pre-multiplied color. If pal is EVAS_TEXTGRID_PALETTE_NONE or
EVAS_TEXTGRID_PALETTE_LAST, or if **idx** is not between 0 and 255,
or on error, this function does nothing. The color components are
clamped between 0 and 255. If **idx** is greater than the latest set
color, the colors between this last index and **idx** - 1 are set to
black (0, 0, 0, 0).
:see: :py:func:`palette_get`
evas_object_textgrid_palette_set(self.obj, pal, idx, r, g, b, a)
def palette_get(self, Evas_Textgrid_Palette pal, int idx):
"""The retrieve color to the given palette at the given index of the given textgrid object.
:param pal: The type of the palette to set the color.
:param idx: The index of the palette to which the color is stored.
:rtype: (int **r**, int **g**, int **b**, int **a**)
This function retrieves the color for the palette of type **pal** at the
index **idx** of the textgrid object **obj**. The ARGB components are
stored in the buffers **r**, **g**, **b** and **a**. If **idx** is not
between 0 and the index of the latest set color, or if **pal** is
values of the components are 0. **r**, **g**, **b** and **a** can be
:see: :py:func:`palette_set`
int r, g, b, a
evas_object_textgrid_palette_get(self.obj, pal, idx, &r, &g, &b, &a)
return (r, g, b, a)
property supported_font_styles:
""" TODO: document this """
def __set__(self, Evas_Textgrid_Font_Style styles):
evas_object_textgrid_supported_font_styles_set(self.obj, styles)
def __get__(self):
return evas_object_textgrid_supported_font_styles_get(self.obj)
def cellrow_set(self, int y, list row not None):
"""Set the string at the given row of the given textgrid object.
:param y: The row index of the grid.
:type y: int
:param row: The string as a sequence of #Evas_Textgrid_Cell.
:type row: list
This function returns cells to the textgrid taken by
:py:func:`cellrow_get`. The row pointer **row** should be the
same row pointer returned by :py:func:`cellrow_get` for the
same row **y**.
.. seealso::
TextgridCell cell
Evas_Textgrid_Cell **crow
int rlen = len(row)
int i
crow = <Evas_Textgrid_Cell **>malloc(rlen * sizeof(Evas_Textgrid_Cell *))
for i in range(rlen):
cell = row[i]
crow[i] = cell.cell
evas_object_textgrid_cellrow_set(self.obj, y, crow[0])
def cellrow_get(self, int y):
"""Get the string at the given row of the given textgrid object.
:param y: The row index of the grid.
:return: A pointer to the first cell of the given row.
This function returns a pointer to the first cell of the line **y**
of the textgrid object **obj**. If **y** is not between 0 and the
number of lines of the grid - 1, or on error, this function return ``None``.
.. seealso::
Evas_Textgrid_Cell *row = evas_object_textgrid_cellrow_get(self.obj, y)
int i
list ret = []
TextgridCell cell
if row == NULL:
return None
for i in range(self.size[0]):
cell = TextgridCell.__new__(TextgridCell)
cell.cell = &row[i]
return ret
def update_add(self, int x, int y, int w, int h):
"""Indicate for evas that part of a textgrid region (cells) has been updated.
:param x: The rect region of cells top-left x (column)
:param y: The rect region of cells top-left y (row)
:param w: The rect region size in number of cells (columns)
:param h: The rect region size in number of cells (rows)
This function declares to evas that a region of cells was updated by
code and needs refreshing. An application should modify cells like this
as an example::
cells = tg.cellrow_get(row)
for i in range(width):
cells[i].codepoint = 'E'
tg.cellrow_set(row, cells)
tg.update_add(0, row, width, 1)
.. seealso::
evas_object_textgrid_update_add(self.obj, x, y, w, h)
_object_mapping_register("Evas_Textgrid", Textgrid)