
346 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2007-2022 various contributors (see AUTHORS)
# This file is part of Python-EFL.
# Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this Python-EFL. If not, see <>.
:mod:`efl.eo` Module
.. toctree::
from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF, PyUnicode_AsUTF8String
from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
from efl.eina cimport Eina_Bool, \
Eina_Hash, eina_hash_string_superfast_new, eina_hash_add, eina_hash_del, \
eina_hash_find, EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG, EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO, \
Eina_Iterator, eina_iterator_next, eina_iterator_free
from efl.c_eo cimport Eo as cEo, efl_object_init, efl_object_shutdown, efl_del, \
efl_class_name_get, efl_class_get, efl_object_class_get,\
efl_key_data_set, efl_key_data_get, \
efl_event_callback_add, efl_event_callback_del, EFL_EVENT_DEL, \
efl_parent_get, efl_parent_set, Efl_Event_Description, \
efl_event_freeze, efl_event_thaw, efl_event_freeze_count_get, \
efl_event_global_freeze, efl_event_global_thaw, \
efl_event_global_freeze_count_get, efl_event_callback_stop, \
efl_children_iterator_new, Efl_Event
from efl.utils.logger cimport add_logger
# Set this to public and export it in pxd if you need it in another module
cdef int PY_EFL_EO_LOG_DOMAIN = add_logger(__name__).eina_log_domain
cdef int PY_REFCOUNT(object o):
cdef PyObject *obj = <PyObject *>o
return obj.ob_refcnt
import atexit
def init():
EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(PY_EFL_EO_LOG_DOMAIN, "Initializing efl.eo")
return efl_object_init()
def shutdown():
EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(PY_EFL_EO_LOG_DOMAIN, "Shutting down efl.eo")
return efl_object_shutdown()
def event_global_freeze_count_get():
return efl_event_global_freeze_count_get()
def event_global_freeze():
def event_global_thaw():
Object mapping is an Eina Hash table into which object type names can be
registered. These can be used to find a bindings class for an object using
the function object_from_instance.
cdef Eina_Hash *object_mapping = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL)
cdef void _object_mapping_register(char *name, object cls) except *:
if eina_hash_find(object_mapping, name) != NULL:
raise ValueError("Object type name '%s' already registered." % name)
cdef object cls_name = cls.__name__
if isinstance(cls_name, unicode): cls_name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(cls_name)
"REGISTER: %s => %s", <char *>name, <char *>cls_name)
eina_hash_add(object_mapping, name, <PyObject *>cls)
cdef void _object_mapping_unregister(char *name):
eina_hash_del(object_mapping, name, NULL)
cdef api object object_from_instance(cEo *obj):
""" Create a python object from a C Eo object pointer. """
void *data = NULL
Eo o
const char *cls_name = efl_class_name_get(efl_class_get(obj))
type cls
void *cls_ret
if obj == NULL:
return None
data = efl_key_data_get(obj, "python-eo")
if data != NULL:
"Returning a Python object instance for Eo of type %s.", cls_name)
return <Eo>data
if cls_name == NULL:
raise ValueError(
"Eo object at %#x does not have a type!" % <uintptr_t>obj)
cls_ret = eina_hash_find(object_mapping, cls_name)
if cls_ret == NULL:
# TODO: Add here a last ditch effort to import the class from a module
raise ValueError(
"Eo object at %#x of type %s does not have a mapping!" % (
<uintptr_t>obj, cls_name)
cls = <type>cls_ret
if cls is None:
raise ValueError(
"Mapping for Eo object at %#x, type %s, contains None!" % (
<uintptr_t>obj, cls_name))
"Constructing a Python object from Eo of type %s.", cls_name)
o = cls.__new__(cls)
return o
cdef api cEo *instance_from_object(object obj):
cdef Eo o = obj
return o.obj
cdef void _register_decorated_callbacks(Eo obj):
Search every attrib of the pyobj for a __decorated_callbacks__ object,
a list actually. If found then exec the functions listed there, with their
arguments. Must be called just after the _set_obj call.
List items signature: ("function_name", *args)
cdef object attr_name, attrib, func_name, func
cdef type cls = type(obj)
# FIXME: This whole thing is really slow. Can we do it better?
for attr_name, attrib in cls.__dict__.items():
if "__decorated_callbacks__" in dir(attrib):
for (func_name, *args) in getattr(attrib, "__decorated_callbacks__"):
func = getattr(obj, func_name)
cdef void _efl_event_del_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) with gil:
Eo self = <Eo>data
const char *cls_name = efl_class_name_get(efl_class_get(self.obj))
EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(PY_EFL_EO_LOG_DOMAIN, "Deleting Eo: %s", cls_name)
# This callback_stop call cause lots of warning in lots of places, mainy
# visible in genlist/gengrid scrolling, seems this stop evas del event
# to be emitted...didn't find the root cause, so comment out for the moment.
# efl_event_callback_stop(self.obj)
efl_event_callback_del(self.obj, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _efl_event_del_cb, <const void *>self)
efl_key_data_set(self.obj, "python-eo", NULL)
self.obj = NULL
cdef class EoIterator:
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
void* tmp
Eina_Bool result
if not eina_iterator_next(self.itr, &tmp):
raise StopIteration
return object_from_instance(<cEo *>tmp)
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef class Eo(object):
Base class used by all the object in the EFL.
# c globals declared in eo.pxd (to make the class available to others)
def __cinit__(self): = dict()
self.internal_data = dict()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if type(self) is Eo:
raise TypeError("Must not instantiate Eo, but subclasses")
def __repr__(self):
cdef cEo *parent = NULL
if self.obj != NULL:
parent = efl_parent_get(self.obj)
return ("<%s object (Eo) at %#x (obj=%#x, parent=%#x, refcount=%d)>") % (
<uintptr_t><void *>self,
def __nonzero__(self):
return 1 if self.obj != NULL else 0
cdef int _set_obj(self, cEo *obj) except 0:
assert self.obj == NULL, "Object must be clean"
assert obj != NULL, "Cannot set a NULL object"
self.obj = obj
efl_key_data_set(self.obj, "python-eo", <void *>self)
efl_event_callback_add(self.obj, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _efl_event_del_cb, <const void *>self)
# from efl 1.18 eo.parent changed behaviour, objects are now reparented
# when, fe, swallowed. This is the hack to keep the old behavior.
parent = object_from_instance(efl_parent_get(obj))
except ValueError:
parent = None
self.internal_data["_legacy_parent"] = parent
return 1
def _wipe_obj_data_NEVER_USE_THIS(self):
# only used in tests/eo/
# to force object_from_instance() to recreate the obj
efl_key_data_set(self.obj, "python-eo", NULL)
cdef int _set_properties_from_keyword_args(self, dict kwargs) except 0:
if kwargs:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
return 1
def __iter__(self):
return EoIterator.create(efl_children_iterator_new(self.obj))
def delete(self):
"""Decrease internal reference count and delete the object gracefully
.. note:: Reference count will be decreased at the del callback, not
instantly when calling this. Same for setting the internal
object pointer to NULL and freeing any internal resources.
.. note:: This will not automatically free the Python object, only
the wrapped C object. This will prevent you from calling methods
other than :meth:`is_deleted` and accessing properties on the
object. The Python object will be automatically freed by Python
when there are no more references to it.
def is_deleted(self):
"""Check if the object has been deleted thus leaving the object shallow.
:return: True if the object has been deleted yet, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return bool(self.obj == NULL)
property parent:
"""The parent object
:type: :class:`Eo`
def __set__(self, Eo parent):
self.internal_data["_legacy_parent"] = parent
efl_parent_set(self.obj, parent.obj)
def __get__(self):
return self.internal_data["_legacy_parent"]
def parent_set(self, Eo parent):
self.internal_data["_legacy_parent"] = parent
efl_parent_set(self.obj, parent.obj)
def parent_get(self):
return self.internal_data["_legacy_parent"]
def event_freeze(self):
"""Pause event propagation for this object."""
def event_thaw(self):
"""Restart event propagation for this object."""
def event_freeze_count_get(self):
"""Get the event freeze count for this object.
:return: the freeze count
:rtype: int
return efl_event_freeze_count_get(self.obj)