
135 lines
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.. currentmodule:: efl.elementary
.. image:: /images/list-preview.png
Widget description
A list widget is a container whose children are displayed vertically or
horizontally, in order, and can be selected.
The list can accept only one or multiple items selection. Also has many
modes of items displaying.
A list is a very simple type of list widget. For more robust
lists, :py:class:`~efl.elementary.genlist.Genlist` should probably be used.
Emitted signals
- ``activated`` - The user has double-clicked or pressed
(enter|return|spacebar) on an item.
- ``clicked,double`` - The user has double-clicked an item.
- ``clicked,right`` - The user has right-clicked an item. (since: 1.13)
- ``selected`` - when the user selected an item
- ``unselected`` - when the user unselected an item
- ``longpressed`` - an item in the list is long-pressed
- ``edge,top`` - the list is scrolled until the top edge
- ``edge,bottom`` - the list is scrolled until the bottom edge
- ``edge,left`` - the list is scrolled until the left edge
- ``edge,right`` - the list is scrolled until the right edge
- ``highlighted`` - an item in the list is highlighted. This is called when
the user presses an item or keyboard selection is done so the item is
physically highlighted.
- ``unhighlighted`` - an item in the list is unhighlighted. This is called
when the user releases an item or keyboard selection is moved so the item
is physically unhighlighted.
- ``item,focused`` - When the list item has received focus. (since 1.10)
- ``item,unfocused`` - When the list item has lost focus. (since 1.10)
Available styles
- ``default``
Layout content parts
- ``start`` - A start position object in the list item
- ``end`` - A end position object in the list item
Layout text parts
- ``default`` - label in the list item
Scrollable Interface
This widget supports the scrollable interface.
If you wish to control the scolling behaviour using these functions,
inherit both the widget class and the
:py:class:`~efl.elementary.scroller.Scrollable` class
using multiple inheritance, for example::
class ScrollableGenlist(Genlist, Scrollable):
def __init__(self, canvas, *args, **kwargs):
Genlist.__init__(self, canvas)
.. _Elm_List_Mode:
List sizing modes
The list won't set any of its size hints to inform how a possible container
should resize it.
Then, if it's not created as a "resize object", it might end with zeroed
dimensions. The list will respect the container's geometry and, if any of
its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one won't be able to scroll it
in that direction.
Default value.
This is the same as ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, with the exception that if any of
its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one will be able to scroll
it in that direction.
.. data:: ELM_LIST_LIMIT
Sets a minimum size hint on the list object, so that containers may
respect it (and resize itself to fit the child properly).
More specifically, a minimum size hint will be set for its transverse
axis, so that the largest item in that direction fits well. This is
naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set externally.
Besides setting a minimum size on the transverse axis, just like on
ELM_LIST_LIMIT, the list will set a minimum size on the longitudinal
axis, trying to reserve space to all its children to be visible at a time.
This is naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set
Inheritance diagram
.. inheritance-diagram::
:parts: 2
.. autoclass:: List
.. autoclass:: ListItem