
470 lines
17 KiB

from efl.utils.conversions cimport python_list_objects_to_eina_list
cdef extern from "Elementary.h":
struct _Elm_Selection_Data:
Evas_Coord x, y
Elm_Sel_Format format
void *data
size_t len
Elm_Xdnd_Action action
ctypedef _Elm_Selection_Data Elm_Selection_Data
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Elm_Drop_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Selection_Data *ev)
ctypedef Elm_Object_Item *(*Elm_Xy_Item_Get_Cb) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, int *xposret, int *yposret)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Selection_Loss_Cb) (void *data, Elm_Sel_Type selection)
ctypedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Drag_Icon_Create_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *win, Evas_Coord *xoff, Evas_Coord *yoff)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_State) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_Done) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool accepted)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_Accept) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool doaccept)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_Pos) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Elm_Xdnd_Action action)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_Start) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
ctypedef void (*Elm_Drag_Item_Container_Pos) (void *data, Evas_Object *cont, Elm_Object_Item *it, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, int xposret, int yposret, Elm_Xdnd_Action action)
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Elm_Drop_Item_Container_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Object_Item *it, Elm_Selection_Data *ev, int xposret, int yposret)
struct _Elm_Drag_User_Info:
Elm_Sel_Format format
const char *data
Eina_List *icons
Elm_Xdnd_Action action
Elm_Drag_Icon_Create_Cb createicon
void *createdata
Elm_Drag_Pos dragpos
void *dragdata
Elm_Drag_Accept acceptcb
void *acceptdata
Elm_Drag_Done dragdone
void *donecbdata
ctypedef _Elm_Drag_User_Info Elm_Drag_User_Info
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Elm_Item_Container_Data_Get_Cb)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Object_Item *it, Elm_Drag_User_Info *info)
Eina_Bool elm_cnp_selection_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Type selection, Elm_Sel_Format format, const void *buf, size_t buflen)
Eina_Bool elm_cnp_selection_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Type selection, Elm_Sel_Format format, Elm_Drop_Cb datacb, void *udata)
Eina_Bool elm_object_cnp_selection_clear(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Type selection)
void elm_cnp_selection_loss_callback_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Type selection, Elm_Selection_Loss_Cb func, const void *data)
Eina_Bool elm_drop_target_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Format format, Elm_Drag_State entercb, void *enterdata, Elm_Drag_State leavecb, void *leavedata, Elm_Drag_Pos poscb, void *posdata, Elm_Drop_Cb dropcb, void *dropdata)
Eina_Bool elm_drop_target_del(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Format format, Elm_Drag_State entercb, void *enterdata, Elm_Drag_State leavecb, void *leavedata, Elm_Drag_Pos poscb, void *posdata, Elm_Drop_Cb dropcb, void *dropdata)
Eina_Bool elm_drag_start(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Format format, const char *data, Elm_Xdnd_Action action, Elm_Drag_Icon_Create_Cb createicon, void *createdata, Elm_Drag_Pos dragpos, void *dragdata, Elm_Drag_Accept acceptcb, void *acceptdata, Elm_Drag_State dragdone, void *donecbdata)
Eina_Bool elm_drag_cancel(Evas_Object *obj)
Eina_Bool elm_drag_action_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Xdnd_Action action)
Eina_Bool elm_drag_item_container_add(Evas_Object *obj, double tm_to_anim, double tm_to_drag, Elm_Xy_Item_Get_Cb itemgetcb, Elm_Item_Container_Data_Get_Cb data_get)
Eina_Bool elm_drag_item_container_del(Evas_Object *obj)
Eina_Bool elm_drop_item_container_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Sel_Format format, Elm_Xy_Item_Get_Cb itemgetcb, Elm_Drag_State entercb, void *enterdata, Elm_Drag_State leavecb, void *leavedata, Elm_Drag_Item_Container_Pos poscb, void *posdata, Elm_Drop_Item_Container_Cb dropcb, void *dropdata)
Eina_Bool elm_drop_item_container_del(Evas_Object *obj)
cdef class SelectionData(object):
"""Structure holding the info about selected data."""
cdef Elm_Selection_Data *sel_data
property x:
""":type: int"""
def __get__(self):
return self.sel_data.x
property y:
""":type: int"""
def __get__(self):
return self.sel_data.y
property format:
""":type: :ref:`Elm_Object_Sel_Format`"""
def __get__(self):
return self.sel_data.format
property data:
def __get__(self):
# TODO: check if this can have anything other than text data
return _ctouni(<const char *>
property len:
""":type: size_t"""
def __get__(self):
return self.sel_data.len
property action:
"""The action to perform with the data
:type: :ref:`Elm_Object_Xdnd_Action`
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __get__(self):
return self.sel_data.action
cdef Eina_Bool py_elm_drop_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Selection_Data *ev) with gil:
"""Callback invoked when the selected data is 'dropped' at its destination.
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The evas object where selected data is 'dropped'.
:param ev: struct holding information about selected data
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
SelectionData sd = SelectionData.__new__(SelectionData)
bint ret
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
sd.sel_data = ev
cb_func, cb_data = <object>data
ret = cb_func(o, sd, cb_data)
except Exception:
return 0
sd.sel_data = NULL
return ret
cdef Elm_Object_Item *py_elm_xy_item_get_cb(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, int *xposret, int *yposret) with gil:
"""Callback invoked to find out what object is under (x,y) coords
:param obj: The container object
:param x: cord to check
:param y: cord to check
:param xposret: Position relative to item (left (-1), middle (0), right (1)
:param yposret: Position relative to item (upper (-1), middle (0), bottom (1)
:return: object under x,y cords or NULL if not found.
assert obj != NULL, "obj is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
object xpos1, ypos1
ObjectItem it
ret = o.internal_data["xy_item_get_cb"](o, x, y)
it, xpos1, ypos1 = ret
except Exception:
return NULL
if xpos1 is not None:
xposret[0] = <int>xpos1
if ypos1 is not None:
yposret[0] = <int>ypos1
if it:
return it.item
return NULL
cdef void py_elm_selection_loss_cb(void *data, Elm_Sel_Type selection) with gil:
"""Callback invoked when the selection ownership for a given selection is lost.
:param data: Application specific data
:param selection: The selection that is lost
o = <object>data
cb_func = o.cnp_selection_loss_cb
cb_data = o.cnp_selection_loss_data
cb_func(selection, cb_data)
cdef Evas_Object *py_elm_drag_icon_create_cb(
void *data, Evas_Object *win, Evas_Coord *xoff, Evas_Coord *yoff) with gil:
"""Callback called to create a drag icon object
:param data: Application specific data
:param win: The window to create the objects relative to
:param xoff: A return coordinate for the X offset at which to place
the drag icon object relative to the source drag object
:param yoff: A return coordinate for the Y offset at which to place
the drag icon object relative to the source drag object
:return: An object to fill the drag window with or NULL if not needed
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
evasObject win1 = object_from_instance(win)
evasObject icon
object xoff1 = None, yoff1 = None
createicon, createdata = <object>data
if xoff != NULL:
xoff1 = xoff[0]
if yoff != NULL:
yoff1 = yoff[0]
ret = createicon(win1, xoff1, yoff1, createdata)
except Exception:
return NULL
if ret is None:
return NULL
icon, xoff1, yoff1 = ret
if xoff1 is not None:
xoff[0] = <Evas_Coord>xoff1
if yoff1 is not None:
yoff[0] = <Evas_Coord>yoff1
return icon.obj
cdef void py_elm_drag_state_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj) with gil:
"""Callback called when a drag is finished, enters, or leaves an object
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The object where the drag started
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
statecb, statedata = <object>data
statecb(o, statedata)
except Exception:
cdef void py_elm_drag_done_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool accepted) with gil:
"""Callback called when a drag is finished.
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The object where the drag started
:param accepted: TRUE if the dropped-data is accepted on drop
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
donecb, donedata = <object>data
donecb(o, <bint>accepted, donedata)
except Exception:
cdef void py_elm_drag_accept_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool doaccept) with gil:
"""Callback called when a drag is responded to with an accept or deny
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The object where the drag started
:param doaccept: A boolean as to if the target accepts the drag or not
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
acceptcb, acceptdata = <object>data
acceptcb(o, <bint>doaccept, acceptdata)
except Exception:
cdef void py_elm_drag_pos_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj,
Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Elm_Xdnd_Action action) with gil:
"""Callback called when a drag is over an object, and gives object-relative coordinates
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The object where the drag started
:param x: The X coordinate relative to the top-left of the object
:param y: The Y coordinate relative to the top-left of the object
assert data != NULL, "data is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
dragpos, dragdata = <object>data
dragpos(o, x, y, action, dragdata)
except Exception:
cdef void py_elm_drag_item_container_pos(
void *data, Evas_Object *cont, Elm_Object_Item *it,
Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, int xposret, int yposret,
Elm_Xdnd_Action action) with gil:
Callback called when a drag is over an object
:param data: Application specific data
:param cont: The container object where the drag started
:param it: The object item in container where mouse-over
:param x: The X coordinate relative to the top-left of the object
:param y: The Y coordinate relative to the top-left of the object
:param xposret: Position relative to item (left (-1), middle (0), right (1)
:param yposret: Position relative to item (upper (-1), middle (0), bottom (1)
:param action: The drag action to be done
evasObject o = object_from_instance(cont)
ObjectItem item = _object_item_to_python(it)
o.internal_data["drag_item_container_pos"](o, item, x, y, xposret, yposret, action, <object>data if data is not NULL else None)
except Exception:
cdef Eina_Bool py_elm_drop_item_container_cb(
void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Object_Item *it,
Elm_Selection_Data *ev, int xposret, int yposret) with gil:
Callback invoked in when the selected data is 'dropped' on container.
:param data: Application specific data
:param obj: The evas object where selected data is 'dropped'.
:param it: The item in container where drop-cords
:param ev: struct holding information about selected data
:param xposret: Position relative to item (left (-1), middle (0), right (1)
:param yposret: Position relative to item (upper (-1), middle (0), bottom (1)
assert obj != NULL, "obj is NULL"
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
ObjectItem item
SelectionData evdata = SelectionData.__new__(SelectionData)
object cbdata = None
item = _object_item_to_python(it)
evdata.sel_data = ev
cb = o.internal_data["drop_item_container_cb"]
if data != NULL:
cbdata = <object>data
ret = cb(o, item, evdata, xposret, yposret, cbdata)
except Exception:
return 0
return ret
cdef class DragUserInfo(object):
Structure describing user information for the drag process.
:param format: The drag formats supported by the data (output)
:param data: The drag data itself (a string) (output)
:param icons: if value not NULL, play default anim (output)
:param action: The drag action to be done (output)
:param createicon: Function to call to create a drag object, or NULL if not wanted (output)
:param createdata: Application data passed to @p createicon (output)
:param dragpos: Function called with each position of the drag,
x, y being screen coordinates if possible, and action being the current action. (output)
:param dragdata: Application data passed to @p dragpos (output)
:param acceptcb: Function called indicating if drop target accepts
(or does not) the drop data while dragging (output)
:param acceptdata: Application data passed to @p acceptcb (output)
:param dragdone: Function to call when drag is done (output)
:param donecbdata: Application data to pass to @p dragdone (output)
# Elm_Sel_Format format;
# const char *data;
# Eina_List *icons;
# Elm_Xdnd_Action action;
# Elm_Drag_Icon_Create_Cb createicon;
# void *createdata;
# Elm_Drag_Pos dragpos;
# void *dragdata;
# Elm_Drag_Accept acceptcb;
# void *acceptdata;
# Elm_Drag_Done dragdone;
# void *donecbdata;
public Elm_Sel_Format format
public Elm_Xdnd_Action action
public list icons
public object createicon, createdata, dragpos, dragdata
public object acceptcb, acceptdata, dragdone, donecbdata
const char *_data
property data:
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self._data)
def __set__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, unicode): value = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(value)
self._data = value
cdef Eina_Bool py_elm_item_container_data_get_cb(
Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Object_Item *it, Elm_Drag_User_Info *info) with gil:
Callback invoked when starting to drag for a container.
:param obj: The container object
:param it: The Elm_Object_Item pointer where drag-start
:return: Returns EINA_TRUE, if successful, or EINA_FALSE if not.
DragUserInfo pyinfo = DragUserInfo.__new__(DragUserInfo)
evasObject o = object_from_instance(obj)
ObjectItem item = _object_item_to_python(it)
bint ret
func = o.internal_data["item_container_data_get_cb"]
ret = func(o, item, pyinfo)
except Exception:
return 0
if ret:
info.format = pyinfo.format = strdup(pyinfo._data)
info.icons = python_list_objects_to_eina_list(pyinfo.icons)
if pyinfo.createicon is not None:
info.createicon = py_elm_drag_icon_create_cb
createdata = (pyinfo.createicon, pyinfo.createdata)
info.createdata = <void *>createdata
if pyinfo.dragpos is not None:
info.dragpos = py_elm_drag_pos_cb
dragdata = (pyinfo.dragpos, pyinfo.dragdata)
info.dragdata = <void *>dragdata
if pyinfo.acceptcb is not None:
info.acceptcb = py_elm_drag_accept_cb
acceptdata = (pyinfo.acceptcb, pyinfo.acceptdata)
info.acceptdata = <void *>acceptdata
if pyinfo.dragdone is not None:
info.dragdone =py_elm_drag_done_cb
donecbdata = (pyinfo.dragdone, pyinfo.donecbdata)
info.donecbdata = <void *>donecbdata
return 1
return 0