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21 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 various contributors (see AUTHORS)
# This file is part of Python-EFL.
# Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this Python-EFL. If not, see <>.
include "image_cdef.pxi"
cdef class ImageProgressInfo(object):
The info sent in the callback for the ``download,progress`` signals emitted
by :class:`Image` while downloading remote urls.
:var now: The amount of data received so far.
:var total: The total amount of data to download.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
readonly double now, total
cdef ImageProgressInfo create(Elm_Image_Progress *addr):
cdef ImageProgressInfo self = ImageProgressInfo.__new__(ImageProgressInfo) = =
return self
cdef object _image_download_progress_conv(void *addr):
return ImageProgressInfo.create(<Elm_Image_Progress *>addr)
cdef class ImageErrorInfo(object):
The info sent in the callback for the ``download,error`` signals emitted
by :class:`Image` when fail to download remote urls.
:var status: The http error code (such as 401)
:var open_error: TODO
.. versionadded:: 1.8
readonly int status
readonly bint open_error
cdef ImageErrorInfo create(Elm_Image_Error *addr):
cdef ImageErrorInfo self = ImageErrorInfo.__new__(ImageErrorInfo)
self.status = 0
self.open_error = False
return self
cdef object _image_download_error_conv(void *addr):
return ImageErrorInfo.create(<Elm_Image_Error *>addr)
cdef class Image(Object):
This is the class that actually implements the widget.
def __init__(self, evasObject parent, *args, **kwargs):
:param parent: The parent object
:type parent: :py:class:`efl.evas.Object`
:param \**kwargs: All the remaining keyword arguments are interpreted
as properties of the instance
property file:
"""The file (and edje group) that will be used as the image's source.
.. note:: Setting this will trigger the Edje file case based on the
extension of the ``file`` string (expects ``".edj"``, for this
.. note:: If you use animated gif image and create multiple image
objects with one gif image file, you should set the ``group``
differently for each object, else image objects will share one evas
image cache entry and you will get unwanted frames.
:type: unicode **file** or (unicode **file**, unicode **group**)
:raise RuntimeError: when setting the file fails
.. versionchanged:: 1.8
Raises RuntimeError when setting the file fails, instead of
returning a bool.
def __set__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, tuple):
filename, group = value
filename = value
group = None
if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filename)
if isinstance(group, unicode): group = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(group)
if not elm_image_file_set(self.obj,
<const char *>filename if filename is not None else NULL,
<const char *>group if group is not None else NULL):
raise RuntimeError("Could not set file.")
def __get__(self):
const char *filename
const char *group
elm_image_file_get(self.obj, &filename, &group)
return (_ctouni(filename), _ctouni(group))
def file_set(self, filename, group = None):
if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filename)
if isinstance(group, unicode): group = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(group)
if not elm_image_file_set(self.obj,
<const char *>filename if filename is not None else NULL,
<const char *>group if group is not None else NULL):
raise RuntimeError("Could not set file.")
def file_get(self):
const char *filename
const char *group
elm_image_file_get(self.obj, &filename, &group)
return (_ctouni(filename), _ctouni(group))
property prescale:
"""The prescale size for the image
This is the size for pixmap representation of the given image. It
allows the image to be loaded already in the specified size,
reducing the memory usage and load time when loading a big image
with load size set to a smaller size.
It's equivalent to the
:py:attr:`efl.elementary.background.Background.load_size` property for bg.
.. note:: this is just a hint, the real size of the pixmap may differ
depending on the type of image being loaded, being bigger than
:type: int
def __get__(self):
return elm_image_prescale_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, size):
elm_image_prescale_set(self.obj, size)
def prescale_set(self, size):
elm_image_prescale_set(self.obj, size)
def prescale_get(self):
return elm_image_prescale_get(self.obj)
#property mmap_file:
# """The file (and edje group) that will be used as the image's source.
# .. note:: Setting this will trigger the Edje file case based on the
# extension of the ``file`` string (expects ``".edj"``, for this
# case).
# .. note:: If you use animated gif image and create multiple image
# objects with one gif image file, you should set the ``group``
# differently for each object, else image objects will share one evas
# image cache entry and you will get unwanted frames.
# :type: unicode **file** or (unicode **file**, unicode **group**)
# :raise RuntimeError: when setting the file fails
# .. versionadded:: 1.18
# """
# def __set__(self, value):
# cdef Eina_File file_handle
# if isinstance(value, tuple):
# filename, group = value
# else:
# filename = value
# group = None
# if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filename)
# if isinstance(group, unicode): group = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(group)
# file_handle = eina_file_open(filename, EINA_FALSE)
# if not elm_image_mmap_set(self.obj,
# file_handle,
# <const char *>group if group is not None else NULL):
# raise RuntimeError("Could not set mmap file.")
#def mmap_file_set(self, filename, group = None):
# cdef Eina_File file_handle
# if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filename)
# if isinstance(group, unicode): group = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(group)
# file_handle = eina_file_open(filename, EINA_FALSE)
# if not elm_image_mmap_set(self.obj,
# file_handle,
# <const char *>group if group is not None else NULL):
# raise RuntimeError("Could not set mmap file.")
property smooth:
"""The smooth effect for an image.
The scaling algorithm to be used when scaling the image. Smooth
scaling provides a better resulting image, but is slower.
The smooth scaling should be disabled when making animations that
change the image size, since it will be faster. Animations that
don't require resizing of the image can keep the smooth scaling
enabled (even if the image is already scaled, since the scaled image
will be cached).
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_smooth_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, smooth):
elm_image_smooth_set(self.obj, smooth)
def smooth_set(self, smooth):
elm_image_smooth_set(self.obj, smooth)
def smooth_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_smooth_get(self.obj))
property animated_play:
"""Start or stop an image object's animation.
To actually start playing any image object's animation, if it
supports it, one must do something like::
if img.animated_available:
img.animated = True
img.animated_play = True
:py:attr:`animated` will enable animation on the image, **but not start it yet**.
This is the property one uses to start and stop animation on
an image object or get whether it is animating or not.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`animated_available` :py:attr:`animated`
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_play_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, play):
elm_image_animated_play_set(self.obj, play)
def animated_play_set(self, play):
elm_image_animated_play_set(self.obj, play)
def animated_play_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_play_get(self.obj))
property animated:
"""Whether an image object (which supports animation) is to
animate itself or not.
An image object, even if it supports animation, will be displayed
by default without animation. Set this to ``True`` to enable its
animation. To start or stop the
animation, actually, use :py:attr:`animated_play`.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`animated_available` :py:attr:`animated_play`
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, animated):
elm_image_animated_set(self.obj, animated)
def animated_set(self, animated):
elm_image_animated_set(self.obj, animated)
def animated_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_get(self.obj))
property animated_available:
"""Whether an image object supports animation or not.
This returns if this Elementary image object's internal
image can be animated. Currently Evas only supports GIF
animation. If the return value is **False**, other
``animated_xxx`` API calls won't work.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`animated`
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_available_get(self.obj))
def animated_available_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_animated_available_get(self.obj))
property editable:
"""Whether the image is 'editable'.
This means the image is a valid drag target for drag and drop, and
can be cut or pasted too. Default is *False*.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_editable_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, editable):
elm_image_editable_set(self.obj, editable)
def editable_set(self, editable):
elm_image_editable_set(self.obj, editable)
def editable_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_editable_get(self.obj))
def memfile_set(self, img, size, format=None, key=None):
"""Set a location in memory to be used as an image object's source
This function is handy when the contents of an image file are
mapped in memory, for example.
The ``format`` string should be something like ``"png"``, ``"jpg"``,
``"tga"``, ``"tiff"``, ``"bmp"`` etc, when provided. This improves
the loader performance as it tries the "correct" loader first,
before trying a range of other possible loaders until one succeeds.
:return: ``True`` on success or ``False`` on error
.. versionadded:: 1.14
:param img: The binary data that will be used as image source, must
support the buffer interface
:param size: The size of binary data blob ``img``
:param format: (Optional) expected format of ``img`` bytes
:param key: Optional indexing key of ``img`` to be passed to the
image loader (eg. if ``img`` is a memory-mapped EET file)
cdef Py_buffer view
cdef Eina_Bool ret
if isinstance(format, unicode): format = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(format)
if isinstance(key, unicode): key = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(key)
PyObject_GetBuffer(img, &view, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
ret = elm_image_memfile_set(self.obj,
<void *>view.buf,
<const char *>format if format else NULL,
<const char *>key if key else NULL)
return bool(ret)
property fill_outside:
"""Whether the image fills the entire object area, when keeping the
aspect ratio.
When the image should keep its aspect ratio even if resized to
another aspect ratio, there are two possibilities to resize it: keep
the entire image inside the limits of height and width of the object
(*fill_outside* is *False*) or let the extra width or height go
outside of the object, and the image will fill the entire object
(*fill_outside* is *True*).
.. note:: This option will have no effect if :py:attr:`aspect_fixed`
is set to *False*.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_fill_outside_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, fill_outside):
elm_image_fill_outside_set(self.obj, fill_outside)
def fill_outside_set(self, fill_outside):
elm_image_fill_outside_set(self.obj, fill_outside)
def fill_outside_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_fill_outside_get(self.obj))
property preload_disabled:
"""Enable or disable preloading of the image
:type: bool
def __set__(self, disabled):
elm_image_preload_disabled_set(self.obj, disabled)
def preload_disabled_set(self, disabled):
elm_image_preload_disabled_set(self.obj, disabled)
property orient:
"""The image orientation.
Setting this allows to rotate or flip the given image.
:type: :ref:`Elm_Image_Orient`
def __get__(self):
return elm_image_orient_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, orientation):
elm_image_orient_set(self.obj, orientation)
def orient_set(self, orientation):
elm_image_orient_set(self.obj, orientation)
def orient_get(self):
return elm_image_orient_get(self.obj)
property object:
"""Get the inlined image object of the image widget.
This function allows one to get the underlying ``Evas_Object`` of
type Image from this elementary widget. It can be useful to do
things like get the pixel data, save the image to a file, etc.
.. note:: Be careful to not manipulate it, as it is under control of
:type: :py:class:`efl.evas.Image`
def __get__(self):
return object_from_instance(elm_image_object_get(self.obj))
def object_get(self):
return object_from_instance(elm_image_object_get(self.obj))
property object_size:
"""The current size of the image.
This is the real size of the image, not the size of the object.
:type: (int **width**, int **height**)
def __get__(self):
cdef int width, height
elm_image_object_size_get(self.obj, &width, &height)
return (width, height)
def object_size_get(self):
cdef int width, height
elm_image_object_size_get(self.obj, &width, &height)
return (width, height)
property resizable:
"""Whether the object is (up/down) resizable.
This limits the image resize ability. If set to *False*, the
object can't have its height or width resized to a value higher than
the original image size. Same is valid for *size_down*.
:type: (bool **size_up**, bool **size_down**)
def __get__(self):
cdef Eina_Bool size_up, size_down
elm_image_resizable_get(self.obj, &size_up, &size_down)
return (size_up, size_down)
def __set__(self, value):
size_up, size_down = value
elm_image_resizable_set(self.obj, size_up, size_down)
def resizable_set(self, size_up, size_down):
elm_image_resizable_set(self.obj, size_up, size_down)
def resizable_get(self):
cdef Eina_Bool size_up, size_down
elm_image_resizable_get(self.obj, &size_up, &size_down)
return (size_up, size_down)
property no_scale:
"""Whether to disable scaling of this object.
This disables scaling of the elm_image widget through the property
:py:attr:`efl.elementary.object.Object.scale`. However, this does not
affect the widget size/resize in any way. For that effect, take a look
at :py:attr:`resizable`.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_no_scale_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, no_scale):
elm_image_no_scale_set(self.obj, no_scale)
def no_scale_set(self, no_scale):
elm_image_no_scale_set(self.obj, no_scale)
def no_scale_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_no_scale_get(self.obj))
property aspect_fixed:
"""Whether the original aspect ratio of the image should be kept on
The original aspect ratio (width / height) of the image is usually
distorted to match the object's size. Enabling this option will
retain this original aspect, and the way that the image is fit into
the object's area depends on the option set by
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`fill_outside`
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_image_aspect_fixed_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, fixed):
elm_image_aspect_fixed_set(self.obj, fixed)
def aspect_fixed_set(self, fixed):
elm_image_aspect_fixed_set(self.obj, fixed)
def aspect_fixed_get(self):
return bool(elm_image_aspect_fixed_get(self.obj))
def callback_clicked_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called when a user has clicked the image."""
self._callback_add("clicked", func, args, kwargs)
def callback_clicked_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("clicked", func)
def callback_drop_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called when a user has dropped an image typed object onto
the object in question -- the event info argument is the path to that
image file."""
self._callback_add_full("drop", _cb_string_conv, func, args, kwargs)
def callback_drop_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drop", _cb_string_conv, func)
def callback_download_start_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called when you set a remote url and the download start
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add("download,start", func, args, kwargs)
def callback_download_start_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("download,start", func)
def callback_download_progress_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called while a remote image download is in progress
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add_full("download,progress", _image_download_progress_conv, func, args, kwargs)
def callback_download_progress_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("download,progress", _image_download_progress_conv, func)
def callback_download_done_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called when you set a remote url and the download finish
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add("download,done", func, args, kwargs)
def callback_download_done_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("download,end", func)
def callback_download_error_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is called in case a download has errors
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add_full("download,error", _image_download_error_conv, func, args, kwargs)
def callback_download_error_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("download,error", _image_download_error_conv, func)
_object_mapping_register("Efl_Ui_Image", Image)