
1077 lines
41 KiB

from efl.eo cimport _object_mapping_register, PY_REFCOUNT
#include "cnp_callbacks.pxi"
cdef class Genlist(Object):
"""This is the class that actually implements the widget."""
def __init__(self, evasObject parent not None, *args, **kwargs):
def __iter__(self):
return GenlistIterator(self)
def __len__(self):
return elm_genlist_items_count(self.obj)
def __contains__(self, GenlistItem x):
Elm_Object_Item *current_item = elm_genlist_first_item_get(self.obj)
int count = elm_genlist_items_count(self.obj)
int i
for i in range(count):
if x.item == current_item:
return 1
current_item = elm_genlist_item_next_get(current_item)
return 0
def clear(self):
"""Remove all items from a given genlist widget."""
property multi_select:
"""This enables (``True``) or disables (``False``) multi-selection in
the list. This allows more than 1 item to be selected. To retrieve
the list of selected items, use elm_genlist_selected_items_get().
:type: bool
def __set__(self, multi):
elm_genlist_multi_select_set(self.obj, bool(multi))
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_genlist_multi_select_get(self.obj))
def multi_select_set(self, multi):
elm_genlist_multi_select_set(self.obj, bool(multi))
def multi_select_get(self):
return bool(elm_genlist_multi_select_get(self.obj))
property mode:
"""The mode used for sizing items horizontally.
Default value is ELM_LIST_SCROLL. This mode means that if items are too
wide to fit, the scroller will scroll horizontally. Otherwise items are
expanded to fill the width of the viewport of the scroller. If it is
ELM_LIST_LIMIT, items will be expanded to the viewport width and limited
to that size. If it is ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, the item width will be fixed
(restricted to a minimum of) to the list width when calculating its size
in order to allow the height to be calculated based on it. This allows,
for instance, text block to wrap lines if the Edje part is configured
with "text.min: 0 1".
.. note:: ELM_LIST_COMPRESS will make list resize slower as it will
have to recalculate every item height again whenever the list
width changes!
.. note:: With Homogeneous mode all items in the genlist have the same
width/height. With ELM_LIST_COMPRESS the genlist items have
fast initializing. However there are no sub-objects in genlist
which can be on-the-fly resizable (such as TEXTBLOCK), as some
dynamic resizable objects would not be diplayed properly.
# TODO: The above description had badly broken English, check that
# it's correct.
def __set__(self, mode):
elm_genlist_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def __get__(self):
return elm_genlist_mode_get(self.obj)
def mode_set(self, mode):
elm_genlist_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def mode_get(self):
return elm_genlist_mode_get(self.obj)
def item_append(self,
GenlistItemClass item_class not None,
GenlistItem parent_item=None,
"""Append a new item (add as last row) to this genlist.
:param item_class: a valid instance that defines the
behavior of this row. See :py:class:`GenlistItemClass`.
:param item_data: some data that defines the model of this
row. This value will be given to methods of
``item_class`` such as
:py:func:`GenlistItemClass.text_get()`. It will also be
provided to ``func`` as its last parameter.
:param parent_item: if this is a tree child, then the
parent item must be given here, otherwise it may be
None. The parent must have the flag
:param flags: defines special behavior of this item, can be one of:
:param func: if not None, this must be a callable to be
called back when the item is selected. The function
signature is::
func(item, obj, item_data)
Where ``item`` is the handle, ``obj`` is the Evas object
that represents this item, and ``item_data`` is the
value given as parameter to this function.
:rtype: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
return GenlistItem(item_class, item_data, parent_item, flags, func, item_data)\
def item_prepend( self,
GenlistItemClass item_class not None,
GenlistItem parent_item=None,
"""Prepend a new item (add as first row) to this genlist.
:param item_class: a valid instance that defines the
behavior of this row. See :py:class:`GenlistItemClass`.
:param item_data: some data that defines the model of this
row. This value will be given to methods of
``item_class`` such as
:py:func:`GenlistItemClass.text_get()`. It will also be
provided to ``func`` as its last parameter.
:param parent_item: if this is a tree child, then the
parent item must be given here, otherwise it may be
None. The parent must have the flag
:param flags: defines special behavior of this item, can be one of:
:param func: if not None, this must be a callable to be
called back when the item is selected. The function
signature is::
func(item, obj, item_data)
Where ``item`` is the handle, ``obj`` is the Evas object
that represents this item, and ``item_data`` is the
value given as parameter to this function.
:rtype: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
return GenlistItem(item_class, item_data, parent_item, flags, func, item_data)\
def item_insert_before( self,
GenlistItemClass item_class not None,
GenlistItem before_item=None,
"""Insert a new item before another item to this genlist.
:param item_class: a valid instance that defines the
behavior of this row. See :py:class:`GenlistItemClass`.
:param item_data: some data that defines the model of this
row. This value will be given to methods of
``item_class`` such as
:py:func:`GenlistItemClass.text_get()`. It will also be
provided to ``func`` as its last parameter.
:param before_item: the new item will be inserted before this one.
:param flags: defines special behavior of this item, can be one of:
:param func: if not None, this must be a callable to be
called back when the item is selected. The function
signature is::
func(item, obj, item_data)
Where ``item`` is the handle, ``obj`` is the Evas object
that represents this item, and ``item_data`` is the
value given as parameter to this function.
:rtype: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
return GenlistItem(item_class, item_data, None, flags, func, item_data)\
def item_insert_after( self,
GenlistItemClass item_class not None,
GenlistItem after_item=None,
"""Insert a new item after another item to this genlist.
:param item_class: a valid instance that defines the
behavior of this row. See :py:class:`GenlistItemClass`.
:param item_data: some data that defines the model of this
row. This value will be given to methods of
``item_class`` such as
:py:func:`GenlistItemClass.text_get()`. It will also be
provided to ``func`` as its last parameter.
:param after_item: the new item will be inserted after this one.
:param flags: defines special behavior of this item, can be one of:
:param func: if not None, this must be a callable to be
called back when the item is selected. The function
signature is::
func(item, obj, item_data)
Where ``item`` is the handle, ``obj`` is the Evas object
that represents this item, and ``item_data`` is the
value given as parameter to this function.
:rtype: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
return GenlistItem(item_class, item_data, None, flags, func, item_data)\
def item_sorted_insert( self,
GenlistItemClass item_class not None,
comparison_func not None,
GenlistItem parent_item=None,
#API XXX: *args, **kwargs
"""This inserts a new item in the genlist based on a user defined
comparison function.
:param item_class: a valid instance that defines the
behavior of this row. See :py:class:`GenlistItemClass`.
:param item_data: some data that defines the model of this
row. This value will be given to methods of
``item_class`` such as
:py:func:`GenlistItemClass.text_get()`. It will also be
provided to ``func`` as its last parameter.
:param comparison_func: The function called for the sort.
this must be a callable and will be called
to insert the item in the right position. The two arguments passed
are two :py:class:`GenlistItem` to compare. The function must return
1 if ``item1`` comes before ``item2``, 0 if the two items
are equal or -1 otherwise.
Signature is::
func(item1, item2)->int
:param parent_item: if this is a tree child, then the
parent item must be given here, otherwise it may be
None. The parent must have the flag
:param flags: defines special behavior of this item, can be one of:
:param func: if not None, this must be a callable to be
called back when the item is selected. The function
signature is::
func(item, obj, item_data)
Where ``item`` is the handle, ``obj`` is the Evas object
that represents this item, and ``item_data`` is the
value given as parameter to this function.
:rtype: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
return GenlistItem(item_class, item_data, parent_item, flags, func, item_data)\
.sorted_insert(self, comparison_func)
property selected_item:
"""This gets the selected item in the list (if multi-selection is
enabled, only the item that was first selected in the list is
returned - which is not very useful, so see
elm_genlist_selected_items_get() for when multi-selection is used).
If no item is selected, None is returned.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`selected_items`
:type: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_selected_item_get(self.obj))
def selected_item_get(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_selected_item_get(self.obj))
property selected_items:
"""It returns a list of the selected items. This list is
only valid so long as the selection doesn't change (no items are
selected or unselected, or unselected implicitly by deletion). The
list contains genlist items. The order of the items in this
list is the order which they were selected, i.e. the first item in
this list is the first item that was selected, and so on.
.. note:: If not in multi-select mode, consider using function
:py:attr:`Genlist.selected_item` instead.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`multi_select` :py:attr:`selected_item`
:type: tuple of :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return tuple(_object_item_list_to_python(elm_genlist_selected_items_get(self.obj)))
def selected_items_get(self):
return _object_item_list_to_python(elm_genlist_selected_items_get(self.obj))
property realized_items:
"""This returns a list of the realized items in the genlist. The list
contains genlist items. The list must be freed by the
caller when done with eina_list_free(). The item pointers in the
list are only valid so long as those items are not deleted or the
genlist is not deleted.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`realized_items_update()`
:type: tuple of :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return _object_item_list_to_python(elm_genlist_realized_items_get(self.obj))
# XXX: Free the list? We could return a custom list-like object here
# that frees the C list in its __dealloc__
def realized_items_get(self):
return _object_item_list_to_python(elm_genlist_realized_items_get(self.obj))
property first_item:
"""This returns the first item in the list.
:type: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_first_item_get(self.obj))
def first_item_get(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_first_item_get(self.obj))
property last_item:
"""This returns the last item in the list.
:type: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_last_item_get(self.obj))
def last_item_get(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_last_item_get(self.obj))
def realized_items_update(self):
"""This updates all realized items by calling all the item class
functions again to get the contents, texts and states. Use this when
the original item data has changed and the changes are desired to be
To update just one item, use :py:meth:`Genlist.item_update`.
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`realized_items`
def _items_count(self):
return elm_genlist_items_count(self.obj)
property items_count:
"""Return how many items are currently in a list
:type: int
def __get__(self):
count = elm_genlist_items_count(self.obj)
return GenlistItemsCount(self, count)
property homogeneous:
"""This will enable the homogeneous mode where items are of the same
height and width so that genlist may do the lazy-loading at its
maximum (which increases the performance for scrolling the list).
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`mode`
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint homogeneous):
elm_genlist_homogeneous_set(self.obj, homogeneous)
def __get__(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_homogeneous_get(self.obj)
return ret
def homogeneous_set(self, bint homogeneous):
elm_genlist_homogeneous_set(self.obj, homogeneous)
def homogeneous_get(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_homogeneous_get(self.obj)
return ret
property block_count:
"""This will configure the block count to tune to the target with
particular performance matrix.
A block of objects will be used to reduce the number of operations
due to many objects in the screen. It can determine the visibility,
or if the object has changed, it theme needs to be updated, etc.
doing this kind of calculation to the entire block, instead of per
The default value for the block count is enough for most lists, so
unless you know you will have a lot of objects visible in the screen
at the same time, don't try to change this.
def __set__(self, int n):
elm_genlist_block_count_set(self.obj, n)
def __get__(self):
return elm_genlist_block_count_get(self.obj)
def block_count_set(self, int n):
elm_genlist_block_count_set(self.obj, n)
def block_count_get(self):
return elm_genlist_block_count_get(self.obj)
property longpress_timeout:
"""This option will change how long it takes to send an event
"longpressed" after the mouse down signal is sent to the list. If
this event occurs, no "clicked" event will be sent.
.. warning:: If you set the longpress timeout value with this API,
your genlist will not be affected by the longpress value of
elementary config value later.
def __set__(self, timeout):
elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set(self.obj, timeout)
def __get__(self):
return elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_get(self.obj)
def longpress_timeout_set(self, timeout):
elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set(self.obj, timeout)
def longpress_timeout_get(self):
return elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_get(self.obj)
def at_xy_item_get(self, int x, int y):
"""Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
:param x: The input x coordinate
:param y: The input y coordinate
:param posret: The position relative to the item returned here
:return: (:py:class:`ObjectItem<efl.elementary.object_item.ObjectItem>` it, **int** posret)
This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas
relative, not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate,
that item handle is returned, and if ``posret`` is not None, the
integer pointed to is set to a value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if
the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), on the
middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If None is returned as
an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or 1
based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in
the genlist.
int posret
Elm_Object_Item *ret
ret = elm_genlist_at_xy_item_get(self.obj, x, y, &posret)
return _object_item_to_python(ret), posret
property decorated_item:
"""This function returns the item that was activated with a mode, by
the function elm_genlist_item_decorate_mode_set().
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`GenlistItem.decorate_mode` :py:attr:`mode`
:type: :py:class:`GenlistItem`
def __get__(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_decorated_item_get(self.obj))
def decorated_item_get(self):
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_decorated_item_get(self.obj))
property reorder_mode:
"""Reorder mode.
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint reorder_mode):
elm_genlist_reorder_mode_set(self.obj, reorder_mode)
def __get__(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_reorder_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
def reorder_mode_set(self, bint reorder_mode):
elm_genlist_reorder_mode_set(self.obj, reorder_mode)
def reorder_mode_get(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_reorder_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
property decorate_mode:
"""Genlist decorate mode for all items.
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint decorated):
elm_genlist_decorate_mode_set(self.obj, decorated)
def __get__(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_decorate_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
def decorate_mode_set(self, bint decorated):
elm_genlist_decorate_mode_set(self.obj, decorated)
def decorate_mode_get(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_decorate_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
property tree_effect_enabled:
"""Genlist tree effect.
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint enabled):
elm_genlist_tree_effect_enabled_set(self.obj, enabled)
def __get__(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_tree_effect_enabled_get(self.obj)
return ret
def tree_effect_enabled_set(self, bint enabled):
elm_genlist_tree_effect_enabled_set(self.obj, enabled)
def tree_effect_enabled_get(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_tree_effect_enabled_get(self.obj)
return ret
property highlight_mode:
"""Whether the item will, or will not highlighted on selection. The
selected and clicked callback functions will still be called.
Highlight is enabled by default.
:type: bool
def __set__(self, bint highlight):
elm_genlist_highlight_mode_set(self.obj, highlight)
def __get__(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_highlight_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
def highlight_mode_set(self, bint highlight):
elm_genlist_highlight_mode_set(self.obj, highlight)
def highlight_mode_get(self):
cdef bint ret = elm_genlist_highlight_mode_get(self.obj)
return ret
property select_mode:
"""Selection mode of the Genlist widget.
- ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their
selection func and callback when first becoming selected. Any
further clicks will do nothing, unless you set always select mode.
- ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS : This means that, even if selected,
every click will make the selected callbacks be called.
- ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the ability to
select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor
call selected callback functions.
:type: :ref:`Elm_Genlist_Object_Select_Mode`
def __set__(self, mode):
elm_genlist_select_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def __get__(self):
return elm_genlist_select_mode_get(self.obj)
def select_mode_set(self, mode):
elm_genlist_select_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def select_mode_get(self):
return elm_genlist_select_mode_get(self.obj)
def nth_item_get(self, int nth):
Get the nth item, in a given genlist widget, placed at
position ``nth``, in its internal items list
:param nth: The number of the item to grab (0 being the first)
:return: The item stored in the object at position ``nth`` or
``None``, if there's no item with that index (and on errors)
.. versionadded:: 1.8
return _object_item_to_python(elm_genlist_nth_item_get(self.obj, nth))
property focus_on_selection:
Focus upon items selection mode
:type: bool
When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will
automatically set focus to its first focusable widget from the
left. This is true of course if the selection was made by
clicking an unfocusable area in an item or selecting it with a
key movement. Clicking on a focusable widget inside an item will
cause this particular item to get focus as usual.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __set__(self, bint enabled):
elm_genlist_focus_on_selection_set(self.obj, enabled)
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_genlist_focus_on_selection_get(self.obj))
# TODO: Drag and Drop
# =============
# def drag_item_container_add(self,
# double tm_to_anim, double tm_to_drag,
# itemgetcb = None,
# data_get = None):
# """
# Set a item container (list, genlist, grid) as source of drag
# :param tm_to_anim: Time period to wait before start animation.
# :param tm_to_drag: Time period to wait before start dragging.
# :param itemgetcb: Callback to get Evas object for item at (x,y)
# :param data_get: Callback to get drag info
# :raise RuntimeError: if setting drag source failed.
# :since: 1.8
# """
# if itemgetcb is not None:
# if not callable(itemgetcb):
# raise TypeError("itemgetcb must be callable.")
#["xy_item_get_cb"] = itemgetcb
#["item_container_data_get_cb"] = data_get
# if not elm_drag_item_container_add(self.obj,
# tm_to_anim,
# tm_to_drag,
# <Elm_Xy_Item_Get_Cb>py_elm_xy_item_get_cb if itemgetcb is not None else NULL,
# <Elm_Item_Container_Data_Get_Cb>py_elm_item_container_data_get_cb if data_get is not None else NULL):
# raise RuntimeError
# def drag_item_container_del(self):
# """
# Deletes a item container from drag-source list
# :raise RuntimeError: if deleting drag source failed.
# :since: 1.8
# """
# if not elm_drag_item_container_del(self.obj):
# raise RuntimeError
# def drop_item_container_add(self, Elm_Sel_Format format,
# itemgetcb = None, entercb = None, enterdata = None,
# leavecb = None, leavedata = None,
# poscb = None, posdata = None, dropcb = None, cbdata = None):
# """
# Set a item container (list, genlist, grid) as target for drop.
# :param format: The formats supported for dropping
# :param itemgetcb: Callback to get Evas object for item at (x,y)
# :param entercb: The function to call when the object is entered with a drag
# :param enterdata: The application data to pass to enterdata
# :param leavecb: The function to call when the object is left with a drag
# :param leavedata: The application data to pass to leavedata
# :param poscb: The function to call when the object has a drag over it
# :param posdata: The application data to pass to posdata
# :param dropcb: The function to call when a drop has occurred
# :param cbdata: The application data to pass to dropcb
# :raise RuntimeError: if setting drop target failed.
# :since: 1.8
# """
# if itemgetcb is not None:
# if not callable(itemgetcb):
# raise TypeError("itemgetcb must be callable.")
#["xy_item_get_cb"] = itemgetcb
#["drag_item_container_pos"] = poscb
#["drop_item_container_cb"] = dropcb
# if not elm_drop_item_container_add(self.obj,
# format,
# <Elm_Xy_Item_Get_Cb>py_elm_xy_item_get_cb if itemgetcb is not None else NULL,
# <Elm_Drag_State>py_elm_drag_state_cb if entercb is not None else NULL,
# <void *>enterdata if enterdata is not None else NULL,
# <Elm_Drag_State>py_elm_drag_state_cb if leavecb is not None else NULL,
# <void *>leavedata if leavedata is not None else NULL,
# <Elm_Drag_Item_Container_Pos>py_elm_drag_item_container_pos if poscb is not None else NULL,
# <void *>posdata if posdata is not None else NULL,
# <Elm_Drop_Item_Container_Cb>py_elm_drop_item_container_cb if dropcb is not None else NULL,
# <void *>cbdata if cbdata is not None else NULL):
# raise RuntimeError
# def drop_item_container_del(self):
# """
# Removes a container from list of drop targets.
# :raise RuntimeError: if deleting drop target failed.
# :since: 1.8
# """
# if not elm_drop_item_container_del(self.obj):
# raise RuntimeError
def callback_activated_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("activated", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_activated_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("activated", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_clicked_double_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("clicked,double", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_clicked_double_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("clicked,double", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_selected_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("selected", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_selected_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("selected", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_unselected_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("unselected", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_unselected_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("unselected", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_expanded_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("expanded", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_expanded_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("expanded", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_contracted_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("contracted", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_contracted_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("contracted", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_expand_request_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("expand,request", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_expand_request_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("expand,request", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_contract_request_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("contract,request", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_contract_request_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("contract,request", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_realized_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("realized", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_realized_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("realized", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_unrealized_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("unrealized", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_unrealized_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("unrealized", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_start_up_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag,start,up", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_start_up_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag,start,up", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_start_down_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag,start,down", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_start_down_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag,start,down", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_start_left_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag,start,left", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_start_left_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag,start,left", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_start_right_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag,start,right", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_start_right_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag,start,right", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_stop_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag,stop", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_stop_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag,stop", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_drag_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("drag", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_drag_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("drag", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_longpressed_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("longpressed", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_longpressed_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("longpressed", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_multi_swipe_left_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,swipe,left", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_swipe_left_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,swipe,left", func)
def callback_multi_swipe_right_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,swipe,right", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_swipe_right_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,swipe,right", func)
def callback_multi_swipe_up_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,swipe,up", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_swipe_up_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,swipe,up", func)
def callback_multi_swipe_down_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,swipe,down", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_swipe_down_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,swipe,down", func)
def callback_multi_pinch_out_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,pinch,out", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_pinch_out_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,pinch,out", func)
def callback_multi_pinch_in_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("multi,pinch,in", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_multi_pinch_in_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("multi,pinch,in", func)
def callback_swipe_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("swipe", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_swipe_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("swipe", func)
def callback_moved_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("moved", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_moved_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("moved", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_moved_after_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("moved,after", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_moved_after_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("moved,after", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_moved_before_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add_full("moved,before", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_moved_before_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("moved,before", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_language_changed_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("language,changed", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_language_changed_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("language,changed", func)
def callback_tree_effect_finished_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._callback_add("tree,effect,finished", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_tree_effect_finished_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("tree,effect,finished", func)
def callback_highlighted_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""an item in the list is highlighted. This is called when
the user presses an item or keyboard selection is done so the item is
physically highlighted. The %c event_info parameter is the item that was
self._callback_add_full("highlighted", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_highlighted_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("highlighted", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_unhighlighted_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""an item in the list is unhighlighted. This is called
when the user releases an item or keyboard selection is moved so the item
is physically unhighlighted. The %c event_info parameter is the item that
was unhighlighted."""
self._callback_add_full("unhighlighted", _cb_object_item_conv,
func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_unhighlighted_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("unhighlighted", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_focused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""When the genlist has received focus.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add("focused", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_focused_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("focused", func)
def callback_unfocused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""When the genlist has lost focus.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
self._callback_add("unfocused", func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_unfocused_del(self, func):
self._callback_del("unfocused", func)
def callback_item_focused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""When the genlist item has received focus.
.. versionadded:: 1.10
self._callback_add_full("item,focused", _cb_object_item_conv, func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_item_focused_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("item,focused", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
def callback_item_unfocused_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""When the genlist item has lost focus.
.. versionadded:: 1.10
self._callback_add_full("item,unfocused", _cb_object_item_conv, func, *args, **kwargs)
def callback_item_unfocused_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("item,unfocused", _cb_object_item_conv, func)
property scroller_policy:
.. deprecated:: 1.8
You should combine with Scrollable class instead.
def __get__(self):
return self.scroller_policy_get()
def __set__(self, value):
cdef Elm_Scroller_Policy policy_h, policy_v
policy_h, policy_v = value
self.scroller_policy_set(policy_h, policy_v)
@DEPRECATED("1.8", "You should combine with Scrollable class instead.")
def scroller_policy_set(self, policy_h, policy_v):
elm_scroller_policy_set(self.obj, policy_h, policy_v)
@DEPRECATED("1.8", "You should combine with Scrollable class instead.")
def scroller_policy_get(self):
cdef Elm_Scroller_Policy policy_h, policy_v
elm_scroller_policy_get(self.obj, &policy_h, &policy_v)
return (policy_h, policy_v)
property bounce:
.. deprecated:: 1.8
You should combine with Scrollable class instead.
def __get__(self):
return self.bounce_get()
def __set__(self, value):
cdef Eina_Bool h, v
h, v = value
self.bounce_set(h, v)
@DEPRECATED("1.8", "You should combine with Scrollable class instead.")
def bounce_set(self, h, v):
elm_scroller_bounce_set(self.obj, h, v)
@DEPRECATED("1.8", "You should combine with Scrollable class instead.")
def bounce_get(self):
cdef Eina_Bool h, v
elm_scroller_bounce_get(self.obj, &h, &v)
return (h, v)
_object_mapping_register("Elm_Genlist", Genlist)