
477 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2007-2015 various contributors (see AUTHORS)
# This file is part of Python-EFL.
# Python-EFL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Python-EFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this Python-EFL. If not, see <>.
include "fileselector_cdef.pxi"
cdef Eina_Bool py_elm_fileselector_custom_filter_cb(const char *path, Eina_Bool is_dir, void *data) with gil:
cb_func, cb_data = <object>data
return cb_func(_ctouni(path), is_dir, cb_data)
except Exception:
return 0
cdef class Fileselector(LayoutClass):
This is the class that actually implements the widget.
cdef list _custom_filters
def __init__(self, evasObject parent, *args, **kwargs):
:param parent: The parent object
:type parent: :py:class:`efl.evas.Object`
:param \**kwargs: All the remaining keyword arguments are interpreted
as properties of the instance
self._custom_filters = list()
property is_save:
"""Enable/disable the file name entry box where the user can type
in a name for a file, in a given file selector widget
Having the entry editable is useful on file saving dialogs on
applications, where one gives a file name to save contents to,
in a given directory in the system. This custom file name will
be reported on the ``"done"`` smart callback.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_is_save_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, is_save):
elm_fileselector_is_save_set(self.obj, is_save)
def is_save_set(self, is_save):
elm_fileselector_is_save_set(self.obj, is_save)
def is_save_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_is_save_get(self.obj)
property folder_only:
"""Enable/disable folder-only view for a given file selector widget
If enabled, the widget's view will only display folder items,
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_folder_only_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, folder_only):
elm_fileselector_folder_only_set(self.obj, folder_only)
def folder_only_set(self, folder_only):
elm_fileselector_folder_only_set(self.obj, folder_only)
def folder_only_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_folder_only_get(self.obj)
property buttons_ok_cancel:
"""Enable/disable the "ok" and "cancel" buttons on a given file
selector widget
.. note:: A file selector without those buttons will never emit the
``"done"`` smart event, and is only usable if one is just hooking
to the other two events.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_buttons_ok_cancel_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, buttons):
elm_fileselector_buttons_ok_cancel_set(self.obj, buttons)
def buttons_ok_cancel_set(self, buttons):
elm_fileselector_buttons_ok_cancel_set(self.obj, buttons)
def buttons_ok_cancel_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_buttons_ok_cancel_get(self.obj)
property expandable:
"""Enable/disable a tree view in the given file selector widget,
**if it's in** ``ELM_FILESELECTOR_LIST`` **mode**
In a tree view, arrows are created on the sides of directories,
allowing them to expand in place.
.. note:: If it's in other mode, the changes made by this function
will only be visible when one switches back to "list" mode.
:type: bool
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_expandable_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, expand):
elm_fileselector_expandable_set(self.obj, expand)
def expandable_set(self, expand):
elm_fileselector_expandable_set(self.obj, expand)
def expandable_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_expandable_get(self.obj)
property path:
"""The **directory** that a given file selector widget will display
contents from
Setting this will change the **directory** displayed. It
will also clear the text entry area on the object, which
displays select files' names.
:type: string
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_path_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, path):
if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path)
<const char *>path if path is not None else NULL)
def path_set(self, path):
if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path)
<const char *>path if path is not None else NULL)
def path_get(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_path_get(self.obj))
property current_name:
""" The name of the file in a save fileselector
:type: string
.. versionadded:: 1.12
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_current_name_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, name):
if isinstance(name, unicode): name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(name)
<const char *>name if name is not None else NULL)
def current_name_set(self, name):
if isinstance(name, unicode): name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(name)
<const char *>name if name is not None else NULL)
def current_name_get(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_current_name_get(self.obj))
property mode:
"""The mode in which a given file selector widget will display
(layout) file system entries in its view
.. note:: By using :py:attr:`expandable`, the user may
trigger a tree view for that list.
.. note:: If Elementary is built with support of the Ethumb
thumbnailing library, the second form of view will display
preview thumbnails of files which it supports. You must have
elm_need_ethumb() called in your Elementary for thumbnailing to
work, though.
:seealso: :py:attr:`expandable`
:type: :ref:`Elm_Fileselector_Mode`
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_mode_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, mode):
elm_fileselector_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def mode_set(self, mode):
elm_fileselector_mode_set(self.obj, mode)
def mode_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_mode_get(self.obj)
property sort_method:
"""The way files are sorted in the fileselector.
:type: :ref:`Elm_Fileselector_Sort`
.. versionadded:: 1.9
def __get__(self):
return elm_fileselector_sort_method_get(self.obj)
def __set__(self, method):
elm_fileselector_sort_method_set(self.obj, method)
def sort_method_set(self, method):
elm_fileselector_sort_method_set(self.obj, method)
def sort_method_get(self):
return elm_fileselector_sort_method_get(self.obj)
property multi_select:
"""Multi-selection in the file selector widget.
This enables (**True**) or disables (**False**) multi-selection in
the list/grid of the file selector widget. This allows more than 1 item to
be selected. To retrieve the list of selected paths, use
:type: bool
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __set__(self, bint multi):
elm_fileselector_multi_select_set(self.obj, multi)
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_fileselector_multi_select_get(self.obj))
def multi_select_set(self, multi):
elm_fileselector_multi_select_set(self.obj, multi)
def multi_select_get(self):
return bool(elm_fileselector_multi_select_get(self.obj))
property selected:
"""The currently selected file/directory in the given file selector
:type: string
:raise RuntimeError: when setting the selected file path fails
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_selected_get(self.obj))
def __set__(self, path):
if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path)
if not elm_fileselector_selected_set(self.obj,
<const char *>path if path is not None else NULL):
raise RuntimeError("Setting the selected path failed")
def selected_set(self, path):
if isinstance(path, unicode): path = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(path)
if not elm_fileselector_selected_set(self.obj,
<const char *>path if path is not None else NULL):
raise RuntimeError("Setting the selected path failed")
def selected_get(self):
return _ctouni(elm_fileselector_selected_get(self.obj))
property selected_paths:
"""A list of selected paths in the file selector.
It returns a list of the selected paths. This list is only valid
so long as the selection doesn't change (no items are selected or
unselected, or unselected implicitly by deletion). The list contains
strings. The order of the items in this list is the order which
they were selected, i.e. the first item in this list is the first item
that was selected, and so on.
.. note:: If not in multi-select mode, consider using
:py:attr:`selected` instead.
.. seealso::
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __get__(self):
return eina_list_strings_to_python_list(
def mime_types_filter_append(self, list mime_types, filter_name=None):
"""Append mime types filter into filter list
:param mime_types: mime types to be allowed.
:type mime_types: list
:param filter_name: The name to be displayed, ``mime_types`` will be displayed if None
:type filter_name: string
:raise RuntimeWarning: if setting mime_types failed
.. note:: a sub type of mime can be asterisk(*)
.. note:: mime type filter is only working with efreet now.
.. note:: first added filter will be the default filter at the moment.
:seealso: :py:func:`~efl.elementary.need.need_efreet`
:seealso: :py:meth:`custom_filter_append`
:seealso: :py:meth:`filters_clear`
.. versionadded:: 1.8
mime_types_s = ",".join(mime_types)
if isinstance(mime_types_s, unicode): mime_types_s = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(mime_types_s)
if isinstance(filter_name, unicode): filter_name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filter_name)
if not elm_fileselector_mime_types_filter_append(self.obj, mime_types_s,
<const char *>filter_name if filter_name is not None else NULL):
raise RuntimeWarning
def custom_filter_append(self, func, data=None, filter_name=None):
"""Append custom filter into filter list.
:param func: The function to call when manipulating files and directories.
:type func: callable
:param data: The data to be passed to the function.
:param filter_name: The name to be displayed, "custom" will be displayed if None
:type filter_name: string
.. note:: filter function signature is: func(path, is_dir, data)
.. note:: first added filter will be the default filter at the moment.
:seealso: :py:meth:`mime_types_filter_append`
:seealso: :py:meth:`filters_clear`
.. versionadded:: 1.9
cb_data = (func, data)
if isinstance(filter_name, unicode): filter_name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(filter_name)
py_elm_fileselector_custom_filter_cb, <void *>cb_data,
<const char *>filter_name if filter_name is not None else NULL)
def filters_clear(self):
"""Clear all filters registered
.. note::
If filter list is empty, file selector assume that all
files are matched.
:seealso: :py:meth:`mime_types_filter_append`
.. versionadded:: 1.8
del self._custom_filters[:]
property hidden_visible:
"""Visibility of hidden files/directories in the file selector widget.
This enables (**True**) or disables (**False**) visibility of hidden
files/directories in the list/grid of the file selector widget.
Default is disabled.
:type: bool
.. versionadded:: 1.8
def __set__(self, bint visible):
elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_set(self.obj, visible)
def __get__(self):
return bool(elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_get(self.obj))
def hidden_visible_set(self, bint visible):
elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_set(self.obj, visible)
def hidden_visible_get(self):
return bool(elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_get(self.obj))
property thumbnail_size:
""" The size (in pixels) for the thumbnail images.
:type: tuple (w, h)
.. versionadded:: 1.9
def __set__(self, size):
elm_fileselector_thumbnail_size_set(self.obj, size[0], size[1])
def __get__(self):
cdef Evas_Coord w, h
elm_fileselector_thumbnail_size_get(self.obj, &w, &h)
return (w, h)
def thumbnail_size_set(self, w, h):
elm_fileselector_thumbnail_size_set(self.obj, w, h)
def thumbnail_size_get(self):
cdef Evas_Coord w, h
elm_fileselector_thumbnail_size_get(self.obj, &w, &h)
return (w, h)
def callback_activated_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""the user activated a file. This can happen by
double-clicking or pressing Enter key. (**event_info** is a
string with the activated file path)."""
self._callback_add_full("activated", _cb_string_conv, func,
args, kwargs)
def callback_activated_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("activated", _cb_string_conv, func)
def callback_selected_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""The user has clicked on a file (when not in folders-only mode) or
directory (when in folders-only mode). Parameter ``event_info``
contains the selected file or directory."""
self._callback_add_full("selected", _cb_string_conv,
func, args, kwargs)
def callback_selected_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("selected", _cb_string_conv, func)
# TODO: This seems to be a thing that the application should handle
#def callback_selected_invalid_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
#"""The user has tried to access a path which does not exist."""
#self._callback_add("selected,invalid", func, args, kwargs)
#def callback_selected_invalid_del(self, func):
#self._callback_del("selected,invalid", func)
def callback_directory_open_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""The list has been populated with new content (*event_info* is
the directory's path)."""
self._callback_add_full("directory,open", _cb_string_conv,
func, args, kwargs)
def callback_directory_open_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("directory,open", _cb_string_conv, func)
def callback_done_add(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""The user has clicked on the "ok" or "cancel" buttons
(*event_info* is a string with the selection's path)."""
self._callback_add_full("done", _cb_string_conv,
func, args, kwargs)
def callback_done_del(self, func):
self._callback_del_full("done", _cb_string_conv, func)
_object_mapping_register("Elm_Fileselector", Fileselector)