#!/bin/sh # fill space with E printf '\033#8' # set color printf '\033[46;31;3m' # move to 0;0 printf '\033[H' # set tabs printf '\033H\033H\033[3C\033[W\033[4C\033[0W\033[5C\033H\033[6C\033H' printf '\033[7C\033H\033[8C\033H\033[9C' printf '\nTabs set:' # show # on tabs printf '\n#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#' # remove a tab printf '\n# \033[0g@ \033[g@ Two tabs removed' printf '\n#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#' # remove all tabs printf '\n\033[2gRemove all tabs:' printf '\n#\t#' # set tabs printf '\nAdd them again\033[?5W:' printf '\r\033H\033H\033[3C\033[W\033[4C\033[0W\033[5C\033H\033[6C\033H' printf '\033[7C\033H\033[8C\033H\033[9C' printf '\n#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#' # remove all tabs printf '\n\033[3gRemove all tabs:' printf '\n#\t#' # set tabs printf '\nAdd them again\033[?5W:' printf '\r\033H\033H\033[3C\033[W\033[4C\033[0W\033[5C\033H\033[6C\033H' printf '\033[7C\033H\033[8C\033H\033[9C' printf '\n#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#\t#' # remove all tabs printf '\n\033[5gRemove all tabs:' printf '\n#\t#'