#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Generate src/bin/termptydbl.{c,h} from unicode files used with ucd.all.flat.xml from https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucdxml/ucd.all.flat.zip """ import argparse from collections import namedtuple import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET URange = namedtuple('unicode_range', ['width', 'start', 'end']) def get_ranges(xmlfile, emoji_as_wide): tree = ET.parse(xmlfile) root = tree.getroot() repertoire = root.find("{http://www.unicode.org/ns/2003/ucd/1.0}repertoire") chars = repertoire.findall("{http://www.unicode.org/ns/2003/ucd/1.0}char") ranges = [] r = URange('N', 0, 0) for c in chars: ea = c.get('ea') if ea in ('Na', 'H'): ea = 'N' if ea in ('F'): ea = 'W' cp = c.get('cp') if not cp: continue if emoji_as_wide: ext_pic = c.get('ExtPict') emoji = c.get('Emoji') if emoji == 'Y' and ext_pic == 'Y': ea = 'W' else: blk = c.get('blk') if blk == 'Misc_Pictographs': ea = 'W' cp = int(cp, 16) if ea != r[0]: ranges.append(r) r = URange(ea, cp, cp) else: r = r._replace(end=cp) ranges.append(r) return ranges def merge_ranges(ranges, is_same_width): res = [] cur_range = ranges[0] for r in ranges: if is_same_width(r, cur_range): cur_range = cur_range._replace(end=r.end) else: res.append(cur_range) cur_range = r res.append(cur_range) return res def skip_ranges(ranges, width_skipped): res = [] for r in ranges: if r.width not in width_skipped: res.append(r) return res def gen_header(cur_range, file_header): file_header.write( """/* XXX: Code generated by tool unicode_dbl_width.py */ #ifndef _TERMPTY_DBL_H__ #define _TERMPTY_DBL_H__ 1 Eina_Bool _termpty_is_wide(const Eina_Unicode g); Eina_Bool _termpty_is_ambigous_wide(const Eina_Unicode g); static inline Eina_Bool _termpty_is_dblwidth_get(const Termpty *ty, const Eina_Unicode g) { /* optimize for latin1 non-ambiguous */ """) file_header.write(f" if (g <= 0x{cur_range.end:X})") file_header.write( """ return EINA_FALSE; if (!ty->termstate.cjk_ambiguous_wide) return _termpty_is_wide(g); else return _termpty_is_ambigous_wide(g); } #endif """) def gen_ambigous(ranges, file_source): file_source.write( """ __attribute__((const)) Eina_Bool _termpty_is_ambigous_wide(Eina_Unicode g) { switch (g) { """) def is_same_width(r1, r2): if r1.width == 'N': return r2.width == 'N' else: return r2.width in ('A', 'W') ranges = merge_ranges(ranges[1:], is_same_width) ranges = skip_ranges(ranges, ('N',)) fallthrough = " EINA_FALLTHROUGH;" for idx, r in enumerate(ranges): if r.width == 'N': continue; if idx == len(ranges) -1: fallthrough = "" if r.start == r.end: file_source.write(f" case 0x{r.start:X}:{fallthrough}\n") else: file_source.write(f" case 0x{r.start:X} ... 0x{r.end:X}:{fallthrough}\n") file_source.write( """ return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } """) def gen_wide(ranges, file_source): file_source.write( """ __attribute__((const)) Eina_Bool _termpty_is_wide(Eina_Unicode g) { switch (g) { """) def is_same_width(r1, r2): if r1.width in ('N', 'A'): return r2.width in ('N', 'A') else: return r2.width == 'W' ranges = merge_ranges(ranges[1:], is_same_width) ranges = skip_ranges(ranges, ('N', 'A')) fallthrough = " EINA_FALLTHROUGH;" for idx, r in enumerate(ranges): if r.width in ('N', 'A'): continue; if idx == len(ranges) -1: fallthrough = "" if r.start == r.end: file_source.write(f" case 0x{r.start:X}:{fallthrough}\n") else: file_source.write(f" case 0x{r.start:X} ... 0x{r.end:X}:{fallthrough}\n") file_source.write( """ return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } """) def gen_c(ranges, file_header, file_source): gen_header(ranges[0], file_header) file_source.write( """/* XXX: Code generated by tool unicode_dbl_width.py */ #include "private.h" #include #include "termpty.h" #include "termptydbl.h" """) gen_ambigous(ranges, file_source) gen_wide(ranges, file_source) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate code handling different widths of unicode codepoints.') parser.add_argument('xml', type=argparse.FileType('r')) parser.add_argument('header', type=argparse.FileType('w')) parser.add_argument('source', type=argparse.FileType('w')) args = parser.parse_args() ranges = get_ranges(args.xml, True) gen_c(ranges, args.header, args.source)