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~~Title: Evas Smart Object Events~~
===== Evas Smart Object Events =====
Evas smart objects events are the most widely-used type of events in graphical
applications, since they are used for signals such as "clicked",
"clicked,double" (double-click), "pressed", etc. They are identified by
strings and each smart object is able to define its own events (although the
names follow conventions).
=== Table of Contents ===
* [[#Adding_a_Callback_on_an_Event:_evas_object_smart_callback_add()|Adding a Callback on an Event: evas_object_smart_callback_add()]]
* [[#Removing_a_Callback_on_an_Event:_evas_object_smart_callback_del()|Removing a Callback on an Event: evas_object_smart_callback_del()]]
* [[#Examples|Examples]]
* [[#Basic_Usage:_Button_with_a_Callback_on_the_"clicked"_Signal|Basic Usage: Button with a Callback on the "clicked" Signal]]
* [[#Usage_with_evas_object_smart_callback_del():_Clicking_on_the_Button_Removes_the_Callback|Usage with evas_object_smart_callback_del(): Clicking on the Button Removes the Callback]]
=== Related Info ===
* [[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_efl_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/group__Evas__Smart__Object__Group.html#ga18a8b179f94d21b2b09e19db11741061|Smart Object Functions API]]
==== Adding a Callback on an Event: evas_object_smart_callback_add() ====
Use the ''evas_object_smart_callback_add()'' function to add a callback for an
event to an object. Its prototype is
<code c>
void evas_object_smart_callback_add(Evas_Object* obj,
const char* event,
Evas_Smart_Cb func,
const void* data
* ''obj'' a smart object
* ''event'' the event's name string
* ''func'' the callback function
* ''data'' user data to be passed to the callback function
Evas smart objects' "smart callback" has the following signature:
<code c>
void (* Evas_Smart_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
The callback function definition is similar to
<code c>
void some_evas_smart_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
* ''data'' is the same as the ''data'' which is given as the parameter to ''evas_object_smart_callback_add()''.
* ''obj'' is the object for which the event happened.
* ''event_info'' is data, which depends on the object type and event at play. The actual type is given in the documentation for the callback that is triggered
The following defines the ''_button_clicked()'' function and sets it as the
callback for the ''clicked'' event of an ''Evas_Object'' (a button here).
<code c>
static void
_button_clicked(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
// Insert function body here
<code c>
static void
// Code to build the window object
Evas_Object *button = elm_button_add(window);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(button, "clicked", _button_clicked, NULL);
If some of the arguments are not used by the callback function, the compiler
may raise the "unused parameter" warning. To avoid it, you can annotate the
argument with the ''__UNUSED__'' macro, which is a compiler-independent way to
let the compiler know that the parameter is willingly unused rather than by a
<code c>
void cb(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__);
For a given object and event, callbacks are called in the order they have been
added. The ''evas_object_smart_callback_add()'' function does not execute any
special processing if it is called several times with the same callback
function and/or data. Callbacks are called as many times as they have been
added and in the order they have been added.
==== Removing a Callback on an Event: evas_object_smart_callback_del() ====
The ''evas_object_smart_callback_del()'' function enables deleting a callback
for a signal on an object. Its prototype is
<code c>
void* evas_object_smart_callback_del(Evas_Object* obj,
const char* event,
Evas_Smart_Cb func
It removes the first match for the given event and callback and returns the
''data'' pointer that was used in the corresponding call to
==== Examples ====
=== Basic Usage: Button with a Callback on the "clicked" Signal ===
<code c>
static void
_button_clicked(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
fprintf(stdout, "Button clicked.\n");
static void
_add_button(Evas_Object *window)
Evas_Object *button;
button = elm_button_add(window);
elm_object_text_set(button, "Click Me To Exit!");
evas_object_smart_callback_add(button, "clicked", _button_clicked, NULL);
=== Usage with evas_object_smart_callback_del(): Clicking on the Button Removes the Callback ===
<code c>
static void
_button_clicked(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
fprintf(stdout, "Button clicked.\n");
evas_object_smart_callback_del(obj, "clicked", _button_clicked);
static void
_add_button(Evas_Object *window)
Evas_Object *button;
button = elm_button_add(window);
elm_object_text_set(button, "Click Me!");
evas_object_smart_callback_add(button, "clicked", _button_clicked, NULL);