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2016-03-28 17:49:24 -07:00
~~Title: About Eflete~~
==== Eflete ====
[[download|Download Eflete Here]]
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=== What is Eflete? ===
2016-03-28 17:49:24 -07:00
Efl Edje Theme Editor is a rich graphical tool, that provide UI for edc markup.
It is aimed to simplify creation and editing widgets styles. No one, for sure, want to learn EDC syntax. Eflete was
designed with mind, that target users are not just programmers but also designers. Besides styles Eflete is also able
to create and edit custom layouts. This is useful feature for developers which creates applications layouts.
=== Eflete projects ===
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{{:eflete-projects.png?&200 |}}
There are a lot of already existed projects, which are use edc collections for theming or layouting. Or binaries, that
compiled by edje_cc tool. For both cases Eflete has import wizards to help in converting existing files into projects,
that supported by theme editor.
For new projects it is possible to select predefined widget styles. All widgets in list contains a sets of groups, that
required by Elementary library. User is free to modify those styles.
It is possible to open existing project by File Selection tool. List of recently opened projects provides fast one-
mouse-click selection interface.
<note>Eflete creates a specific file for each opened edj or edc-file. More precisely - for new project or imported file
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Eflete creates a folder with project name, than copy imported file and create specific file. This file has a .pro
extension and Eflete used it for manipulations.</note>
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Editor operates with binary edj files, but for developers, source code is the must have thing. Of course Eflete support
exporting of the currently editing project into the *.edc files. Also it can be standalone group inside project. The
export features could be found in main menu by path: File -> Export as edc -> Group (or Project). It is also
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possible to export resources, that is used inside project (or group). There is a shell script can be found inside
folder, where data was exported to. It builds edc source code back to the binary file.
=== Resource management ===
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Usually themes and layouts use a lot of images. Sometimes sounds, tones, fonts and other resources. Theme Editor include
few manage tools, that provide natural way to add, delete or edit existed resources. It is also gives fast access to
resource preview with additional info. Images, sounds, colorclasses and textblock style manager tools are represented as
a pinned tabs.
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Images and sounds could be added into project by using file selection dialog (it is possible to add a few files at the
same time by holding Shift button and selecting necessary files in a dialog). Images preview and info block (file
name, format, resolution, etc.) will be displayed on selection. Also list of styles which are used in selected images
will be shown. Sound resources import is mostly same. Simple media player is used instead visual preview.
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Next two tools used to manage internal text resources. First is a textblock style manager. All attributes being used
inside textblock can be edited here. Tree-view for styles navigation and tags are very user-friendly. It's possible to
create new styles and tags. Search bar will help to deal with huge amount of applied styles, which is impossible to
handle manually. Another useful feature - changeable color of background preview. Simply change it by switching between
colors preview at the bottom of manager view. Second text resource manager responsible for manipulation with
colorclasses values. It has mostly the same controls as in TextblockStyle manager.
=== Navigations ===
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All navigation controls are represented by a tree-view lists. There are two main areas: groups and parts/programs lists.
The list of groups are placed on the left side of Eflete and holds all groups from loaded project. Items sorted
alphabetically. On the top of navigation bar placed two icons, that provides ability to add new group into project or
delete currently existing. In case of adding new group, simple dialog wizard will be shown. It will set name for new
group and chose source group if it is required to create copy or alias.
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Groups list structure is based on splitting group name by tokens, that separated one from another by '\' character. What
kind of benefit from this way? For example take the default Elementary theme. This theme contain a lot of groups with
styles for elementary widgets and styles for the E20 environment. By splitting root tokens from widget styles (for
example: **elm**/check/base/default), all groups related to Elementary can be organized below "elm" entity. Next level
of splitting will be widgets name (for example elm/**check**/base/default). And finally leafs of this tree will be
styles names (for example elm/check/base/**default**). At the same time another root entity with name "e" will exist
inside the groups navigation bar. There are two branches, that are visually separated, but still exists inside the same
For comfortable visual navigation tree leafs has "document" icon and nodes are represented by a "folder" icon.
If it is all so good with groups organization, then what about parts and programs inside groups? Eflete provides
navigation bar for primitives, that are stored inside groups. The primitives are Parts and Programs. They are placed on
the right side of main work area as two root nodes. Controls, that placed at the top of navigation bar, makes possible
to add new primitives or change order of parts inside group.
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Press ADD button to see listed names of primitive types
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(part, state, item and program). Depending on selected context, some of entities might be disabled. For example: to add
new state for existing part - select part name in list. Than, special wizard will guide you thru adding new primitives
with necessary attributes, according to type of selected primitive.
By selecting primitive item in list - attributes properties will be updated. By double-click on state name, user is able
to switch Parts state. New state will be updated workspace view.
<note tip>to explore tree - double-click on node or press on "right arrow" icon.</note>
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=== Workspace ===
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Finally the main work area. Workspace is placed in the middle of Eflete window. It enables visual representation of
group being edited. Many groups can be opened at the same time. The tab bar, placed above the workspace area, is used
for switching between workspaces.
Each workspace has its own background color. There are 3 predefined colors (black, white and "chess"). Click one of
the color buttons, that placed at the bottom of workspace to change it.
Size of previewed group can be changed by container border. It has a small rectangle in the right bottom corner - use
it to change size via mouse. Another way is to usage spinners, they are placed on the same line as a color buttons.
There are 3 possible behaviors, that can be demonstrated by workspace component: normal, code and demo. Lets describe
them one by one.
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==Normal mode==
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This mode is used to manipulate with group primitives on the development stage. All parts are represented on the
workspace, including containers and spacers. Each of the non-visible primitives types has their own pattern and
color. This makes possible to understand markup of group and dependencies between primitives. Text parts are
bordered, this shows area from left top to right bottom corners. Also for a texts sets part name as a content.
Ability to select primitives directly on workspace presented here, of course still possible to select parts inside
the part navigation panel. Selected part covered by the resizing control element, that change maximum size of
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==Demo mode==
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In comparing with a Normal mode where happens all implementation process, the Demo mode is the best way to see
result. Objects that displayed in this mode will looks same as in runtime application.
It is possible to type text into texts part or to set container parts content. Predefined widgets (button, check,
slider, enty, progress bar) can be uses as content. Also it is can be a simple rectangle or an image, that stored in
filesystem. It is possible to set different colors and minimum/maximum sizes for content. All this things requires
adoption of demonstration view as closely as possible to real environment and context.
Of course this is not all about Demo mode. One more useful feature - ability to emit signals into the object. When
programs inside group are created they will be good to check reaction of the object on those signals. List of
signals, that are possible to emit is exclude programs that depends from mouse events, because it is easier to click
(or mouse in/out, double click and etc) on real object.
<note important>Most of all Elementary widgets will be loaded as fully functional widgets. It means that behavior of the
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loaded widget is depends on Elementary source code. Group will be loaded as usual layout in cases when this group is
not a Elementary widget style or still unsupported widget. List of supported widgets for a demo mode will be shared
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==Code mode==
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It is mostly same as a Normal mode, except that it will display memo with Edc source code of currently editing
group. Same code can be received by exporting current group into Edc project (File -> Export as edc -> Group).
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Source code view supporting syntax highlighting and refreshing code accordingly to changes in the editing group.
<note>Right now this mode is only for viewing code. As one of the big features planned to support Enventor library
as a backend for edit group edc code directly. It should support most of features from Enventor.</note>
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Because Eflete is a editor tool, it means that managing changes is a necessary. For each group separated change
history is stored. To discover changes list, open tab "History" in the right part of main screen. Of course hotkeys
Ctrl+Z (for undo) and Ctrl+Y (for redo) exists and works, but user is able to undo or redo changes by clicking mouse
on necessary item in the history list. Only group changes will be stored in history, all that related to other
modules (like image manger or textblock styles manager) will be not stored.