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Paul 2017-11-07 02:17:48 -08:00 committed by apache
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~~Title: Iterator Functions~~
# Iterator Functions #
## Related Info ##
* (Iterator Functions API)[]
* (Eina Iterator Example)[]
Eina provides a set of iterator functions to manipulate data types, such as arrays.
These functions allow access to container elements in a generic way, without knowing which container is used (similar to iterators in the C++ STL). Iterators only allow sequential access (that is, from one element to the next one). For random access, Eina provides accessor functions.
Getting an iterator to access elements of a given container is done through the functions of that particular container. There is no function to create a generic iterator as iterators absolutely depend on the container. Note that all iterators, regardless of the container type, are always deleted with the same ``eina_iterator_free()`` function.
To get the data and iterate, use the ``eina_iterator_next()`` function. To call a function on every single element of a container, use the ``eina_iterator_foreach()`` function.
In addition to iterator functions, each data type also owns a set of macros that provide the iterators, such as ``FOREACH`` or ``REVERSE_FOREACH``.
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