~~Title: Menu Tutorial~~ ==== Menu Tutorial ==== This tutorial shows how to add menus to the application. The example code creates an application with 3 views, these views are showed by an interaction with a menu bar, placed on the top of the application. The application has also a hidden menu that appears only when the menu button is pressed. === Table of contents === * [[/tutorial/menu/structure|Defining the Application "Structure"]] * [[/tutorial/menu/theme|Defining the Application Theme]] * [[/tutorial/menu/basic_ui|Creating the Basic UI]] * [[/tutorial/menu/hidden_menu|Creating the Hidden Menu]] Menu example : {{ :menu.png?direct }} \\ //**__The whole code__: **//{{/code_c/tutorial/menu/structure.h}} {{/code_c/tutorial/menu/menu.edc}} {{/code_c/tutorial/menu/menu.c}}