~~Title: EFL on FreeBSD~~ ==== FreeBSD and E/EFL ==== Enlightenment and EFL are available for multiple versions of FreeBSD: * FreeBSD 8 - NOW EOL * FreeBSD 9 * FreeBSD 10 * CURRENT Enlightenment on FreeBSD only has the latest release version currently this is: ^ Name ^ Version ^ Submited Update ^ | Enlightenment | 0.19.13 | Latest | | EFL | 1.16.0 | Latest | | Elementary | 1.16.0 | Latest | | Terminology | 0.9.1 | Latest | ==== Installation ==== The way to install Enlightenment is the same between those distributions, here is an example: Option: 1 # pkg install enlightenment Install Enlightenment and Terminology: # pkg install enlightenment # pkg install terminology Install EFL only: # pkg install efl Option: 2 You may also compile E/EFL from source using the ports system. # svn co http://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head /usr/ports or # portsnap fetch extract Installing E on FreeBSD using the ports system. # cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/enlightenment && make install clean or # make -C /usr/ports/x11-wm/enlightenment install clean ==== TODO ==== Enlightenment on FreeBSD is always looking at ways to improve, mainly to allow users to have both the latest version along with the latest git sources. We plan on having both a normal release as well as a -devel port for both EFL and Enlightenment. ==== Helping ==== If you would like to help out, please register the Enlightenment mailing list [[https://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-enlightenment|Enlightenment Mailing List]] Or you mail email me personally [[chris@bsdjunk.com|Email Me]] ==== Support ==== We also have an IRC channel on Efnet and FreeNode === FreeNode === #freebsd-enlightenment === EFnet === #freebsd-enlightenment