~~Title: openSUSE~~ ==== openSUSE ==== Enlightenment and EFL are available for multiple versions of openSUSE: * openSUSE_13.1 (expected end of life Jan. 2016; Evergreen support ends Nov. 2016) * openSUSE_13.2 * openSUSE_Factory * openSUSE_Factory_ARM * openSUSE_Leap_42.1 * openSUSE_Tumbleweed Installing Enlightenment, is easy on openSUSE! First get the repository on your system. The openSUSE version will be auto-detected by zypper: #as root zypper addrepo -f obs://build.opensuse.org/X11:Enlightenment:Factory enlightenment zypper -n refresh enlightenment Now you can install the Enlightenment pattern (openSUSE meta-package): zypper install -t pattern enlightenment If you want to install EFL only: zypper install efl To make this all easier, you can use openSUSE's handy 1-click installer Click "Show other versions" to select the 1-click installer for your openSUSE version. * [[http://software.opensuse.org/package/enlightenment|Enlightenment 1-click installer]] * [[http://software.opensuse.org/package/efl|EFL 1-click installer]]