
238 lines
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~~Title: Enlightenment debugging~~
==== Enlightenment Debugging ====
<note important>
//Please also see [[docs-efl-debug]]. This should probably be merged with this page.//
This tutorial aims at providing a comprehensive and reproducible documentation to debug Enlightenment. It is divided in two sections:
* [[#Debugging_Enlightenment_using_GDB|GDB]]
* [[#Valgrind|Valgrind]]
Before debugging make sure your debug symbols are enabled, if not, go to the [[/docs-efl-start#Enable_debug_symbols_Optional|Enable debug symbols]] section.
=== Debugging Enlightenment using GDB ===
In order to use GDB, we will simulate a crash in Enlightenment.
Start by running Enlightenment on a machine. Then switch to another tty (CTRL+ALT+F1 for tty1).
At that point, 2 processes are interesting, ''enlightenment'' and ''enlightenment_start''. Indeed, ''enlightenment'' is traced by ''enlightenment_start''.
Then setup SEGV to segfault enlightenment.
<code c>
kill -SIGSEGV $(pidof enlightenment)
''enlightenment_start'' will open a pop-up named Enlightenment Error. This pop-up indicates that Enlightenment segfaulted and allows to recover or log out but also detaches from the child process (Enlightenment) and let advanced users use GDB to debug it.
<code bash>
#gdb on the running enlightenment process
gdb enlightenment $(pidof enlightenment)
After a bit a prompt is available, if you want, you can save the traces in a log:
<code bash>
#save the traces in log.txt
set logging file log.txt
set logging on
== Backtrace ==
Use the backtrace command to get information about frames to know where the segfault is coming from.
<code bash>
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb7d539f8 in select () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1 0xb7dff66a in _XEnq () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
#2 0xb7dffa7e in _XRead () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
#3 0xb7e01795 in _XReadEvents () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
#4 0xb7defa88 in XNextEvent () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
#5 0x0809b698 in e_alert_show (
text=0x80a34f0 "This is very bad. Enlightenment has segfaulted.\nThis
is not meant to happen and is likely a
sign of a\nbug in Enlightenment
or the libraries it relies on.\n\nYou can gdb attach to this process
now to try"...)
at e_alert.c:136
#6 0x0808f706 in e_sigseg_act (x=11, info=0x80a9fb0, data=0x80aa030)
at e_signals.c:54
#7 <signal handler called>
#8 0xb7d539f8 in select () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#9 0xb7f814ee in _ecore_main_select (timeout=0)
at ecore_main.c:338
#10 0xb7f819ba in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal (once_only=0)
at ecore_main.c:575
#11 xb7f81a2b in ecore_main_loop_begin () at ecore_main.c:79
#12 0x08059bb3 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff144) at e_main.c:551
As you can see in the stack trace, GDB finds the segfault in libc and pops to the main function in e_main. But it doesn't seem credible to have a bug in libc or x, the important thing is Enlightenment has its own segfault handler which is very explicit on frame 5.
The e_sigseg_act() function at frame 6 is called directly from the kernel when the program segfaults, meaning enlightenment causes the segfault. So, the segfault comes from the select function (a libc function) at frame 8 called in _e_core_main_select_function at frame 9.
== Go in a frame ==
So, the reason of segfault seems to be at frame 9, when ''select'' function is called. Let's go to frame 9:
<code bash>
fr 9
#9 0xb7f814ee in _ecore_main_select (timeout=0) at ecore_main.c:338
338 ret = select(max_fd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, &exfds, t);
(gdb) l
333 }
334 }
335 #ifndef WIN32
336 if (_ecore_signal_count_get()) return -1;
337 #endif
338 ret = select(max_fd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, &exfds, t);
339 if (ret < 0)
340 {
341 if (errno == EINTR) return -1;
342 }
The first command **//fr 9//** gives useful information: name of the file, number of the line, the function called, ... The second command **//l//** lists the code around the called function. Another useful command allows to print the variables, the parameters, helping you to find out the problem, a wrong parameter, a null pointer...
<code bash>
(gdb) p ret
$1 = -4
(gdb) p rfds
$2 = {__fds_bits = {1280, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
(gdb) p wfds
$3 = {__fds_bits = {0 <repeats 32 times>}}
(gdb) p exfds
$4 = {__fds_bits = {0 <repeats 32 times>}}
GDB is important to start debugging, it will help you to resize the problem even if sometimes is not enough.
=== Valgrind ===
Valgrind aims at finding memory problems but for that Enlightenment needs to be run through Valgrind.
== Prerequisites ==
This tutorial will present 3 different ways to run enlightenment through Valgrind:
* Remote debugging
* Xephyr invocation
* Xinit invocation
The easiest way is certainly Xephyr because it allows to target a window on a X server host, sadly Xephyr doesn't yet support OpenGL and any issue that may be related to it will need to use the Xinit version.
== Remote Debugging ==
Enlightenment_start launcher will handle setting up environment variables, paths, and launching any other required services before Enlightenment starts. Fortunately, there are some options in enlightenment_start that allow to run Enlightenment through Valgrind:
<code bash>
$enlightenment_start --help
Run enlightenment from inside valgrind, mode is OR of:
1 = plain valgrind to catch crashes (default)
2 = trace children (thumbnailer, efm slaves, ...)
4 = check leak
8 = show reachable after processes finish.
all = all of above
Run enlightenment from inside massif valgrind tool.
Run enlightenment from inside callgrind valgrind tool.
Save valgrind log to file, see valgrind's --log-f
First of all, get the IP address of your host machine and connect to it, then
on the distant machine, launch X:
<code bash>
#launch X on tty1
sudo X -ac :1 &
For example, if you want to check leak and save traces in a log file:
<code bash>
export DISPLAY=:1
enlightenment_start -valgrind=4 -valgrind-log-file=log.txt
At that point, Enlightenment should have started on your host machine. If the session is closed then the summary of Valgrind should look like:
<code bash>
==1488== HEAP SUMMARY:
==1488== in use at exit: 4,479,487 bytes in 24,302 blocks
==1488== total heap usage: 336,239 allocs, 311,937 frees, 88,068,674 bytes allocated
==1488== LEAK SUMMARY:
==1488== definitely lost: 825 bytes in 15 blocks
==1488== indirectly lost: 39 bytes in 2 blocks
==1488== possibly lost: 384 bytes in 1 blocks
==1488== still reachable: 4,478,239 bytes in 24,284 blocks
==1488== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1488== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==1488== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==1488== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
== Valgrind Invocation - Xinit ==
Create a file called .xinitrc-debug in your home with the following content:
<code bash>
ulimit -c unlimited
#path of you installation
#set vars
#log to file
echo "using installation at $enlightenment_install_path"
echo "PATH=$enlightenment_install_path/bin: ... " >> $log_file
#start e with valgrind
$enlightenment_install_path/bin/enlightenment_start -valgrind 2>&1 | tee -a "$log_file"
You can now start a debugging session, after X was closed if it is not the case log out:
<code bash>
/usr/bin/xinit ~/.xinitrc-debug -- :1 -nolisten tcp
== Valgrind Invocation - Xephyr ==
Xephyr is a display server implementing the X11 display server protocol which targets a window on a X Server host. So, for this it is important that X is launched, you can even do it in your usual window manager under X.
Of course, you need to install Xephyr.
<code bash>
Xephyr -ac -br -noreset -screen 800x600 :1
*ac: disable access control restrictions
*br: create root window with black background
*noreset: don't reset after last client exists
*screen 800x600: Specify screen characteristics
A black screen should now be displayed, and the interesting thing for us is that you can launch a window manager on it with Valgrind in addition:
<code bash>
DISPLAY=:1 enlightenment_start -valgrind