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===== Scalability Using Edje =====
Edje provides an abstraction layer between the application code
and the interface. You can use Edje in your EFL applications to create
visual elements and control the layout, look, and feel.
Internally, Edje holds a geometry state machine and a state graph that
defines, for example, what is visible, where, at what size, and with what
colors. These details are described to Edje using an Edje .edj file. The file
can be produced by using Edje_cc to take a text file (a .edc file) and
"compile" an output .edj file that contains the state graph information,
images, and any other needed data.
While creating Edje, you set specific element properties to control the
scalable behavior of the UI. Before creating a scalable UI using Edje, you
must be familiar with the following scalability properties and part types.
=== Table of Contents ===
* [[#Part]]
* [[#Description]]
* [[#Text]]
* [[#Image]]
* [[#Image_Set|ImageSet]]
* [[#Part_Types|PartTypes]]
==== Part ====
Parts are used to represent the most basic layout elements, such as a line in
a border or a text on an image.
The parts can have the following property:
* scale: 0-1 \\ Specifies whether the part scales its size with the scaling factor. This property is used to scale properties, such as font size or min/max size of the part. \\ The default value is 0 (off) and the default scaling factor is 1.0. To make a part scalable, set the property to 1 (on).
==== Description ====
Every part can have one or more description blocks to define the layout
properties of the part.
The descriptions can have the following properties:
* ''min''/''max'': width height \\ Specifies the minimum or maximum size of the part in pixels. It has no effect on the container size. \\ When the ''scale'' property of the part is set to 1 (on), the size is multiplied by the scaling factor.
* ''fixed'': 0-1 0-1 \\ When the ''min'' or ''max'' property is set, this property sets a boolean value for each dimension (horizontal and vertical, respectively) that tells the application whether it must be scaled when resized. \\ The default value is ''0 0''. To fix a part size to its min or max, set the value to 1.
* ''align'': X-axis Y-axis \\ When the displayed object size is smaller than its container, this property moves it along both axes using the relative position. \\ To move the property, use x = 0.0 to move to left, x = 1.0 to move to right, y = 0.0 to move to the top, and y = 1.0 to move to the bottom. The x = 0.5, y = 0.5 value sets the object at the center of its container. \\ The default value is ''0.5 0.5''.
* ''rel1''/''rel2'' \\ Specifies the position of the left-top and bottom-right corners of the part's container.
* relative: X-axis Y-axis \\ Specifies the relative position of the part's container. \\ The default value is 0.0 0.0 for rel1.relative and 1.0 1.0 for rel2.relative.
* ''to''/''to_x''/''to_y'' \\ Specified that a corner must be positioned relatively to another part's container. \\ By default, the corners of a part are placed to the whole interface.
^ Edje part property example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
image: "panorama.png" COMP;
name: "rect1";
type: RECT;
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.3 0.4;}
rel2 {relative: 0.7 0.6;}
color: 0 127 255 255;
name: "rect2";
type: RECT;
// Affected by scaling factor
scale: 1;
state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 0 1;
// Height: 100 pixels (when the scaling factor is 1.0)
min: 0 100;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 1.0;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 1.0;}
// Bottom-aligned
align: 0.5 1.0;
color: 255 127 0 255;
name: "image";
// Affected by scaling factor
scale: 1;
state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
// Image size: 720 x 180 pixels (when the scaling factor is 1.0)
min: 720 180;
// Y-axis is positioned relative to "rect2" part
rel1 {relative: 0.5 0.0; to_y: "rect2";}
rel2 {relative: 0.5 0.0; to_y: "rect2";}
// Bottom-aligned
align: 0.5 1.0;
image.normal: "panorama.png";
</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_part.png }} |
* ''aspect'': min max \\ Specifies the width to height ratio to keep when the part is resized. When both values are the same, the ratio is fixed. When they differ, the part is forced to keep the ratio between the ''min'' and ''max'' properties when resized. \\ The default value is ''0.0 0.0''.
* ''aspect_preference'': dimension \\ Specifies the scope of the ''aspect'' property to a given dimension. \\ The possible values are ''BOTH'', ''VERTICAL'', ''HORIZONTAL'', and ''NONE''. The default is ''NONE''.
^ Edje part property aspect example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
image: "island.png" COMP;
name: "image";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.0;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 1.0;}
image.normal: "island.png";
aspect: 8/5 8/5;
// Keep the aspect ratio based on the part width
aspect_preference: HORIZONTAL;
}</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_part_aspect.png }} |
==== Text ====
The text elements are used to display text on the screen.
The texts can have the following properties:
* ''size'': font-size \\ Specifies the font size for the text. When the ''scale'' property of the part is set to 1 (on), the size is multiplied by the scaling factor.
* ''min'': horizontal vertical \\ Specifies a pair of boolean values that define whether the container can be reduced further than the text size. The property is used to prevent the container from chopping the text. \\ When ''min'' is set horizontally or vertically, the minimum height or width of the part is decided by the text size. \\ The default value is ''0 0''.
* ''max'': horizontal vertical \\ Specifies a pair of boolean values that define whether the container can be expanded further than the text size. \\ When ''max'' is set horizontally or vertically, the maximum height or width of the part is decided by the text size. \\ The default value is ''0 0''.
^ Edje text property example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
name: "text";
type: TEXT;
scale: 1;
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.0;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.0;}
align: 0.5 0.0;
color: 108 108 108 255;
font: "Sans";
// Affected by scaling factor
size: 80;
// Minimum height of the part container is decided by the
text size
min: 0 1;
text: "Test properties!!";
</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_text.png }} |
* ''fit'': horizontal vertical \\ Specifies a pair of values that define whether the text is scaled to fill its container horizontally and/or vertically. \\ The default value is ''0 0''.
^ Edje text property fit example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
name: "text";
type: TEXT;
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.0;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.1;}
color: 108 108 108 255;
font: "Sans";
// Resize text to fill the container height
fit: 0 1;
text: "Test properties!!";
</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_text_fit.png }} |
==== Image ====
The image elements are used to display images on the screen.
The images can have the following properties:
* ''border'': left right top bottom \\ Specifies the border size of the image in pixels. This property sets the area of each side of the image to be displayed as a fixed size border, preventing the corners from being changed on a resize.
* ''border_scale'' \\ Specifies whether the border scales its size according to the scaling factor. \\ The default value is 0 (off). To make the border scalable, the value must be set to 1 (on).
^ Edje image property example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
image: "00_button_01_normal.png" COMP;
name: "image";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.6;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.7;}
image.normal: "00_button_01_normal.png";
name: "ninepatch_image";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.8;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.9;}
normal: "00_button_01_normal.png";
border: 4 4 0 0;
// Affected by scaling factor
border_scale: 1;
</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_image.png }} |
==== Image Set ====
The image set elements are used to display a specific image on the screen
based on the container size.
The image sets can have the following properties:
* ''name'': image-name \\ Specifies the name of the image file.
* ''size'': minw minh maxw maxh \\ Specifies the minimum and maximum size that causes a specified image to be
selected and shown. \\ The image set is used to control resource quality when the image part is scaled to multiple devices. According to the size of the part's container, an appropriate image is loaded.
^ Edje image set property example ^^
|<code c>
name: "property_test";
name: "alternative_animal";
image: "pig.png" COMP;
size: 640 800 1200 1500;
image: "monkey.png" COMP;
size: 400 500 639 799;
image: "cat.png" COMP;
size: 240 300 399 499;
image: "mouse.png" COMP;
size: 80 100 239 299;
image: "snail.png" COMP;
size: 0 0 79 99;
name: "image1";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.0;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.45;}
image.normal: "alternative_animal";
aspect: 4/5 4/5;
aspect_preference: BOTH;
name: "image2";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.5;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 0.75;}
image.normal: "alternative_animal";
aspect: 4/5 4/5;
aspect_preference: BOTH;
name: "image3";
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {relative: 0.0 0.8;}
rel2 {relative: 1.0 1.0;}
image.normal: "alternative_animal";
aspect: 4/5 4/5;
aspect_preference: BOTH;
</code>| {{ :scalability_scale_example_image_set.png }} |
==== Part Types ====
You can use fixed and flexible parts:
* Fixed parts
* Fixed parts have a minimum size (at least width or height).
* When the part ''scale'' property is set to 1 (on), the scaling factor has an effect on the minimum size.
* Fixed parts are used when the parts must keep a fixed size in any device or any orientation.
* Flexible parts
* Flexible parts resize according to the container size and other fixed parts' size.
* Flexible parts are used when the parts can be resized in any device or any orientation.
//__Fixed and flexible parts__//:{{ :scalability_scale_fixed_flexible.png }}