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~~Title: Elementary Basics PG~~
===== Elementary Basics =====
Elementary widgets are built in a hierarchical fashion. The idea is to
factorize as much code as possible between widgets that behave in a similar
manner, so as to facilitate the creation of new widgets. The Elementary
widgets that we will use inherit a lot of their code from the container
widgets and the layout widget (a container widget that takes a standard Edje
design file and wraps it very thinly). We can therefore use the container and
layout functions on them. We can also use Elementary object functions on them,
such as ''elm_object_part_content_set()'', ''elm_object_part_content_get()'', and
This programming guide does not describe the container widgets. More
information about containers can be found in
[[/program_guide/containers_pg|Container Widgets]].
Generally, an Elementary widget can be added with the
function, which returns an Evas object (''Evas_Object*''). The Evas object is then
be passed to the functions that are used to configure the widget.
At the end of your application, the ''elm_shutdown()'' function takes care of
freeing the allocated Elementary objects, so there is no need to separately
deallocate widgets.
==== First Use of the Elementary Library ====
A minimal Elementary application looks like this:
<code c>
#include <Elementary.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
elm_init(argc, argv);
return 0;
First of all, before using the Elementary library, it has to be initialized
with the ''elm_init()'' function. The Elementary main loop can then be started
with the ''elm_run()'' function, which will not return, and will constantly loop
and run the event and processing tasks. A call to the ''elm_exit()'' function will
tell the main loop to stop and return to the main function. At the end of the
application, the ''elm_shutdown()'' function will clean up all resources that were
allocated with Elementary in the main loop, and finally shut down Elementary.
An Elementary application should use the ''ELM_MAIN()'' macro, which already
calls the ''elm_init()'' function. [[docs/efl/start|EFL Hello World Tutorial]]
shows a basic Elementary application that uses this macro.
==== Elementary Objects ====
Objects created using Elementary are always of type ''Evas_Object*''. This
means that Evas and Elementary functions can be used on an Elementary object.
However, use Elementary functions on Elementary objects only when you do not
know which API to use.
Since an Elementary object can take up a lot of memory, the
''Elm_Object_Item'' type has been created for situations where you need to use
a lot of items, such as in a genlist or gengrid widget, and save memory. Using
the ''Elm_Object_Item'' type, an Elementary widget can, in theory, contain a
lot of items while maintaining a small memory footprint. In practice,
''Elm_Object_Item'' is bigger than expected, but it is still a good idea to
use it.
==== Elementary callbacks ====
Several callbacks can be registered on an Elementary object. The following is
an overview of the different callback types and how they differ. For more
information about events, see [[/program_guide/event_effect_pg|Handling
Events]]. For more information about Evas objects and smart objects, see
[[/program_guide/evas/rendering_concept_and_method_in_evas|Rendering Concept
and Method in Evas]].
=== Evas Event Callback ===
Using the ''evas_object_event_callback_add()'' function, this callback can be
registered on an Elementary object. It adds a callback for input events (key
up, key down, mouse wheel) on an Evas object. In the case of an Elementary
object, the callback will be registered on the underlying Evas object without
considering the Elementary object infrastructure (no event propagation).
=== Evas Smart Callback ===
Using the ''evas_object_smart_callback_add()'' function, this callback can be
registered on a "smart event" emitted by an Elementary object. Smart callbacks
can only be registered on smart objects, and the "smart event" we want to
register must be implemented by the corresponding smart object. Otherwise, the
callback will do nothing. The callback has nothing to do with input events
(keyboard or mouse)
=== Edje Signal Callbacks ===
Using the ''edje_object_signal_callback_add()'' function, this callback can be
registered on a signal coming from an Edje object (a theme object).
=== Elementary Signal Callback ===
Using the ''elm_object_signal_callback_add()'' function, this callback can be
registered on a signal coming from an Elementary widget's theme. The callback
has nothing to do with input events (keyboard or mouse).
=== Elementary Event Callback ===
Using the ''elm_object_event_callback_add()'' function, this callback can be
registered on an input event (keyboard or mouse) coming from an Elementary
object. In contrast to the Evas event callback, the Elementary event callback
takes the hierarchy of the object into account: the event can be propagated to
the parents of the object, and the parents can then process the event.