
95 lines
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~~Title: Segmentcontrol Widget PG~~
===== Segment Control Widgets =====
{{ :widgets_segmentcontrol_tree.png }}{{ :widgets_segmentcontrol.png }}
This widget consists of several segment items. A segment item is similar to a
discrete two state button. Any time, only one segment item can be selected. A
segment item is composed of a label (text) and an icon.
This widget inherits from the layout widget, so all the layout widgets API can
be used on segmentcontrol objects.
=== Table of Contents ===
* [[#Adding_a_Segmentcontrol|Adding a Segmentcontrol]]
* [[#Adding_Items|Adding Items]]
* [[#Using_the_Segmentcontrol_Callbacks|Using the Segmentcontrol Callbacks]]
=== Related Info ===
* [[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/group__SegmentControl.html|Segmentcontrol Widget API]]
* [[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/segment_control_example.html|A Segment Control Example]]
==== Adding a Segmentcontrol ====
This is how to add a segmentcontrol widget.
<code c>
Evas_Object *segcontrol = elm_segment_control_add(parent);
==== Adding Items ====
We can add items to it. Here we add four items containing only text labels (no icons).
<code c>
Elm_Object_Item *it;
elm_segment_control_item_add(segcontrol, NULL, "item1");
elm_segment_control_item_add(segcontrol, NULL, "item2");
elm_segment_control_item_add(segcontrol, NULL, "item3");
it = elm_segment_control_item_add(segcontrol, NULL, "item4");
We can insert an item at a specific position starting at 0
<code c>
elm_segment_control_item_insert_at(segcontrol, NULL, "item7", 2);
or delete an item.
<code c>
elm_segment_control_item_del_at(segcontrol, 2);
We can also set the selected state of an item manually
<code c>
elm_segment_control_item_selected_set(it, EINA_TRUE);
or disable the whole segment control.
<code c>
elm_object_disabled_set(segcontrol, EINA_TRUE);
==== Using the Segmentcontrol Callbacks ====
This is how to register a callback on the "changed" signal. It is called when
the user clicks on a segment item which is not previously selected. The
event_info parameter is the segment item pointer.
<code c>
evas_object_smart_callback_add(segcontrol, "changed", _changed_cb, data);
<code c>
// Callback function for the "changed" signal
// This callback is called when the segcontrol selected item changes
static void
_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Elm_Segment_Item *it = event_info;
printf("The selected segment item has changed\n");
//**__[[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/segment_control_example.html|A Segment Control Example]]__**//