
115 lines
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~~Title: Spinner Widget PG~~
===== Spinner Widgets =====
{{ :widgets_spinner_tree.png }}{{ :widgets_spinner.png }}
The spinner widget increases or decreases a numeric value with the arrow
This widget inherits from the layout widget, so all functions concerning the
layout widget are used on the spinner widget.
=== Table of Contents ===
* [[#Adding_a_Spinner|Adding a Spinner]]
* [[#Configuring_the_Spinner|Configuring the Spinner]]
* [[#Using_Spinner_Callbacks|Using Spinner Callbacks]]
=== Related Info ===
* [[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/group__Spinner.html|Spinner Widget API]]
* [[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/spinner_example.html|A Spinner Example]]
==== Adding a Spinner ====
This is how to create a spinner object.
<code c>
Evas_Object *spin;
spin = elm_spinner_add(parent);
This widgets allows a "vertical" style: up/down buttons at the right side
and text left aligned.
==== Configuring the Spinner ====
The label format is set to a different value:
<code c>
elm_spinner_label_format_set(spin, "%1.2f meters");
You can determine the result of clicking the arrow buttons. In this example, a
click on an arrow increases or decreases with 2.0 units:
<code c>
elm_spinner_step_set(spin, 2.0);
The wrapping mode is activated. In this mode, the spinner wraps when it reaches its minimum or maximum value.
<code c>
elm_spinner_wrap_set(spin, EINA_TRUE);
We set the minimum and maximum values of the spinner.
<code c>
elm_spinner_min_max_set(spin, -25.0, 100.0);
The spinner object can be set vertical, and the change interval when the user
presses the arrows long can be modified so that it changes faster.
<code c>
elm_object_style_set(spin, "vertical");
elm_spinner_interval_set(spin, 0.1);
If the user has to select between text values instead of numerical values, it
is possible to add our own text labels. Here spin2 object shows three numbers
written in text characters.
<code c>
Evas_Object *spin2 = elm_spinner_add(parent);
elm_spinner_min_max_set(spin2, 1, 3);
elm_spinner_special_value_add(spin2, 1, "One");
elm_spinner_special_value_add(spin2, 2, "Two");
elm_spinner_special_value_add(spin2, 3, "Three");
==== Using Spinner Callbacks ====
This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from Layout:
* ''"changed"'' - Whenever the spinner value is changed.
* ''"delay,changed"'' - A short time after the value is changed by the user. This will be called only when the user stops dragging for a very short period or when they release their finger/mouse, so it avoids possibly expensive reactions to the value change.
* ''"language,changed"'' - the program's language changed
* ''"focused"'' - When the spinner has received focus. (since 1.8)
* ''"unfocused"'' - When the spinner has lost focus. (since 1.8)
* ''"spinner,drag,start"'' - When dragging has started. (since 1.8)
* ''"spinner,drag,stop"'' - When dragging has stopped. (since 1.8)
This is how to register a callback on the "delay,changed" signal.
<code c>
evas_object_smart_callback_add(spin, "delay,changed", _delay_changed_cb, data);
<code c>
// Callback function for the "delay,changed" signal
// This callback is called a short time after the spinner value changes
static void
_delay_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
printf(The spinner value has changed\n");
//**__[[https://build.enlightenment.org/job/nightly_elm_gcc_x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/html/spinner_example.html|A Spinner Example]]__**//