
43 lines
2.0 KiB

efl_v = 1.23.2
python_efl_v = 1.23.0
enlightenment_v = 0.23.1
terminology_v = 1.6.0
rage_v = 0.3.1
econnman_v = 1.1
ephoto_v = 1.5
epour_v = 0.6.0
evisum_v = 0.2.6
extra_v = 0.0.1
enventor_v = 1.0.0
eflete_v = 1.19.1
extn = .tar.xz
dlbase = https://download.enlightenment.org/rel/
^Development Tool^Version^
|[[%%dlbase%%apps/enventor/enventor-%%enventor_v%%%%extn%%|Dynamic EDC Editor (Enventor)]]|%%enventor_v%%|
|[[%%dlbase%%apps/eflete/eflete-%%eflete_v%%%%extn%%|EFL Edje Theme Editor]]|%%eflete_v%%|
|[[https://github.com/Enlightenment/edi/releases/download/v0.7.0/edi-0.7.0.tar.xz |Enlightenment IDE]]|0.7.0|
A more comprehensive list of efl applications can be found in the [[https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/|wiki]].
Go to the [[https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/packaging_status/|package status of distributions]] for information on what distributions have packages and how up to date they are.