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#ifndef __IMLIB_API_H
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
# define __IMLIB_API_H 1
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
# ifndef DATA64
1999-10-28 16:04:27 -07:00
# define DATA64 unsigned long long
# define DATA32 unsigned int
# define DATA16 unsigned short
# define DATA8 unsigned char
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
# endif
/* data types - guess what - no transparent datatypes - all hidden */
typedef void * Imlib_Image;
typedef void * Imlib_Color_Modifier;
typedef void * Imlib_Updates;
typedef void * Imlib_Font;
typedef void * Imlib_Color_Range;
typedef struct _imlib_border Imlib_Border;
typedef struct _imlib_color Imlib_Color;
typedef struct _imlib_rectangle Imlib_Rectangle;
enum _imlib_operation
enum _imlib_text_direction
enum _imlib_load_error
typedef enum _imlib_operation Imlib_Operation;
typedef enum _imlib_load_error Imlib_Load_Error;
typedef enum _imlib_text_direction Imlib_Text_Direction;
struct _imlib_border
int left, right, top, bottom;
struct _imlib_color
int alpha, red, green, blue;
struct _imlib_rectangle
int x, y, width, height;
typedef void (*Imlib_Progress_Function)(Imlib_Image *im, char percent,
int update_x, int update_y,
int update_w, int update_h);
/* init and setup functions */
int imlib_get_cache_size(void);
void imlib_set_cache_size(int bytes);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
int imlib_get_color_usage(void);
void imlib_set_color_usage(int max);
int imlib_get_visual_depth(Display *display, Visual *visual);
Visual *imlib_get_best_visual(Display *display, int screen,
int *depth_return);
/* image loading functions */
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image(char *file);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_with_progress_callback(char *file,
Imlib_Progress_Function progress_function,
char progress_granulatiy);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_immediately(char *file);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_without_cache(char *file);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_with_progress_callback_without_cache (char *file,
Imlib_Progress_Function progress_function,
char progress_granulatiy);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_with_progress_callback_and_error_return (char *file,
Imlib_Progress_Function progress_function,
char progress_granulatiy,
Imlib_Load_Error *error_return);
Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_immediately_without_cache(char *file);
1999-08-04 22:27:39 -07:00
/* image destruction functions */
void imlib_free_image(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_free_image_and_decache(Imlib_Image image);
/* image information retrieval and basic manipulation functions */
int imlib_image_get_width(Imlib_Image image);
int imlib_image_get_height(Imlib_Image image);
DATA32 *imlib_image_get_data(Imlib_Image image);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
DATA32 *imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(Imlib_Image image);
char imlib_image_has_alpha(Imlib_Image image);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
char *imlib_image_format(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_put_back_data(Imlib_Image image);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
void imlib_image_set_has_alpha(Imlib_Image image, char has_alpha);
void imlib_image_set_never_changes_on_disk(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_get_border(Imlib_Image image, Imlib_Border *border);
void imlib_image_set_border(Imlib_Image image, Imlib_Border *border);
void imlib_image_set_format(Imlib_Image image, char *format);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_format(Imlib_Image image, char irrelevant);
void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_border(Imlib_Image image, char irrelevant);
void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_alpha(Imlib_Image image, char irrelevant);
/* image drawing/rendering functions */
1999-08-04 22:27:39 -07:00
void imlib_render_pixmaps_for_whole_image(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
Pixmap *pixmap_return,
Pixmap *mask_return,
char dithered_rendering,
char create_dithered_mask,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
1999-08-04 22:27:39 -07:00
void imlib_render_pixmaps_for_whole_image_at_size(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
Pixmap *pixmap_return,
Pixmap *mask_return,
char anti_aliased_scaling,
char dithered_rendering,
char create_dithered_mask,
int width, int height,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
1999-08-05 16:33:56 -07:00
void imlib_render_image_on_drawable(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
char dithered_rendering,
char alpha_blending,
int x, int y,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
Imlib_Operation operation);
1999-08-05 16:33:56 -07:00
void imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
char anti_aliased_scaling,
char dithered_rendering,
char alpha_blending,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
Imlib_Operation operation);
void imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
char anti_aliased_scaling,
char dithered_rendering,
char alpha_blending,
int source_x, int source_y,
int source_width, int source_height,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
Imlib_Operation operation);
void imlib_free_pixmap_and_mask(Display *display, Pixmap pixmap);
/* rgba space ops */
void imlib_blend_image_onto_image(Imlib_Image source_image,
Imlib_Image destination_image,
char antialias, char blend, char merge_alpha,
int source_x, int source_y,
int source_width, int source_height,
int destination_x, int destination_y,
int destination_width, int destination_height,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
Imlib_Operation operation);
/* image creation and grabbing */
Imlib_Image imlib_create_image(int width, int height);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_using_data(int width, int height,
DATA32 *data);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_using_copied_data(int width, int height,
DATA32 *data);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_from_drawable(Display *display,
Drawable drawable,
Pixmap mask, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
char need_to_grab_x);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_scaled_image_from_drawable(Display *display,
Drawable drawable,
Pixmap mask,
Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap,
int depth,
int source_x,
int source_y,
int source_width,
int source_height,
int destination_width,
int destination_height,
char need_to_grab_x,
char get_mask_from_shape);
Imlib_Image imlib_clone_image(Imlib_Image image);
char imlib_copy_drawable_to_image(Imlib_Image image, Display *display,
Drawable drawable,
Pixmap mask, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
int destination_x, int destination_y,
char need_to_grab_x);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_cropped_image(Imlib_Image image,
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
int x, int y, int width, int height);
Imlib_Image imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(Imlib_Image image,
char antialias,
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
int source_x, int source_y,
int source_width,
int source_height,
int destination_width,
int destination_height);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_clone(Imlib_Updates updates);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_init(void);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_append_updates(Imlib_Updates updates,
Imlib_Updates appended_updates);
Imlib_Updates imlib_update_append_rect(Imlib_Updates updates,
int x, int y, int w, int h);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_merge(Imlib_Updates updates, int w, int h);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_merge_for_rendering(Imlib_Updates updates, int w,
int h);
void imlib_updates_free(Imlib_Updates updates);
Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_get_next(Imlib_Updates updates);
void imlib_updates_get_coordinates(Imlib_Updates updates,
int *x_return, int *y_return,
int *width_return, int *height_return);
void imlib_render_image_updates_on_drawable(Imlib_Image image,
Imlib_Updates updates,
Display *display,
Drawable drawable, Visual *visual,
Colormap colormap, int depth,
char dithered_rendering,
int x, int y,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
/* image modification - rotation / flipping */
void imlib_image_flip_horizontal(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_flip_vertical(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_flip_diagonal(Imlib_Image image);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
/* image modification - blur / sharpen */
void imlib_image_blur(Imlib_Image image, int radius);
void imlib_image_sharpen(Imlib_Image image, int radius);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
/* image modification - special (seamless tile (h, v & both) etc) */
void imlib_image_tile_horizontal(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_tile_vertical(Imlib_Image image);
void imlib_image_tile(Imlib_Image image);
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00
/* text functions needed */
Imlib_Font imlib_load_font(char *font_name);
void imlib_free_font(Imlib_Font font);
void imlib_text_draw(Imlib_Font font, Imlib_Image image, int x, int y,
Imlib_Text_Direction direction, char *text,
Imlib_Color *color, Imlib_Operation operation);
void imlib_text_draw_with_return_metrics(Imlib_Font font, Imlib_Image image,
int x, int y,
Imlib_Text_Direction direction,
char *text, Imlib_Color *color,
Imlib_Operation operation,
int *width_return, int *height_return,
int *horizontal_advance_return,
int *vertical_advance_return);
void imlib_get_text_size(Imlib_Font font, Imlib_Text_Direction direction,
char *text, int *width_return, int *height_return);
void imlib_add_path_to_font_path(char *path);
void imlib_remove_path_from_font_path(char *path);
char **imlib_list_font_path(int *number_return);
int imlib_text_get_index_and_location(Imlib_Font *font,
Imlib_Text_Direction direction,
char *text, int x, int y,
int *char_x_return, int *char_y_return,
int *char_width_return,
int *char_height_return);
char **imlib_list_fonts(int *number_return);
void imlib_free_font_list(char **font_list, int number);
int imlib_get_font_cache_size(void);
void imlib_set_font_cache_size(int bytes);
void imlib_flush_font_cache(void);
/* image modification - color */
Imlib_Color_Modifier imlib_create_color_modifier(void);
void imlib_free_color_modifier(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
void imlib_modify_color_modifier_gamma(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
double gamma_value);
void imlib_modify_color_modifier_brightness(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
double brightness_value);
void imlib_modify_color_modifier_contrast(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
double contrast_value);
void imlib_set_color_modifier_tables(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
DATA8 *red_table,
DATA8 *green_table,
DATA8 *blue_table,
DATA8 *alpha_table);
void imlib_get_color_modifier_tables(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
DATA8 *red_table,
DATA8 *green_table,
DATA8 *blue_table,
DATA8 *alpha_table);
void imlib_reset_color_modifier(Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
void imlib_apply_color_modifier(Imlib_Image image,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
void imlib_apply_color_modifier_to_rectangle(Imlib_Image image,
Imlib_Color_Modifier color_modifier,
int x, int y, int width,
int height);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
Imlib_Updates imlib_image_draw_line(Imlib_Image image, int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2,
Imlib_Color *color,
Imlib_Operation operation,
int make_updates);
void imlib_image_draw_rectangle(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y, int width,
int height, Imlib_Color *color,
Imlib_Operation operation);
void imlib_image_fill_rectangle(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y, int width,
int height, Imlib_Color *color,
Imlib_Operation operation);
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
void imlib_image_copy_alpha_to_image(Imlib_Image image_source,
Imlib_Image image_destination,
int x, int y);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
void imlib_image_copy_alpha_rectangle_to_image(Imlib_Image image_source,
Imlib_Image image_destination,
int x, int y, int width,
int height, int destination_x,
int destination_y);
void imlib_image_scroll_rect(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y,
int width, int height, int delta_x,
int delta_y);
1999-10-25 09:36:24 -07:00
void imlib_image_copy_rect(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y,
int width, int height, int new_x,
int new_y);
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
Imlib_Color_Range imlib_create_color_range(void);
void imlib_free_color_range(Imlib_Color_Range color_range);
void imlib_add_color_to_color_range(Imlib_Color_Range color_range,
Imlib_Color *color,
int distance_away);
void imlib_image_fill_color_range_rectangle(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y,
int width, int height,
Imlib_Color_Range color_range,
double angle,
1999-10-22 04:40:45 -07:00
Imlib_Operation operation);
void imlib_image_query_pixel(Imlib_Image image, int x, int y,
Imlib_Color *color_return);
# if 0
/* image saving functions */
void imlib_save_image(Imlib_Image image, char *filename);
/* FIXME: */
/* need to add arbitary rotation routines */
/* need to add polygon fill code */
1999-08-23 09:55:16 -07:00