/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Carsten Haitzler, Geoff Harrison and various contributors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Software, its documentation and marketing & publicity materials, and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation, materials and software packages that this Software was used. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "dox.h" static int num_pages = 0; static Page *page = NULL; static char *fdat_ptr = NULL; static int fdat_size = 0; static char *fdat = NULL; static int fdgetc(void); static void fdjump(int count); static int fdgetc(void) { int val; if (fdat_ptr >= (fdat + fdat_size)) return EOF; val = (int)(*fdat_ptr); fdat_ptr++; return val; } static void fdjump(int count) { fdat_ptr += count; if (fdat_ptr < fdat) fdat_ptr = fdat; if (fdat_ptr >= (fdat + fdat_size)) fdat_ptr = (fdat + fdat_size) - 1; } void AddPage(Object * obj) { num_pages++; page = realloc(page, sizeof(Page) * (num_pages)); page[num_pages - 1].name = NULL; page[num_pages - 1].count = 0; page[num_pages - 1].obj = NULL; page[num_pages - 1].columns = 1; page[num_pages - 1].background = NULL; page[num_pages - 1].padding = 2; page[num_pages - 1].linkr = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_R; page[num_pages - 1].linkg = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_G; page[num_pages - 1].linkb = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_B; if ((obj) && (obj->type == PAGE)) { Page *pg; pg = (Page *) (obj->object); if (pg->name) page[num_pages - 1].name = pg->name; page[num_pages - 1].columns = pg->columns; page[num_pages - 1].padding = pg->padding; page[num_pages - 1].linkr = pg->linkr; page[num_pages - 1].linkg = pg->linkg; page[num_pages - 1].linkb = pg->linkb; if (pg->background) page[num_pages - 1].background = pg->background; } } void AddObject(Object * obj) { page[num_pages - 1].count++; page[num_pages - 1].obj = realloc(page[num_pages - 1].obj, sizeof(Object) * (page[num_pages - 1].count)); page[num_pages - 1].obj[page[num_pages - 1].count - 1].type = obj->type; page[num_pages - 1].obj[page[num_pages - 1].count - 1].object = obj->object; } void BuildObj(Object * obj, char *var, char *param) { static Page *pg = NULL; static P_ *p = NULL; static Font_ *fn = NULL; static Img_ *img = NULL; switch (obj->type) { case IMG: if (!obj->object) { img = obj->object = malloc(sizeof(Img_)); img->src = NULL; img->src2 = NULL; img->src3 = NULL; img->x = 0; img->y = 0; img->link = NULL; img->w = 0; img->h = 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "x")) img->x = atoi(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "y")) img->y = atoi(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "src")) img->src = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "src2")) img->src2 = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "src3")) img->src3 = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "href")) img->link = strdup(param); break; case BR: break; case FONT: if (!obj->object) { fn = obj->object = malloc(sizeof(Font_)); fn->face = NULL; fn->r = 0; fn->g = 0; fn->b = 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "face")) fn->face = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "color")) { char hex[3] = "00"; if (param[0] == '#') { hex[0] = param[1]; hex[1] = param[2]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(fn->r)); hex[0] = param[3]; hex[1] = param[4]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(fn->g)); hex[0] = param[5]; hex[1] = param[6]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(fn->b)); } } break; case P: if (!obj->object) { p = obj->object = malloc(sizeof(P_)); p->align = 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "align")) { if ((strlen(param) > 0) && (param[strlen(param) - 1] == '%')) param[strlen(param) - 1] = 0; p->align = atof(param); } break; case TEXT: break; case PAGE: if (!obj->object) { pg = obj->object = malloc(sizeof(Page)); pg->columns = 1; pg->padding = 1; pg->name = NULL; pg->background = NULL; pg->linkr = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_R; pg->linkg = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_G; pg->linkb = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_B; } if (!strcmp(var, "columns")) pg->columns = atoi(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "padding")) pg->padding = atoi(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "name")) pg->name = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "background")) pg->background = strdup(param); else if (!strcmp(var, "linkcolor")) { char hex[3] = "00"; if (param[0] == '#') { hex[0] = param[1]; hex[1] = param[2]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(pg->linkr)); hex[0] = param[3]; hex[1] = param[4]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(pg->linkg)); hex[0] = param[5]; hex[1] = param[6]; sscanf(hex, "%x", &(pg->linkb)); } } break; default: break; } } int GetNextTag(Object * obj) { char s[65536]; int i = 0, wd = 0; int val; char intag = 0; char havobj = 0; for (;;) { val = fdgetc(); if (val == EOF) return 0; if (intag) { if (val == '>') intag = 0; s[i++] = (char)val; if (s[i - 1] == '\n') s[i - 1] = ' '; if (s[i - 1] == '>') s[i - 1] = ' '; if (s[i - 1] == ' ') { if (i == 1) i = 0; else { s[i - 1] = 0; if (!havobj) { if (wd == 0) { if (!strcmp(s, "page")) obj->type = PAGE; else if (!strcmp(s, "img")) obj->type = IMG; else if (!strcmp(s, "br")) obj->type = BR; else if (!strcmp(s, "font")) obj->type = FONT; else if (!strcmp(s, "p")) obj->type = P; havobj = 1; } i = 0; } else { char w1[1024]; char w2[1024]; int j = 0; w1[0] = 0; w2[0] = 0; while ((s[j]) && (s[j] != '=')) { w1[j] = s[j]; j++; } w1[j] = 0; if (j < (int)strlen(s)) strcpy(w2, &(s[j + 1])); BuildObj(obj, w1, w2); i = 0; } wd++; } } if (!intag) return 1; } if (val == '<') intag = 1; } return 1; } char * GetTextUntilTag(void) { char s[65536]; int i = 0; int val; for (;;) { val = fdgetc(); if (val == EOF) { s[i] = 0; if (strlen(s) < 1) return NULL; return strdup(s); } s[i++] = (char)val; if (s[i - 1] == '\n') s[i - 1] = ' '; if ((i == 1) && (s[0] == ' ')) i--; else if (s[i - 1] == '<') { s[i - 1] = 0; fdjump(-1); if (strlen(s) < 1) return NULL; return strdup(s); } if ((i > 2) && (s[i - 2] == ' ') && (s[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; if (i > 65530) return NULL; } return NULL; } int GetObjects(FILE * f) { static char have_font = 0; static char in_para = 0; Object obj; char *txt; char buf[4096]; int count; fdat = NULL; fdat_size = 0; while ((count = fread(buf, 1, 4096, f)) > 0) { if (!fdat) fdat = malloc(count); else fdat = realloc(fdat, (fdat_size + count)); memcpy(fdat + fdat_size, buf, count); fdat_size += count; } fdat_ptr = fdat; if (page) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { int j; if (page[i].name) free(page[i].name); if (page[i].background) free(page[i].background); for (j = 0; j < page[i].count; j++) { switch (page[i].obj[j].type) { case IMG: if (((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src) free(((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src); if (((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src2) free(((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src2); if (((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src3) free(((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->src3); if (((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->link) free(((Img_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->link); break; case BR: break; case FONT: if (((Font_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->face) free(((Font_ *) page[i].obj[j].object)->face); break; case P: break; case TEXT: break; case PAGE: break; } if (page[i].obj[j].object) free(page[i].obj[j].object); } if (page[i].obj) free(page[i].obj); } free(page); num_pages = 0; page = NULL; have_font = 0; in_para = 0; } obj.object = NULL; for (;;) { if ((have_font) && (in_para)) { txt = GetTextUntilTag(); if (txt) { obj.type = TEXT; obj.object = (void *)txt; } else { if (!GetNextTag(&obj)) { if (fdat) free(fdat); return 0; } } } else { if (!GetNextTag(&obj)) { if (fdat) free(fdat); return 0; } } if (obj.type == PAGE) { in_para = 0; have_font = 0; AddPage(&obj); } else if (page) AddObject(&obj); if (obj.type == IMG) in_para = 0; if (obj.type == P) in_para = 1; if (obj.type == FONT) have_font = 1; obj.object = NULL; } free(fdat); } int FixPage(int p) { if (p < 0) return 0; if (p >= num_pages) return num_pages - 1; return p; } int GetPage(char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { if ((page[i].name) && (!strcmp(name, page[i].name))) return i; } return -1; } void GetLinkColors(int page_num, int *r, int *g, int *b) { if (page_num < 0) { *r = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_R; *g = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_G; *b = DEFAULT_LINKCOLOR_B; } else { *r = page[page_num].linkr; *g = page[page_num].linkg; *b = page[page_num].linkb; } } Link * RenderPage(Window win, int page_num, int w, int h) { Link *ll = NULL; Page *pg; TextState ts; int i, col_w, col_h; int x, y; int justification = 0; int firstp = 1; Imlib_Image *im; int wastext = 0; ts.fontname = NULL; ESetColor(&ts.fg_col, 0, 0, 0); ESetColor(&ts.bg_col, 0, 0, 0); ts.effect = 0; ts.efont = NULL; ts.xfont = NULL; ts.xfontset = 0; ts.xfontset_ascent = 0; ts.height = 0; pg = &(page[page_num]); x = pg->padding; y = pg->padding; col_w = ((w - (pg->padding * (pg->columns + 1))) / pg->columns); col_h = h - (pg->padding * 2); if (pg->background) { char tmp[4096]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", docdir, pg->background); findLocalizedFile(tmp); im = imlib_load_image(tmp); if (im) { imlib_context_set_image(im); imlib_context_set_drawable(win); imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size(0, 0, w, h); imlib_free_image(); } } for (i = 0; i < pg->count; i++) { char s[32768], ss[32768], wd[4096], *txt; Img_ *img; Font_ *fn; P_ *p; int wc, eol, eot; int islink = 0, lx, lw; switch (pg->obj[i].type) { case IMG: img = pg->obj[i].object; if (img->src) { char tmp[4096]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", docdir, img->src); im = imlib_load_image(tmp); if (im) { imlib_context_set_image(im); img->w = imlib_image_get_width(); img->h = imlib_image_get_height(); imlib_context_set_drawable(win); imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size(img->x, img->y, img->w, img->h); imlib_free_image(); } if (img->link) { Link *l; l = malloc(sizeof(Link)); l->name = strdup(img->link); l->x = img->x; l->y = img->y; l->w = img->w; l->h = img->h; l->next = ll; ll = l; } } break; case BR: if (!wastext) y += ts.height; wastext = 0; break; case FONT: fn = pg->obj[i].object; ts.fontname = NULL; ESetColor(&ts.fg_col, 0, 0, 0); ESetColor(&ts.bg_col, 0, 0, 0); ts.effect = 0; if (ts.efont) Efont_free(ts.efont); ts.efont = NULL; if (ts.xfont) XFreeFont(disp, ts.xfont); ts.xfont = NULL; if (ts.xfontset) XFreeFontSet(disp, ts.xfontset); ts.xfontset = NULL; ts.xfontset_ascent = 0; ts.height = 0; ts.fontname = fn->face; ESetColor(&ts.fg_col, fn->r, fn->g, fn->b); TextStateLoadFont(&ts); break; case P: p = pg->obj[i].object; if (p) justification = (int)((p->align / 100) * 1024); else justification = 0; if (!firstp) y += ts.height; else firstp = 0; break; case TEXT: txt = pg->obj[i].object; wc = 1; ss[0] = 0; s[0] = 0; eol = 0; eot = 0; for (;;) { char *txt_disp; int tw, th, xspace; int off, j; int sx, sy, ssx, ssy; char link_txt[1024]; char link_link[1024]; int spaceflag, oldwc = 0; wd[0] = 0; #ifdef USE_WORD_MB if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1) /* If multibyte locale,... */ word_mb(txt, wc, wd, &spaceflag); else #endif { word(txt, wc, wd); spaceflag = 1; } if (!wd[0]) eol = 1; wc++; eot++; strcpy(ss, s); if ((eot != 1) && spaceflag) strcat(s, " "); if (wd[0] == '_') { link_txt[0] = '\0'; link_link[0] = '\0'; islink = 1; oldwc = wc; TextSize(&ts, s, &lx, &th, 17); } if (islink == 1) { if (eol || ((wd[0] != '_') && spaceflag)) /* if NO link tag, ... */ { link_txt[0] = '\0'; link_link[0] = '\0'; islink = 0; wc = oldwc; #ifdef USE_WORD_MB if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1) word_mb(txt, wc - 1, wd, &spaceflag); else #endif { word(txt, wc - 1, wd); spaceflag = 1; } } else { int k, linkflg; j = 0; linkflg = 0; if (wd[0] == '_') { j++; linkflg++; } k = strlen(link_txt); for (; wd[j] != '(' && wd[j] != '\0'; j++, k++) { if (wd[j] == '_') link_txt[k] = ' '; else link_txt[k] = wd[j]; if (linkflg) wd[j - 1] = link_txt[k]; else wd[j] = link_txt[k]; } link_txt[k] = '\0'; if (linkflg) wd[j - 1] = '\0'; if (wd[j] == '(') { wd[j++] = '\0'; strcpy(link_link, wd + j); link_link[strlen(link_link) - 1] = '\0'; strcpy(wd, link_txt); islink = 2; } else continue; } } strcat(s, wd); xspace = col_w; off = 0; sx = x + off; sy = y; ssx = sx + col_w - 1; ssy = sy + ts.height - 1; for (j = 0; j < pg->count; j++) { if (pg->obj[j].type == IMG) { img = pg->obj[j].object; if ((img->w > 0) && (img->h > 0)) { int ix, iy, iix, iiy; ix = img->x; iy = img->y; iix = img->x + img->w - 1; iiy = img->y + img->h - 1; if ((iy <= ssy) && (iiy >= sy)) { if ((ix >= sx) && (ix <= ssx)) { if ((iix >= sx) && (iix <= ssx)) { if (((ix + iix) / 2) > ((sx + ssx) / 2)) ssx = ix - 1; else sx = iix + 1; } else { ssx = ix - 1; } } else if ((iix >= sx) && (iix <= ssx)) { sx = iix + 1; } } } } } off = sx - x; xspace = (ssx - sx) + 1; if (xspace < 0) xspace = 0; TextSize(&ts, s, &tw, &th, 17); txt_disp = ss; if (eot == 1) txt_disp = s; if (((tw > xspace) || (eol)) && (strlen(txt_disp) > 0)) { if (txt_disp[strlen(txt_disp) - 1] == ' ') txt_disp[strlen(txt_disp) - 1] = 0; if ((eot == 1) && (tw > xspace)) { char p1[4096]; int point = 0, cnt = 0, ii, len; while (txt_disp[(point + cnt)]) { len = mblen(txt_disp + point + cnt, MB_CUR_MAX); if (len < 0) { cnt++; continue; } else for (ii = 0; ii < len; ii++, cnt++) p1[cnt] = txt_disp[point + cnt]; p1[cnt] = 0; TextSize(&ts, p1, &tw, &th, 17); if ((tw > xspace) || (!txt_disp[(point + cnt)])) { if (txt_disp[(point + cnt)]) { point = point + cnt - len; p1[cnt - len] = 0; cnt = 0; } else { point = point + cnt; p1[cnt] = 0; cnt = 0; } wastext = 1; TextDraw(&ts, win, p1, x + off, y, xspace, 99999, 17, justification); y += ts.height; if (y >= (h - (pg->padding + ts.height - (ts.height - ts.xfontset_ascent)))) { y = pg->padding; x += col_w + pg->padding; } xspace = col_w; off = 0; sx = x + off; sy = y; ssx = sx + col_w - 1; ssy = sy + ts.height - 1; for (j = 0; j < pg->count; j++) { if (pg->obj[j].type == IMG) { img = pg->obj[j].object; if ((img->w > 0) && (img->h > 0)) { int ix, iy, iix, iiy; ix = img->x; iy = img->y; iix = img->x + img->w - 1; iiy = img->y + img->h - 1; if ((iy <= ssy) && (iiy >= sy)) { if ((ix >= sx) && (ix <= ssx)) { if ((iix >= sx) && (iix <= ssx)) { if (((ix + iix) / 2) > ((sx + ssx) / 2)) ssx = ix - 1; else sx = iix + 1; } else { ssx = ix - 1; } } else if ((iix >= sx) && (iix <= ssx)) { sx = iix + 1; } } } } } off = sx - x; xspace = (ssx - sx) + 1; if (xspace < 0) xspace = 0; } } } else { if ((tw > xspace) && (eot != 1)) wc--; wastext = 1; TextDraw(&ts, win, txt_disp, x + off, y, xspace, 99999, 17, justification); if (islink > 1 && !strcmp(wd, link_txt)) { islink = 0; link_link[0] = '\0'; link_txt[0] = '\0'; wc = oldwc - 1; } if (islink > 1) { int rr, gg, bb; int extra; GC gc; XGCValues gcv; gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, &gcv); EGetColor(&ts.fg_col, &rr, &gg, &bb); ESetColor(&ts.fg_col, pg->linkr, pg->linkg, pg->linkb); EAllocColor(&ts.fg_col); XSetForeground(disp, gc, ts.fg_col.pixel); TextSize(&ts, txt_disp, &tw, &th, 17); extra = ((xspace - tw) * justification) >> 10; TextDraw(&ts, win, link_txt, x + off + lx + extra, y, 99999, 99999, 17, 0); TextSize(&ts, link_txt, &lw, &th, 17); XDrawLine(disp, win, gc, x + off + lx + extra, y + ts.xfontset_ascent, x + off + lx + lw + extra, y + ts.xfontset_ascent); ESetColor(&ts.fg_col, rr, gg, bb); islink = 0; XFreeGC(disp, gc); { Link *l; l = malloc(sizeof(Link)); l->name = strdup(link_link); l->x = x + off + lx + extra; l->y = y; l->w = lw; l->h = ts.height; l->next = ll; ll = l; } link_link[0] = '\0'; link_txt[0] = '\0'; } y += ts.height; if (y >= (h - (pg->padding + ts.height - (ts.height - ts.xfontset_ascent)))) { y = pg->padding; x += col_w + pg->padding; } } eot = 0; s[0] = 0; } if (eol) break; } break; default: break; } if (y >= (h - (pg->padding + ts.height - (ts.height - ts.xfontset_ascent)))) { y = pg->padding; x += col_w + pg->padding; } } if (ts.efont) Efont_free(ts.efont); if (ts.xfont) XFreeFont(disp, ts.xfont); if (ts.xfontset) XFreeFontSet(disp, ts.xfontset); return ll; }