evas object: partial doc conversion

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Daniel Kolesa 2015-09-02 12:21:59 +01:00
parent 8fe5e277e5
commit 37a4157bb8
1 changed files with 134 additions and 160 deletions

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@ -109,18 +109,19 @@ abstract Evas.Object (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stac
@property size_hint_min {
set {
Sets the hints for an object's minimum size.
[[Sets the hints for an object's minimum size.
This is not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint that
should be used whenever appropriate.
This is not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint
that should be used whenever appropriate.
Values @c 0 will be treated as unset hint components, when queried
by managers.
@note Smart objects(such as elementary) can have their own size hint
policy. So calling this API may or may not affect the size of smart objects.
Values 0 will be treated as unset hint components, when
queried by managers.
Note: Smart objects(such as elementary) can have their own
size hint policy. So calling this API may or may not affect
the size of smart objects.
/* FIXME-doc
@dontinclude evas-hints.c
@skip evas_object_size_hint_min_set
@ -129,131 +130,118 @@ abstract Evas.Object (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stac
In this example the minimum size hints change the behavior of an
Evas box when layouting its children. See the full @ref
Example_Evas_Size_Hints "example".
@see evas_object_size_hint_min_get() */
get {
Retrieves the hints for an object's minimum size.
[[Retrieves the hints for an object's minimum size.
These are hints on the minimum sizes @p obj should have. This is
not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint that should be
used whenever appropriate.
These are hints on the minimum sizes $obj should have. This
is not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint that
should be used whenever appropriate.
@note Use $null pointers on the hint components you're not
interested in: they'll be ignored by the function.
@see evas_object_size_hint_min_set() for an example */
Note: Use $null pointers on the hint components you're not
interested in: they'll be ignored by the function.
values {
w: Evas.Coord; /*@ Integer to use as the minimum width hint. */
h: Evas.Coord; /*@ Integer to use as the minimum height hint. */
w: Evas.Coord; [[Integer to use as the minimum width hint.]]
h: Evas.Coord; [[Integer to use as the minimum height hint.]]
@property pointer_mode {
set {
Set pointer behavior.
[[Set pointer behavior.
This function has direct effect on event callbacks related to
This function has direct effect on event callbacks related to
If @p setting is EVAS_OBJECT_POINTER_MODE_AUTOGRAB, then when mouse
is down at this object, events will be restricted to it as source,
mouse moves, for example, will be emitted even if outside this
object area.
mouse is down at this object, events will be restricted to
it as source, mouse moves, for example, will be emitted even
if outside this object area.
If @p setting is EVAS_OBJECT_POINTER_MODE_NOGRAB, then events will
be emitted just when inside this object area.
If $setting is EVAS_OBJECT_POINTER_MODE_NOGRAB, then events
will be emitted just when inside this object area.
@ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Extras */
get {
Determine how pointer will behave.
@return pointer behavior.
@ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Extras */
[[Determine how pointer will behave.]]
values {
pointer_mode: Evas.Object_Pointer_Mode; /*@ desired behavior. */
pointer_mode: Evas.Object_Pointer_Mode; [[Desired behavior.]]
@property render_op {
set {
Sets the render_op to be used for rendering the Evas object.
@ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Extras */
[[Sets the render_op to be used for rendering the Evas object.]]
get {
Retrieves the current value of the operation used for rendering the Evas object.
@return one of the enumerated values in Evas_Render_Op.
@ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Extras */
[[Retrieves the current value of the operation used for
rendering the Evas object.
values {
render_op: Evas.Render_Op; /*@ one of the Evas_Render_Op values. */
render_op: Evas.Render_Op; [[One of the Evas_Render_Op values.]]
@property freeze_events {
set {
Set whether an Evas object is to freeze (discard) events.
[[Set whether an Evas object is to freeze (discard) events.
If @p freeze is $true, it will make events on @p obj to be @b
discarded. Unlike evas_object_pass_events_set(), events will not be
passed to @b next lower object. This API can be used for blocking
events while @p obj is on transiting.
If $freeze is $true, it will make events on $obj to be
discarded. Unlike @.pass_events.set, events will not be
passed to next lower object. This API can be used for
blocking events while $obj is on transiting.
If @p freeze is $false, events will be processed on that
object as normal.
If $freeze is $false, events will be processed on that
object as normal.
@warning If you block only key/mouse up events with this API, we won't
guarantee the state of the object, that only had key/mouse down
events, will be.
Warning: If you block only key/mouse up events with this API,
we won't guarantee the state of the object, that only had
key/mouse down events, will be.
@see evas_object_freeze_events_get()
@see evas_object_pass_events_set()
@see evas_object_repeat_events_set()
@see evas_object_propagate_events_set()
@since 1.1 */
@since 1.1
get {
Determine whether an object is set to freeze (discard) events.
[[Determine whether an object is set to freeze (discard) events.
@return freeze whether @p obj is set to freeze events ($true) or
not ($false)
@see evas_object_freeze_events_set()
@see evas_object_pass_events_get()
@see evas_object_repeat_events_get()
@see evas_object_propagate_events_get()
@since 1.1 */
@since 1.1
values {
freeze: bool; /*@ pass whether @p obj is to freeze events ($true) or not
($false) */
freeze: bool; [[Pass when $obj is to freeze events ($true)
or not ($false).]]
@property map {
set {
Set current object transformation map.
[[Set current object transformation map.
This sets the map on a given object. It is copied from the @p map pointer,
so there is no need to keep the @p map object if you don't need it anymore.
This sets the map on a given object. It is copied from the
$map pointer, so there is no need to keep the $map object if
you don't need it anymore.
A map is a set of 4 points which have canvas x, y coordinates per point,
with an optional z point value as a hint for perspective correction, if it
is available. As well each point has u and v coordinates. These are like
"texture coordinates" in OpenGL in that they define a point in the source
image that is mapped to that map vertex/point. The u corresponds to the x
coordinate of this mapped point and v, the y coordinate. Note that these
coordinates describe a bounding region to sample. If you have a 200x100
source image and want to display it at 200x100 with proper pixel
precision, then do:
A map is a set of 4 points which have canvas x, y coordinates
per point, with an optional z point value as a hint for
perspective correction, if it is available. As well each
point has u and v coordinates. These are like "texture
coordinates" in OpenGL in that they define a point in the
source image that is mapped to that map vertex/point. The u
corresponds to the x coordinate of this mapped point and v,
the y coordinate. Note that these coordinates describe a
bounding region to sample.
Note: The map points a uv coordinates match the image geometry.
If the $map parameter is $null, the stored map will be freed
and geometry prior to enabling/setting a map will be restored.
/* FIXME-doc
If you have a 200x100 source
image and want to display it at 200x100 with proper pixel
precision, then do:
Evas_Map *m = evas_map_new(4);
@ -268,21 +256,19 @@ abstract Evas.Object (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stac
evas_object_map_set(obj, m);
Note that the map points a uv coordinates match the image geometry. If
the @p map parameter is NULL, the stored map will be freed and geometry
prior to enabling/setting a map will be restored.
@see evas_map_new() */
get {
Get current object transformation map.
[[Get current object transformation map.
This returns the current internal map set on the indicated object. It is
intended for read-only access and is only valid as long as the object is
not deleted or the map on the object is not changed. If you wish to modify
the map and set it back do the following:
This returns the current internal map set on the indicated
object. It is intended for read-only access and is only
valid as long as the object is not deleted or the map on
the object is not changed.
/* FIXME-doc
If you wish to modify the map
and set it back do the following:
const Evas_Map *m = evas_object_map_get(obj);
@ -291,14 +277,10 @@ abstract Evas.Object (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stac
evas_object_map_set(obj, m2);
@return map reference to map in use. This is an internal data structure, so
do not modify it.
@see evas_object_map_set() */
values {
map: const(Evas.Map)*; /*@ new map to use */
map: const(Evas.Map)*; [[The map.]]
@property size_hint_aspect {
@ -1221,86 +1203,78 @@ abstract Evas.Object (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stac
clip_unset {
Disable/cease clipping on a clipped @p obj object.
[[Disable/cease clipping on a clipped $obj object.
This function disables clipping for the object @p obj, if it was
already clipped, i.e., its visibility and color get detached from
the previous clipper. If it wasn't, this has no effect. The object
@p obj must be a valid .Evas_Object.
See also evas_object_clip_set() (for an example),
evas_object_clipees_get() and evas_object_clip_get(). */
This function disables clipping for the object $obj, if it was
already clipped, i.e., its visibility and color get detached from
the previous clipper. If it wasn't, this has no effect. The
object $obj must be a valid Evas_Object.
See also @.clip.set, @.clipees.get and @.clip.get.
smart_move_children_relative {
Moves all children objects of a given smart object relative to a
given offset.
[[Moves all children objects of a given smart object relative to a
given offset.
This will make each of @p obj object's children to move, from where
they before, with those delta values (offsets) on both directions.
This will make each of $obj object's children to move, from where
they before, with those delta values (offsets) on both directions.
@note This is most useful on custom smart @c move() functions.
@note Clipped smart objects already make use of this function on
their @c move() smart function definition. */
Note: This is most useful on custom smart $move functions.
Note: Clipped smart objects already make use of this function on
their $move smart function definition.
params {
@in dx: Evas.Coord; /*@ horizontal offset (delta). */
@in dy: Evas.Coord; /*@ vertical offset (delta). */
@in dx: Evas.Coord; [[Horizontal offset (delta).]]
@in dy: Evas.Coord; [[Vertical offset (delta).]]
smart_type_check_ptr @const {
Checks whether a given smart object or any of its smart object
parents is of a given smart class, <b>using pointer comparison</b>.
@return $true, if @a obj or any of its parents is of type @a
type, $false otherwise
@see evas_object_smart_type_check() for more details
@see eo_isa
@ingroup Evas_Smart_Object_Group */
return: bool @warn_unused;
[[Checks whether a given smart object or any of its smart object
parents is of a given smart class, using pointer comparison.
return: bool @warn_unused; [[$true if $obj or any of its parents
is of type $type, $false otherwise.]]
params {
@in type: const(char)* @nonull; /*@ The type (name string) to check for. Must be the name */
@in type: const(char)* @nonull; [[The type (name string) to check for. Must be the name.]]
@property no_render {
get {
Returns the state of the "no-render" flag, which means, when true,
that an object should never be rendered on the canvas.
[[Returns the state of the "no-render" flag, which means, when
true, that an object should never be rendered on the canvas.
This flag can be used to avoid rendering visible clippers on the
canvas, even if they currently don't clip any object.
This flag can be used to avoid rendering visible clippers on
the canvas, even if they currently don't clip any object.
@since 1.15 */
@since 1.15
legacy: null;
set {
Disable all rendering on the canvas.
[[Disable all rendering on the canvas.
This flag will be used to indicate to Evas that this object should
never be rendered on the canvas under any circurmstances. In
particular, this is useful to avoid drawing clipper objects (or masks)
even when they don't clip any object. This can also be used to replace
the old source_visible flag with proxy objects.
This flag will be used to indicate to Evas that this object
should never be rendered on the canvas under any
circurmstances. In particular, this is useful to avoid
drawing clipper objects (or masks) even when they don't
clip any object. This can also be used to replace the old
source_visible flag with proxy objects.
This is different to the visible property, as even visible objects
marked as "no-render" will never appear on screen. But those objects
can still be used as proxy sources or clippers. When hidden, all
"no-render" objects will completely disappear from the canvas, and
hide their clippees or be invisible when used as proxy sources.
This is different to the visible property, as even visible
objects marked as "no-render" will never appear on screen.
But those objects can still be used as proxy sources or
clippers. When hidden, all "no-render" objects will
completely disappear from the canvas, and hide their
clippees or be invisible when used as proxy sources.
@since 1.15 */
@since 1.15
legacy: null;
values {
enable: bool; /*@ Enable "no-render" mode. */
enable: bool; [[Enable "no-render" mode.]]