#include "e_mod_main.h" //TODO min input for items not in history #define MAX_ITEMS 50 #define MAX_PLUGIN 15 typedef struct _Plugin Plugin; struct _Plugin { Evry_Plugin base; Evry_Item *warning; }; static int _fetch(Evry_Plugin *plugin, const char *input) { Plugin *p = (Plugin *) plugin; Evry_Plugin *pp; Eina_List *l, *ll, *lp = NULL; Evry_Item *it, *it2; int top_level = 0, subj_sel = 0, inp_len = 0, cnt = 0; Eina_List *items = NULL; const char *context = NULL; char buf[128]; Evry_State *s = plugin->state; Evry_Selector *sel = s->selector; Evry_Selector **sels = sel->win->selectors; if (input && input[0]) inp_len = strlen(input); else input = NULL; if ((eina_list_count(sel->states) == 1)) top_level = 1; /* get current items' context, which is * the previous selectors selected item */ if (sel == sels[0]) { subj_sel = 1; } else if (sel == sels[1]) { it = sels[0]->state->cur_item; if (it) context = it->context; } else if (sel == sels[2]) { it = sels[1]->state->cur_item; if (it) context = it->context; } EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_FREE(p); /* collect plugins to be shown in aggregator */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(s->cur_plugins, l, pp) { /* dont show in aggregator */ if (!pp->config->aggregate) continue; /* do not recurse */ if (pp == plugin) continue; /* dont show plugin in top-level */ if (top_level && !pp->config->top_level) continue; lp = eina_list_append(lp, pp); } /* show non-top-level plugins as item */ if ((top_level) && (!s->trigger_active)) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(s->plugins, l, pp) { int min_fuzz = 0; double max_usage = 0.0; if (pp->config->top_level) continue; if (pp == plugin) continue; if (!pp->items) continue; /* give plugin item the highest priority of its items */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(pp->items, ll, it) { if (it->usage >= 0) evry_history_item_usage_set(it, input, context); if (it->usage && (it->usage > max_usage)) max_usage = it->usage; if (it->fuzzy_match == 0) it->fuzzy_match = evry_fuzzy_match(it->label, input); if ((!min_fuzz) || ((it->fuzzy_match > 0) && (it->fuzzy_match < min_fuzz))) min_fuzz = it->fuzzy_match; } GET_ITEM(it, pp); it->hi = NULL; /* TODO get better usage estimate */ evry_history_item_usage_set(it, NULL, NULL); it->usage /= 100.0; if ((it->usage && max_usage) && (it->usage < max_usage)) it->usage = max_usage; it->fuzzy_match = min_fuzz; IF_RELEASE(it->detail); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %s", eina_list_count(pp->items), _("Items")); it->detail = eina_stringshare_add(buf); items = eina_list_append(items, it); } /* only one plugin: show items */ if ((eina_list_count(s->cur_plugins)) == 1 && items && (pp = eina_list_data_get(items)) && (pp->config->aggregate)) { eina_list_free(items); items = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(pp->items, l, it) { if (it->usage >= 0) evry_history_item_usage_set(it, input, context); if (it->fuzzy_match == 0) it->fuzzy_match = evry_fuzzy_match(it->label, input); items = eina_list_append(items, it); } } #if 0 /* append all plugins as items (which were not added above) */ if (inp_len >= plugin->config->min_query) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(s->plugins, l, pp) { if (!strcmp(pp->name, "Actions")) continue; /* items MUST only conatin plugins here ! */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, ll, pp2) if (pp2->name == pp->name) break; if (pp2) continue; GET_ITEM(it, pp); if ((!input) || (it->fuzzy_match = evry_fuzzy_match(it->label, input))) { evry_history_item_usage_set(it, input, NULL); it->usage /= 100.0; EVRY_ITEM(pp)->plugin->state = s; items = eina_list_append(items, pp); } } } #endif if (!lp && (eina_list_count(items) < 2)) { if (items) eina_list_free(items); return 0; } } if (!lp && !items) return 0; /* if there is input append all items that match */ if (input) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(lp, l, pp) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(pp->items, ll, it) { if (it->fuzzy_match == 0) it->fuzzy_match = evry_fuzzy_match(it->label, input); if (it->usage >= 0) evry_history_item_usage_set(it, input, context); if ((subj_sel) && (top_level) && (!it->usage) && (inp_len < plugin->config->min_query)) continue; items = eina_list_append(items, it); } } } /* no input: append all items that are in history */ else { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(lp, l, pp) { int cnt = 1; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(pp->items, ll, it) { if ((!subj_sel) || (it->usage < 0) || (evry_history_item_usage_set(it, input, context))) { it->fuzzy_match = 0; items = eina_list_append(items, it); if (++cnt > MAX_PLUGIN) break; } } } } if ((!top_level) && (eina_list_count(items) < MAX_ITEMS)) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(lp, l, pp) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(pp->items, ll, it) { if (eina_list_data_find_list(items, it)) continue; items = eina_list_append(items, it); } } } evry_util_items_sort(&items, 0 /* !input */); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it) { /* remove duplicates provided by different plugins. e.g. files / places and tracker can find the same files */ if (it->id) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(p->base.items, ll, it2) { if ((it->plugin->name != it2->plugin->name) && (it->type == it2->type) && (it->id == it2->id)) break; } } if (!it->id || !it2) { evry_item_ref(it); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEM_APPEND(p, it); } if (cnt++ > MAX_ITEMS) break; } if (lp) eina_list_free(lp); if (items) { eina_list_free(items); return EVRY_PLUGIN_HAS_ITEMS(p); } /* 'text' and 'actions' are always loaded */ else if ((subj_sel) && (eina_list_count(s->plugins) == 2)) { evry_item_ref(p->warning); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEM_APPEND(p, p->warning); } return 0; } static void _finish(Evry_Plugin *plugin) { GET_PLUGIN(p, plugin); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_FREE(p); E_FREE(p); } static Evry_Plugin * _begin(Evry_Plugin *plugin, const Evry_Item *it __UNUSED__) { Plugin *p; GET_PLUGIN(base, plugin); EVRY_PLUGIN_INSTANCE(p, plugin); p->warning = base->warning; return EVRY_PLUGIN(p); } static void _free(Evry_Plugin *plugin) { GET_PLUGIN(p, plugin); evry_item_free(p->warning); free(p); } Evry_Plugin * evry_aggregator_new(int type) { Evry_Plugin *p; p = EVRY_PLUGIN_NEW(Plugin, "All", NULL, 0, _begin, _finish, _fetch, _free); if (evry_plugin_register(p, type, -1)) { p->config->view_mode = VIEW_MODE_THUMB; } GET_PLUGIN(pa, p); pa->warning = evry_item_new(NULL, p, N_("No plugins loaded"), NULL, NULL); pa->warning->type = EVRY_TYPE_NONE; return p; }