#include "e_mod_main.h" static E_Confirm_Dialog *cd = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *img_write_exe = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_label = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_entry = NULL; static Eina_List *handlers = NULL; static char *url_ret = NULL; static const char *cnp_file = NULL; static Eina_Bool cnp = EINA_FALSE; // clean up and be done static void _share_done(void) { E_FREE_LIST(handlers, ecore_event_handler_del); free(url_ret); o_label = NULL; img_write_exe = NULL; url_ret = NULL; preview_abort(); } static void _cnp_thread_io(void *data, Ecore_Thread *eth EINA_UNUSED) { char *file = data; unsigned char *fdata = NULL; ssize_t fsize = 0; FILE *f = fopen(file, "r"); if (!f) goto err; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fsize > 0) { fdata = malloc(fsize); if (fdata) { if (fread(fdata, fsize, 1, f) == 1) { ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); elm_cnp_selection_set(e_comp->elm, ELM_SEL_TYPE_CLIPBOARD, ELM_SEL_FORMAT_IMAGE, fdata, fsize); ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); } free(fdata); } } fclose(f); eina_file_unlink(file); err: free(file); } static void _cnp_file(const char *file) { ecore_thread_run(_cnp_thread_io, NULL, NULL, strdup(file)); } // the upload dialog static void _upload_ok_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Dialog *dia) { // ok just hides dialog and does background upload o_label = NULL; if (dia) e_util_defer_object_del(E_OBJECT(dia)); if (!win) return; E_FREE_FUNC(win, evas_object_del); } static void _upload_cancel_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Dialog *dia) { o_label = NULL; if (dia) e_util_defer_object_del(E_OBJECT(dia)); E_FREE_FUNC(win, evas_object_del); _share_done(); } static Eina_Bool _img_write_end_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int ev_type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *ev = event; if (ev->exe != img_write_exe) return EINA_TRUE; _share_done(); if (cnp) { _cnp_file(cnp_file); eina_stringshare_replace(&cnp_file, NULL); } return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _img_write_out_cb(void *data, int ev_type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *ev = event; int i; if (ev->exe != img_write_exe) return EINA_TRUE; if (!((ev->lines) && (ev->lines[0].line))) goto done; for (i = 0; ev->lines[i].line; i++) { const char *l = ev->lines[i].line; if ((l[0] == 'U') && (l[1] == ' ')) { int v = atoi(l + 2); if ((v >= 0) && (v <= 1000)) { char buf[128]; // update gui... snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Uploaded %i%%"), (v * 100) / 1000); e_widget_label_text_set(o_label, buf); } } else if ((l[0] == 'R') && (l[1] == ' ')) { const char *r = l + 2; // finished - got final url if (!url_ret) url_ret = strdup(r); } else if ((l[0] == 'E') && (l[1] == ' ')) { int err = atoi(l + 2); if (data) e_widget_disabled_set(data, 1); e_util_dialog_show(_("Error - Upload Failed"), _("Upload failed with status code:%i"), err); _share_done(); break; } else if ((l[0] == 'O')) { if (data) e_widget_disabled_set(data, 1); if ((o_entry) && (url_ret)) e_widget_entry_text_set(o_entry, url_ret); _share_done(); break; } } done: return EINA_FALSE; } void share_save(const char *cmd, const char *file, Eina_Bool copy) { if (copy) { eina_stringshare_replace(&cnp_file, file); cnp = copy; } share_write_end_watch(NULL); img_write_exe = ecore_exe_pipe_run (cmd, ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ | ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ_LINE_BUFFERED | ECORE_EXE_NOT_LEADER | ECORE_EXE_TERM_WITH_PARENT, NULL); } void share_write_end_watch(void *data) { E_LIST_HANDLER_APPEND(handlers, ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, _img_write_end_cb, data); } void share_write_status_watch(void *data) { E_LIST_HANDLER_APPEND(handlers, ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA, _img_write_out_cb, data); } static void _win_share_del(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { if (handlers) ecore_event_handler_data_set(eina_list_last_data_get(handlers), NULL); _upload_cancel_cb(NULL, NULL); if (cd) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(cd)); } void share_dialog_show(void) { E_Dialog *dia; Evas_Object *o, *ol; Evas_Coord mw, mh; E_FREE_LIST(handlers, ecore_event_handler_del); save_to(NULL, EINA_FALSE); E_FREE_FUNC(win, evas_object_del); dia = e_dialog_new(NULL, "E", "_e_shot_share"); e_dialog_resizable_set(dia, EINA_TRUE); e_dialog_title_set(dia, _("Uploading screenshot")); o = e_widget_list_add(evas_object_evas_get(dia->win), 0, 0); ol = o; o = e_widget_label_add(evas_object_evas_get(dia->win), _("Uploading ...")); o_label = o; e_widget_list_object_append(ol, o, 0, 0, 0.5); o = e_widget_label_add(evas_object_evas_get(dia->win), _("Screenshot is available at this location:")); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, o, 0, 0, 0.5); o = e_widget_entry_add(dia->win, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); o_entry = o; e_widget_list_object_append(ol, o, 1, 0, 0.5); e_widget_size_min_get(ol, &mw, &mh); e_dialog_content_set(dia, ol, mw, mh); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("Hide"), NULL, _upload_ok_cb, NULL); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("Cancel"), NULL, _upload_cancel_cb, NULL); e_object_del_attach_func_set(E_OBJECT(dia), _win_share_del); share_write_status_watch(eina_list_last_data_get(dia->buttons)); elm_win_center(dia->win, 1, 1); e_dialog_show(dia); } // confirm dialog that it's ok to share static void _win_share_confirm_del(void *d EINA_UNUSED) { cd = NULL; } static void _win_share_confirm_yes(void *d EINA_UNUSED) { share_dialog_show(); } void share_confirm(void) { if (cd) return; cd = e_confirm_dialog_show (_("Confirm Share"), NULL, _("This image will be uploaded" "to enlightenment.org. It will be publicly visible."), _("Confirm"), _("Cancel"), _win_share_confirm_yes, NULL, NULL, NULL, _win_share_confirm_del, NULL); } Eina_Bool share_have(void) { if (img_write_exe) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } void share_abort(void) { E_FREE_FUNC(cd, e_object_del); E_FREE_FUNC(win, evas_object_del); }