
869 lines
22 KiB

#include "../config.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <dmalloc.h>
#include <Imlib2.h>
#include <Evas.h>
#include <Ebits.h>
#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Edb.h>
#include <libefsd.h>
#define E_PROF 1
#ifdef E_PROF
extern Evas_List __e_profiles;
typedef struct _e_prof
char *func;
double total;
double t1, t2;
} E_Prof;
#define E_PROF_START(_prof_func) \
{ \
E_Prof __p, *__pp; \
Evas_List __pl; \
__p.func = _prof_func; \
__p.total = 0.0; \
__p.t1 = e_get_time(); \
__p.t2 = 0.0;
#define E_PROF_STOP \
__p.t2 = e_get_time(); \
for (__pl = __e_profiles; __pl; __pl = __pl->next) \
{ \
__pp = __pl->data; \
if (!strcmp(__p.func, __pp->func)) \
{ \
__pp->total += (__p.t2 - __p.t1); \
break; \
} \
} \
if (!__pl) \
{ \
__pp = NEW(E_Prof, 1); \
__pp->func = __p.func; \
__pp->total = __p.t2 - __p.t1; \
__pp->t1 = 0.0; \
__pp->t2 = 0.0; \
__e_profiles = evas_list_append(__e_profiles, __pp); \
} \
#define E_PROF_DUMP \
{ \
Evas_List __pl; \
for (__pl = __e_profiles; __pl; __pl = __pl->next) \
{ \
E_Prof *__p; \
__p = __pl->data; \
printf("%3.3f : %s()\n", __p->total, __p->func); \
} \
#define E_PROF_START(_prof_func)
#define E_PROF_STOP
#define E_PROF_DUMP
#define OBJ_REF(_e_obj) _e_obj->references++
#define OBJ_UNREF(_e_obj) _e_obj->references--
#define OBJ_IF_FREE(_e_obj) if (_e_obj->references == 0)
#define OBJ_FREE(_e_obj) _e_obj->e_obj_free(_e_obj)
#define OBJ_DO_FREE(_e_obj) \
OBJ_UNREF(_e_obj); \
OBJ_IF_FREE(_e_obj) \
{ \
OBJ_FREE(_e_obj); \
int references; \
void (*e_obj_free) (void *e_obj);
#define OBJ_INIT(_e_obj, _e_obj_free_func) \
{ \
_e_obj->references = 1; \
_e_obj->e_obj_free = (void *) _e_obj_free_func; \
#define SPANS_COMMON(x1, w1, x2, w2) \
(!((((x2) + (w2)) <= (x1)) || ((x2) >= ((x1) + (w1)))))
#define UN(_blah) _blah = 0
#define ACT_MOUSE_IN 0
#define ACT_MOUSE_OUT 1
#define ACT_MOUSE_UP 5
#define ACT_MOUSE_MOVE 7
#define ACT_KEY_DOWN 8
#define ACT_KEY_UP 9
#define SET_BORDER_GRAVITY(_b, _grav) \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.container, _grav); \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.input, _grav); \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.l, _grav); \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.r, _grav); \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.t, _grav); \
e_window_gravity_set(_b->win.b, _grav);
typedef struct _E_Object E_Object;
typedef struct _E_Border E_Border;
typedef struct _E_Grab E_Grab;
typedef struct _E_Action E_Action;
typedef struct _E_Action_Proto E_Action_Proto;
typedef struct _E_Desktop E_Desktop;
typedef struct _E_Rect E_Rect;
typedef struct _E_Active_Action_Timer E_Active_Action_Timer;
typedef struct _E_View E_View;
typedef struct _E_Icon E_Icon;
typedef struct _E_Shelf E_Shelf;
typedef struct _E_Background E_Background;
typedef struct _E_Menu E_Menu;
typedef struct _E_Menu_Item E_Menu_Item;
typedef struct _E_Build_Menu E_Build_Menu;
typedef struct _E_Entry E_Entry;
struct _E_Object
struct _E_Border
struct {
Window main;
Window l, r, t, b;
Window input;
Window container;
Window client;
} win;
struct {
Evas l, r, t, b;
} evas;
struct {
struct {
Evas_Object l, r, t, b;
} title;
struct {
Evas_Object l, r, t, b;
} title_clip;
} obj;
struct {
Pixmap l, r, t, b;
} pixmap;
struct {
int new;
Ebits_Object l, r, t, b;
} bits;
struct {
struct {
int x, y, w, h;
int visible;
int dx, dy;
} requested;
int x, y, w, h;
int visible;
int selected;
int shaded;
int has_shape;
int shape_changes;
int shaped_client;
} current, previous;
struct {
struct {
int w, h;
double aspect;
} base, min, max, step;
int layer;
char *title;
char *name;
char *class;
char *command;
Window group;
int takes_focus;
int sticky;
Colormap colormap;
int fixed;
int arrange_ignore;
int hidden;
int iconified;
int titlebar;
int border;
int handles;
int w, h;
} client;
struct {
int move, resize;
} mode;
struct {
int x, y, w, h;
int is;
} max;
int ignore_unmap;
int shape_changed;
int placed;
Evas_List grabs;
E_Desktop *desk;
char *border_file;
int first_expose;
int changed;
struct _E_Grab
int button;
Ev_Key_Modifiers mods;
int any_mod;
int remove_after;
int allow;
struct _E_Action
char *name;
char *action;
char *params;
int event;
int button;
char *key;
int modifiers;
E_Action_Proto *action_proto;
void *object;
int started;
struct _E_Action_Proto
char *action;
void (*func_start) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry);
void (*func_stop) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry);
void (*func_go) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int dx, int dy);
struct _E_Desktop
char *name;
char *dir;
struct {
Window main;
Window container;
Window desk;
} win;
E_View *view;
int x, y;
struct {
int w, h;
} real, virt;
Evas_List windows;
int changed;
struct _E_Rect
int x, y, w, h;
int v1, v2, v3, v4;
struct _E_Active_Action_Timer
void *object;
char *name;
struct _E_View
char *dir;
struct {
Evas_Render_Method render_method;
int back_pixmap;
} options;
Evas evas;
struct {
Window base;
Window main;
} win;
Pixmap pmap;
struct {
int w, h;
} size;
struct {
int x, y;
} viewport;
struct {
int x, y;
} location;
struct {
Evas_Object obj_rect;
Evas_Object obj_l1;
Evas_Object obj_l2;
Evas_Object obj_l3;
Evas_Object obj_l4;
int on;
int start_x, start_y;
int x, y, w, h;
} selection;
Evas_Object obj_bg;
E_Background *bg;
int is_listing;
int monitor_id;
Evas_List icons;
Evas_List shelves;
int changed;
struct _E_Icon
char *file;
E_View *view;
char *shelf_name;
E_Shelf *shelf;
struct {
struct {
char *base, *type;
} mime;
EfsdCmdId link_get_id;
char *link;
int is_exe;
int is_dir;
struct {
char *normal;
char *selected;
char *clicked;
} icon;
int ready;
} info;
struct {
int x, y, w, h;
struct {
int text_location;
int show_text;
int show_icon;
} options;
struct {
int clicked;
int selected;
int hilited;
} state;
char *icon;
int visible;
} current, previous;
struct {
Evas_Object icon;
Evas_Object filename;
Evas_Object sel1, sel2;
Ebits_Object sel_icon;
Ebits_Object sel_text;
Ebits_Object base_icon;
Ebits_Object base_text;
} obj;
int changed;
struct _E_Shelf
char *name;
E_View *view;
int x, y, w, h;
struct {
Ebits_Object border;
} bit;
struct {
Evas_Object clipper;
} obj;
int visible;
int icon_count;
struct {
int moving;
int resizing;
} state;
struct _E_Background
Evas evas;
struct {
int sx, sy;
int w, h;
} geom;
/* FIXME: REALLY boring for now - just a scaled image - temporoary */
char *image;
Evas_Object obj;
struct _E_Menu
struct {
int x, y, w, h;
int visible;
} current, previous;
struct {
int l, r, t, b;
} border, sel_border;
struct {
Window main, evas;
} win;
Evas evas;
Ebits_Object bg;
Evas_List entries;
char *bg_file;
int first_expose;
int recalc_entries;
int redo_sel;
int changed;
struct {
int state, icon, text;
} size;
struct {
int icon, state;
} pad;
E_Menu_Item *selected;
Time time;
struct _E_Menu_Item
int x, y;
struct {
struct {
int w, h;
} min;
int w, h;
} size;
Ebits_Object bg;
char *bg_file;
int selected;
Evas_Object obj_entry;
char *str;
Evas_Object obj_text;
char *icon;
Evas_Object obj_icon;
int scale_icon;
Ebits_Object state;
char *state_file;
Ebits_Object sep;
char *sep_file;
int separator;
int radio_group;
int radio;
int check;
int on;
E_Menu *menu;
E_Menu *submenu;
void (*func_select) (E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi, void *data);
void *func_select_data;
struct _E_Build_Menu
char *file;
time_t mod_time;
E_Menu *menu;
Evas_List menus;
Evas_List commands;
struct _E_Entry
Evas evas;
char *buffer;
int cursor_pos;
struct {
int start, length, down;
} select;
int mouse_down;
int visible;
int focused;
int x, y, w, h;
Evas_Object event_box;
Evas_Object clip_box;
Evas_Object cursor;
Evas_Object selection;
Evas_Object text;
Window paste_win;
void e_entry_init(void);
void e_entry_free(E_Entry *entry);
E_Entry *e_entry_new(void);
void e_entry_handle_keypress(E_Entry *entry, Ev_Key_Down *e);
void e_entry_set_evas(E_Entry *entry, Evas evas);
void e_entry_show(E_Entry *entry);
void e_entry_hide(E_Entry *entry);
void e_entry_set_layer(E_Entry *entry, int l);
void e_entry_set_clip(E_Entry *entry, Evas_Object clip);
void e_entry_unset_clip(E_Entry *entry);
void e_entry_move(E_Entry *entry, int x, int y);
void e_entry_resize(E_Entry *entry, int w, int h);
void e_entry_query_max_size(E_Entry *entry, int *w, int *h);
void e_entry_set_focus(E_Entry *entry, int focused);
void e_entry_set_text(E_Entry *entry, const char *text);
const char *e_entry_get_text(E_Entry *entry);
void e_entry_set_cursor(E_Entry *entry, int cursor_pos);
int e_entry_get_curosr(E_Entry *entry);
void e_action_add_proto(char *action,
void (*func_start) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry),
void (*func_stop) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry),
void (*func_go) (void *o, E_Action *a, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int dx, int dy));
void e_actions_init(void);
void e_action_start(char *action, int act, int button, char *key, Ev_Key_Modifiers mods, void *o, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry);
void e_action_stop(char *action, int act, int button, char *key, Ev_Key_Modifiers mods, void *o, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry);
void e_action_go(char *action, int act, int button, char *key, Ev_Key_Modifiers mods, void *o, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int dx, int dy);
void e_action_stop_by_object(void *o, void *data, int x, int y, int rx, int ry);
void e_actions_del_timer(void *o, char *name);
void e_actions_add_timer(void *o, char *name);
void e_actions_del_timer_object(void *o);
void e_border_apply_border(E_Border *b);
E_Border * e_border_new(void);
E_Border * e_border_adopt(Window win, int use_client_pos);
void e_border_reshape(E_Border *b);
void e_border_free(E_Border *b);
void e_border_remove_mouse_grabs(E_Border *b);
void e_border_attach_mouse_grabs(E_Border *b);
void e_border_remove_all_mouse_grabs(void);
void e_border_attach_all_mouse_grabs(void);
void e_border_redo_grabs(void);
E_Border * e_border_find_by_window(Window win);
void e_border_set_bits(E_Border *b, char *file);
void e_border_set_color_class(E_Border *b, char *class, int rr, int gg, int bb, int aa);
void e_border_adjust_limits(E_Border *b);
void e_border_update(E_Border *b);
void e_border_set_layer(E_Border *b, int layer);
void e_border_raise(E_Border *b);
void e_border_lower(E_Border *b);
void e_border_raise_above(E_Border *b, E_Border *above);
void e_border_lower_below(E_Border *b, E_Border *below);
void e_border_init(void);
void e_border_adopt_children(Window win);
void e_icccm_move_resize(Window win, int x, int y, int w, int h);
void e_icccm_delete(Window win);
void e_icccm_state_mapped(Window win);
void e_icccm_state_iconified(Window win);
void e_icccm_state_withdrawn(Window win);
void e_icccm_adopt(Window win);
void e_icccm_release(Window win);
void e_icccm_get_size_info(Window win, E_Border *b);
void e_icccm_get_mwm_hints(Window win, E_Border *b);
void e_icccm_get_layer(Window win, E_Border *b);
void e_icccm_get_title(Window win, E_Border *b);
void e_icccm_set_frame_size(Window win, int l, int r, int t, int b);
void e_icccm_set_desk_area(Window win, int ax, int ay);
void e_icccm_set_desk_area_size(Window win, int ax, int ay);
void e_icccm_set_desk(Window win, int d);
int e_icccm_is_shaped(Window win);
void e_icccm_handle_property_change(Atom a, E_Border *b);
void e_icccm_handle_client_message(Ev_Message *e);
void e_icccm_advertise_e_compat(void);
void e_icccm_advertise_mwm_compat(void);
void e_icccm_advertise_gnome_compat(void);
void e_icccm_advertise_kde_compat(void);
void e_icccm_advertise_net_compat(void);
void e_desktops_init(void);
void e_desktops_scroll(E_Desktop *desk, int dx, int dy);
void e_desktops_free(E_Desktop *desk);
void e_desktops_init_file_display(E_Desktop *desk);
E_Desktop * e_desktops_new(void);
void e_desktops_add_border(E_Desktop *d, E_Border *b);
void e_desktops_del_border(E_Desktop *d, E_Border *b);
void e_desktops_delete(E_Desktop *d);
void e_desktops_show(E_Desktop *d);
void e_desktops_hide(E_Desktop *d);
int e_desktops_get_num(void);
E_Desktop * e_desktops_get(int d);
int e_desktops_get_current(void);
void e_desktops_update(E_Desktop *desk);
void e_resist_border(E_Border *b);
time_t e_file_modified_time(char *file);
void e_set_env(char *variable, char *content);
int e_file_exists(char *file);
int e_file_is_dir(char *file);
char *e_file_home(void);
int e_file_mkdir(char *dir);
int e_file_cp(char *src, char *dst);
char *e_file_real(char *file);
char *e_file_get_file(char *file);
char *e_file_get_dir(char *file);
void *e_memdup(void *data, int size);
int e_glob_matches(char *str, char *glob);
int e_file_can_exec(struct stat *st);
char *e_file_link(char *link);
void e_exec_set_args(int argc, char **argv);
void e_exec_restart(void);
pid_t e_exec_run(char *exe);
pid_t e_exec_run_in_dir(char *exe, char *dir);
pid_t e_run_in_dir_with_env(char *exe, char *dir, int *launch_id_ret, char **env, char *launch_path);
/* something to check validity of config files where we get data from */
/* for now its just a 5 second timout so it will only invalidate */
/* if we havent looked for 5 seconds... BUT later when efsd is more solid */
/* we should use that to tell us when its invalid */
typedef struct _e_config_file E_Config_File;
struct _e_config_file
char *src;
double last_fetch;
#define E_CFG_FILE(_var, _src) \
static E_Config_File _var = {_src, 0.0}
#define E_CONFIG_CHECK_VALIDITY(_var, _src) \
{ \
double __time; \
__time = e_get_time(); \
if (_var.last_fetch < (__time - 5.0)) { \
_var.last_fetch = __time;
} \
typedef struct _e_config_element E_Config_Element;
struct _e_config_element
char *src;
char *key;
double last_fetch;
int type;
int def_int_val;
float def_float_val;
char *def_str_val;
void *def_data_val;
int def_data_val_size;
int cur_int_val;
float cur_float_val;
char *cur_str_val;
void *cur_data_val;
int cur_data_val_size;
#define E_CFG_INT_T 123
#define E_CFG_FLOAT_T 1234
#define E_CFG_STR_T 12345
#define E_CFG_DATA_T 123456
#define E_CFG_INT(_var, _src, _key, _default) \
static E_Config_Element _var = { _src, _key, 0.0, E_CFG_INT_T, \
_default, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 0, \
0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 0, \
#define E_CFG_FLOAT(_var, _src, _key, _default) \
static E_Config_Element _var = { _src, _key, 0.0, E_CFG_FLOAT_T, \
0, _default, NULL, NULL, 0, \
0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 0, \
#define E_CFG_STR(_var, _src, _key, _default) \
static E_Config_Element _var = { _src, _key, 0.0, E_CFG_STR_T, \
0, 0.0, _default, NULL, 0, \
0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 0, \
#define E_CFG_DATA(_var, _src, _key, _default, _default_size) \
static E_Config_Element _var = { _src, _key, 0.0, E_CFG_DATAT_T, \
0, 0.0, NULL, _default, _default_size, \
0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 0, \
/* yes for now it only fetches them every 5 seconds - in the end i need a */
/* validity flag for the database file to know if it changed and only then */
/* get the value again. this is waiting for efsd to become more solid */
#define E_CFG_VALIDITY_CHECK(_var) \
{ \
double __time; \
__time = e_get_time(); \
if (_var.last_fetch < (__time - 5.0)) { \
int __cfg_ok = 0; \
_var.last_fetch = __time;
} \
#define E_CONFIG_INT_GET(_var, _val) \
{{ \
E_DB_INT_GET(e_config_get(_var.src), _var.key, _var.cur_int_val, __cfg_ok); \
if (!__cfg_ok) _var.cur_int_val = _var.def_int_val; \
} \
_val = _var.cur_int_val;}
#define E_CONFIG_FLOAT_GET(_var, _val) \
{{ \
E_DB_FLOAT_GET(e_config_get(_var.src), _var.key, _var.cur_float_val, __cfg_ok); \
if (!__cfg_ok) _var.cur_float_val = _var.def_float_val; \
} \
_val = _var.cur_float_val;}
#define E_CONFIG_STR_GET(_var, _val) \
{{ \
if (_var.cur_str_val) free(_var.cur_str_val); \
_var.cur_str_val = NULL; \
E_DB_STR_GET(e_config_get(_var.src), _var.key, _var.cur_str_val, __cfg_ok); \
if (!__cfg_ok) _var.cur_str_val = _var.def_str_val \
} \
_val = _var.cur_str_val;}
#define E_CONFIG_DATA_GET(_var, _val, _size) \
{{ \
if (_var.cur_data_val) free(_var.cur_data_val); \
_var.cur_data_val = NULL; \
_var.cur_data_size = 0; \
{ E_DB_File *__db; \
__db = e_db_open_read(e_config_get(_var.src)); \
if (__db) { \
_var.cur_data_val = e_db_data_get(__db, _var.key, &(_var.cur_data_size)); \
if (_var.cur_data_val) __cfg_ok = 1; \
e_db_close(__db); \
} \
} \
if (!__cfg_ok) { \
_var.cur_data_val = e_memdup(_var.def_data_val, _var.def_data_size); \
_var.cur_data_size = _var.def_data_size; \
} \
} \
_val = _var.cur_data_val; \
_size = _var.cur_data_size;}
char *e_config_get(char *type);
void e_config_init(void);
void e_config_set_user_dir(char *dir);
char *e_config_user_dir(void);
void e_view_free(E_View *v);
E_View *e_view_new(void);
void e_view_init(void);
void e_menu_callback_item(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_item_set_callback(E_Menu_Item *mi, void (*func) (E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi, void *data), void *data);
void e_menu_hide_submenus(E_Menu *menus_after);
void e_menu_select(int dx, int dy);
void e_menu_init(void);
void e_menu_event_win_show(void);
void e_menu_event_win_hide(void);
void e_menu_set_background(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_set_sel(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_set_sep(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_set_state(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_free(E_Menu *m);
E_Menu *e_menu_new(void);
void e_menu_hide(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_show(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_move_to(E_Menu *m, int x, int y);
void e_menu_show_at_mouse(E_Menu *m, int x, int y, Time t);
void e_menu_add_item(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_del_item(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_item_update(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_item_unrealize(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
void e_menu_item_realize(E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi);
E_Menu_Item *e_menu_item_new(char *str);
void e_menu_obscure_outside_screen(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_scroll_all_by(int dx, int dy);
void e_menu_update_visibility(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_update_base(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_update_finish(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_update_shows(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_update_hides(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_update(E_Menu *m);
void e_menu_item_set_icon(E_Menu_Item *mi, char *icon);
void e_menu_item_set_text(E_Menu_Item *mi, char *text);
void e_menu_item_set_separator(E_Menu_Item *mi, int sep);
void e_menu_item_set_radio(E_Menu_Item *mi, int radio);
void e_menu_item_set_check(E_Menu_Item *mi, int check);
void e_menu_item_set_state(E_Menu_Item *mi, int state);
void e_menu_item_set_submenu(E_Menu_Item *mi, E_Menu *submenu);
void e_menu_item_set_scale_icon(E_Menu_Item *mi, int scale);
void e_menu_set_padding_icon(E_Menu *m, int pad);
void e_menu_set_padding_state(E_Menu *m, int pad);
void e_build_menu_unbuild(E_Build_Menu *bm);
E_Menu *e_build_menu_build_number(E_Build_Menu *bm, E_DB_File *db, int num);
void e_build_menu_build(E_Build_Menu *bm);
void e_build_menu_free(E_Build_Menu *bm);
E_Build_Menu *e_build_menu_new_from_db(char *file);
void e_fs_add_event_handler(void (*func) (EfsdEvent *ev));
void e_fs_init(void);
EfsdConnection *e_fs_get_connection(void);